GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
@hardvibes it's been happening to me all day too. I tried waiting a bit longer and it seems it's not a lobby kick, it's just they are taking forever to load. My last race only had 7 people left once it started.

And yes, it is costing us SR points. Something we really don't need this week.
Jesus 🤦‍♂️ .
This happens the day after I watched the Gran Turismo movie. Ironic.
LOL. I honestly don't know. I need to look at the replay, but other things are getting in the way right now. When I get a chance I'll share it in Showcase, and I'll post here when I do.
I'm still not sure. I kicked ass in the chicane, though. I shared it to Showcase. Search for "gtp39", user "dagware".
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Two pit stops at race C does not produce good results. :dunce:

I think just about everyone started on wet tires, because it was raining in the warm-up.
After one lap, I stopped to get racing medium tires, because the water was minimal, and the radar appeared to be clearing.
Since I was 14th after one lap, I had nothing to lose. I was gaining a bit of ground on those in front of me, but when heavy rain came on lap 4, I was screwed. Hydro-planing and crashing is all I did for the second half of lap 4.
I had to go back to the pits. But, since I was over 2 minutes behind the leader, and would be timed-out anyways, I just stayed there until it was over.

There was another race yesterday where I pitted twice, but I don't recall the circumstances.

Here's what I learned:
Never pit to switch from wets to mediums. The pit loss is much greater than any gain in lap times.
However, stopping to go from mediums to wets makes sense when the rain catches you by surprise.
Oh man, had a filthy race B last night. People kept pumping their brakes during the flat-out esses, so I kept bumping people through that section. Then those people would get angry and try to ram me off at the next turn. Watching the replay, every person I passed tried to apex bomb me on the subsequent turn. I was surprised at how many dirty players were trying to kill me. They would usually miss me because I was taking late apex lines to throw them off.

I just told myself to not get frazzled by it and just kept driving my race, trying not to get caught up in side-by-side grudge battles. One guy in an Audi was a headache, just continually ramming me on my defensive lines, annoying. I figured he was losing his mind so I let him through and proceeded to badger him from behind, throwing inside feints and just stressing him out. Eventually, he went wide exiting a round turn, and took himself out. I was running wide too, clipped him, and he spun locking himself 90 degrees into a wall. Pure karma.

I don't even think the issue is dirty driving. It's just the general intolerance to accidents that just ramps these idiots up into a fervor. If I'm screwing up the esses, I'm expecting a bump from behind because people are trying to fly flat out through there. I don't know what kind of dimwit blows their speed and then gets enraged at a slight bump that didn't even crash them out. Apparently a third of the field in this race.
That's bizarre, I've gone up three today and haven't placed in there once, all on Race C. Thanks for looking though.
No worries. That does sound very strange though. I did my test on race A, perhaps give A (and B) a chance and see if things are different for you?
Don’t bother.
tune all you want, it doesn’t do anything. Any improvements are just placebo.
it’s quite annoying they allow some tuning and brake bias, you spend many hours trying to get it just right only to finally realize it most likely does nothing.
I’d be happily proven otherwise
Caution: Opinion Ahead

Don't fully agree with this. Settings aren't really there to 'improve' the car, just change it. Since everyone drives a bit differently, how much impact those settings have is largely up to the driver. They aren't a magic pill designed to cast seconds from your lap time, obviously.

For me it was a very noticeable difference. For instance, when in full dumbass mode and diving into races w/out updating settings I was well aware of my gaffe by the end of turn 1. The improvements I realized were:
  • Better traction out of tight turns
  • Kerbing could be attacked w/out unsettling the car much, if at all
  • Smoother around the course
All of these things added-up to much stronger lap times and far more consistent races. As cautioned, though, this is through the lens of a party of one.


PS - ...and the 911 can drift beautifully when softened up. Not what you're shooting for, but nice to have when you find yourself there anyway.😁
People kept pumping their brakes during the flat-out esses, so I kept bumping people through that section. Then those people would get angry and try to ram me off at the next turn.
"I kept bumping people through that section."
"Then those people would get angry"

You don't see a correlation there? There's this old joke:

[Raising arm] "Doctor, it hurts when I do this." Doctor says "Then don't do that."
Love that PD planning. New Gr 4 car to drive, no daily and not even a time trial for it.
Also reminds me that last week we had a full Daily A race dedicated to the Diablo. Yet no Diablo to be found in the UCD.
So the races looked like something out of Crazy Taxi.
I do have a Diablo, but it has a wide body. So I couldn't use it.
How incoherent of PD to fix the PP, discriminate wide body cars, yet it is perfectly ok to add a bodykit, spoiler and wider rims to an STi without affecting the performance (Fuji Daily A a few weeks ago).

