GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Ever have pole position, lead the whole race, and botch the last turn and lose by less than 1/10th of a second?

This guy did!
Well JR Hildebrand crashed while leading the Indy 500 on the last turn before the finish line, there's level to this! :lol:

I know I'm in the minority here but very few people talks about Race A so here I go. Great combo again this week, I had great races starting first but falling back to last voluntarily before T1. At any time but past 6PM, the skill gap is immense so to have a bit of a challenge I try to start last. My quali time is in the 1:44 and second place is 1:46-1:47... I wish I would see more A and A+ drivers in Race A but it seems to be, by far, the less popular race amongst faster drivers which is a shame as I prefer street cars to the same meta GR4 and GR3 cars every single week. Unfortunately, the skill level can sometimes be too low to have a proper race without resorting to sandbagging or starting last.

But, tonight, I had a couple of awesome races with good clean action on track with TaInz167. I think his quali time is in the top 30 (North america), I wanted to send him a friend request and a message but his privacy settings make that impossible unfortunately. I don't know if he lurks around here but I wanted to recruit him for my league (SNAIL Racing, we are actively recruiting if anyone is interested). With that said, I encounter some truely horrible racecraft in race A, but TaInz167 if you are on here, great racecraft and fast pace it was pleasure to race against you.
Yea, that is me. Great racing with you, man! I am glad my quali time was a smidge better than yours or you'd have just walked away (like you did in a couple of those). Your race pace is really quick!

So I gotta ask, were you throwing me a bone on one of those races? Lap two, we were running super close and I get a .500" pen (track limit pens are brutal at RB). We get to the pen line and I pull over and serve it but notice you slowed down, too. But you didn't have a pen! I figured one of a few things: you wanted to keep close as to not walk away from me again; you didn't want to go through that next right side-by-side; you felt sorry for me and gifted me a break there. I am going with option #3 :lol:

I agree with the lack of people doing the race A. That's my favorite race this week. But, the competition is quite... sparse. That's why I logged on later in the day in hopes there'd be more people online. I was refreshing to see a couple A+s in the lobby at the time. But obviously we can't pick the lobbies so often when I jump in there I have the same situation as you where most people are Bs and Cs with a A here and there... but their quali lap is two seconds slower and by the time we're half way through lap one there's a three second gap; then, just open lapping until the end. But, of course, we can't see who's in our lobby until it's starting and I don't want to back out just because... I keep thinking maybe something interesting will happen but by lap ~2 it doesn't really work out that way and might as well just finish at that point. Maybe I should try dropping to the back... honestly didn't even think of that.

I recognized your name for sure... I think we were in the same lobby on last week's A? Don't recall, but hope to see you out there again! :cheers:

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I know I'm in the minority here but very few people talks about Race A so here I go. Great combo again this week
With that said, I encounter some truely horrible racecraft in race A
have really enjoyed the last two weeks, the margin of error with these cars has meant i have some work to put in every day to knock down qualifying time. i've had kowalski's 1:44s staring at me all week, and i finally broke into the 45s yesterday after turning on (weak) counter-steer. i'll probably tick off TSM just to see how i do with every combination of assists.

last week the sportsmanship was really good (i think its harder to smash people deliberately at Brands), but agreed this week not so much. even in all S rooms - turn 1 lap 1 every single race has an incident, often caused by a lower rated driver thinking they can slip inside.... beyond that its pretty clean - no one weaving to block or brake checking etc... but as you said the qualifying time causes the field to spread. after lap 2 its basically a game of avoiding track penalties. that said, these are the types of races i want from GT7, and the fact that theyre unranked isn't such a big deal in the 'top' (sometimes only) split. sometimes there are only 7 racers in the region signed up, sometimes its a proper full A/B lobby.
Ever have pole position, lead the whole race, and botch the last turn and lose by less than 1/10th of a second?

This guy did!
Been there, done that... well, not on the last turn but the last lap. Had some races where I was out ahead by a bit and start day dreaming, losing concentration. Boom crash.

