GT7 Daily Race Discussion

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Honestly it's been a tough week on GT and home/work life so mentally I'm all over the place so my focus has been poor.

But I've made some progress although my DR and SR are destroyed ATM I did a good session of QTs

Where I started this week to where I am now is better. I can go deeper in the 1:41s but ok with a circa 1000 time for now.

Given I'm down to B/B the lobbies are gonna go either way for a bit :(


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B and C should be good combos for me so I went and dipped my toe in the water. Someone should have told me there was a Croc waiting.
Turn 1 of race B and it all comes crashing down. I am forced up the inside of a Mazda who brakes. A Porsche ahead hits the wall bouncing into me. I am then hit by the Mazda who also glances the wall. This means I am the only one sent for a 3 billion degree spin.

A case of wrong place wrong time. This set me miles back off the pack and even though I managed to catch up it was too little too late with a low lap count.
O.k. so the SF race might be more my style.
I start low on the grid in 14th due to my lack of practice. However I make a good start and I'm already into 8th by the exit of T2. There are a few spinners and I am in 4th by the end of lap 3. However it falls apart from here. I am overtaken by a previous spinner. Then going into the penultimate corner of the esses the car snaps. It's strange as cars never go there. In real life it would look like something broke on the car but this isn't the case in the game. I am in the barrier facing the wrong way. I extracate myself and the dirty tyres put me wide at Degna 1. I am practically last now so I decided to take my pit stop. The guys must have put ice on my new tyres. I run wide in T2 and spin. Over the next couple of laps the car either doesn't brake putting me wide or slides. Eventually I gain back control but by then it is again too little too late and I pass a late pitter and force a mistake last lap into the Casio Triangle to regain my 14th starting berth.
Ah well. Hopefully all will be better at the weekend.
my favorite part of the SF races is you are accepting chaos and certain death the moment you sign up for the race and its great

every turn 1 meme you've ever seen comes into play

e: I posted this yolo send from the fuji race when the SF23s were released in the VR thread but it fits here too:

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Done with daily races this week.

I'm tired of being "out braked" by people that put in QT times 2 seconds slower.

And then on the one race I wasn't punted I put in a lap faster than nearly my own QT time. This track is not race craft friendly it appears.


This is not the race for me this week.

See you all on the other side
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Race B this week has been good to me - until yesterday.

I managed to improve to 1.42.5 yesterday and got great starting grid positions, 3,4 or so. Nice! Couple of podiums and suddenly I was 90% B. Nice! Then in the last race I rubbed doors with a fellow racer, and got retaliated down to last position, and took a massive drop in DR. Still got the CRB for a strange reason. In the replay I noticed that I was the one to blame for the door rubbing, but in all fairness it was probably the smallest incident in the entire race. Oh well.

Over to today, and now I'm suddenly in P12 on the grid of 8 A/A drivers, and 7 B/A drivers. I'm the only B/S. Past 50 or so races have been almost 100% B/S drivers. To add, there's a strange glitch at start, where only P1-P8 gets away, and the rest of us sits on the grid, gear in reverse, and slowly rolling backwards!? Start comes, all in reverse, and chaos everywhere. I get away finally, and work my way up to P8. Lot's of dirty driving and crashes, many 2+2 second penalties, and loads of retaliations.

Compared to the last 20-30 races or so, this was by far the dirtiest, and I'm a bit divided. Wouldn't want to have another race like that again any time soon, but it definitely had it's entertainment value, and I liked the adrenaline boost!

Next and final race I'm back in full B/S lobby, so something definitely are being worked on.
I'm amazed at the amount of attrition I'm seeing in the A lobbies at Sardegna. The last 3 races have gone like this for me:

start end
11 7
5 2
11 5

People losing it all over the place, and most of it is their fault. I saw one guy run smack into a small portion of brick wall you probably never even noticed before - I'm thinking someone distracted him. But people are just not very consistent. Fortunately, knock on wood, I've managed to avoid most of the carnage. So far. I hope I didn't just jinx myself!
i'm getting a pain injection in my back this week
Good luck with your shots! I'm getting 6 cortisone shots in my lower back in the beginning of December. It'll be interesting to see how it affects my driving, if any, but the real hope is I can swing a golf club again.
I can go deeper in the 1:41s but ok with a circa 1000 time for now.
Given I'm down to B/B the lobbies are gonna go either way for a bit :(
Wait, wait... I'm confused. You've got that great of a time, and you're a DR B? (I can understand the SR B this week.) Why doesn't that compute? (I don't mean any disrespect - it's just confusing!)
Turn 1 of race B and it all comes crashing down.
I'm learning to pay more attention to how the drivers in front of me are handling that corner, so I can adjust. Sometimes it's obvious people are going to hit the wall, so the earlier you can judge that, the better. There's not much you can do about getting creamed from behind when you slow a little to avoid a wreck in front of you, but usually that just pushes you forward so it's not all bad.

At least, that's been my experience so far. I've even managed to get 3 CRBs in a row!
Sometimes, I should just keep my mouth shut. Or fingers off the kbd. Something.

