GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
The suspension changes does not carry over between races anyway. If you haven't made the setup in warm up you have default settings.
I even need to tune the car before in the Entry Screen or the Qualifying Time Trial. The Warm-Up is between 0-15 seconds so not enough time to alter the setup. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I play on PS4; every loading screen takes considerably more time than on PS5.
I even need to tune the car before in the Entry Screen or the Qualifying Time Trial. The Warm-Up is between 0-15 seconds so not enough time to alter the setup. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I play on PS4; every loading screen takes considerably more time than on PS5.
I'm in PS4 as well, but regardless to that, the settings changed in FP should most definitely stay there. But they don't.
My guess is most people that has tuned gas done so, then have been running default settings the race after
Thanks for the advice about (do not care that much) tuning

It's long time ago since i did a daily race, partly because I'm focusing on tt, partly because most of the times my first go would be on friday, competing with people that may be running since monday.

This time, given the fact that the track is familiar i gave it a go .
Two races, the first one voided by a ghost ungosthed inside me, the second one with some action with good people.

It was worth the try 😀
I think my only qualm with Road Atlanta is that when things get tight, either before the esses so the top of the hill, or coming into the final chicane, quite often a tap to your rear will result in a knock-on effect of pushing the car in front off track.

From their point of view, you pushed them off!

But it wasn't your fault!

So you wait, just enough to let them know you're apologetic.

But that causes chaos! Nobody else is expecting your deceleration, and the guy behind who caused the whole thing isn't interested.

It's probably the only track in the game where I believe it's best to leave your apologies to the end for the greater good.
In this case the fault was really 95% pd 5% the other guy
95 pd because you do not unghost a car when someone is running through it
It was the top of the hill, so i did not have time to see it. In Acc it would have been a massive crash
5 the other guy because of the unsafe rejoin, which, by the way, pd advise ghosting cars.

I know the perfect recipe is close to impossible to reach, i'm really not complaining
In this case the fault was really 95% pd 5% the other guy
95 pd because you do not unghost a car when someone is running through it
It was the top of the hill, so i did not have time to see it. In Acc it would have been a massive crash
5 the other guy because of the unsafe rejoin, which, by the way, pd advise ghosting cars.

I know the perfect recipe is close to impossible to reach, i'm really not complaining
Can't help but feel its actually entirely your fault for trying to drive straight through a car? You could just go around them?
In this case the fault was really 95% pd 5% the other guy
95 pd because you do not unghost a car when someone is running through it
It was the top of the hill, so i did not have time to see it. In Acc it would have been a massive crash
5 the other guy because of the unsafe rejoin, which, by the way, pd advise ghosting cars.

I know the perfect recipe is close to impossible to reach, i'm really not complaining
It's your fault.

If you expect a ghost or another person to do something it means you aren't expecting the opposite and driving round it.

There has been a lot of talk over the years on ghosting and quite frankly nothing to do with you or your incident.

Ghosting is a poor mechanic with the limited damage model we get.

Why? Because it teaches people to drive through people and not brake!

There is nothing more than that, litterally move round them or brake, brake hard, brake and turn but avoid hitting something. But the game gives us ghosting.

I get the reasons why and it probably makes sense for the race slots we have but it conditions driving behaviour we all do but it's not right.

Edit: added "not"
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It's your fault.

If you expect a ghost or another person to do something it means you aren't expecting the opposite and driving round it.

There has been a lot of talk over the years on ghosting and quite frankly nothing to do with you or your incident.

Ghosting is a poor mechanic with the limited damage model we get.

Why? Because it teaches people to drive through people and not brake!

There is nothing more than that, litterally move round them or brake, brake hard, brake and turn but avoid hitting something. But the game gives us ghosting.

I get the reasons why and it probably makes sense for the race slots we have but it conditions driving behaviour we all do but it's not right.

Edit: added "not"
Fully agree with you, without ghost i would have fully smashed into him.
I wouldn't say though that it was my faul, i simply did not had time to make a decision, the car was just after the crest of the hill.
I'd call it a race incident, and i was in the wrong spot at the wrong time.
Probably people with better instincts/reaction time could have done better than me.

What im saying to pd is that if you choose to ghost a car , don't unghost it when a car is already into the other one.

But again, i wasn't complaining, i was just saying how my race ended
Fully agree with you, without ghost i would have fully smashed into him.
I wouldn't say though that it was my faul, i simply did not had time to make a decision, the car was just after the crest of the hill.
I'd call it a race incident, and i was in the wrong spot at the wrong time.
Probably people with better instincts/reaction time could have done better than me.