I've also been on the other end of it. Nothing better than being 5 seconds behind P1, coming up to the end of the race and seeing that yellow flag come out.

Picture evidence: Gr2 race B at Fuji. I am in the Lexus and the leader went wide on the last turn of the last lap and spun. Drove right by towards the checkers.


So, yea... I've been there and so have others. :lol:
@Talon16 Glad to see you here ! And yes I added myself a penalty there, I didn’t want to overtake just because of that. It was way more entertaining to keep fighting on track than to pass on the penalty, which is so very strict on that track and ruins the fun most of the time.

I hope to see you again, I’m a race A kind of guy when the combo is fun and it lasts more than 6 minutes.
I love this weeks races. The Subaru one at the Red Bull ring track is fun, but when I'm qualifying I seem to go out of the track limit either at the first turn or the last two before the finish line. Hard to get a good time when I'm constantly getting penalties for going off track. How many laps does it usually take you all until you get a solid low time(pole position)? I need to put more effort in.
I get stuck in a split lobby with some A+ A drivers.
Was not too bad as I started P7 and had moved up to P6 starting the 2nd
lap but got bumped into the gravel coming out of the sharp turn going up
hill. Finished P14.
I thought I was going to enjoy Race B this week, but this scenario has been my week so far. I’ve only done a handful of races and each time I’ve started ok, but gotten smashed into the gravel and ended up P10 or worse. I’ve had almost no time to better my QT and practice, so that may be part of the problem. I’ve got a lot going on the next couple of evenings so I probably won’t be playing much more this week anyways.
I thought I was going to enjoy Race B this week, but this scenario has been my week so far. I’ve only done a handful of races and each time I’ve started ok, but gotten smashed into the gravel and ended up P10 or worse. I’ve had almost no time to better my QT and practice, so that may be part of the problem. I’ve got a lot going on the next couple of evenings so I probably won’t be playing much more this week anyways.
This happens to me some too. I'll get in a lobby with B/C drivers and maybe a couple of A drivers. I am now at a level C so I should be familiar of how each track is to master it. I also hate it when I'm in the top 5 and on the last lap my nerves are so tense that i'll make an error which changes my outcome to being worse.

Either running off track, hitting the wall or letting someone ram into the back of me/or pass me.
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You almost got the gold trophy for the first to last challenge 😜 the most painful trophy to achieve. I think I have platinum lol. Controlling my nerves is a on going process.
I don’t know about actual race lap times but I’m much better following the leader and putting pressure on. There’s been many times when I let someone who’s been very close for a lap or so or I feel they have a faster pace. I can usually hang on and possibly force a mistake (no contact) or I made the right decision and they just drive off into the sunset 🍻

Tried to figure out the multi quote feature but it seemed to out smart me once again 🧐🍻
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Got my Daily A quali time down to 1:44.644. I don't recall where that puts me on the leaderboards... top 30 40. I think.

Anyway, there is more there for sure. I found a better way to take the second to last turn. I should dedicate some time to just TTing it rather than just putting in laps before the race.

Yes, a solid 30 minutes qualifying session at least especially with the penalties the way they are on this track.

Race A always rewards taking the time to work out the individual characteristics of each car, and IMO is much more fun because of it. I was kinda meh on the 22B before this race but now that I understand how to race it, it's right up there with my favourite combos

Great combo again this week, I had great races starting first but falling back to last voluntarily before T1. I wish I would see more A and A+ drivers in Race A but it seems to be, by far, the less popular race amongst faster drivers which is a shame as I prefer street cars to the same meta GR4 and GR3 cars every single week. Unfortunately, the skill level can sometimes be too low to have a proper race without resorting to sandbagging or starting last.

I have had consistent a late night Euro Race A crew racing with me these last two weeks, so I count myself very lucky. The same 4 or 5 A / A+ drivers every night after 1am, followed by a whole grid of also-rans. As long as we break away from turn one without too much death, there's fun racing to be had every time. Usually it ends up with 2x pairs of players braking away and having their individual 5 lap duels.

