GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
well dang. I like the group C combo this week and might be competitive. Started a race this afternoon in Q3, but several well known A+ drivers lurking in the back without qualifying. Sure enough, they pass by the time I take my pit. No problem, I expected that. Still running in the top half.

What I didn't expect was my controller suddenly deciding to exhibit stick-drift. I steered (or rather didn't steer) directly into the wall before the hairpin. Lock the children up, foul words were uttered at loud volume. Luckily I didn't hit another driver, just the wall.

I have the Edge which has replaceable components, a stick is 20$. I'll dig out the original, but it was showing some signs of drift as well, iirc. Might have to sit out racing a bit. But I am really looking forward to the manu race at GV this weekend. We'll see if I can get it fixed before then. (Why couldn't it have been the nations's ssrx race this week?! Really don't care if I miss that one.)
Since the Edge sticks are modules, I've switched the right/left sticks. I mean, who uses the right stick except to look behind? I'll just run many, many laps to make sure it cleans up.

I've complained the Edge is over priced, but if fixing drift is an easy 20$ module, it could pay for itself. I haven't owned a ps controller that didn't eventually drift.

And one of these days, I'll join the big-boys with a wheel/rig. Can't tell you how many times I've had one in a cart, only to decide, not just now, for whatever reasons.
Most of you know this already, but for those who don't: Do everyone a favor and check the replay before you assume the worst.

Here's a 30 second clip to show you how someone could assume they were the wronged party, when in reality they were the one at fault. Then to make matters worse, they dive-bombed me for retribution.

This guy is a long-time GT7 player, so he should know better.

It didn't make much difference in the results, at least not for me, but he finished DFL. That doesn't break my heart.

By the way, I had forgotten how much I hate Interlagos.
Since the Edge sticks are modules, I've switched the right/left sticks. I mean, who uses the right stick except to look behind? I'll just run many, many laps to make sure it cleans up.

I've complained the Edge is over priced, but if fixing drift is an easy 20$ module, it could pay for itself. I haven't owned a ps controller that didn't eventually drift.

And one of these days, I'll join the big-boys with a wheel/rig. Can't tell you how many times I've had one in a cart, only to decide, not just now, for whatever reasons.
For what it’s worth I just got a rig, wheel and pedals 3 months ago and I’m still substantially faster with the controller. To me its about what makes me more competitive vs the realism.
Most of you know this already, but for those who don't: Do everyone a favor and check the replay before you assume the worst.

Here's a 30 second clip to show you how someone could assume they were the wronged party, when in reality they were the one at fault. Then to make matters worse, they dive-bombed me for retribution.

This guy is a long-time GT7 player, so he should know better.

It didn't make much difference in the results, at least not for me, but he finished DFL. That doesn't break my heart.

By the way, I had forgotten how much I hate Interlagos.

I… can’t personally agree with your take on the situation. Yes, you were surrounded by someone directly to your right and appear to also be defending against the driver behind you and so you hugged the inside far tighter than one normally would going into turn 4, thus requiring an earlier braking zone in order to make the corner. It appears you brake later than the car highlighted in the video, and thus technically make it to the apex before they do, but from their perspective I can’t imagine they would have expected such a dive from 1-2 car lengths behind. Not only that, but after knocking him away from the apex, there is some additional barging from behind (from a different car behind) which puts him out of your vision, but would look as though you swipe across him a second time as you drift out towards the exit. Does that justify the deliberate ramming? Absolutely not, but I think the situation isn’t as black and white as the video attempts to paint the picture.
I can’t imagine they would have expected such a dive from 1-2 car lengths behind.
He was practically alongside at the braking point? The car on the outside really should be anticipating if not fully aware of a car coming up the inside there given the on track situation. Don't see anything wrong with the move.

See it all the time on here unfortunately, just turning in regardless.

but would look as though you swipe across him a second time as you drift out towards the exit.
Doesn't 'swipe across' him the first time so there's no reason to read that as a deliberate unless he's already wound up at losing the position.

