GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I’ve fought off the urge in recent weeks to post something in this chat to gauge whether or not some of you folks are using braking zones or not but decided against it for fear of coming off as a joke. LOL.

But reading that some of you, whom I hold in pretty high regard, do keep them on makes me feel a tad better about myself. And just like @GrumpyOldMan stated, they serve as a reminder in the event my mind wanders off. I tend to also think the breaking zones are a little too conservative in most cases.

I started turning them off in single player races but I still get caught off-guard sometimes and require being airlifted to local hospitals.
I was using braking zones until only a month ago. I've only recently started to wean myself off them. I was also using racing line until a couple months ago but realized that was holding me back somewhat. If you are a jump on a race kind of person without much time then I can see the two as still being useful as a visual guide that you deviate from as necessary. I myself, when I race, usually require at least a 1/2 hour of warm up practice to remember the track and car before I feel confident. The downside to that is sometime I just don't feel confident and then I don't race.. Now that is probably silly but I am trying to benchmark myself to a DR A standard so I am probably overly harsh on my driving critique.
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I've never had 3 races in a row where my DR hasn't changed. It's possible something strange is happening, but the results are reasonable considering where I finished, and the field:


Still, I need to keep an eye on this - it's possible it's my program. Fingers crossed that it's not, but you never know.
But reading that some of you, whom I hold in pretty high regard, do keep them on makes me feel a tad better about myself. And just like @GrumpyOldMan stated, they serve as a reminder in the event my mind wanders off. I tend to also think the breaking zones are a little too conservative in most cases.

I started turning them off in single player races but I still get caught off-guard sometimes and require being airlifted to local hospitals.
My biggest issue is my ADD (it's real - I take meds for it). So I need something to, as you say, keep me out of the hospital.
I was also using racing line until a couple months ago but realized that was holding me back somewhat.
I know there are times when the racing lines hinder me, but it's not because I intentionally follow them - they can just seep into the mindset. But most of the time I use them to gauge where I should be, in relative terms. For example, I know I should turn wider than them in one spot, sooner in another. Again, just a reminder.

Sorry to be repetitive to those of you who have already heard this (although I'm sharing some new information):

I think I may be a fairly unusual case, due to the degree of my ADD. Not only did my dad have it and my brother, but I had a skull fracture at age 5 that "recent" tests have shown how it affects my ability to concentrate. So I need all the help I can get, and it's also the reason I can't do Race Cs - I could never concentrate that long.

I guess my point, if I have one, is that you should use whatever works for you. If you feel like weaning yourself off something, then go for it. I know I'm enjoying this weeks race B because I don't have to have TCS on - it makes me feel like a "real" player. But honestly, it doesn't make any difference what you use, as long as you think it helps. No reason to stop experimenting, of course, but in the end, it's just a game.
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I’ve fought off the urge in recent weeks to post something in this chat to gauge whether or not some of you folks are using braking zones or not but decided against it for fear of coming off as a joke. LOL.

But reading that some of you, whom I hold in pretty high regard, do keep them on makes me feel a tad better about myself. And just like @GrumpyOldMan stated, they serve as a reminder in the event my mind wanders off. I tend to also think the breaking zones are a little too conservative in most cases.

I started turning them off in single player races but I still get caught off-guard sometimes and require being airlifted to local hospitals.
I keep them on even though I don’t strictly use them. I don’t see a problem with it
I’ve fought off the urge in recent weeks to post something in this chat to gauge whether or not some of you folks are using braking zones or not but decided against it for fear of coming off as a joke. LOL.

But reading that some of you, whom I hold in pretty high regard, do keep them on makes me feel a tad better about myself. And just like @GrumpyOldMan stated, they serve as a reminder in the event my mind wanders off. I tend to also think the breaking zones are a little too conservative in most cases.

I started turning them off in single player races but I still get caught off-guard sometimes and require being airlifted to local hospitals.
Use whatever works for you mate.

Transmission, visual aids, assists they are all there to use so that you can get the most from the game.

There are small trade offs with Transmission AT and using some of the driving assists that "potentially" limit you from going as fast as you could but that's all it is, potentially.

With the visual aids I have them all off out of preference and use either the course furniture/markings or reading the limit points for some of the tracks I'm less familiar with. I find they add to much visual noise for me, especially the braking zone ones but again tailor your experience to how you feel most comfortable.

