GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
A bit disappointed in this week's races. Race C has been a bit boring the 3 times I participated and Race B is more down to the players rather than the format itself.

I think the sprint layout and Gr4 cars is a great match but omg... Players abusing the penalty system is so frustrating!

It's stupid that punting people off is fine but when you slam into a barrier from the contact or make a slight mistake and go over the line, you're getting punished.

After 2 races on my main account, gave the race one last chance using my 2nd account. I did succeed but not really happy about how.

Started P13 and immediately, players punting each other ahead of me and around me. I also got push/passed whilst trying to be clean but anyway, long story short, finished race in P8.

I did stick my elbows out once, which I'm not proud of... But after getting punted so many times, after one guy tried punting me off track into a corner, I braked early on purpose next corner to get on the inside and gently returned the favor to secure the position...

A bit sad to see that Gr4 has become a two-make race once again. And adding injury to insult, they made the cars which are the least fun to drive the OP cars...

Of course that's only my personal opinion.
Sorry to see that most folks here are not enjoying this week's Daily Races. I feel a bit guilty saying that I've been quite enjoying the Watkins Glen one. I'm having fun with how clean most drivers are and how close to real life this race feels. Here are some things I've noticed:
  • Folks are actually braking early to avoid hitting drivers ahead who also braked early due to traffic ahead.
  • Folks are not elbowing each other on corners, especially at T1 and at the Toe.
  • There are very fast folks who are intentionally starting from last. I'm loving holding my ground in front of them and eventually being overtaken cleanly at T1. It's fun to watch replays and learn where they are faster than me.
  • This race would have been even better with a grid start with false start check. I love how the field is tight during the first lap and then gradually spreads apart, but I still have to push hard lap after lap to maintain a consistent 1-second gap to the guy behind me.
  • I'm more of a race guy than qualifying. I like watching and sharing excerpts from the race, especially the first lap. In case anyone wants to share and/or watch to get motivated to share theirs, here's mine from one of the races:

The weather id for the race (which can be seen here: is the same as for an older race ( which appears to be the manufacturer world series finale race at spa, so presumably it will be similar. Hopefully still dynamic anyway so there will be variation in the weather, but with only 8 laps i think the pit loss might be hard to overcome.
Woohoo! Very exciting! I absolutely loved the World Series Spa event. With the new physics limiting the IM tire life on a dry track, it's going to be even more challenging (and fun). I can't wait!
The weather id for the race (which can be seen here: is the same as for an older race ( which appears to be the manufacturer world series finale race at spa, so presumably it will be similar. Hopefully still dynamic anyway so there will be variation in the weather, but with only 8 laps i think the pit loss might be hard to overcome.
Hmmmmm…. So that’s a bit annoying then if its fixed weather. By Monday evening once everyone knows the weather pattern it makes the race a little boring. I guess having a fixed weather guarantees a pit stop and wet weather running.
Some of my friends with wheels has set the settings to 4/2 and say they get more info that way
Thanks for the suggestion. I did it and it’s definitely better. I actually raised the force on my wheel and dropped the torque in the game down to 4, and dropped sensitivity to 1 and it feels about as good as FFB is gonna get on GT7.
A Ferrari in Daily A?!


I am willing to look passed Maggiore again because of it.
I think I’m just going to have to quit doing Race C for now. Watkins Glen is in my head. Sectors 3 & 4 are just killing me and I can’t figure them out.

I started my first race tonight P4. Hey, looking good for maybe having a decent race. Lap 2 I just got miserably punted on the downhill hairpin by someone who just didn’t want to wait. Ruined my race, put me in last place never to catch up, and that idiot got a 4 second penalty that didn’t affect his position in the end. Just garbage.

So I tried two more. Was rewarded for my persistence by getting stuck near the end of the grid in mostly A+ lobbies! I finished last place twice again.

I’m just going to have to admit: I don’t have race pace. It looks like I’ve become one of those pathetic hot-lappers who qualifies well, gets stuck in higher lobbies, and then can’t compete with superior competition.

