GT7 Daily Race Discussion

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Raced a bunch of B race lobbies yesterday with RH because that’s what our Intel provided but it still had me mostly ready for tonight. I’ve been approaching A/S again (yo-yo effect) and figured I would see what this week brings.

Was definite shocked seeing 1:20’s on the leader board when I jumped in because 1:24 was my best yesterday and I was holding my own but wasn’t sure if I could find the extra time.
Started qualifying and got to 1:23.5ish then started racing.

First race was with @icycls starting closer to the top and me in p10 in the mixed A/S , B/S lobby. Held my own and made up places to finish p6 and was very pleased. @icycls finished p4 and I never even saw his tail lights the whole race as he was in the front split.

Second race A/S , B/S mixed again but mostly different racers on the grid.p14 to start and had to start from auto drive in the middle of the turn 🙄 but did fine managing the setback to start. Some very sloppy off course action around me the first two laps but I managed to stay out of trouble. Practicing yesterday paid off by having confidence in many lines that I felt comfortable with when avoiding carnage.
Finished p7 and again very pleased at the result and not getting smeared out on the course.

I reduced my QT to a 1:23.1xx between races and because I have done the B to A thing quite a few times, I was ready for my third race of the evening to be on pole in an all B/S lobby because I have always seemed to get a gift win when moving up. Well, that’s not quite what I got because the last race tonight had me as the lone B/S in the A/S lobby which was fine and started p10 with my improved QT.
This race was mostly clean with a few mishaps that I took advantage of and I actually managed a couple of nice overtakes finally which is something I’ve been working hard to improve. Finished p6 again and got the bump back to A/S for another stint on the yo-yo express.

I have learned to just keep racing and enjoy where I land on DR as it keeps correcting up and down as I’m gaining experience or struggling each week.

Using a non-meta in the RCZ and I posted my best lap as I finished my evening at 1:22.6xx and tagged it gtp15 if anyone can use it to improve their lap.

congrats on your A, sounds like a good night.

We're on the same rollercoaster; Guess what? I found my A in that race! It was right there along turn 3 where I lost it in the morning! Yo-yo, for sure. I had a couple of good resutls in race C which was partly due to luck but I'll take it.

I am one of those who like Laguna Seca, last time we were there, I had many good results as long as I could stay out of trouble. How's the corkscrew in VR?!

I also quickly signed up for Manu so I could get GT2. Signed with Mitsubishi just to be weird (it is an exhibition). That may have been a mistake, I recall last time at Laguna Seca, I had the same laps in the 911 and Lancer. This time, since the update, I've struggled to get within a second of the 911 lap time. I ran the Lancer to some podiums at interlagos, but haven't tried any test laps there since the update.
I don't like Laguna Seca. I don't think it's fun at all, for me it's a chore driving it.

I do realize that it's because I suck at racing there. And that if I really decided to tough it out and learn to find the limit there it would probably grow in me.
But I can't be bothered, it just feels so dreadful and when ever I try to push I end up in the sand or hit one of those dastardly sausage curbs.
It's just not fun to me.

There's plenty of other tracks that people feel about like I do about Laguna but that I love.
Like Brands Hatch or Big Willow. Or Nordschleife.
When ever I think it's odd they don't like it I think of how I feel about Laguna Seca. And then I understand

Brands Hatch feels like Laguna Seca to me that drinks tea in the morning instead of coffee.
@zxr96 looks like you were right on the money.

Traction control off, a bit more familiarity with the combo and bam... Hit my early optimal lap of 59.5xx

TCS firmly back on 1 for the race itself though...

Unfortunate that it seems the rest of the community are posting similarly improved times and I'm stuck in the second row!

Respect to @Hasnain282 for breaking into the 58s!

This combination is seriously growing on me, I don't even mind the occasional disaster. No need to get moody when there's no ranking involved. That said, I can't help but think someone at PD got the race details messed up because there's no reason for only 5 laps here. 10 or even 8 would present a decent challenge for consistency rather than outright pace.
👏 👏 good job @benjoi84
I've tried to like Laguna Seca but I hate it, every corner is stupid. I've tried to like Spa with GR.4 but I hate it, everything understeers like a dump truck and the "random weather" is a joke. Race A is a non-starter. Feeling like PD really really dropped the ball between the last two weeks of dailies and the physics patch which I still think ruined literally everything.

