I was just talking about this with my wife yesterday... except I am the tool. I was trying to understand why I get offended sometimes when someone passes me.
There are plenty of times I'm happy to let someone go by me because they're obviously faster than me, and letting them pass is the best thing for both of us - unless it's late in the final lap, of course.
And if I mess up and people pass me, that's on me and the only person I get upset with is myself.
But sometimes, when someone passes me just because they're better/faster/whatever than me, and I didn't intentionally let them pass, it seems to trigger something inside me. The vast vast vast majority of the time I shake it off. But every once in a while, I just become the utter tool.
Like I said, I don't know why, and I'm much better, but it still happens and I have no clue why. I should probably see a therapist about this (seriously). ... time passes ... Actually, now that I about it, I think I know why it happens. Ah, a moment of clarity! I hope I can incorporate this into overcoming my toolish responses.
Sorry, everyone, for subjecting you all to my "therapy session".