What im saying to pd is that if you choose to ghost a car , don't unghost it when a car is already into the other one.

But again, i wasn't complaining, i was just saying how my race ended
Absolutely, sorry if my post came across like it was your fault.

I think personally that if there is a crash it's down to 2 things. Mistakes and being caught up in it. And the outlier that a lot of people won't like, but they aren't good racers they are position chasers.

That said being more respectful and leaving escape room usually pays dividends in all racing, not your incident as there is no where to go!

I think after the last couple of days that being fast and also being a good racer sadly don't correlate in lower lobbies.

I put myself firmly in this group in that people shouldn't be crashing at the rate I/we/they do.

I can blame the game but it's quite simple to play to be honest so it is on me and everyone else
I know we (I) complain a lot about other drivers, but I wanted to give a shout-out to EdibleAudio for being such a considerate driver. I don't think he's on this forum, but still, he deserves some praise.

I was P7 and he was P8 through most of the race at Atlanta (we're both DR A/S), and I was definitely a faster driver than he was, partly because I was in the Genesis and he was in the 911, but also because I'm pretty sure I knew the course better than he did.

But a couple of times I did something stupid, and he came barreling up from behind... and... he let off the gas and let me continue, instead of trying to go 2-wide through the esses or the chicane. Of course, if he passed me, I'd be on his tail and that wouldn't be fun for him. But still, he was true mensch. And no, I'm not Jewish, but this is the Wikipedia description of the word, and it fits him to a T:
Mensch means "a person of integrity and honor".

According to Leo Rosten, a mensch is "someone to admire and emulate, someone of noble character. The key to being 'a real mensch' is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous." The term is used as a high compliment, implying the rarity and value of that individual's qualities. (emphasis mine)
I have rarely fit that description, but it's a great thing to strive for, for sure. So thanks, EdibleAudio, for showing me the meaning of the word.
What im saying to pd is that if you choose to ghost a car , don't unghost it when a car is already into the other one.
Agree 100%. I'm surprised the game let it happen, because there have been times when I was "inside" another car for more than a few seconds, and it wasn't an issue. But I guess the game can't account for everything.
GT Sport Mode in real life 😂 Maybe PD really DID nail the simulator part of it 🤔
I'm embarrassed to say this, but that looks so much like something I've been guilty of in the past, it made me cringe. Guess I'm not the only one who "loses it".
I have maybe some time to jump on race B, but i see there is some tuning involved, which makes me feel quite uncomfortable and requires some time instead of just jump in.

Is it right feeling, or it really minor setup ?
Fret not, soldier on. It's just minor changes that are more focused on bending the car to your handling preferences. If changes do net a gain in time, it's likely just because it better suits your driving style/preferences. If you're worried, leave them be. The tunes linked above do work well for me, though.

And, holy crap, Atlanta is a flippin' blast. This is only the second time I've raced here, first time being in Gr.4's. Still struggling some so finishes range from podium to DFL, lol. Only been taken out a couple times so that's been cool. Mostly me defeating me and continuing to learn the course. I was able to grab a win for myself so will check this week off as a success. 👍

Good luck and keep it sticky-side down out there!😁

Race has now crashed 3 of 5 races tonight, my disappointment with Playstation grows daily
I misunderstood what you meant when you said 'crashes' earlier...I thought you meant you were off track/taken out. Probably because that's the most relatable angle for me right now.😁

As noted already, you might want to rebuild the database or completely reinstall the game. Online races have been stable for me since they released 1.39 and I've not heard the community freaking out. Pretty sure there'd be lots of noise if something was still broken.👍

I misunderstood what you meant when you said 'crashes' earlier...I thought you meant you were off track/taken out. Probably because that's the most relatable angle for me right now.😁

As noted already, you might want to rebuild the database or completely reinstall the game. Online races have been stable for me since they released 1.39 and I've not heard the community freaking out. Pretty sure there'd be lots of noise if something was still broken.👍

Always start with clearing temporary files in game and checking internet connection
It's very interesting to see how quiet this thread has been this week.

Edit: I think personally for the daily B racers this one is a tough combo and coupled with the wait it out dr inflation of last week has made people reluctant to race.

Pure speculation but I find it interesting.

Edit2: spelling
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"How would you sum up this week's races?"


I managed about 8 or so races in B this week. I had a poor quali, 1.18.8, so I typically started around 10-14 (B lobby EU). Most races went like this:

L1: T2 crash and esses crash: I benefit because I never stay close to people that fight, so almost always gain 2-3 positions
L2-L6: 1-2 cars spin out here and there, and I benefit
By now I'm often at P3-P7
L7: Frenzy, and I typically drop 1 or two positions

As an average, end in around P7

Keeps my rating at B middle, after this week now start to flirt with 70% mark

Loved the format this week!
It's very interesting to see how quiet this thread has been this week.