Maybe it's time to find something else to do because honestly GT ain't it lately. There's flashes of brilliance but the overall experience is kinda trashy.

Couldn't tell you the last time I opened roulette tickets. Yes it's literally free money but the animation is slow and annoying and I never get anything good anyways. So why bother. Like the whole game lately feels like why bother. GT5 never felt like that, nor did 1, 2, and 3. But 6 did and so did Sport. Wonder why that is....

Personally I don't like Spa as a track and it's only still relevant for histrionics.

Laguna, I'm ok with I used to love it but now it's a bit meh.

I think at least for the next few cycles we will get these races to promote PSVR and just before PSVR launch we had the Le Mans weather experiment.

That they have ruined daily A from a club sport single make race to the "whatever it is now" really irks me. I'm fine with slower cars with tighter fixed field racing. Just really annoys me that I have to spend a week essentially driving the same GR3 car over and over.

Shared a QT for race B. Its a 1.23.177 in a 911. Tagged it GTP15

I swear the sand at LS makes the track more slippy on the outside.

It's not much but I can share my 1.22:1 time in the 911?
Seems like I can't catch a break at Laguna Seca... Start from the bottom, work my way up and then get nuked at the end. 4 races, 4 last lap murders...

Improved my time from 1:22:6 down to 1:22:1 hoping for a better starting position then the previous races, starting P12 every time. So naturally, improving by half a second meant I started this one in P14 🤣

Work my way up to P8 driving consistently and cleanly and last turn on last lap same story, nuked as turning and finish in P13 ⚰️

At least I'm loving the M6 on the track, can't drive fast or well in any other car in the list at Laguna Seca. Anyway, here's the qualy lap if anyone's interested 😂 Would be nice to compare sector times of different cars you're driving.



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Seems like I can't catch a break at Laguna Seca... Start from the bottom, work my way up and then get nuked at the end. 4 races, 4 last lap murders...
This started happening to me towards the end of last week at Watkins Glen. I’m just getting tired of people’s win-at-all-cost antics. Until there is a sensible penalty system I don’t think I’m going to really enjoy the races much anymore. I’m actually starting to dread them and all the bad sportsmanship. It’s just not fun for me.

I watched Tidgney’s weekly guide and he always seems so exasperated (rightly so) when there are one or two dirty drivers. I wish he’d race in the lobbies I’m in because then he’d be getting an idea of how bad it’s really become.

I really wish we had vocal streamers who were advocates for a crackdown on the lack of sportsmanship and penalties. Unfortunately the last time there was an outcry PD decided that the best solution was to remove all penalties and make people watch a pointless video about “sportsmanship,” none of which was ever enforced.
How much data does it use? I'm going to be moving house sometime late-May/early-June and so will be without broadband for a while - if past experience with BT Openreach is any indication. The new location does have 5G so connecting via phone may be an option, if it doesn't lag too much or munch through all my GBs.

May have to give it a test - one of these race As is likely safest.
i use it whenever the internet drops out(very rarely) & ive been able to host lobbies with it.. no lag & doesnt use much GB at all 🤙🏼
The Merc is such an acceleration demon out of the hairpin at Laguna. Was keeping up with my AMG ghost which was .5 seconds ahead in the 911 and hit the final hairpin even with it and that thing shot out of there like a bat out of hell. In the mid 1:22s and feel like I still have a half second somewhere.
Race C could be such a good race if not half the people in DR B Lobbies would drive like dip****s.

I have so great racing with some guys, but the rest pushes you wide whenever they can.
If you manage not to spin and recatch those guys on this long races, you can get that much collisions to just plummet through the SR rating.
Dropped today from SR S to A and even back to B while trying to regain SR :dunce::banghead::ouch:

Gonna skip Nations tomorrow and take a break from Gran Turismo.
Thats just no fun this way.

PS: Sorry for ranting…
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Remember when Chanoch Nissany complained that the Minardi F1 car had too much grip and everybody laughed at him? That is exactly my problem with Gr4. The cars don't have a lot power but have huge amounts of grip, to carry speed through the corner you have to be so precise with all of your inputs and you can't brute force it like some of the other cars. Basically I'm not good enough to race them.

