GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
So once you are in the warmup lap to see the weather, do you have an opportunity to change to the appropriate tires before the race?
You have to exit out of warmup before it ends to change tires. I just quickly check the radar from the pit stall so I can get back out and make a change. It's annoying...
Since I haven't raced a Laguna Seca in a while, I'll be there for the Daily races this week. I tried the Mustang and I could not keep that car straight exiting corners. I was like driving on ice which is not a good idea on this track. I did set a time of 1:24.1XX. I then tried the Porsche that was all over the leader boards and immediately set a time of 1:23.6XX on my first lap in the car. Which I got down to a 1:23.2XX by the time I logged off for the night.

So, my time with the Mustang just might be over in the Daily races. I also tried the Ferrari which seemed fine, but I was a bit quicker in the Porsche. I will try for a 1:22 tomorrow once I get more experience Porsche as I surprisingly have never driven this car before.
Seems like there's no viable American cars anymore. I used to race a lot in the Mustang and Corvette but they may as well not exist here. The AMG feels great and the Porsche is good as always.
I've tried to like Laguna Seca but I hate it, every corner is stupid. I've tried to like Spa with GR.4 but I hate it, everything understeers like a dump truck and the "random weather" is a joke. Race A is a non-starter. Feeling like PD really really dropped the ball between the last two weeks of dailies and the physics patch which I still think ruined literally everything.

Maybe it's time to find something else to do because honestly GT ain't it lately. There's flashes of brilliance but the overall experience is kinda trashy.

Couldn't tell you the last time I opened roulette tickets. Yes it's literally free money but the animation is slow and annoying and I never get anything good anyways. So why bother. Like the whole game lately feels like why bother. GT5 never felt like that, nor did 1, 2, and 3. But 6 did and so did Sport. Wonder why that is....
Seems like there's no viable American cars anymore. I used to race a lot in the Mustang and Corvette but they may as well not exist here. The AMG feels great and the Porsche is good as always.
I'll try the AMG tomorrow before I attempt a better time with the Porsche. It has been suggested in the past races, but I never gave it a try in the time trials.
Raced a bunch of B race lobbies yesterday with RH because that’s what our Intel provided but it still had me mostly ready for tonight. I’ve been approaching A/S again (yo-yo effect) and figured I would see what this week brings.

Was definite shocked seeing 1:20’s on the leader board when I jumped in because 1:24 was my best yesterday and I was holding my own but wasn’t sure if I could find the extra time.
Started qualifying and got to 1:23.5ish then started racing.

First race was with @icycls starting closer to the top and me in p10 in the mixed A/S , B/S lobby. Held my own and made up places to finish p6 and was very pleased. @icycls finished p4 and I never even saw his tail lights the whole race as he was in the front split.

Second race A/S , B/S mixed again but mostly different racers on the grid.p14 to start and had to start from auto drive in the middle of the turn 🙄 but did fine managing the setback to start. Some very sloppy off course action around me the first two laps but I managed to stay out of trouble. Practicing yesterday paid off by having confidence in many lines that I felt comfortable with when avoiding carnage.
Finished p7 and again very pleased at the result and not getting smeared out on the course.

I reduced my QT to a 1:23.1xx between races and because I have done the B to A thing quite a few times, I was ready for my third race of the evening to be on pole in an all B/S lobby because I have always seemed to get a gift win when moving up. Well, that’s not quite what I got because the last race tonight had me as the lone B/S in the A/S lobby which was fine and started p10 with my improved QT.
This race was mostly clean with a few mishaps that I took advantage of and I actually managed a couple of nice overtakes finally which is something I’ve been working hard to improve. Finished p6 again and got the bump back to A/S for another stint on the yo-yo express.

I have learned to just keep racing and enjoy where I land on DR as it keeps correcting up and down as I’m gaining experience or struggling each week.

Using a non-meta in the RCZ and I posted my best lap as I finished my evening at 1:22.6xx and tagged it gtp15 if anyone can use it to improve their lap.

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I've tried to like Laguna Seca but I hate it, every corner is stupid. I've tried to like Spa with GR.4 but I hate it, everything understeers like a dump truck and the "random weather" is a joke. Race A is a non-starter. Feeling like PD really really dropped the ball between the last two weeks of dailies and the physics patch which I still think ruined literally everything.

Maybe it's time to find something else to do because honestly GT ain't it lately. There's flashes of brilliance but the overall experience is kinda trashy.

