GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Maybe a slight happy end of the week on the cards. Started P12 at the Ring and from the get-go, had a fun, close and clean race with the same driver until the very end!

Was up to P8 at one point but a driver who push/ passes everyone struck us all and I finished P10, right behind the driver who became a friend after the race 🙂

Managed to best my main account qualy time just now so hoping to start a bit higher and have better results 🤞🏻

** EDIT **

Me and my big mouth hoping for better racing 🤣

Started P5 and no chance at all 🤣 Turn 1 everyone in front of me slows down to a halt and mayhem ensues! Pushed, rammed and punted from every direction and was down to 10th by turn 2.

Coming into the exit of turns 3 and 4 (chicane) i found myself in P13, mostly thanks to a driver who I'm sure is KV's long lost cousin...

By the start of lap 5 I was in P6 and having a nice, clean battle but same scumbag was behind us again and hit me 4 times in 4 corners on purpose.

Half way though the lap he pushes me off to take my place and I decided that I'd rather finish last than have this donkey get his way so next corner is kamikaze'd right into him 🤣

I finished P10 but he also went from hitting his way into a podium to a P9 finish! Job done 🤣🎉 After the race got thanked by 3 different players in the lobby for my sacrifice against the donkey 🤪 One guy told me not all heroes wear capes and I lol'd for real 🤣


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I went to ABS weak after this update. It might not be good for you but if you decide to try it you can keep an eye on the red field in the brake marker. Keep that as small as possible, that's the ABS kicking in. Brake as hard as possible while minimising the intrusion of ABS
Someone else had suggested this as well and I've been meaning to try it.

For example, I play MLB The Show and there are all sorts of ways to train in baseball. Lots of batting and pitching practice, etc. it’s a great way to focus on a skill set. But in daily races I can’t just focus on “Turn 10” and do it over and over again, which is what I really need right now I think.
Go to the CE for whatever course and sector you want to practice over and over. CEs aren't BoP'ed and you don't get to pick your car, but if you're referring to WG its CE uses the Gr3 Genesis X. CLose enough.

I sort of would of preferred driving the F430 at the full course when it comes to Maggiore, and for a smaller layout, maybe something a little slower like the 512BB, Dino 246 GT, or 308 GTB. Still could be fun!
I've been complaining about the Italian super cars not getting getting into Race A or a TT, so let's not push it! :lol:
Man, race C is such a frustrating mess for me most of the time. If I survive lap one, I’m always having a good time and battling for the podium or the win. But 3 out of 4 I’m taken out between the first chicane and the downhill “double” left. It doesn’t matter if I drive a little more aggressive or defensive, somehow somebody always finds me and makes me hit the barrier.

And boy, hitting the barriers sucks. Immediate 5 second penalty, and if you face the wrong direction afterwards, you’ll have to either carefully manage to get your boat (because engine/suspension damage) rotated correctly again, taking literal hours, or probably hit some other barriers anyway trying to get going as fast as possible, adding massively to your penalty time.

The only thing left to do then is time trialing, because quitting costs a boatload of DR points. And that is fun the first few laps, but then your tyres start to fade away and you’re just hoping that you can get to the tail end of the snake again somehow.

I guess I’m frustrated because for the first time this seems like a combination I’m good at. I’ve been B/S forever, but have picked up GT7 more frequently since the VR update. I have a low 46 qualy time and have no issue producing 47s the first 9 laps of the race.

Ah well. That’s out of my system now. May next week be more kind to me :)
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Three weeks ago I purchased a new Fanatec F1 Esports wheel and spent time recalibrating my sim rig set up for ergonomic use and have been playing even more, but mainly ACC. Then the new update hit and I’ve been hooked again in GT7.

With not much left to do after a year now I’ve been getting a thicker skin and playing the daily races and loving B this week. It has gotten me from DR/SR D/S to C/S in a quick day.

And being surprised at how many more dirty drivers are in Americas Region DR C than D has kept me going back to D then C again multiple times.

On the plus side sent plenty of videos to Idiots of the Week, gotta make that lemonade!
Something like this happened to me with following a thread. I unfollowed it and then followed it again and I started getting alerts again. See if that idea works. I know it’s stupidly obvious, but every once in a while . . .

I’ve hit a wall at Watkins Glen this week, but not the kind that loses 5 seconds. I’ve hit a mental wall that has me trying to milk hundredths of seconds out of whatever car I’m driving and finding that I’m going tenths slower. It may just be fatigue, but I can’t seem to figure out how any of the turns work anymore! I’m trying every trick in the book I can think of, and even some of the alien tricks I hadn’t thought of (I’m not good enough to exit the hairpin in 4th!).

I’ve found that my race pace is meh. I’m struggling to slow down enough to take any of the turns, yet it seems like people are simply flying into them, accelerating right around and past me, and I’m left putting along seconds behind. The end of sector 3 and beginning of sector 4 are the absolute worst for me.

To be fair, I’m now consistently in A+/A lobbies and I’m just not ready for that level of competition. Those guys are running laps in races that are two seconds faster than my qualifying time! Even so, it seems like my qualifying times, let alone my race pace, are not improving at all no matter how much I try.

Now I know some of you are already channeling your inner Yoda and already thinking, “There is no try. There is only do, or do not.” And I know that stepping away to take a break gives a real benefit. I know that I’m over driving the cars trying to find my limits. But what am I missing?

FFB isn’t really refined enough to feel when the car is on the edge of slipping, so I’m finding those limits and flying right on past them. I can’t think of any other way to keep my momentum up enough to find that edge and steal a few tenths.