As a side note I wish they would bring the cone apex markers back.
I've never had 3 races in a row where my DR hasn't changed. It's possible something strange is happening, but the results are reasonable considering where I finished, and the field:
The tool is working correctly. My DR climbed 9% and I verified that it is no longer under-calculating by 1%.

It's interesting that my win in the full field of 16 cars netted me a +4% gain but my win in the field of 4 cars netted a higher 5%. It's possible that the second field was more competitive and so the DR point change was greater but I also wonder for all the cars that gave up waiting, does PD treat them all as DNF for a maximum loss or does it related to the order they quit waiting. Did the last person who quit get a "virtual" 5th place in the DR calculation? And what happens if everyone quits?
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Yesterday I did my first 3-4 races of the week, but didn't encounter the bug, so I thought it was over. And here I am, sitting in the neverending loading screen as I type this comment.

This silence by Sony/PD is driving me nuts.

deep space nine facepalm GIF

EDIT: waited 10 minutes, we're 5 in the race
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Wow... I know I set my best time in the 650s but just did my first race in it and it is no match to the Mazda over 4 laps! The acceleration and top speed is very difficult to negate with just the better handling of the McLaren!

I started in P10 and was jumping back and forth between P11 and P8 all race, in a very close mid-pack battle actually and fairly clean, which was a worry at first as a lot of B-rated (SR) drivers where in the lobby.

Anyway, I manage to pounce on other's mistakes a few times and head into the final lap in P8 but I was pressured into a mistake right at the bottom of the upward hill and was soon passed by a Mazda (surprise, lol). But another McLaren, which I had gapped over the previous laps, had caught up as I was stuck behind others (overtake in corners, lose position in the straights) for a while in previous laps.

It was enough to pass me after I had to slow down at the tunnel exit, so I was in in P10 heading into the final corners... However, I noticed the 2 in front getting friendly and almost side-by-side towards the final chicane and into the final straight. I knew what was about to happen so I let off just slightly, waited for them to slow each other down and I managed to execute an in-perfect double overtake half way through the exit and in between both cars to show off a bit 😂 Overtook P9 on exit and took P8 a couple of seconds before the chequered flag since I had much better momentum and exit speed 🎉😀

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Use whatever works for you mate.

Transmission, visual aids, assists they are all there to use so that you can get the most from the game.

There are small trade offs with Transmission AT and using some of the driving assists that "potentially" limit you from going as fast as you could but that's all it is, potentially.

With the visual aids I have them all off out of preference and use either the course furniture/markings or reading the limit points for some of the tracks I'm less familiar with. I find they add to much visual noise for me, especially the braking zone ones but again tailor your experience to how you feel most comfortable.

As a side note I wish they would bring the cone apex markers back.
I miss the cones, too, but at least the balloons don't get wiped-out during the race. I think the biggest detriment to the visual aids is relying on them. When I first jumped in to GT7 I was lost w/out da cones and some adaptation was in order. I 100% agree that all of those things should be used to your advantage.

My only caution is to not let them inadvertently hamper you as well. The cones are a great case-in-point...if you DEPEND on those being there to know where to hit the brakes, you're kinda screwed once somebody takes 'em out. I learned my lesson on that the hard way. Don't be a me.

I still have the racing line on at all times. Since I drive while hanging precariously off the bumper, its a great visual reference when you're in a tight pack and can't see 💩 but brake lights and body panels.

Have you tried running the Circuit Experience? If I'm struggling somewhere, I'll usually go back to that and 're-learn' the track one section at a time. Or, if there's one corner/set of corners you're fighting, it's a great way to focus on JUST that section versus running the whole course over and over. Especially helpful when on limited time.

Then again, running the course over and over might be exactly what helps. You can take the time to learn how to drive all of the track versus just the 'optimum' line. What typically gets me is trying to be fast off the racing line and having no clue what to do beyond react, lol.


EDIT: Just occurred to me that the CE isn't run backwards. My bad. I guess the answer is laps. Just laps.
Thank you for responding, will check out CE, never saw that option!! And yes, you are probably right: laps!
Tomorrow will mark a week of the absolute farce this is for GT/PD. Forza is getting good feedback and about that right time to garner a little bit of curiosity from people that might be a little burned out of GT (especially SP players).

I absolutely understand if there is some issue behind the scenes like the reported ransomware attack or something else and that they may want to limit what they say, but to be honest it would be more humane just to take the dailies down and - update coming soon message or similar.

It just feels a little off that nothing is being said other than by frustrated sport mode players. I can't think of another game in the last 20 years that wouldn't have issued a statement saying "we are aware of the issues and looking in them" and in more recent times a transparent post mortem and how they want to put measures in place to stop it happening again etc.