The problem is, I WANT to learn how to race better, but I just don’t know how. I don’t even know how to learn it, let alone do it. I’m stuck.

And these World Series events look so bland that I may be taking a bit of a break for a while.
I think I’m just going to have to quit doing Race C for now. Watkins Glen is in my head. Sectors 3 & 4 are just killing me and I can’t figure them out.

I started my first race tonight P4. Hey, looking good for maybe having a decent race. Lap 2 I just got miserably punted on the downhill hairpin by someone who just didn’t want to wait. Ruined my race, put me in last place never to catch up, and that idiot got a 4 second penalty that didn’t affect his position in the end. Just garbage.

So I tried two more. Was rewarded for my persistence by getting stuck near the end of the grid in mostly A+ lobbies! I finished last place twice again.

I’m just going to have to admit: I don’t have race pace. It looks like I’ve become one of those pathetic hot-lappers who qualifies well, gets stuck in higher lobbies, and then can’t compete with superior competition.

The problem is, I WANT to learn how to race better, but I just don’t know how. I don’t even know how to learn it, let alone do it. I’m stuck.

And these World Series events look so bland that I may be taking a bit of a break for a while.
The last three turns on WG all seem so random to me. I just can't hit them consistently. It's as if the Laguna turn before the corkscrew was an entire circuit. Can't wait to never see this track again lol. At least in a no stopper and hopefully after a balance patch.
I think I’m just going to have to quit doing Race C for now. Watkins Glen is in my head. Sectors 3 & 4 are just killing me and I can’t figure them out.

I started my first race tonight P4. Hey, looking good for maybe having a decent race. Lap 2 I just got miserably punted on the downhill hairpin by someone who just didn’t want to wait. Ruined my race, put me in last place never to catch up, and that idiot got a 4 second penalty that didn’t affect his position in the end. Just garbage.

So I tried two more. Was rewarded for my persistence by getting stuck near the end of the grid in mostly A+ lobbies! I finished last place twice again.

I’m just going to have to admit: I don’t have race pace. It looks like I’ve become one of those pathetic hot-lappers who qualifies well, gets stuck in higher lobbies, and then can’t compete with superior competition.

The problem is, I WANT to learn how to race better, but I just don’t know how. I don’t even know how to learn it, let alone do it. I’m stuck.

And these World Series events look so bland that I may be taking a bit of a break for a while.

The last three turns on WG all seem so random to me. I just can't hit them consistently. It's as if the Laguna turn before the corkscrew was an entire circuit. Can't wait to never see this track again lol. At least in a no stopper and hopefully after a balance patch.

I find it amazing how some people have problems in areas while others excel. Last weeks B+C I just straight up didn't get, tons of issues. But this weeks C? With no one to trip me up, the whole entire race feels mechanical to me, even with the tire wear, I can consistently hit 1:48 most of the race. Even when I hit the A+ lobbies, I'm pretty consistent (at finishing last).
The problem is, I WANT to learn how to race better, but I just don’t know how. I don’t even know how to learn it, let alone do it. I’m stuck.
What really really has helped me is racing in leagues. Taught me how to manoeuvre in tight packs and how to anticipate and react.
The only possible drawbacks are that in the league I know I can trust the people around me and that some times makes me so things in dailies that are too trusting. Like pass on the outside of someone I don't know.

TPC has taught me almost anything I know about racing and race craft
Unfortunately C just isn't a 'one more race' type of combo, it could be as the Glen is a great track but after lap 3 things usually space out and it's just bringing it home in that position while picking up maybe one or two as others spin or penalty out - but for 9 laps!

I enjoy driving it enough to have fun with it, but not back to back need a break after running one and may come back, may not depending on what else is needing my attention.

Definitely find the last sector more mechanical than others, surprised some are struggling when they are far faster than I generally. The unpredictability comes from the tire condition to me, will it stick on exit or cause me problems? Otherwise it's the same brake point and same management of the long apexes each lap.
A bit sad to see that Gr4 has become a two-make race once again. And adding injury to insult, they made the cars which are the least fun to drive the OP cars...