Any advice?
maybe, just maybe, try to race on pad some rounds 🤷🏻‍♂️ I changed to wheel for the experience and to get faster, just to find out, it’s knowing the circuits and I’m 1-2 seconds faster on pad 🤷🏻‍♂️ don’t know if it counts as I’m DR c rn and really just play casually
obviously i don't know how to post haha sry
I don't have that much experience of gr4, but this week in race B I tried Atenza and I don't like it, don't know how to drive it.
Jaguar, quite good, but a bit too snappy. I had to go with tcs2 and way too tentative on the throttle.
Aston, quite good, easy to drive also on tcs0
Ferrari, my personal go to car here. Same attributes than aston but even better feeling.

I just bought it, so I don't know how it is in other tracks or how it was before the update, but I like it a los, as make me fell very confident in what I'm doing with it.
View attachment 1246183

Finally and smashed it as well! Puts me nowhere on the friend board, lmao, but should put me top 3 if not pole in high C lobbies today.

When I was younger I had this mindset as well, congrats on the time earned. :cheers:

you don't want to know how many time trial laps I did on F1 games 05-09 chasing tenths, dear oh dear.

These days I'm more about enjoying the experience as a whole, and not trying too hard - but I just knew there was a 47 in me there.
I feel this way about the TT grind. I could sit there for hours trying to gain another few tenths to get a gold, or I could drive Tokyo for 50 minutes and get 1.6M credits. Hmm, which one is a better use of my time when I trying to afford the expensive cars?
I don't have that much experience of gr4, but this week in race B I tried Atenza and I don't like it, don't know how to drive it.
Jaguar, quite good, but a bit too snappy. I had to go with tcs2 and way too tentative on the throttle.
Aston, quite good, easy to drive also on tcs0
Ferrari, my personal go to car here. Same attributes than aston but even better feeling.

I just bought it, so I don't know how it is in other tracks or how it was before the update, but I like it a los, as make me fell very confident in what I'm doing with it.
yea that Ferrari is a beast. i don't care for the atenza either.
Well I didn't really do that many daily races, maybe 30 in the past week. I need more motivation. I can see why people back off of them. Some higher level drivers are too aggressive when it comes to competition. Sometimes i'll be racing and some nut will purposely hit me to gain a higher position which is bull IMO. That's not how racing is supposed to be.

I've only got two wins out of a mere 134-135. So think about that average, that's not really impressive to me b/c I work hard qualifying and still end up getting back to square root 1, meaning nothing improves much by maybe a small margin.
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Well I didn't really do that many daily races, maybe 30 in the past week. I need more motivation. I can see why people back off of them. Some higher level drivers are too aggressive when it comes to competition. Sometimes i'll be racing and some nut will purposely hit me to gain a higher position which is bull IMO. That's not how racing is supposed to be.

I've only got two wins out of a mere 134-135. So think about that average, that's not really impressive to me b/c I work hard qualifying and still end up getting back to square root 1, meaning nothing improves much by maybe a small margin.
I got two wins last week after months of nothing, so don’t worry. They’ll come in time. Just practice and race and learn and enjoy yourself!

(Ok, I’m actually just giving myself this pep talk, but maybe it’ll help you out too . . .)
So how does the R8 Evo stack up against the other GR.3's? Really liked the drive of it on Watkins Glen, but only did some time trialling..
Is anyone else never getting a clean race bonus on daily B at Nurburgring this week?
I got a CRB on my first attempt. Didn’t get one on my second. No contact, no going wide, no penalty. Stayed out of trouble like the first race.
I'm not racing this week as I remodel my racing/entertainment area but I came across this oldie (from 2017) today and I thought... Yep, that's a typical Gr.3 lobby in GT7! And you thought the chicken of death was bad enough :D

Definitely watch through to the 14:19 minute mark..
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I didn’t find the time to do more daily races lasts week and this week is not my cup of tea. I hate laguna, since that viper license in gt3/4(?), and gr4 at spa with weather seems like boring.

It’s offline this week for me, most likely. Have fun!
Does anybody know where f the number of laps in a race affect how much DR you get? There are more laps per hour in C, but more races per hour in B. I did mostly Races C the last couple of weeks and it seemed like my score shot up quicker than when I do Races B.

Just curious…
Does anybody know where f the number of laps in a race affect how much DR you get? There are more laps per hour in C, but more races per hour in B. I did mostly Races C the last couple of weeks and it seemed like my score shot up quicker than when I do Races B.

Just curious…
DR isnt impacted by lap count.
All that matters is where you finish the race in comparison to others.
Gr.4 at Spa. 👍

Two good races.
First race started with 1/2 wet surface and rain to 3/4 and rain. I chose to start on IW. By Lap 2-3, rain stopped. Drying track by Lap 5. I did pit(in P8 while in a train) and didn’t lose a place as the cars behind had started on slicks and were about a minute and half. Switched place with a WRX that had also pitted. I finished ahead of it in P8. Top 7 finished within a couple seconds of one another. They didn’t pit.

Second race. I was going to set a time, but didn’t want to be in anyone’s way in case I decided to cruise. Started last. In partly sunny and dry surface. Whole race was dry. Good battles through the field. Gotta say, so far, after over a year away from Sport Mode, Racing has been clean. People giving room and being patient. Even when someone is out of control, racers leaving room for cars to recover.

Anyway, lots of attrition in the second race. Cars spinning off the long corners. Finished P6.
Been playing in VR and wouldn’t think of playing any other way. Nothing blocking my vision and spatial awareness is much better for me.

Edit: The finish.
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