Yes, I've been using the Mazda. Also, and I know some people will give me smack over this, but I've found I can get slightly better times using some of the assists.
Since I usually turn these on or off as a group, I'm not sure which is helping, but here's the settings I'm using:
- Traction Control: 1
- ASM: On
- CA: Strong
Like I said, I'm not sure which of these are helping. But with them on, I find it helps with things like the last turn, where you turn right and go down a hill. I can hit the gas and not go into the grass/sand as easily.
They don't make a
huge difference, but enough to make me a little quicker, and not have to be as careful in certain spots.
PS: For those doubters that these settings can affect a FWD car, they honestly can. It's possible that they slow me up in a couple of spots, but they do actually have an effect.