Of course that's only my personal opinion.
I reckon we need a few more week and different track combos before we can make that call. Last week at Brands Hatch after the update I found that there was so much variety that you were luck to see 3 of the same car in a race! I was using the 458 and flying straight past the WRX in some sections.
Obviously some style of cars are gonna be better suited at some tracks than others (next week, AWD at Spa in the rain for example) but I think they appear to be a lot more balanced after the last BOP update.
But personally I much prefer the AWDs over the TT Cup cup that Gr.4 was last month!
I reckon we need a few more week and different track combos before we can make that call. Last week at Brands Hatch after the update I found that there was so much variety that you were luck to see 3 of the same car in a race! I was using the 458 and flying straight past the WRX in some sections.
Obviously some style of cars are gonna be better suited at some tracks than others (next week, AWD at Spa in the rain for example) but I think they appear to be a lot more balanced after the last BOP update.
But personally I much prefer the AWDs over the TT Cup cup that Gr.4 was last month!
I hope you are right. But I'm a bit skeptical when I see that on a rather small track the highspeed 4WD cars are the fastest...

100% percent with you on the Audi TT cup. I wouldn't have minded it being a Scirocco cup instead.😆
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I find it amazing how some people have problems in areas while others excel. Last weeks B+C I just straight up didn't get, tons of issues. But this weeks C? With no one to trip me up, the whole entire race feels mechanical to me, even with the tire wear, I can consistently hit 1:48 most of the race. Even when I hit the A+ lobbies, I'm pretty consistent (at finishing last).
I was consistently last and I was getting 1:47 laps! The fastest lap in one race always a very very low 1:46, slightly faster than my freakin’ qualification time! I can’t race these guys, but those are the lobbies I’m stuck in right now.
The unpredictability comes from the tire condition to me, will it stick on exit or cause me problems? Otherwise it's the same brake point and same management of the long apexes each lap.
The weird thing for me is that everyone else seems to get to use different brake points than me! I can barely get the car slowed down enough to make a turn, say the hairpin in sector 3, yet people are flying right past me while I’m fully braking! And on exit after that hairpin they’re flying off over the hill and I can barely get going again. I can’t feel any traction at all during those crucial phases and I have to use TC1 to not spin out on exits.

It’s the same for the remaining turns as well. I’m struggling to find the right line while everyone else seems to fly right through them with barely any braking at all! I just can’t find the flow here. And I LOVE Watkins Glen. Just not this week.
What really really has helped me is racing in leagues. Taught me how to manoeuvre in tight packs and how to anticipate and react.
The only possible drawbacks are that in the league I know I can trust the people around me and that some times makes me so things in dailies that are too trusting. Like pass on the outside of someone I don't know.

TPC has taught me almost anything I know about racing and race craft
I’ve been wanting to join a league since I started racing in Sport Mode, but it seems like the best leagues are European and I’m in the middle of the United States. The time difference is an issue for me because of my weird sleep schedule and occasional insomnia, so it’s hard for me to figure out what a good solution is.
I went to ABS weak after this update. It might not be good for you but if you decide to try it you can keep an eye on the red field in the brake marker. Keep that as small as possible, that's the ABS kicking in. Brake as hard as possible while minimising the intrusion of ABS
That’s really funny! I’ve been doing ABS weak all week and thought maybe that was my problem. I turned it to default and thought I was doing better, but I think it was placebo effect.

In all honesty, my braking has been frustratingly inconsistent, even with load cell pedals! I think I’ve plateaued at my current skill level, but I’ve only been racing for less than a year so I have hope that I can get better. I just need a good trainer! And yes, I’ve done @Tidgney ’s excellent racing school series. I’m selfishly hoping for a second series for GT7! (Hint hint) Or at least good training advice.

For example, I play MLB The Show and there are all sorts of ways to train in baseball. Lots of batting and pitching practice, etc. it’s a great way to focus on a skill set. But in daily races I can’t just focus on “Turn 10” and do it over and over again, which is what I really need right now I think.