On Monday I beat the resident alien Finn who has sat on pole in every race this week (albeit luckily, we both had a penalty at the flag - mine 1s and theirs 0.5s so the game defaulted to 1s for both of us so o should have come 2nd).

I've watched the Spaniard improve his quali time from mid pack and now he's challenging for wins consistently.

The Irishman is very closely matched to my own ability and our results are often decided by who can stay most penalty-free.

And there's a Brit who always rises from his 5th-6th quali placing through the ranks through clever moves and keeping clean.

We did have one race last night where a certain well-known Portuguese driver made an appearance and ruined our fun, however.
Ever have pole position, lead the whole race, and botch the last turn and lose by less than 1/10th of a second?
Yes, and worse.
but oh no had to go for one more
I've had that happen so many times!
Had some races where I was out ahead by a bit and start day dreaming, losing concentration. Boom crash.
I should get a trophy for this, I'm so good at it. I'll even be telling myself "concentrate, don't let your mid drift", as my mind drifts thinking about concentrating and not letting my mind drift...
Sardegna is starting to feel like playing Dirt 5 online now. As soon as you even touch the brake to approach a turn there's 1 or 2 cars looking to shove you off track to get past.
My first race B last night was like that. So bad first lap! I worked my way back to 10th and I might have bumped a few myself while doing it as I was in a surly mood after the abuse at the start only to get taken out again lap 5. This is the first race I quit. My SR dropped from S to A. Guess PD doesn't like quitters.

Second race I thought the start was good, avoiding the other cars, and then a T3 I get a triple whammy! Argh! not again! However after that I had a stellar run and worked my way up to P6 by lap 5; all legit passing or others taking themselves out. I settle in for a battle behind P5 (DreHef). For two laps, the two of us have a clean race and I admire his defensive driving style to hold me off and also to protect himself from any dive bombers. I continue to put pressure on for the last lap, but I’m settling in for sixth place when on the last turn I start to see if I can out drag him to the finish line.

What happens next is incredible and some of the dirtiest **** going. P4 gets in the way and as DreHef pulls alongside to try to pass, P4 deliberately swipes at DreHef knocking him out, allowing me to take fifth spot by 35 thousandth of a second. DreHef was not happy in the lobby afterwards and I feel for him as he drove a good race to that point and frankly deserved the fifth spot.

This morning I thought I would try to embrace the meta while my morning tea was brewing and tried a few laps in the WRX. I don't know how this gets the times. I can't get the car out of the 1:28s. Terrible performance. So I jump back into the Alfa just to see if it is pre-caffeine driving and I knock out a 1:25.988, my new best QT. Damn! Finally got through the 1:26 barrier. I stopped there for the morning.
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You're not supposed to name-and-shame here (in the text, it's fine if we can see their PSN ID in the clips).
Just entered Race C for the first time this week, did my classic trick of completely forgetting about tyres during race entry and starting on mediums instead of hards.. Then at the first chicane clipped the left curb and span my car! But was actually a blessing in disguise as it gave me a clear track to get some rhythm. Managed to avoid dying in the chicane of death all race but did clip the white line on pit entry for a nice 3 second penalty, I had someone right on my tail and basically felt I would have completely stuffed his corner exit to make the pits without the penalty; how are other people finding the pit entry?

Ended up 10th after starting 15th without really putting a qualifying lap in, I reckon I can get decent lap times out of this. I haven't read the thread but what car are people using in the race? I know the GT-R '13 is the best quali wise but the way it rides the curbs is perverse. I do like the 911 RSR and it's a bit less tail happy in corner exits, anyone had any success using it?
Just entered Race C for the first time this week, did my classic trick of completely forgetting about tyres during race entry and starting on mediums instead of hards.. Then at the first chicane clipped the left curb and span my car! But was actually a blessing in disguise as it gave me a clear track to get some rhythm. Managed to avoid dying in the chicane of death all race but did clip the white line on pit entry for a nice 3 second penalty, I had someone right on my tail and basically felt I would have completely stuffed his corner exit to make the pits without the penalty; how are other people finding the pit entry?

