I feel this way all the time. can never get below #4000 in the rankings of anywhere or any race.
This is sad to read.
I was exactly the same when I started GT7 online. I have the 25 year history with the game and a huge number of games (pc) in between.
So I started out exactly like that although I wasn't braking the top 10k.
How do you improve?
Well and this is me personally I went back and got gold on all the licences. Easy enough after the play time I had.
Raced a bit and focused on A (when it was ranked) and didn't care about position just overtaking cleanly and staying on the track around other cars.
Then I went and doubled down on circuit experiences. Almost all of them are GR3 cars with a few exceptions. Grind and grind the tokyo ones as they were hard for me.
Obviously raced in between but again low expectations and low effort qualifying.
Just a note here, is when you see people going from the back in a lobby that is fast and C/B don't expect them to catch the leader as that might be someone whos dropped down from a level above yours. Going from the back is cute and cool at the top level. In lower levels it incentivises the the wrong attitudes.
Then you get to really racing and improving your ratings.
It's simple to do.
Qualify well, finish higher and don't get contact penalties.
That's it.
But the reality is, that you have to understand how you are driving vs the top times. You really have to put the effort in to focus on trail braking or coasting. Really have to have fixed braking markers. Really really really have to know how to get cleanly on the the throttle.
You need to focus on learning what fast means in this game. And it's a little nuanced. Part sim part arcade but if you can cleanly (no jitter or TC intervention) accurate from a corner you have just moved up 1000 places.
If you can brake early but progressively so the maximum braking is at the point you want to switch to full throttle, there is another 1000 places.
Watching the ghosts doesn't tell the whole story. The top guys are picking lines, specific markers to brake, ease off, accelerate but these are after hundreds of laps.
I can post my stats going from 0 to almost A consistently. But it's mostly driving, just driving and for most guys in the slightly less quick lobbies it's a lot to do with misinterpreting contact. There is also bad driving but read the above paragraphs on that.
Top 4K is awesome but if you want to move further up you need to start understanding where you are losing time.