The good news? Another CRB.

The interesting news? You can hit the walls a half-dozen times and still get a CRB at Sardegna this week.

The bad news? The fact that I know the "interesting news" from personal experience.

Seriously, sometimes I just plain suck and there's no other way to look at it.
I like Sardegna Road A reverse. At least in QT. Still haven’t tried a race yet.


Nearly into the 1:41s.

The 458 was struggling to get past 1:42.6 so switched to the 911. Instantly it was competitive and within 10 laps I crushed my prior time.

Now I need to get back to gold at the Interlagos TT (I drifted to +0.04% outside) and that finishes tonight before I can race B.
@TheNormsk nice time! You figured it out pretty quickly once you gave it a shot
I’m sure 1:41 will come. I was at 1:04.8 finishing the sector before the finish last night and threw it away in the final sector by still only turning a 1:42. Your time is too close not to get there. The racing can be tight so a few warm up laps will pay dividends.

I had planned on getting at it again tonight but got distracted with practicing for the upcoming Nations cup in the next race in a couple weeks. I was using the 595 Abarth and turning laps in preparation 😉 while earning a spot of credits 💰💰💰during the process.
I start low on the grid in 14th due to my lack of practice. However I make a good start and I'm already into 8th by the exit of T2. There are a few spinners and I am in 4th by the end of lap 3.
I've been finding this all week with Race C - been starting about P14, and finding myself much higher than that after a few corners!

Most races I have finished in the top 6, and have so far only had one DR down at the end of the race. SR has held up perfectly too 🙂

Just wish I could work out how to find some of the 6 seconds I'm behind the aliens on my QT 🤔
@TheNormsk nice time! You figured it out pretty quickly once you gave it a shot
I’m sure 1:41 will come. I was at 1:04.8 finishing the sector before the finish last night and threw it away in the final sector by still only turning a 1:42. Your time is too close not to get there. The racing can be tight so a few warm up laps will pay dividends
I managed to gold the Interlagos TT so cracked open a cold one to celebrate. Then had a stint on the Tokyo TT. After that I headed back to race B..

By then the beer was hitting my head though. Sardegna is not for those who are not 100% focused. 🤣. My times where horrible (if 1:43s can be considered horrible). Then one lap I was storming over 1.2 seconds up with a 1:41.9 potential. Just the last corners to go…. Did I make it? Who I’m I kidding? I was dui. Ended up 1:42.4 ish.

However you can make a drinking game from Sardegna Road A. Every time you clip a wall or barrier, take a drink. Then watch your times dive! It would be hilarious. 😁
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Wait, wait... I'm confused. You've got that great of a time, and you're a DR B? (I can understand the SR B this week.) Why doesn't that compute? (I don't mean any disrespect - it's just confusing!
I quit quite a few on Sunday night and Monday dropping me from bouncing between DR B & A so now sitting at the bottom end of B. I'm not really racing so it's not recovering.
I quit quite a few on Sunday night and Monday dropping me from bouncing between DR B & A so now sitting at the bottom end of B. I'm not really racing so it's not recovering.
That makes sense. And I totally understand quitting races - when you're demoralized due to some incident, it's hard to even care at that point.
That makes sense. And I totally understand quitting races - when you're demoralized due to some incident, it's hard to even care at that point.
Sorry if it's been covered before (quite sure it has), but, how much worse is DNF -vs- DFL? There's times when I'm cruising around the course with a lap or two to go muttering "**** this race..." repeatedly if only for fear of the DR/SR impacts the DNF carries. If it's not much different I might be inclined to cut my losses sooner and spare myself some aggravation.

The SF cars are, uhhhhh, neat. Being able to see into the future almost seems a necessity to hit your markers. T1 at WOT in 6th? Seriously? Love it!! These cars really transform Suzuka and have made the course WAY more enjoyable for me. Optimal has me in the 38's but I'm not there yet. Came along quicker than expected, too. My first lap was (LOLOL) but I was able to whittle that down to a 1:39.122. I just gotta learn to channel my inner Yoda: "For my ally is the (down)Force, and a powerful ally it is."😁

Of course, now my beloved 911RSR feels as quick and nimble as a '62 Bug, so there's that.🤣

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Only ended up doing 1 Race B last night. Another mixed A+, A, & B lobby. Racing was typical - both fun and frustrating all within minutes of each other.

I should’ve had P3, but got T-boned in the left, right corner before the downhill straight. I’ll take P4 as I’m slowly trying to get the DR back to a full bar at B. Currently 80% or so.

I've been holding off starting my maiden Race C this week, for no other reason than I have to be in the right mindset for this combo. It sure didn't disappoint...

Completely let myself down with a shoddy pit entrance incurring a penalty, and an overeager hairpin exit ending in a spin.(There was also a little side nudge on turn 1 but nothing to feel bad about). But no rage quit from me! I still managed to finish 11th (out of 13).

I'm curious about strategic decisions on this race; pit stop obligatory but switching tyres isn't, optimal lap choice between 4th and 6th dependent on race scenario.