Couldn't tell you the last time I opened roulette tickets. Yes it's literally free money but the animation is slow and annoying and I never get anything good anyways. So why bother. Like the whole game lately feels like why bother. GT5 never felt like that, nor did 1, 2, and 3. But 6 did and so did Sport. Wonder why that is....
I’m right there with you on all counts. I especially hate desert circuits because when the inevitable unpenalized dirty driving sends me off my car is half way across the California desert before I can get turned around and back on track.

I’ve been absolutely loving the last couple of weeks but nothing appeals to me this week. Even the World Series events aren’t doing it for me. I can’t figure out what the point of a Manufacturers Series is when there are only two cars everyone is driving, and longer races with no strategy feel like the opposite of fun.

I’m taking this week mostly off to recharge and play some other games. I think maybe it’s a good idea anyway to not get so caught up in grinding away at the dailies like my life depends on it! I’ll quietly hope for the next update where they correct a few of their tweaks.
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Hideous start to the week, two races… two last place finishes. Race B, I love Laguna Seca but it’s unforgiving especially if people play bumper cars. First race, P4 and I got caught out by some very early braking by the leaders and binned my car to avoid a collision, then got shunted on the exit of the hairpin by a back marker and pushed into the barrier nose first. Recovered well but made a mistake passing a mid pack melee and touched the sand for another lovely spin nose first into the barrier.

Race two, P4 and just absolutely ruined by two stupid dive bombs. Both times shunting me and using me as a cushion before spinning me out. I’d do anything to get out of B to avoid this sort of driving, it’s just so infuriating that these people keep their SR rating.

I’ll probably try one more race but if it’s the same again I might just leave daily races for a bit and focus on some credit farming against AI instead..
Same here plus stupid errors on my side, which Laguna seems to be able to summon quite easily.

I had 3 races with Porsche, but for some reason I find it more difficult after the update, at least here (not that I did some other test)
I then tried Ferrari, just to do some quali laps. PB is quite comparable, but with Ferrari it appears to come more easily, so if I will be able to race again in the next days I will go with Ferrari.

Porsche leave me with the feeling that I have to be extra cautious on the throttle, and that I have to anticipate the brake action to coast the apex. Trail brake is mostly massive understeer + sand on the outside + byebye....

With Ferrari there is nothing if this. The only extra attention is in the left hander after the corkscrew S, where going to much on the brakes may result in a snap.

I'm a bit concerned about the fact that the world has some kind of consensus with Porsche and I have to fight with it.
I'm on no assist at all but ABS weak, but I don't really think this is the issue.
Hope a future update will remove the rumble you now get when it starts raining. Never felt the rain falling on the roof through the steering of my car.

So weird imo
why not hotspot your PS5 so you can race..? works fine for me :)
How much data does it use? I'm going to be moving house sometime late-May/early-June and so will be without broadband for a while - if past experience with BT Openreach is any indication. The new location does have 5G so connecting via phone may be an option, if it doesn't lag too much or munch through all my GBs.

May have to give it a test - one of these race As is likely safest.
What's everyone consensus on ABS now. Before the patch, the go to seemed to be default, but I'm seeing a lot of people now saying weak is the new meta, has anyone experimented with it?
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Best start to a race ever! :lol::lol::lol:

Apparently, I was the only one that thought it was a good idea to pop into the warm-up to see if it was raining or not. I ended up not pitting when it dried out because it seemed just as fast to stay out on the inters and not to worry about the pit loss at all.

Moral of the story: It pays to see if it's raining or not. :gtpflag:

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Reminds me of the beginning of the 1998 Grand Prix at... well... Spa.

I've had a similar problem on my main account - dirty races last week at Watkins Glen, plus today's races at Spa have pushed me close to C DR. I've been a mid B for literally years, only dropping below that when I've had a reset after an SR plummet!

I bought one too, after keep seeing it on pole position - the trouble is nobody seemed to be able to convert pole into the win. Every race I was in today was won by the Veyron!
Watkin for me was final in every race did. Must have done about 12 races last week and I came across one dirty driver. Even the week before at Dragons the majority of races were fairly clean. This week it just appears nobody has any patience and just goes for a pass at every corner. But I found this issue in nearly all Gr4 races though. Is it because the cars are a bit slower people think it’s easier to make a pass or something?

Im just going to focus on Nation tomorrow and then practicing the Audi for Manufactures.

