GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
The Mazda 3 is just amazing. Won’t be long til it’s nerfed
155 vibes all over again.

But they need to impress the new partners....

Edit: it does surprise me that with all that Sophy Data and Player Data that they never seem to balance it just right. There is always a couple of cars that do well and the rest just can't seem to match the times.

A million laps in each car and Sophy could tell you how to bring them closer together. So the reason is why don't they want to balance them closely?
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Yup there hanging here. First one I played , hanging. Is there a broader problem? Has Sony issued a statement perhaps?
Of the many things my brother in law used to do in Silicon Valley, one of them was R&D for Microsoft….and Xbox. When a company launches a new console, and plans on releasing ‘upgraded’ versions of that same generation within that console’s life cycle, they are all 100% built and ready to go come launch day. It’s a money grab. Why give the consumer 3 options right off the bat, when you can sell them one now….and an upgraded version 3 years down the line. Works like a charm, and I’ll be their with my thumb hovering over the “pre order” button, the second PS5 Pro goes live 😂

Yup. It’s as old as blue-ray & DVD.

Makes my blood boil.
You had 10.


To go back to something I previously mentioned. If I get the brief flash of "saving" just on the track loading screen the lobby will load fine. If I don't have that flash up then the lobby will struggle or fail.

Just comparing a 16 car replay to a 2 car daily race replay and the file size is 6mb for 2 cars and 29mb for 16 cars.

This is to be expected as obviously a lot less telemetry but it does make me think that they have changed the cloud storage backend somehow which is why the saving message is the thing that decides good and struggling lobbies for me.


Also @TheNormsk - I think so, race started and finished so why not?

Also, just broke into 1:58's and not in a Mazda 😁



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I agree the Veyron loses out to the Mazda on the uphill but it was not that dramatic in my testing but that could be that I'm not that good with the Mazda. Overall though, our current GTP leaderboard has a mix of cars in it over just the meta.

View attachment 1292227

Perhaps try the Viper if you can handle it?

Now for the Veyron I did tweak the dampers which for me appeared to help turn-in in the twisty stuff but perhaps that is a placebo effect. Feel free to see if this helps..

View attachment 1292228

EDIT: I shared my QT if you want to review it and chase it. Search for tag "normsk" or "gtp38".
I worry sometimes that I must be last on most people’s leaderboard.
2nd last = no problem with that at all.
So this week's race B is basically a Mazda3 Cup, because of its top speed on the straights...
The 458 and 650S don't stand a a chance. Maybe just in qualifying.
Every race (that I've managed to get into!), but for one, has been won by a 458 - the only one that wasn't was won by me in the Mazda3, in a two car race!
TM reverse is such a strange layout to try and extract a time from, some of it is about the 100% optimal line and then other sections it's about making a line that works for you, such a tricky place. I did manage to make it in to the 1:58.9s just which will help with this weeks DR repair I need!
Tricky is why I think I like it but it is also so frustrating. I switched to the Mazda and improved my time but so many time I could be .7+s ahead on time entering the final sector to then lose it all. Or I'll be slow in sector 1 only to then have good later sectors and then I would be like, why can't I put this all together. If I could I might see a 1:59.1 = 159.3 optimal.
I worry sometimes that I must be last on most people’s leaderboard.
2nd last = no problem with that at all.
Don't worry. I used to be that last place person. It could be demoralizing at the time but also invigorating as I studied their ghosts and tried to learn their moves to drive more like them. What really helped? Dumping a ton of money into a nice DD wheel.. :D
Every race (that I've managed to get into!), but for one, has been won by a 458 - the only one that wasn't was won by me in the Mazda3, in a two car race!
Could this be that in race the Mazda is a hard car to drive and so very easy to bin it?
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A million laps in each car and Sophy could tell you how to bring them closer together. So the reason is why don't they want to balance them closely?
My thoughts on this are:

This would work in theory.
In Practice
people find what works for them.

Most folks cannot control the car nearly as well as Sophy can, so what Sophy thinks is balanced is not necessarily what's balanced for the majority of people.

I still remember the AMG drift turn Sophy put into that hairpin at Dragon Trail.
My thoughts on this are:

This would work in theory.
In Practice
people find what works for them.

Most folks cannot control the car nearly as well as Sophy can, so what Sophy thinks is balanced is not necessarily what's balanced for the majority of people.

I still remember the AMG drift turn Sophy put into that hairpin at Dragon Trail.
Fair point.

I just think that a little bit of gearing or ballast here and there it's fairly simple to balance.

The Mazda is the car this week in Daily B yet the top time is a 650, at Fuji I made the top 100 in the Veyron.

Are cars suited to tracks, absolutely. But isn't that what bop is suppose to do? Equal the cars out so everyone has a fighting chance.
Hello :) perhaps you can help me .. I have a problem since the last update. The daily races often do NOT start. I have uninstalled and installed the game, but the mistake is still there. The Countdown to start the race is there, then the track is shown, but after that the game do not process.
My thoughts on this are:

This would work in theory.
In Practice
people find what works for them.