Edit: I think personally for the daily B racers this one is a tough combo and coupled with the wait it out dr inflation of last week has made people reluctant to race.

Pure speculation but I find it interesting.

Edit2: spelling

I've been doing the GTWS races on Saturdays which have kept my interest, but in terms of Daily Races, general apathy has set in over the last few weeks for me personally. When this cycle of GTWS races ends, I would guess the time spent in GT7 would be very minimal.

There's an over familiarity with the combos for me that I just cant get up for at the minute.
I noticed that in Race A the game memorises the tune whereas in Races B and C it gets resetted everytime and I can't use the tunes I specified in the garage. Quite annoying to change it for every race. Is that a bug or has someone a solution for this problem?
Not a bug. Just a flaw in the games User Interface/Control Scheme. A small issue, sure. But, only one of Many similar little annoyances that Do start to add up.
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I just don't understand how thirsty people are in the daily races.

I've done nearly 4000 of them in GT 7 and still don't get why people can't brake?

In fact I would go as far as to say the people I play against online drive worse than the AI and exhibit the same behaviour as the AI like turning in to people running them wide, not conceding positions.

Its just really weird to watch standards fall so low
I just don't understand how thirsty people are in the daily races.

I've done nearly 4000 of them in GT 7 and still don't get why people can't brake?

In fact I would go as far as to say the people I play against online drive worse than the AI and exhibit the same behaviour as the AI like turning in to people running them wide, not conceding positions.

Its just really weird to watch standards fall so low
Also, trying to overtake where it's not really going to work - eg Race B this week, people going round the outside into turn 1, where it's very difficult to stop your own car going wide, or through the esses, where the cars are usually on the limit of adhesion.

When they disappear into the greenery, they inevitably call you out for being dirty!
Also, trying to overtake where it's not really going to work - eg Race B this week, people going round the outside into turn 1, where it's very difficult to stop your own car going wide, or through the esses, where the cars are usually on the limit of adhesion.

When they disappear into the greenery, they inevitably call you out for being dirty!
You can pass in all of those corners, it's not optimum and if it goes wrong then both drivers suffer which is poor risk reward, especially as better driver rejoins the track bs the pusher. But a lot of the time it's the barrier on the left.

The essess personally for me are not a deliberate overtake zone nor is turn 5 or 6

But they are doable, I've overtaken and been overtaken but it takes a metric F ton of respect not to make it complicated.

Ignoring my early race loop it issues, the race this week has split in 2.

Thirsty lobbies where standards have dropped and still brought home wins in those vs some of the tighter lobbies that sit on the cusp so some of the driving at the top end of the grid is over protective/questionable

Reflectively I'd have preferred this race (B) as the Gr4 race and Catalunya as the grp 3

But it is what it is and I've added 15 top 5 finishes 9 wins I think so really can't complain from a more distanced view point.
It's very interesting to see how quiet this thread has been this week.

Edit: I think personally for the daily B racers this one is a tough combo and coupled with the wait it out dr inflation of last week has made people reluctant to race.

Pure speculation but I find it interesting.

Edit2: spelling
I’d noticed it was quiet as well.

I think there is some truth to wanting to preserve DR inflation but, for me, I’m over the shock of last week and I’m now more comfortable racing again.

What is causing some hesitancy is that I feel I need a lot of practice to be ready to race at this level. I worked hard to get my QT for B into the 1:18.1s but got personally annoyed that several times I would be on pace for 1:17s only to mess up so I’ve been hyper focus on trying to get there, only to fail.

Now having done that I should be racing with the improved QT but then got busy prioritizing family time.

Sometimes I can’t be the self centered narcicist My family believed me to be. 😲
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I’d noticed it was quiet as well.

I think there is some truth to wanting to preserve DR inflation but, for me, I’m over the shock of last week and I’m now more comfortable racing again.

What is causing some hesitancy is that I feel I need a lot of practice to be ready to race at this level. I worked hard to get my QT for B into the 1:28.1s but got personally annoyed that several times I would be on pace for 1:17s only to mess up so I’ve been hyper focus on trying to get there, only to fail.

Now having done that I should be racing with the improved QT but then got busy prioritizing family time.

Sometimes I can’t be the self centered narcicist My family believed me to be. 😲
All valid, I got a 18:018 on Monday so rode that wave a little, then it got super competitive. And my trade off was not grinding times at the expense of racing.

But also agree life has to be P1.