All races should affect SR. Race A is just dirty because there’s no consequence to driving like a dick. Very frustrating.
Yeah I’ve said this before. I dont race Daily A much but when I do the races are pretty dirty. I feel like people have an excuse now to punt people as they can’t lose SR. One thing I saw from a YTer was he would get a group of top driver to join Daily A and the rules were punting, pushing and dirty tactics were encouraged. As a result of this, him and the 6 friends were having fun but the others who were not part of the group and there to race were getting caught up in dirty driving.

What's the strat for Daily C? Roll the dice to pick your tires for the race start? 🤪
First thing is hit the “warm up“ button when you join the lobby. Check the weather radar and then pick based on what you think. 9/10 times it will be hard tyres.
In the race the op strat is to not pit. Pit loss way too high. If the weather doesn’t look like it’s going to rain too much stay out. But if it’s going to rain a lot you need to pit asap! I stayed out on the last lap in one of my races just as it started to rain, and as soon as the wet marker got just above the inter mark the drys just went to ice. Took me 3mins to complete the lap as I couldn’t keep the car straight or on the track. If you stop on track trying the get going again is impossible.
If the race starts wet then stops on lap 2/3 dont pit for dry tyres. Just run the race on the inters while cooling them in the wet patches. The inters will last the full race pretty much.
It's mostly RH.
I had one wet race: the rain was visible in the opening animation. So I would first look closely at the animation, then start warmup and look at rain radar.

Ok well it is good that the animation/lobby weather is consistent when the race begins.
DTR and WG were good to me, in the AMG I advanced to DR B where the decent results continued, so why do I suck so bad at laguna seca? Anyone with enough fingers to pi k up a 'troller is faster than I am. Just gonna have to stick at it and wait for demotion, but four good hidings in and I'm still BS
Even the World Series events aren’t doing it for me. I can’t figure out what the point of a Manufacturers Series is when there are only two cars everyone is driving, and longer races with no strategy feel like the opposite of fun.

I’m taking this week mostly off to recharge and play some other games. I think maybe it’s a good idea anyway to not get so caught up in grinding away at the dailies like my life depends on it! I’ll quietly hope for the next update where they correct a few of their tweaks.
The coming race at Interlagos has 26 laps and there are several different cars that are competitive; off course the Supra, but also the NSX and the M6 as well as others. So sort of hope that you re-consider and enter. Doing some practicing at Interlagos myself with the M6 and have to say it is a absolute joy to drive there, really brought back the fun for me....

But in any case, it is smart to get some distance of this game from time to time and re-charge yourself doing some other stuff, read a book, take the bike for a spin, whatever. Whatever you dom, hope you will enjoy yourself!!! :cheers:
First thing I love rain in races. It makes for interesting and fun races

However if we are to have rain we need a pre race weather forecast. Having to guess and gamble on your tyre choice is just plain stupid.

I have tried the gamble a couple of races & run with intermediates at the start then not seen anything on radar the entire race. While at the other end started on hard and rained the entire race.

We need to be able to make an informed choice at race start instead of guessing.

That's not how racing works they have weather forecasts, even before the race start (it's witchcraft or something I expect) Still "The Real Driving Simulator" to not have that it's kind of an embarrassment imo.
why not hotspot your PS5 so you can race..? works fine for me :)
You can use your hot spot to connect via wifi to your console and access the online content. Well at least it worked for me when I was in a pinch. (PS4)
I thought about it, but I had some other things to do, so I did them instead. They got the cable fixed in a few hours, so that was nice.

All you people saying you don't like Laguna Seca have me puzzled. It's a fun track, and since it's actually RMs and not RHs like the tweet said, it's pretty easy to navigate.
I've tried to like Laguna Seca but I hate it, every corner is stupid. I've tried to like Spa with GR.4 but I hate it, everything understeers like a dump truck and the "random weather" is a joke. Race A is a non-starter. Feeling like PD really really dropped the ball between the last two weeks of dailies and the physics patch which I still think ruined literally everything.

Maybe it's time to find something else to do because honestly GT ain't it lately. There's flashes of brilliance but the overall experience is kinda trashy.