Just a weird bug/issue and weird almost total media/company black out on it.
Typically, newer racers struggle with braking.
I recommend using the braking zones markers. They're not always in just the right place, but are usually pretty close.
If anything, they will be a little early, but that's way better than being too late.
I have tons of sim racing experience, and I still leave them on.

Also, if you're not already doing so, use A/T until you get good with gas, brake, and steering. M/T is an unnecessary distraction, that usually slows you down if you don't have the other input controls mastered (IMO).
Brilliant advice, THANKS! Will add the braking markers for the races - it spoils a bit the immersion in VR, but for races I don't care.
Tomorrow will mark a week of the absolute farce this is for GT/PD. Forza is getting good feedback and about that right time to garner a little bit of curiosity from people that might be a little burned out of GT (especially SP players).

I absolutely understand if there is some issue behind the scenes like the reported ransomware attack or something else and that they may want to limit what they say, but to be honest it would be more humane just to take the dailies down and - update coming soon message or similar.

It just feels a little off that nothing is being said other than by frustrated sport mode players. I can't think of another game in the last 20 years that wouldn't have issued a statement saying "we are aware of the issues and looking in them" and in more recent times a transparent post mortem and how they want to put measures in place to stop it happening again etc.

Just a weird bug/issue and weird almost total media/company black out on it.
We used to have a "known issues" notes that appeared on the main menu a few days after each update.
That was cool because at least we know that they know that something went wrong and they were working on it.

Nowadays its all obscure.
Brilliant advice, THANKS! Will add the braking markers for the races - it spoils a bit the immersion in VR, but for races I don't care.
I didn't realise you were playing in VR.

Don't focus on breaking markers but looking as far as you can through the corners.

The reason is that you'll be smoother on the controls looking where you want to be rather than at the end of the bonnet. Keep the vision high and always to the exit not the apex.

Look as far down the track as you can, move that neck but keep your vision high.

Your feet and hands will follow where you look, and you'll feel you braking points more naturally similar to real world driving "this feels a bit fast, I'll brake a bit, a bit more ok or all feels settled I'll accelerate as I see the road opening in front of me"


In race caution and periphery vision will save you ;)
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I still have the racing line on at all times. Since I drive while hanging precariously off the bumper, its a great visual reference when you're in a tight pack and can't see 💩 but brake lights and body panels.

That's why I shifted to roof cam. You get a much greater sense of the road than bumper cam.

Yes you lose the mirror but I use the radar. Plus, mirrors are for losers. Drive faster and not let them catch up! :D
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I'm glad you posted that. I just checked my two races, and while being in the lead and not having to contend with traffic improves overall race time, my results of 8:10.182 and 8:09.447 would put me between 3rd and 5th on that grid. That gives me a warm fuzzy that I can be competitive in the DR A ranks again.

EDIT: But starting anywhere other than pole adds time to the first lap so that would put me further down the ranks...
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I know everyone has had something like this happen before, but I just need some commiseration. I cropped the image below just to make it more readable here, but other than that, I didn't change anything:


On lap 3 above, through the first two sections, I had an awesome time going. In fact the optimal time had me under under 1:59! All I had to do was run a decent sector 3.

And of course I fell apart. GAH! Just look at what I could have accomplished - I would have been behind only the two aliens on my leaderboard.

I want to cry. Or maybe I should just enjoy knowing what my potential is. I'm not giving up, though!
I know everyone has had something like this happen before, but I just need some commiseration. I cropped the image below just to make it more readable here, but other than that, I didn't change anything:

View attachment 1292526

On lap 3 above, through the first two sections, I had an awesome time going. In fact the optimal time had me under under 1:59! All I had to do was run a decent sector 3.

And of course I fell apart. GAH! Just look at what I could have accomplished - I would have been behind only the two aliens on my leaderboard.

I want to cry. Or maybe I should just enjoy knowing what my potential is. I'm not giving up, though!
That's only the potential for the session. You'll go faster the next time you play.

I think people generally forget that the optimum is session driven.

I fret about it a lot but as @Tidgney showed each session varies for some reason.

And it hurts me when I'm up by a good amount and to see it bleed away with a final corner exit.

I just die inside a bit
I didn't realise you were playing in VR.

Don't focus on breaking markers but looking as far as you can through the corners.