Yeah, happened in 2 of 3 Race C’s for me today, so I gave up and watched some TV.
I beat you: 50% of the Daily B here. I'm done for today.
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Some jerk had the unmitigated gall of taking FL from me on the last lap, or I would have had a rare (for me) trifecta. Still, feels darn good after the month I've had.


Things are certainly looking up!

Only 2 races as I got stuck on the screen while the race loads as a few others here have. The first race only had 4 cars in it. I do manage to finish last after a wild ride through the first chicane.

Second race had 10 cars and I finish P4 again. Just a bizarre situation tonight with all the disconnected drivers.

I waited 5-6 minutes for each race to start and didn't want to wait again so I called it a night. Plus, I need to get some practice in for the Manufacturers Cup race Saturday so it's all good.
Just got binned for the first time this week on Daily Race B. I'm just waiting for the race to end so I can get my updated DR, and thought I'd waste everyone's time by posting here.
Why did you get axed? From experience, a dirty driver took you out, you commented post-race without being rude and the scum had the ego to report you and you got done without actual investigation! Am I correct?

So, finally it happened. The victory I've been waiting for. Been sitting on a quali time that's good enough for the top of my friend list, and top 500 on the leaderboard for a few days but it's been ever so frustrating...

Between bad tyre strategies, bad driving, disconnects (and reduced grids from some of said disconnects) and flirting with a DR reset for the entire week this... THIS ladies and gentlemen is the one. It's probably the best race I've been involved in (normally I'm having fun chasing a top 10). This hearty scrap was worth every drop of sweat and every finger cramp.

Not only does it break a cursed run, it brings my SR back to S and I'm enjoying my highest-ever DR score.

If you're in any way inclined to do such a thing, go to my showcase and get out the popcorn. It's titled "5 laps of fury" and I won't be spoiling anything to tell you my competitor and I were neck and neck going into the Porsche Complex on lap 5 after dueling for the entire race and the pole sitter had gambled and lost by starting on Intermediates.

For bonus fun, check the other end of the scale in the previous replay entitled "Tony Hawk's meets GT7" where I do a nice 720 on the Mulsanne straight!
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Yes I know it's been mentioned a million times but I need a rant....

POLYPHONY... GET THE PENALTIES SORTED! This ridiculous system is so broken, it's a joke. I just quit another race due to a huge amount of idiots all thinking they can win the race on the first lap. As I said... IDIOTS.

So, some pratt smashes another car which bounces off me into the kitty litter. I get the 5sec penalty because I'm the last person to touch that car..., not the **** that caused the incident in the first place. AAAAAAAAHHHHHH :irked:

Yes I know it's been mentioned a million times but I need a rant....

POLYPHONY... GET THE PENALTIES SORTED! This ridiculous system is so broken, it's a joke. I just quit another race due to a huge amount of idiots all thinking they can win the race on the first lap. As I said... IDIOTS.

So, some pratt smashes another car which bounces off me into the kitty litter. I get the 5sec penalty because I'm the last person to touch that car..., not the **** that caused the incident in the first place. AAAAAAAAHHHHHH :irked:
Had that a few times too - usually been people rejoining the track out of control and I've had nowhere to go. It's a pity the DR system can't see that people have run the whole race in the top 5 then pushed on the grass and end up last - gone from mid A to high B after a run of these results on Race B. It doesn't help that it's only 5 laps, when I'm sure 7 would be achievable.
Are the servers having issues? I keep having problems with daily races. I got disconnected in a strange manner, and now I'm stuck on the race start screen.
yep it appears so, first race for me today and it's still happening, after experiencing it twice yesterday post-update. But for me, i didnt lose rating from closing game. Has anyone waited it out?

edit: looks like the game does load in, left it open while i was writing this up (approx 5 mins)
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I think the server crapped.....
It certainly did and it's been a common occurrence since yesterday. Earlier I decided to wait and see how long it may take (I've just quit @ 5mins wait) and ended up with only 7 people racing. What a joke and all since SERVER Maintenance! Well done PD.