Couldn't tell you the last time I opened roulette tickets. Yes it's literally free money but the animation is slow and annoying and I never get anything good anyways. So why bother. Like the whole game lately feels like why bother. GT5 never felt like that, nor did 1, 2, and 3. But 6 did and so did Sport. Wonder why that is....
I vividly remember the cars last time at Laguna and this felt totally different. Started with the Audi and it just felt alien to me. I understand the physics changes but it currently feels less "fun" to me than before the patch. The cars felt a lot more loose and I could swing them around a track like this and now they just feel a little more like a dry cracker. Hoping they don't waste time with fixing some of the BoP on the cars (Corvette, Mustang, Viper) because I'm growing a little stale on the 911/Supra/GTR trifecta. I loved getting a new race and trying a ton of cars. Now I just go to the 911 because it's the only one that I can get decent times with. The AMG when I'm feeling frisky.

Race C is a non starter for me because those long droney races (Spa GR4, Le Man's GR4, Watkins RH Gr3) where people are maniacs for 2 laps and then everyone settles in for the remainder and is 3 seconds in front 3 seconds behind feel like a chore.
@zxr96 looks like you were right on the money.

Traction control off, a bit more familiarity with the combo and bam... Hit my early optimal lap of 59.5xx

TCS firmly back on 1 for the race itself though...

Unfortunate that it seems the rest of the community are posting similarly improved times and I'm stuck in the second row!

Respect to @Hasnain282 for breaking into the 58s!

This combination is seriously growing on me, I don't even mind the occasional disaster. No need to get moody when there's no ranking involved. That said, I can't help but think someone at PD got the race details messed up because there's no reason for only 5 laps here. 10 or even 8 would present a decent challenge for consistency rather than outright pace.
First thing I love rain in races. It makes for interesting and fun races

However if we are to have rain we need a pre race weather forecast. Having to guess and gamble on your tyre choice is just plain stupid.

I have tried the gamble a couple of races & run with intermediates at the start then not seen anything on radar the entire race. While at the other end started on hard and rained the entire race.

We need to be able to make an informed choice at race start instead of guessing.

That's not how racing works they have weather forecasts, even before the race start (it's witchcraft or something I expect) Still "The Real Driving Simulator" to not have that it's kind of an embarrassment imo.
What you can do is drive on the warm-up lap or whatever it's called. With that you can make a better prediciton.
All you people saying you don't like Laguna Seca have me puzzled. It's a fun track, and since it's actually RMs and not RHs like the tweet said, it's pretty easy to navigate.
I like Laguna, as you said it's fun, the problem is finding the limit, particullary in the turns after the hairpin and before the corkscrew.
This, togheter with the fact the it's unforgiving even for the smallest error (or contact) makes it very difficult to me.
RMs / RHs doesn't make that much of a difference, maning that to stay alive I'm probably far from the limits, so I have to live in that small margin between going fast enought not to be a target, but slow enough not the ruin a race in one single turn.
All you people saying you don't like Laguna Seca have me puzzled.
I don't like Laguna Seca. I don't think it's fun at all, for me it's a chore driving it.

I do realize that it's because I suck at racing there. And that if I really decided to tough it out and learn to find the limit there it would probably grow in me.
But I can't be bothered, it just feels so dreadful and when ever I try to push I end up in the sand or hit one of those dastardly sausage curbs.
It's just not fun to me.

There's plenty of other tracks that people feel about like I do about Laguna but that I love.
Like Brands Hatch or Big Willow. Or Nordschleife.
When ever I think it's odd they don't like it I think of how I feel about Laguna Seca. And then I understand
I don't like Laguna Seca. I don't think it's fun at all, for me it's a chore driving it.

I do realize that it's because I suck at racing there. And that if I really decided to tough it out and learn to find the limit there it would probably grow in me.
But I can't be bothered, it just feels so dreadful and when ever I try to push I end up in the sand or hit one of those dastardly sausage curbs.
It's just not fun to me.

There's plenty of other tracks that people feel about like I do about Laguna but that I love.
Like Brands Hatch or Big Willow. Or Nordschleife.
When ever I think it's odd they don't like it I think of how I feel about Laguna Seca. And then I understand
In most ways i must agree with you. But since my trip to the US last summer (went from Seattle to San Diego in three weeks) and visited Laguna Seca, I just love it. That corkscrew in real life is so steep, it felt scary just looking at it. Also, it is very challenging to drive fast and with that very rewarding if you set a good lap or a good race. I don't have that on many other circuits.

Not usually much for sharing results, but this race yesterday had me feeling pretty good. I about soiled my drawers when I entered the lobby, and was fully expecting a dead