The reason is that you'll be smoother on the controls looking where you want to be rather than at the end of the bonnet. Keep the vision high and always to the exit not the apex.

Look as far down the track as you can, move that neck but keep your vision high.

Your feet and hands will follow where you look, and you'll feel you braking points more naturally similar to real world driving "this feels a bit fast, I'll brake a bit, a bit more ok or all feels settled I'll accelerate as I see the road opening in front of me"


In race caution and periphery vision will save you ;)
Again thank you, I start to realize that there is a huge learning curve for me for exactly this reason: I do more or less everything wrong
  • I stare on the apex all the way until I hit it (I need to learn to look at the exit, or next turn),
  • low vision (I need to look where I want the car to be after the next turn),
  • my neck is rock solid (I know but haven't learned yet that I can actually look around me)....

So much to learn. Wonderful! Racing is an art, an intuitive skill.

Thanks newmedia_dev and others for the help!!
I know everyone has had something like this happen before, but I just need some commiseration. I cropped the image below just to make it more readable here, but other than that, I didn't change anything:

View attachment 1292526

On lap 3 above, through the first two sections, I had an awesome time going. In fact the optimal time had me under under 1:59! All I had to do was run a decent sector 3.

And of course I fell apart. GAH! Just look at what I could have accomplished - I would have been behind only the two aliens on my leaderboard.

I want to cry. Or maybe I should just enjoy knowing what my potential is. I'm not giving up, though!
Yep, that last sector gets you all the time. I am also one of those at fault that will notice being up on sector 1 and 2, often with a massive gain (like .5 or .7s) to then "overdrive" the last sector to try to maintain it but screw it up in the process. Meanwhile if you have lack luster sectors 1 and/or 2 I'll often get my best time in sector 3 as I'm "not really trying" at that point and it all just clicks.

I sometimes wish there was not a delta time on the screen and that is probably the reason my first lap is often my best..
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I've done about 100 races now, and in the beginning it was a lot of frustration since being in the DR B/C and SR B/C lobbies is pretty chaotic. Not least for me who never would dream of making a dirty move myself (but read on).

I quickly realized that the only way to make it a better experience was to get quicker at quali, and start higher up on the grid so I could avoid the careless guys. All good, and I progressed to mid B where things are so much cleaner. But believe it or not, also B/S drivers can make dirty moves, and I continued to get pushed and bumped into here and there.

Then. A few weeks ago I realized that I could save replays after the races, so I started to do that every race, and then watched them from different perspectives and other cars perspectives, and in particular on those incidents where there were contact with me. And I found something embarrassing: Many times when someone hit me, I was the cause. I turned in on others who had the inside, I braked to late/soon and caused others to try to avoid me, took unusual early/late apexes and by that forced other drivers out of their pace, and so on. Bloody hell, seeing the other cars perspective on myself was a shock! Not proud. No big things, nobody lost a position or got their races spoiled because of me, but here I was thinking people are rough on me, when in reality often I was to blame.

To my (small) excuse, the poor rear vision in many cars are ridiculous. Lesson for me is to start focus much much more on what is going on around me. I always have the radar on, but in some cars that view is way down my left or right knee, and impossible to look at during a race. Some cars have rearview camera, and then it's easier, but most don't. Will work on getting more movement in the neck...

I'm sorry if you are one of the drivers that I might have bumped into.
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I've done about 100 races now, and in the beginning it was a lot of frustration since being in the DR:D/C and SR:D/C lobbies is pretty chaotic. Not least for me who never would dream of making a dirty move myself (but read on).

I quickly realized that the only way to make it a better experience was to get quicker at quali, and start higher up on the grid so I could avoid the careless guys. All good, and I progressed to mid B where things are so much cleaner. But believe it or not, also B/S drivers can make dirty moves, and I continued to get pushed and bumped into here and there.

Then. A few weeks ago I realized that I could save replays after the races, so I started to do that every race, and then watched them from different perspectives and other cars perspectives, and in particular on those incidents where there were contact with me. And I found something embarrassing: Many times when someone hit me, I was the cause. I turned in on others who had the inside, I braked to late/soon and caused others to try to avoid me, took unusual early/late apexes and by that forced other drivers out of their pace, and so on. Bloody hell, seeing the other cars perspective on myself was a shock! Not proud. No big things, nobody lost a position or got their races spoiled because of me, but here I was thinking people are rough on me, when in reality often I was to blame.