Ended up 10th after starting 15th without really putting a qualifying lap in, I reckon I can get decent lap times out of this. I haven't read the thread but what car are people using in the race? I know the GT-R '13 is the best quali wise but the way it rides the curbs is perverse. I do like the 911 RSR and it's a bit less tail happy in corner exits, anyone had any success using it?
Just keep tight on the last corner. And coming out of the pits have a little bit of right turn in as I had a penalty even though wasn't on the white line coming in.
Cars wise I've seen a few. RX vision, GTR, M6.
I use the MERC as I feel it's quite balanced, prefer the Aston Martin but it and the hard tyres don't get along with me.
I do like the 911 RSR and it's a bit less tail happy in corner exits, anyone had any success using it?
I have not raced C yet, might try it tonight. My QT is off the pace though but Im sticking with the 911 RSR though no one is talking about that car so it makes you wonder if it is just uncompetitive in this race. For me it's quicker and more consistent again and I think at my level, being consistent is key when places can be gained through the attrition of others and not necessarily overall speed.
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Just keep tight on the last corner. And coming out of the pits have a little bit of right turn in as I had a penalty even though wasn't on the white line coming in.
Cars wise I've seen a few. RX vision, GTR, M6.
I use the MERC as I feel it's quite balanced, prefer the Aston Martin but it and the hard tyres don't get along with me.
Ta, I'll maybe give it a few attempts in quali, bit of a tough one to get right under pressure IMO!
I have not raced C yet, might try it tonight. My QT is off the pace though but Im sticking with the 911 RSR though no one is talking about that car so it makes you wonder if it is just uncompetitive in this race. For me it's quicker and more consistent again and I think at my level, being consistent is key when places can be gained through the attrition of others and not necessarily overall speed.
Yeah I think in this race the key is just get a clean lap and don't worry about pace necessarily. I think Dragon Trail Seaside is a great place to improve DR because a lot of drivers quite after wiping themselves/being wiped out in the chicane of death so if you can survive a race even if you are off your usual pace you'll get a good finish (although I think anyone who finishes first will probably have to take some brave pills)

Edit: I'm gonna give the RSR a go in quali too and see if I can get a more consistent lap in.
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I have not raced C yet, might try it tonight. My QT is off the pace though but Im sticking with the 911 RSR though no one is talking about that car so it makes you wonder if it is just uncompetitive in this race. For me it's quicker and more consistent again and I think at my level, being consistent is key when places can be gained through the attrition of others and not necessarily overall speed.
A lot of people are running the RSR, I'd say lobbies are mostly split between the GT-R, RSR and AMG.

Unfortunately for a cockpit player it's basically useless as the view is almost totally blocked when turning.
A lot of people are running the RSR, I'd say lobbies are mostly split between the GT-R, RSR and AMG.

Unfortunately for a cockpit player it's basically useless as the view is almost totally blocked when turning.
Perhaps the view will improve with PSVR2? I read somewhere that in VR you can adjust how close to the dash you are so that this could improve your field of view. 🤷‍♂️ Also you get depth perception.
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Perhaps the view will improve with PSVR2? I read somewhere that in VR you can adjust how close to the dash you are so that this could improve your field of view. 🤷‍♂️ Also you get depth perception.
FYI you can adjust the height and distance view in “cockpit view “ via the pre race settings. I thought I’d mention it just in case 🍻
Obviously did not practice Race C enough and trying to flatout death chicane is a bad way of practicing for the actual race lol. Took a P15 and a P12 in my first two races barely putting in a 1:38 on a handful of laps. QT down to 1:36.9 but still don't have the reps to try and pull a 1:37 during the race. Can get a 32.5 through S1 but even blitzing that part through the right bend after chicane is squirrely. This track wants to kill you like 4 different times.