What's everyone running? I'm tempted to try keeping the same set of rubber throughout, but alas it's kinda moot when my mistakes are the story of the race.
I've been holding off starting my maiden Race C this week, for no other reason than I have to be in the right mindset for this combo. It sure didn't disappoint...

Completely let myself down with a shoddy pit entrance incurring a penalty, and an overeager hairpin exit ending in a spin.(There was also a little side nudge on turn 1 but nothing to feel bad about). But no rage quit from me! I still managed to finish 11th (out of 13).

I'm curious about strategic decisions on this race; pit stop obligatory but switching tyres isn't, optimal lap choice between 4th and 6th dependent on race scenario.

What's everyone running? I'm tempted to try keeping the same set of rubber throughout, but alas it's kinda moot when my mistakes are the story of the race.
It's possible to do the entire race on 1 set of tires, but the fronts do get worn by the end. I didn't find the car too hard to control at that stage though. I've been starting on pole all week and will usually change tires on Lap 6, but if some impatient idiot takes me out on the opening lap, I'll pit at the end of Lap 1 to get out of traffic and do the entire race on 1 set of tires. I still managed a comfortable win doing that after being taken out at T1/2 at the start, and finished P2 in another race by less than 2s after someone thought it was a good idea to poke their nose in at Degner 1 on Lap 1 and sent me off. Swapping tires is slightly faster than not though.
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I've been holding off starting my maiden Race C this week, for no other reason than I have to be in the right mindset for this combo. It sure didn't disappoint...

Completely let myself down with a shoddy pit entrance incurring a penalty, and an overeager hairpin exit ending in a spin.(There was also a little side nudge on turn 1 but nothing to feel bad about). But no rage quit from me! I still managed to finish 11th (out of 13).

I'm curious about strategic decisions on this race; pit stop obligatory but switching tyres isn't, optimal lap choice between 4th and 6th dependent on race scenario.

What's everyone running? I'm tempted to try keeping the same set of rubber throughout, but alas it's kinda moot when my mistakes are the story of the race.
Given my starting position today, despite knocking 1 second off my QT, has been P16, I've been stopping at the end of lap 1. This gives me 4 or laps running in clear air, without having to fight other cars.

I don't change the tyres - they're only showing as one third worn at the end, and my lowest finish has been P8.
Sardegna reverse is absolutely great - I continue to find ten's here and there, now exploring best way to manage the blind right hander after the first hairpin. I guess it's T3. Lift and cruise, lift and down shift to get the car to turn, or break very slightly and keep gear? Seems lift and gear down for a half a second and then shift up again seems to be fastest. But the most time to be found is clearly in the extended s-curve after the church.

Did two races, now being consistently put in mixed A/B lobbies, around 90% B now.

Please let this week never end.
Sardegna reverse is absolutely great - I continue to find ten's here and there, now exploring best way to manage the blind right hander after the first hairpin. I guess it's T3. Lift and cruise, lift and down shift to get the car to turn, or break very slightly and keep gear? Seems lift and gear down for a half a second and then shift up again seems to be fastest. But the most time to be found is clearly in the extended s-curve after the church.

Did two races, now being consistently put in mixed A/B lobbies, around 90% B now.

Please let this week never end.
Trail brake, and once it's straight brake hard.

It's temping to push it there but you'll be tight for the right and slow. Let alone t-boning anyone on the line.

@GrumpyOldMan you'll be happy I'm preparing my DR/SR to AA nearly and come to peace with pole starts and p2-16 finishes and just followed them through.

Video tomorrow if being murdered from p2 in turn 2
Thanks for the tip! Trail braking is yet to be perfected, but I'm getting better and better. I agree that driving style has to be adapted depending on if I'm just lapping on my own or if there's other in vicinity. It's actually strange how some drivers continue to use the same non adapted lines regardless of traffic. Sometimes it's almost like it's a machine. In any case, I'm also a bike rider, so I'm used to anticipate the worst from my fellow drivers :-)

Looking forward to the murder video!
I've cut way back on my dailies and mostly focusing on GTWS and TTs lately. But I'm enjoying this reverse sardegna and running a few more races this week. This morning, I start P2 in am A,B mixed lobby. This afternoon, in a A,A+ mixed lobby - P14! I actually finished that race in P6 due to some seriously gonzo driving up and down the grid. Stuff got weird.
I so want want to race B this week having fallen in love with Sardegna Road A Reverse. But, not sure I'm going to find time; got some work issues actually consuming my time for a change. Don't you just hate it when a work project goes pear shape just as you find a favorite track?

Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
I so want want to race B this week having fallen in love with Sardegna Road A Reverse. But, not sure I'm going to find time; got some work issues actually consuming my time for a change. Don't you just hate it when a work project goes pear shape just as you find a favorite track?
I hated it when a work project went pear-shaped for ANY reason, but yeah, this sucks.

But you don't have to lie to us - you're seeing someone else, right? You're spending way to much time at the office. ;p