Which leads to the message he's trying to present; don't assume intent during the race as the replay is likely to show different.
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He was practically alongside at the braking point? The car on the outside really should be anticipating if not fully aware of a car coming up the inside there given the on track situation. Don't see anything wrong with the move.

See it all the time on here unfortunately, just turning in regardless.
As far as I can see, when the brakes first begin to come on he is not alongside but rather 1+ car lengths behind. The car next to him backs out and doesn't try it around the outside, but the car in front on the racing line turns in and contact results. Could the driver in front have left more room? Sure, but at this point in time it doesn't appear to me as anything malicious (yet).

Screen Shot 2023-10-24 at 15.50.55.png

Doesn't 'swipe across' him the first time so there's no reason to read that as a deliberate unless he's already wound up at losing the position.
Apologies for the incorrect language used, as you are right in that he did not swipe across during the first instance of contact, but it does appear as though contact occurs a second time between the two.
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Interesting takes on the situation.

Personally, I know I had slowed enough to make the corner without drifting away from the inside. You can watch my speed as I come to the corner, and I was already around 60 when he hit me.

The fact that he decided to slow down too much and cut the corner isn't my fault. I didn't try to squeeze in between him and the corner - I was already there and he slowed down enough to make it an issue.

Regardless, he overreacted and intentionally dive-bombed me. Not cool.
I have to say I'm so underwhelmed this week with the races.

It's going to be the first week in a very long time (3,700 online races) that I'm not going to even try.

Such a shame that with all the parameters they have they stick to repeating events and removing some of the best ones like single make Cup sequence races in A.

An oval with a meta car each time
A 33hp meme race again etc

Why don't they just add ranked and unranked versions of ABC and actually focus on racing that resembles the real world rather than show me a video on sportsmanship of real cars racing and then drop another awful A, whilst also repeating B and C.

I'm a staunch fan of this game and franchise but even for me it's starting to wear thin now.
Race A would be a whole lot more interesting if it was at Spa or the Nordschleife and we could all build our own Samba-based Race-Taxi. THAT would make the race/vehicle interesting. I get the fun-factor of having to get it juuuuuuust right to even make the hill and all, but it's a racing game. It'd be more fun on tractors, especially if our avatars could swill beer and flip people off while racing.😁

As a sidebar, the bus video is hilarious. It looks like the thing is barely moving down the road, then you see what they're catching, lol. Release 16 of these things on the 'Ring and let the calamity begin.🤣

Most of you know this already, but for those who don't: Do everyone a favor and check the replay before you assume the worst.

Here's a 30 second clip to show you how someone could assume they were the wronged party, when in reality they were the one at fault. Then to make matters worse, they dive-bombed me for retribution.

This guy is a long-time GT7 player, so he should know better.

It didn't make much difference in the results, at least not for me, but he finished DFL. That doesn't break my heart.

By the way, I had forgotten how much I hate Interlagos.

I dunno. I put that in the "Vortex of Danger" scenario. From that view you still appear to be behind him off his rear quarter and you are getting in the way of the natural turn-in racing line. That said, he should know you are there and that corner is wide enough to go two wide and he could have given defensive space to preserve his race. I call the first one a racing incident. You could post on r/Simracingstewards and see what Jimmy has to say. :D

Meanwhile he was the idiot to try to take you out and then end his race completely. Sometimes best to admit defeat and salvage what you still can. Retribution is never good.
Oh and so it goes on... an absolute ridiculous bunch of the most stupid SR S people on the planet smashing and bashing their way on the first lap thinking that they can win a 10 lap race on lap 1.

I get penalised because some tosser who's been smash other cars bounces off me and off track = I get a 5sec penalty. Are you F*&KING kidding me Polyphony?

When the hell are these bloody people (PD) going to sort this out and FIX GT7? Because right now it's pretty obvious that they just don't care. Since yesterday I have managed to finish 2 races out of probably 10! Basically, because I will not play when relegated to last because of other idiots who put me there. What is the point in going from the front end of the pack to last before the end of the first lap. No point and to be frank, the stupid AI of PD can relegate me all the way back to D group for all I care.
Most of you know this already, but for those who don't: Do everyone a favor and check the replay before you assume the worst.