I'll keep entering race C though because every now and then you get a splash of rain and those races are brilliant things.
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Has anyone actually gotten a full blown downpour on Spa so far this week? I've played a lot of Race C this but anecdotally I observe it seldom rains, and when it does it's but a light little sprinkle. I wonder have they changed the background calcs for rain spells?

In principle I love the idea of dynamic weather, but it should really have the power to dramatically alter race strategy.

Good racing though, really liking the new physics and the Gr4 meta isn't ridiculously dominant (although that Silvia is rapid at Spa).
Has anyone actually gotten a full blown downpour on Spa so far this week? I've played a lot of Race C this but anecdotally I observe it seldom rains, and when it does it's but a light little sprinkle. I wonder have they changed the background calcs for rain spells?

In principle I love the idea of dynamic weather, but it should really have the power to dramatically alter race strategy.

Good racing though, really liking the new physics and the Gr4 meta isn't ridiculously dominant (although that Silvia is rapid at Spa).
Watch my video of the starting grid one page back. I wouldn't call it a downpour but it was steadily raining at the start of the race. I did Inters the entire race because everyone else started on hards. By the time the rain stopped on L4 I figured I'd probably lose more time pitting for slicks than just running to the end.
Thanks for the video. That was awesome.

Reminds me of the good old days of F1 when it was fun to watch (I stopped watching it in the early 2000s..) Is it just me or was F1 just much more exciting in the 80s and 90s?
I think it was more exciting. you still had your obscenely dominant teams (McLaren Honda comes to mind) but they were also so boosted they were unreliable engines so sure Senna or Prost could have a 1 lap lead but their engine could die on the penultimate lap regardless.

See Monaco 82 for an example

Todays F1 is very formulaic and static. Everyone knows that baring a catastrophe RB is going to win just like for the last 4 or so years before that it was Merc.

Midpack racing is still really good but you almost never see that unless the camera guys are bored but even then the cars are too long/wide for many circuits they go to and unless there's a significant pace difference overtaking only happens via DRS. Make F1 cars hard to drive again and you'll see better/more exciting racing. Make them smaller as well.
Before any racing tonight, I wanted to get my time into the 1:22s and was successful in doing so. I did try the AMG and it was fine, but I was a bit slower with it. So, I'll stick with the Porsche for this week. My time after a few laps of practice was a 1:22.9XX so I entered some races to see what would happen.

My time was good for P4 on the grid and I was pleased with that. The race went with no real problems, but I was still getting used to the Porsche under race conditions and was timid and slow entering corners. That did lead to someone getting into the back of me with my slowness and cost me a spot. Which is fine as it was my fault for being slow. I finish P5 with a clean race bonus.

Race 2 is more of the same except I decide to hit all of the sausage curbs and just bleed time everywhere. I did make a great save in turn 6 after hitting the sausage, but I got an off track penalty for my efforts. On the last lap I run a tad bit too wide in turn 6 and spin and fall to P8 where I finish.

I decide to stop there for the night to make a livery and see if I can't set a quicker time. I do set a new quick time of 1:22.5XX and that was awesome! I'm curious to see how quick I can go with the Porsche not just at Leguna, but on all the other tracks. It just might be my new go to car for Gr.3 at least.
Some more Race As today. Is it just me or does this Ferrari feel completely different when in the race vs TT? The extra fuel load must do a number on it; it just feels so sluggish.

Knocked the quali time down to 59.2, which was good since @permaculture wouldn't leave me alone (see Exhibit A)! Good racing with you dude! You're super quick. I feel like whichever one of us started in front of the other would've won :cheers:


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Brands Hatch feels like Laguna Seca to me that drinks tea in the morning instead of coffee.
Laguna definitely feels like an estranged cousin of Brands Hatch, it's counter clockwise rather than clockwise and has sand instead of grass, but they're both narrow with lots of medium speed corners that have tricks to them, and some fun elevation changes.
Knocked the quali time down to 59.2, which was good since @permaculture wouldn't leave me alone (see Exhibit A)! Good racing with you dude! You're super quick. I feel like whichever one of us started in front of the other would've won :cheers:
maaaan i gave it everything on that last one and you might be right - though its infinitely more fun to have that sort of race than a 10 second win. too bad they won't update the race to give us like 2 more laps, i could've done that all evening. that was some great racing!

well, aside from making a dent in your bumper on that (expletive) right hander. it took me a few laps to realize how much earlier i needed to brake while trailing. for me that dirty air is the biggest difference in the car - but i'm running ASM and TCS 1. it felt like it helped me stay steady through the esses, but you pulled away out of those tight turns every time.