I also need to figure out how to race in a crowd without feeling like I’m the AI who’s getting in everyone else’s way. I was involved in two pretty epic crashes the other night and that’s a confidence killer when I’m the low man in an A+ lobby. I’m even took out the 200 and 100 boards at the third-to-last turn which screwed up everyone else’s race! So you could say I’m suffering from imposter syndrome pretty badly right now.
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I’ve been wanting to join a league since I started racing in Sport Mode, but it seems like the best leagues are European and I’m in the middle of the United States. The time difference is an issue for me because of my weird sleep schedule and occasional insomnia, so it’s hard for me to figure out what a good solution is.

That’s really funny! I’ve been doing ABS weak all week and thought maybe that was my problem. I turned it to default and thought I was doing better, but I think it was placebo effect.

In all honesty, my braking has been frustratingly inconsistent, even with load cell pedals! I think I’ve plateaued at my current skill level, but I’ve only been racing for less than a year so I have hope that I can get better. I just need a good trainer! And yes, I’ve done @Tidgney ’s excellent racing school series. I’m selfishly hoping for a second series for GT7! (Hint hint) Or at least good training advice.

For example, I play MLB The Show and there are all sorts of ways to train in baseball. Lots of batting and pitching practice, etc. it’s a great way to focus on a skill set. But in daily races I can’t just focus on “Turn 10” and do it over and over again, which is what I really need right now I think.

I also need to figure out how to race in a crowd without feeling like I’m the AI who’s getting in everyone else’s way. I was involved in two pretty epic crashes the other night and that’s a confidence killer when I’m the low man in an A+ lobby. I’m even took out the 200 and 100 boards at the third-to-last turn which screwed up everyone else’s race! So you could say I’m suffering from imposter syndrome pretty badly right now.
i jus discovered the Ferrari and it's a beast. tc 0-1 abs weak jus ran a 1:32.84 might try it out it is gr8 fun 2 drive. race B
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I was consistently last and I was getting 1:47 laps! The fastest lap in one race always a very very low 1:46, slightly faster than my freakin’ qualification time! I can’t race these guys, but those are the lobbies I’m stuck in right now.

The weird thing for me is that everyone else seems to get to use different brake points than me! I can barely get the car slowed down enough to make a turn, say the hairpin in sector 3, yet people are flying right past me while I’m fully braking! And on exit after that hairpin they’re flying off over the hill and I can barely get going again. I can’t feel any traction at all during those crucial phases and I have to use TC1 to not spin out on exits.

It’s the same for the remaining turns as well. I’m struggling to find the right line while everyone else seems to fly right through them with barely any braking at all! I just can’t find the flow here. And I LOVE Watkins Glen. Just not this week.
It's hard to find advice to give when most of you are faster than me anyway :lol:

Just broke 1:47 for the first time and... took too much outside kerb on the second last turn GODAMMIT
Hmmmmm…. So that’s a bit annoying then if its fixed weather. By Monday evening once everyone knows the weather pattern it makes the race a little boring. I guess having a fixed weather guarantees a pit stop and wet weather running.
Not sure it means fixed weather. I think there's more to the weather stuff than just that code. I would guess PD would want absolute control over the weather in the world final race, but a daily race could still see variation. The rain race at le mans also had just a single weather ID attached to it, but was still dynamic. But seems like even nenkai doesn't know 100% how it all works since he's been wrong about weather a few times, so I guess we'll just see on Monday.
Screen Shot 2023-04-08 at 15.04.35.png

Finally and smashed it as well! Puts me nowhere on the friend board, lmao, but should put me top 3 if not pole in high C lobbies today.

Chase those ghosts I've been grinding for bit 12hrs and shaved 8sec off my initial time.
When I was younger I had this mindset as well, congrats on the time earned. :cheers:

you don't want to know how many time trial laps I did on F1 games 05-09 chasing tenths, dear oh dear.

These days I'm more about enjoying the experience as a whole, and not trying too hard - but I just knew there was a 47 in me there.
I’ve been wanting to join a league since I started racing in Sport Mode, but it seems like the best leagues are European and I’m in the middle of the United States. The time difference is an issue for me because of my weird sleep schedule and occasional insomnia, so it’s hard for me to figure out what a good solution is.