To my (small) excuse, the poor rear vision in many cars are ridiculous. Lesson for me is to start focus much much more on what is going on around me. I always have the radar on, but in some cars that view is way down my left or right knee, and impossible to look at during a race. Some cars have rearview camera, and then it's easier, but most don't. Will work on getting more movement in the neck...

I'm sorry if you are one of the drivers that I might have bumped into.
Kudos for being introspective.
I like using chase cam, because it allows me to see 360 degrees around my car.
I also use radar, but don't really look at it. My peripheral vision spots the blue triangles streaking up to me in the braking zones, and often I can make quick adjustments to avoid the kamikazes.
I think I like Daily Race B this week. Especially since I've had 5 consecutive no-delay starts. (Yes, I said it out loud. Hope I didn't just jinx myself. EDIT: Yes, I jinxed myself and I hadn't even posted this yet!)


I've got a fantastic QT, and I know there's a lot more there. I still don't like driving the Mazda3, but I can't complain about it too much.
Up until 3 years ago, I was a controller player. I used AT, TCS, driving line, and the braking cones. I eventually turned off the driving line on tracks I knew well, but always kept the cones, AT and TCS.

When I got a wheel, the first thing to go was AT. Then eventually I got rid of TCS on GR.4 and below.

If GT7 hadn’t moved from “cones” to highlighted braking zones, I’d probably still be using them. For me personally in hindsight, PD did me a solid by going to the highlighted zones, because it for me to learn the tracks more intimately, and pick out references. I’ve never used braking aids in real life racing for 20 years (albeit dirt bikes), I probably shouldn’t use them now either.

Like mentioned, not using braking zones anymore has forced me to learn the tracks, come up with my own @Tidgney - assisted braking points….so much so, that I rarely use 100% braking anymore, and have set my pedals up in such a matter where I consciously have to stand on them to get to 100%.

As fast as TCS is concerned? Yeah. I still use it in Gr.3 cars and above. I know TCS-0 is faster….but I’M NOT FASTER WITHOUT TCS. Yes, I’ve given it many tries, and no…I can’t get the hang of it.

Use whatever aids you want. They’re there for a reason, and most cars IRL have them too.

One thing I can recommend to all you wheel users tho, is run your FFB strength as high as you can handle - and as high as your wheel base can handle without losing detail.

I started with a Fanatec CSL Elite. Went to the DD Pro when that came available. Then went to a DD1 as soon as I could find one. At first, I turned my CSL Elite down because full strength seemed unnecessary. As soon as I got used to it, I turned the volume to 100, to get a better feel of grip levels. Same thing with the DD Pro.

When I went to a DD1, I started at about 13nm to get used to it, but within a month, I set it to “Fully Erect”. Yes, that much FFB has created new callouses on my hands, and can get tiring at times, but I am NEVER at a loss of information on how much grip the car does, or doesn’t have at any given moment. Combine that with the visual cues that VR enables….and you’re getting a workout as well as a visceral experience all in one!!
I have REALLY mixed emotions about this. First, my last race had me at P5, the only DR B in the top 12:


So I really wanted to do this race, to see how I stacked up. And here's how I finished:


But as you may have already guessed, it was in a race that didn't start for 20 minutes, and I was P1 in a 2-car field. The other car never came close to me.

So where's my mixed emotions?


I picked up 16% in DR, pushing me well up into DR A.

On the one hand, I had 7 non-glitched races in a row, and I did well enough in them to go from DR B 90% to 99%. That was legit, and I feel really good about that. And if that continued for one more race, I certainly would have pushed into DR A.

But doing it in a glitched race just seems wrong. I can't toss it back, of course, and honestly I wouldn't if I could. But it just feels wrong.

Any thoughts on this?
I have REALLY mixed emotions about this. First, my last race had me at P5, the only DR B in the top 12:

View attachment 1292562

So I really wanted to do this race, to see how I stacked up. And here's how I finished:

View attachment 1292563

But as you may have already guessed, it was in a race that didn't start for 20 minutes, and I was P1 in a 2-car field. The other car never came close to me.

So where's my mixed emotions?

View attachment 1292564

I picked up 16% in DR, pushing me well up into DR A.

On the one hand, I had 7 non-glitched races in a row, and I did well enough in them to go from DR B 90% to 99%. That was legit, and I feel really good about that. And if that continued for one more race, I certainly would have pushed into DR A.

But doing it in a glitched race just seems wrong. I can't toss it back, of course, and honestly I wouldn't if I could. But it just feels wrong.

Any thoughts on this?

The turtle always wins the long game. That’s what I think.