Here's a 30 second clip to show you how someone could assume they were the wronged party, when in reality they were the one at fault. Then to make matters worse, they dive-bombed me for retribution.

This guy is a long-time GT7 player, so he should know better.

It didn't make much difference in the results, at least not for me, but he finished DFL. That doesn't break my heart.

By the way, I had forgotten how much I hate Interlagos.

Ok, time for my take for what it's worth - which is probably very little. The line you take into that corner is NOT a legitimate line, not even for an overtake. You needed to be further over to the middle of the road to open up the corner. You could then have carried more entry speed and had a chance of entering the corner alongside the other car. If you did that, you would have been entitled to some racing space.
The key word is alongside. Where you put your car, you are not alongside. Yes you are 100% in control and making the apex, but parking your car on the apex does not entitle you to racing space. You have had to reduce your speed so much to make that line that the car on the outside is clearly ahead. This is evidenced by that fact that the contact seems to take place on his rear inside tyre.

The only mitigation is that I think you may have taken the bizarre line to block off the other car approaching behind you, but that still doesn't make it the fault of the guy on the outside. For me, he cannot reasonably be expected to leave room for a nose poking into the apex there.

That said, his retaliation is, of course, inexcusable.
Interesting takes on the situation.

Personally, I know I had slowed enough to make the corner without drifting away from the inside. You can watch my speed as I come to the corner, and I was already around 60 when he hit me.

The fact that he decided to slow down too much and cut the corner isn't my fault. I didn't try to squeeze in between him and the corner - I was already there and he slowed down enough to make it an issue.

Regardless, he overreacted and intentionally dive-bombed me. Not cool.
In my book every corner you can make without using the other car as a barrier is fair game
If we didn't allow this kind of pass we would kill racing. It's a high risk move.but it's legit.
The price you pay for it is having a slow exit. And setting your self up for the cutback.
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I think race A is a hoot. It could be because I own/drive a split window bus which I just tucked away for winter 🥲 While I will obviously never get to track mine, driving one around in a video game is fun. Its a great race to increase your SR as well. 4 of the 6 last night I received a clean race bonus. The last hairpin isn't easy to get right though.

Race B would be so much better on mediums or softs.

Race C is a great track with Gr 2 cars, I'll be splitting my races between A and C this week.
Can someone help me here, I messed up on my 2nd lap because of that durn sharp turn before the finish line. Hopefully I can steal some wins here if I can set a really good lap time.

See the trouble I'm having, does anyone have a top replay in the (rank 500's) with an automatic? How can I keep my speed above 35-40mph during the uphill part? I must have poor braking points somewhere because I'm a couple seconds behind the top times.
Ok, time for my take for what it's worth - which is probably very little. The line you take into that corner is NOT a legitimate line, not even for an overtake.
Don't discount your opinion - I'm reading everyone's opinions, and they keep me re-thinking and analyzing. And that's the main reason I love this forum - I've learned a ton from other people's comments.

I really wish I had saved the replay, because it would help answer some of the questions people brought up - questions I'm not positive I know the answers to. But I didn't, so that's that.

As for this particular corner in this particular race, have you run this race? The first lap is a free-for-all up to that corner. Everyone takes whatever line they can to 1) avoid getting creamed by the other cars and 2) avoid the collisions and jostling. Any other time, I would not try to pass someone on the inside there unless they were having issues. But in this race, on this track, there isn't much choice, especially if you're in the middle/rear of the pack.

So I would argue that the line was indeed a legitimate line for this race on lap 1. With that said, you're not wrong either, if you know what I mean. :boggled:
You could post on r/Simracingstewards and see what Jimmy has to say. :D
No thanks - I'd rather live in denial. :lol:
Race B would be so much better on mediums or softs.
I totally agree!
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Can someone help me here, I messed up on my 2nd lap because of that durn sharp turn before the finish line. Hopefully I can steal some wins here if I can set a really good lap time.