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congrats on your A, sounds like a good night.

We're on the same rollercoaster; Guess what? I found my A in that race! It was right there along turn 3 where I lost it in the morning! Yo-yo, for sure. I had a couple of good resutls in race C which was partly due to luck but I'll take it.

I am one of those who like Laguna Seca, last time we were there, I had many good results as long as I could stay out of trouble. How's the corkscrew in VR?!

I also quickly signed up for Manu so I could get GT2. Signed with Mitsubishi just to be weird (it is an exhibition). That may have been a mistake, I recall last time at Laguna Seca, I had the same laps in the 911 and Lancer. This time, since the update, I've struggled to get within a second of the 911 lap time. I ran the Lancer to some podiums at interlagos, but haven't tried any test laps there since the update.

Thanks and congrats to you too while we’re riding the DR roller coaster.

VR doing the corkscrew is a trip. Racing all of the courses is such a different experience and I love the way you can read the track camber, dips and curbs with such great precision.

I signed Manu GT2 as well back when I entered Nations so we hopefully can race together again tomorrow and on Saturday.

I’ll be with Peugeot if you haven’t figured why I’m doing so many races in those RCZ’s :-)

Late getting home from work tonight so I’ll go get my fix of some daily B now to relax a little. My stress release 🍻
bad news everyone! I think I figured out the physics. couldn't tell you what I figured out just that I'm not plowing through corners any more. Managed to drop my QT at Spa (race C) from a 2:36 to a 2:32 in basically 3-4 laps. Able to turn 2:32s at race pace as well. First race tonight started 2nd behind a Sylvia and pressured them into a mistake taking the lead on lap 5-6 or so and held it to the end. Top 6 was me followed by literally every single Sylvia entered, then all the other cars. Was kinda funny ngl

2nd race not so good. Started on pole, binned it, recovered to 3rd from 9th, binned it again, got called by someone in the house and quit. But I set a time in race about 2 tenths faster than I qualified not drafting anyone so I know I've got more time in my car.

I'm using the Viper. I liked how it managed rain at Le Mans when we had that race and I'm comfortable with the handling (as comfortable as anyone post patch anyways).
I think I will see me not getting A+ anymore; I decided, against common sense, to do a series of Race B to get familiar with the Ferrari 458, in preparation for the Manu Cup :rolleyes:

And I did get better with the car..................if only every race I entered hadn't ended with me in the dust due to those damn curbs or, worse, me getting in some three wide in places where they shouldn't be happening :mad:

I think I'm starting hate Laguna Seca now :banghead:
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I think it was more exciting. you still had your obscenely dominant teams (McLaren Honda comes to mind) but they were also so boosted they were unreliable engines so sure Senna or Prost could have a 1 lap lead but their engine could die on the penultimate lap regardless.

See Monaco 82 for an example

Todays F1 is very formulaic and static. Everyone knows that baring a catastrophe RB is going to win just like for the last 4 or so years before that it was Merc.

Midpack racing is still really good but you almost never see that unless the camera guys are bored but even then the cars are too long/wide for many circuits they go to and unless there's a significant pace difference overtaking only happens via DRS. Make F1 cars hard to drive again and you'll see better/more exciting racing. Make them smaller as well.

At risk of going too off topic (this is what happens when I can’t race he he) I just took a look at the latest F1 race highlights. Now, not having watched F1 for over a decade I’ve no idea who these newer teams are or the names of the drivers but I got to say the Ozzie Grand Prix looked to be a bit of a banger! Just like the old days.

Now if they could all be like that. I.e. like a typical GT7 race 😁
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