The past 2 weeks, I’d love nothing more than to add DR to the main to see what splits I can end up in for the FIA races, but alas, I’ve just been catching up on projects, practicing for NBG next weekend, and hot-lapping my favorite stick shifts.

….Grumpy old guy, im supposed you haven’t dipped your toe into GTWS races yet? In my opinion…that’s the best ‘sport mode’ thing going that this series has
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I should not do two races in one evening. First race is usually fine. Second race is one of the glitch races. I’m currently waiting on 25 minutes now. I’m hoping it will start soon. Question is how long do I wait before I give up?

Edit: nearly 40 minutes now. I feel like a hostage in that the moment I live the console it’ll start up. Police negotiation is needed to intervene and talk to Sony about this hostage crisis.

Edit2: At the 40 minute mark it exited out so it never started. Hopes that doesn’t mess with my DR/SR.
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I have REALLY mixed emotions about this. First, my last race had me at P5, the only DR B in the top 12:

View attachment 1292562

So I really wanted to do this race, to see how I stacked up. And here's how I finished:

View attachment 1292563

But as you may have already guessed, it was in a race that didn't start for 20 minutes, and I was P1 in a 2-car field. The other car never came close to me.

So where's my mixed emotions?

View attachment 1292564

I picked up 16% in DR, pushing me well up into DR A.

On the one hand, I had 7 non-glitched races in a row, and I did well enough in them to go from DR B 90% to 99%. That was legit, and I feel really good about that. And if that continued for one more race, I certainly would have pushed into DR A.

But doing it in a glitched race just seems wrong. I can't toss it back, of course, and honestly I wouldn't if I could. But it just feels wrong.

Any thoughts on this?

Congrats on your A again. 🎉
You were heading there no matter and race more in a day than I do in a week lol. It’s an addictive combo.

I’d feel the same way about it but you don’t know going into a race if it’s going to work or not. I’ve been chomping to race but keep doing other things in the game to keep me occupied because I don’t want the stress of being in another hung race.

Btw- nice improvement on your qt!
But doing it in a glitched race just seems wrong. I can't toss it back, of course, and honestly I wouldn't if I could. But it just feels wrong.
Congratulations on gaining A again. Race B this week is a sweet combo if only the servers played nice. At the end of the day, if that is what the race gives you then that is what you take. Don't feel bad about it. You hung in and persevered. That is racing.

Now, race B is also kind to me. I'm also back to A! Woohoo, though, looking at my DR can I stay in B? It was fun winning so much :cheers:
Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 12.15.40 AM.png

Of the three races I was able to do tonight, race 1 I way shaky going into the bottom of the hill lap 1 so I did not have a good run up the hill and got passed by P2. After that I settle down and stayed on his tail the entire race(It hard to pass the Mazda3 in a Mazda3), finishing only 0.5s back. Still got the pole, fastest lap and CRB. But no win 😥

Race 2 glitched out. I was on pole in the lobby but it never started. I waited 40 ish minutes and then it exited out. No DR/SR change on that one as the race never started.

Race 3 was just about perfect. Pole, fastest lap and win with CRB. Felt pressure from P2 the entire race though but I am comfortable enough with it now that I don't fall apart anymore on this track when leading.
Gran Turismo® 7_20231004222056.jpg

This race promoted me to DR A.

Race 4 was a split A/B lobby and I'm Q3. Lap 2, P1 (458) has a penalty and I get the run on P2 (650S) leading me to take P1. P2 is all over me in the curves but I know once I get on the straight..... What was I saying in the previous race? "I don't fall apart anymore" 🤔. Well I bin it on the last corner. The video demonstrates my shame...

3rd to 1st to 7th in 1/2 lap. That's where I finish 7th. If I had not binned it, I feel I would definitely have got top 3 and possibly could have stayed P1 as the 650S was definitely holding me up in spots to begin with.

I stopped there for the night. I wonder how long I'll stay in DR A this time? 🤷‍♂️

Looking at my races I noted that I am fast in sector 1 and can often pull away there. Sector 2 is hit of miss, its about 50/50 as to if my lead over the car behind increases or falls. What really gets me is sector 3. Entering the last tunnel is where I appear to lose time. In races, that is where most people catch up with me. I just haven't figured out how to carry the speed through the last tunnel. If I can nail that I could probably shave off 2-3 tenths to get a high 1:58 time. No racing tomorrow though, going to go cycling. I need more exercise for my legs than just pressing pedals.. :D
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