See the trouble I'm having, does anyone have a top replay in the (rank 500's) with an automatic? How can I keep my speed above 35-40mph during the uphill part? I must have poor braking points somewhere because I'm a couple seconds behind the top times.

I race in auto 80% of the time. Its too difficult with a controller, I can't imagine shifting gears in race C lol.

For this race, just switch to manual. Its easy, the bus is slow and you're only dropping one gear. Drop to 3rd going up the hill, then obviously shift to 4th going down. Drop again to 3rd for the hairpin. If you want to get your qualy times down, its imperative to utilize the gears to maximize speed.
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Can someone help me here, I messed up on my 2nd lap because of that durn sharp turn before the finish line. Hopefully I can steal some wins here if I can set a really good lap time.

See the trouble I'm having, does anyone have a top replay in the (rank 500's) with an automatic? How can I keep my speed above 35-40mph during the uphill part? I must have poor braking points somewhere because I'm a couple seconds behind the top times.

Automatic will not work on this combo, that's what is costing you the time. Manual is easy here, apart from the start you use 4th gear for most of the lap, just changing down to 3rd near the top of the hill, and then again for the left turn at the bottom of the hill.
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The challenge with racing is restraint. It takes a sort of control and patience which in the heat of the moment get lost.

The faster and smarter racer is the one that picks there moments when they choose, the rest are just on the learning curve to mastery.

Taking opportunities because you can, doesn't always mean you should. These are sometimes short but multi lap races regardless so no need to force any or every overtake imo.
Anyone else think that PD need to pump some life back into Sport mode daily races? 3 tracks a week, with only two being ranked, is a bit boring after a while. Would love to see some more variety. Even just making it so there are 2 tracks per week for each Race (rotated daily) and some more variation in car types and weather would go a long way.
The challenge with racing is restraint. It takes a sort of control and patience which in the heat of the moment get lost.

The faster and smarter racer is the one that picks there moments when they choose, the rest are just on the learning curve to mastery.

Taking opportunities because you can, doesn't always mean you should. These are sometimes short but multi lap races regardless so no need to force any or every overtake imo.
This is great advice. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong if your race is ruined. I've really changed the way I race over the last month or so and it has helped big time!! If I'm heading into a turn with another car that I know will be iffy (50/50), I tend to be pretty passive. If the other driver is faster then me, chances are he'll pass me anyways. If I'm faster I put pressure on him....90% of the time I pass him cleanly or he screws up.

I think we can all agree that what upsets us the most is being spun out and wrecking our race, not dropping a spot or two.

This may sound silly to some of you but I find that most dirty drivers kind of test you. Their first opportunity to be dirty, they will take advantage. But you don't let them, they don't bother....and take out someone else lol.
This is great advice. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong if your race is ruined. I've really changed the way I race over the last month or so and it has helped big time!! If I'm heading into a turn with another car that I know will be iffy (50/50), I tend to be pretty passive. If the other driver is faster then me, chances are he'll pass me anyways. If I'm faster I put pressure on him....90% of the time I pass him cleanly or he screws up.

I think we can all agree that what upsets us the most is being spun out and wrecking our race, not dropping a spot or two.

This may sound silly to some of you but I find that most dirty drivers kind of test you. Their first opportunity to be dirty, they will take advantage. But you don't let them, they don't bother....and take out someone else lol.
I'm of the opinion, although I can't prove it, that a lot of complaints about dirty drivers come from people who are aggressive drivers. The type to say "If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver". They push too much, doors bang, tempers flare.

Dirty drivers do exist, but if I can get through the vast majority of my races without any major incidents I can't imagine I'm just lucky.
Most of the time I let the dirty higher ranked drivers pass me, I would rather not wreck my race than to risk passing a position. It does irk me about drivers that want to take advantage of the lower skilled group by punting them off track.
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Been away from the game for several months and came back last week.
I’m low level but having a great time on Race B, every race has been exciting with mistakes aplenty due to the hard tires.
Not the cleanest races but it has been fun.
Welcome back!! What was your QT time there? I'm having a time.