Most folks cannot control the car nearly as well as Sophy can, so what Sophy thinks is balanced is not necessarily what's balanced for the majority of people.

I still remember the AMG drift turn Sophy put into that hairpin at Dragon Trail.
If you watch that Sophy drifting demonstration you’ll see that Sophy learns ways to control the cars that seem completely alien to human players, such as inducing multiple 360 spins in a way that somehow seems to give Sophy INCREASED control of the car
Hello :) perhaps you can help me .. I have a problem since the last update. The daily races often do NOT start. I have uninstalled and installed the game, but the mistake is still there. The Countdown to start the race is there, then the track is shown, but after that the game do not process.
Hi! Unfortunately this is a widespread issue across multiple regions. Many people have reported this across the past three days. Or is it maybe four now? I don’t quite remember. But yeah, you’re not alone and the issue is not on your side.
I've just raced my self.

That is how poor this is at the moment.

Literally raced MYSELF in a ranked empty lobby.

There is no excuse for this. Sure crappy loading times, server updates take time all reasonable. But racing myself.

I dunno.
While awful, take a free win/FL/pole and CRB. :D
Hello :) perhaps you can help me .. I have a problem since the last update. The daily races often do NOT start. I have uninstalled and installed the game, but the mistake is still there. The Countdown to start the race is there, then the track is shown, but after that the game do not process.
You're not alone. We're all experiencing it, and it totally sucks.

EDIT: I just noticed that @NAXEHT responded. Yeah, what he said.
Hi! Unfortunately this is a widespread issue across multiple regions. Many people have reported this across the past three days. Or is it maybe four now? I don’t quite remember. But yeah, you’re not alone and the issue is not on your side.

While awful, take a free win/FL/pole and CRB. :D
I didn't even get the CRB as I took a corner 3 times because I could go faster round it 🤣
I worry sometimes that I must be last on most people’s leaderboard.
2nd last = no problem with that at all.
It's fine to be last, we all have been there. Load the replays whilst you do your own laps, see what others do different and try and adapt. Also, (apologies) I am not really familiar with you i.e. seen any previous posts. What is your experience in terms of hours played, SR/ DR, etc ?
It's fine to be last, we all have been there. Load the replays whilst you do your own laps, see what others do different and try and adapt. Also, (apologies) I am not really familiar with you i.e. seen any previous posts. What is your experience in terms of hours played, SR/ DR, etc ?
This is solid advice.

Sometimes I place well but I will never be top of my leaderboards.

Some of the people on my leaderboards are in the top 50-20 consistently in the world.

They are seconds ahead of me. But I'm not racing them, I'm racing people like me or myself and a I use them as the measure of my improvement or stagnation depending on the week.

Some of my friends aren't very fast others are really fast. And I do on some weeks and struggle others. That's racing, keep at it. Doesn't matter if you are at the sharp end or anywhere else the only thing you can do is....

Delete those faster friends ;)
Really like race B this week, and with my QT on 2.00.5x I typically get Q5-Q9 in B/S lobbies. I'm usually not able to pass anyone, instead 1-2 others typically pass me, but in the end I often find myself in the same position as I started. DR dancing around mid B for the past few weeks, and seems to be stuck there after a steady initial climb from when I started.

I watch all the YT tutorials I can find, studies and tries to follow top driver ghosts, and watches all the my race replays carefully to identify mistakes and strategies to avoid getting in trouble with others. Plus reading this thread. Still cant seem to find that 1-1.5 seconds I need. Using TCR setting of 1, default ABS.

Resource: PSVR2, Logitech G Pro, and one hour available per evening. My ambition is to become high B, flirting with A. Done about 100 races for the past 2 months or so, 40% CRB, 40% top 5.

What would you recommend me to focus on?
I've just raced my self.

That is how poor this is at the moment.

Literally raced MYSELF in a ranked empty lobby.

There is no excuse for this. Sure crappy loading times, server updates take time all reasonable. But racing myself.

I dunno.
I did that the other night. Clean Race, Fastest Lap and Pole Position! :lol:
Really like race B this week, and with my QT on 2.00.5x I typically get Q5-Q9 in B/S lobbies. I'm usually not able to pass anyone, instead 1-2 others typically pass me, but in the end I often find myself in the same position as I started. DR dancing around mid B for the past few weeks, and seems to be stuck there after a steady initial climb from when I started.

I watch all the YT tutorials I can find, studies and tries to follow top driver ghosts, and watches all the my race replays carefully to identify mistakes and strategies to avoid getting in trouble with others. Plus reading this thread. Still cant seem to find that 1-1.5 seconds I need. Using TCR setting of 1, default ABS.

Resource: PSVR2, Logitech G Pro, and one hour available per evening. My ambition is to become high B, flirting with A. Done about 100 races for the past 2 months or so, 40% CRB, 40% top 5.

What would you recommend me to focus on?
Really wish I could participate but 4 out of 5 times I get stuck on race loading screen