That’s really funny! I’ve been doing ABS weak all week and thought maybe that was my problem. I turned it to default and thought I was doing better, but I think it was placebo effect.

In all honesty, my braking has been frustratingly inconsistent, even with load cell pedals! I think I’ve plateaued at my current skill level, but I’ve only been racing for less than a year so I have hope that I can get better. I just need a good trainer! And yes, I’ve done @Tidgney ’s excellent racing school series. I’m selfishly hoping for a second series for GT7! (Hint hint) Or at least good training advice.

For example, I play MLB The Show and there are all sorts of ways to train in baseball. Lots of batting and pitching practice, etc. it’s a great way to focus on a skill set. But in daily races I can’t just focus on “Turn 10” and do it over and over again, which is what I really need right now I think.

I also need to figure out how to race in a crowd without feeling like I’m the AI who’s getting in everyone else’s way. I was involved in two pretty epic crashes the other night and that’s a confidence killer when I’m the low man in an A+ lobby. I’m even took out the 200 and 100 boards at the third-to-last turn which screwed up everyone else’s race! So you could say I’m suffering from imposter syndrome pretty badly right now.
I understand imposter syndrome (feel like that everyday myself!), but look at this way.... 1:47s, even 1:48s would get you top 5s in my lower A lobbies. You even had a good half second on my qualifier, iirc. Not bad, if you ask me. I think a lot of us are in 'oscillating' mode; I'm like a moth to a flame around the A/B threshold and you sound like you are in mid-A. Lose a few points, come down to our lobbies and you'll do fine. Rinse, repeat!
i jus discovered the Ferrari and it's a beast. tc 0-1 abs weak jus ran a 1:32.84 might try it out it is gr8 fun 2 drive. race B
i jus discovered the Ferrari and it's a beast. tc 0-1 abs weak jus ran a 1:32.84 might try it out it is gr8 fun 2 drive. race B
tire a string or imagine a string tied from ur wheel to ur big toe on ur left foot. for each amount you turn the steering wheel let it pull that for of the brake at the same time. sounds weird but it's worked wonders for me. i even tossed the TP2M pedals for my ol wore out TP3 with petentiometers. they have more resolution. hope that took but helps you.
I sort of would of preferred driving the F430 at the full course when it comes to Maggiore, and for a smaller layout, maybe something a little slower like the 512BB, Dino 246 GT, or 308 GTB. Still could be fun!
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obviously i don't know how to post haha sry
Ha! I was wondering how to respond to that one. . .
It's hard to find advice to give when most of you are faster than me anyway :lol:

Just broke 1:47 for the first time and... took too much outside kerb on the second last turn GODAMMIT
So many times! And I just ran a race and in the warmup lap I was going to shatter my quali time, only the race started before I could finish the lap! Why does that always seem to happen?!
I understand imposter syndrome (feel like that everyday myself!), but look at this way.... 1:47s, even 1:48s would get you top 5s in my lower A lobbies. You even had a good half second on my qualifier, iirc. Not bad, if you ask me. I think a lot of us are in 'oscillating' mode; I'm like a moth to a flame around the A/B threshold and you sound like you are in mid-A. Lose a few points, come down to our lobbies and you'll do fine. Rinse, repeat!
Oscillation mode sounds about right. I thought I wanted to push for that A+ rating but now I’m getting a heavy dose of reality! And those guys are all streamers so my horrible mistakes are getting recorded! Oh well. I’m I keep finishing last in those lobbies I’ll be seeing you again real soon!
I’ve been wanting to join a league since I started racing in Sport Mode, but it seems like the best leagues are European and I’m in the middle of the United States. The time difference is an issue for me because of my weird sleep schedule and occasional insomnia, so it’s hard for me to figure out what a good solution is.
I should have been running the last race in a TPC league tonight, and it's run by a USA racer, @The359 . It's been a really great series and as most of the TPC series it runs almost too late for Europe and maybe almost too early for the states. I have started the races at 11.30 pm every time. Most of us European races in TPC are OK with running late so the US racers can go as well