GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems

I genuinely don't think I can go any faster at B this week.

AS A B DRIVER ;) @GrumpyOldMan
Switched to the Mazda at DTS, and picked up a half second in about 3 laps:

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Now for the question: Could I have avoided this? I mean, having to brake suddenly during the CoD is asking for real trouble. Also, remember to lead your targets when you're trying to take someone out.

I think it was a fair move from you, his driving was a bit erratic. He left the door so wide open it would be rude not to go for the gap. The way he turned sharp right just before impact was odd, it was quite reasonable for you to expect him to make a smoother exit without that sudden right turn.
Switched to the Mazda at DTS, and picked up a half second in about 3 laps:

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Now for the question: Could I have avoided this? I mean, having to brake suddenly during the CoD is asking for real trouble. Also, remember to lead your targets when you're trying to take someone out.

That's racing mate. Nobody did anything wrong.

Now if you want to talk about my 9 poles this week I have thrown away.

In all seriousness, the expectation is always they cars should be trying to go fast in a forward direction.

There was no time for you to brake and no time for him to get out of the way. That's just racing. It's the by product of being fast and close sometimes.

I'm guilty of it more than most but being over sensitive to actual racing is not ideal.

We are racing not white glove waving people through, and the closer the race you need to "prise" the door open. The difference between most A & B lobbies is how people react. In A lobbies people don't smash in to barriers on every overtake. They don't get overly offended with just driving contact.

It's just a different mindset I guess. Quality racing is what you make it, position is just a by product or distracting from the fun you can have.
I had some fun last night racing at Tsukuba and Dragon Trail. The Nissan Fairlady Z is a comfortable car to drive on the track, it doesn't slide like most road cars do. Plus 5 laps ain't bad, it goes by quick. I wonder how many I can finish before next week. I hate that death chicane at DT with a passion, it ruined 4 of my good super runs. I was so mad.
Another W at Daytona!

Was leading on lap two when I got a track limit pen coming out of the bus stop. I don't think I've done a race yet where I haven't gotten one. So, made a knee-jerk reaction call and pit. The positive is, pitting early mitigates the damage of the pen, and I am no longer dragging the field along the track behind me. Negative is, now I am on my own not getting any help from others (although, I wasn't before anyway) and may run into some back-markers.

Unfortunately, the latter came true as I saw some yellow flags as some drivers crashed or went off, making them much farther back than they would've otherwise been. Regardless I was able to get passed one and as I was right on the tail of another, he pit.

By the time the rest of the field pit, I was able to stay ahead and bring it home.

I had a nice night of racing ruined by an idiot that got mad over what I thought was normal contact, but nope. Before all of that nonsense, I did get a faster time of a 1:45.298 so I'm happy about that. I don't think I can get any more out of this car for now, but I'll still give it a shot.

Now on to my first race which had me in P3 with the new time. I had an off track on lap 2 in the bus stop and that just kills my momentum. I then get into the back of another car and pick up a 2 second penalty for that. Totally understand that one. Turns out you can serve it before entering the pits which I didn't think would work. I finish P6 in the end and that's cool.

My second race has me on pole again! I have a comfortable 3.5-4 second lead and make my pit. I come out in front of the driver who ruined my race. I mess up the bus stop and they pull along side me and we have a drag race in the tri-oval. There is some contact and they immedialy try and spin me as seen here.

I'm ahead and I beat them into the bus stop on the same lap, but I have an awkward entry angle and make a mess of the turn. Then they flat out mess up the bus stop and pick up a penalty. No contact made in that exchange. Well, they wait for me and wreck me for no reason that I can figure out. Needless to say I'm furious as I probably had a win in the bag. On the last lap they are recovering from a bus stop spin and I give them a receipt, if you will. A D-bag move by me but I was angry and an opportunity presented itself. Yes I know, I shouldn't do that ever. Bad Stilva, go sit in the corner and think about what you did.

Post race chat they are saying "Don't touch me", "Don't look at me". I question for what and they respond "Don't hit me on the straight" which is what the video shows. I made no other contract with them the rest of the race so I have no idea why that set them off. So yeah, a great night of racing ruined by an idiot.
I thought it would be good luck to use the livery from Michael McDowell's Daytona 500 victory.
Apparently, I was wrong. :irked:
What happened here?
A glitch in the matrix?? That was wild...completely sucks that it happened but thanks for sharing. I had a weird physics moment at DTS running a qualifier, will try to get that uploaded. Similar to the above, just unexpected behavior from surface interactions between tire/car and the world.

@Dep Fishtail LOLOL, all in good fun.😁 I might run some more just to see if I can break into the 6's with the Jag. If they ever fix the BoP on Monster Mazda, it'll be a fun competitor. Thanks for the motivation!👍

I'm not feeling either race this week. I might try one yet at Daytona but my pace is waaaaaayyyy off. Did run one at DTS and simply did not enjoy the race. Sittin' mid-field surrounded by 3's made for a miserable run. Got cannonballed on lap two and was just happy to see the checkers, P13 or not. Can't touch 'em on the straights and they'd chew through any gains I could make in the turns as soon as they straightened the wheel. Not a good time so, uhhh, no. 🤣

They've been runnin' a hell of a swan song over in 'Sport with the Nurb' 24H, think I'll pay my respect to the title the rest of this week.😁


@GrumpyOldMan Nice lap! 👍
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I'm not even gonna try the Daytona one, that first turn after the Sunoco sign always ruins my lap and I have to start over. And the bus stop part is tricky too, don't get me started on that. Sector 3 is a hit or miss, you either do it right or you suffer by losing time and going in the grassy area.
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I sense Bathurst and GT3 in the Daily soon. You'll see. Maybe not next week yet, but towards the end of January, Mount Panorama will come in – one of the most mindblowing tracks in the world.
Well really enjoy this combo at Daytona.
Still running Lost the R8 19' , i have also run the Peugeot , the two Ford and got better average lap Time but funny i still prefer for the moment the R8..

I really like that 10 lap with one Pit stop let your strategy really make a change .
If i get a bit offtracj and get time penality, i often put in . I also sometimes Pit in when i'm a bit alone to find drag with well behind contender. Or just Pit to get away from too agressiv driver.

Glad i made my faire play rating to S , most of the time even D/C rating race are clean.

Still one i still did not accept this guy able to run under 1.45 . 3 in race that manage to take me out while i was second in the bank before the straight in last lap ......

Anyhow it's great to be able to race again even at my slow level .

To illustrate another podium this one had to fight all long with the 4 and 5 .
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I thought it would be good luck to use the livery from Michael McDowell's Daytona 500 victory.
Apparently, I was wrong. :irked:
What happened here?

A contact with the pitwall by the Green Ford GT (by itself) + some bad lag I am afraid, worse still the game reset you as it thought you were cutting the grass track. Simply poor luck unfortunately...
Switched to the Mazda at DTS, and picked up a half second in about 3 laps:

View attachment 1318194

Now for the question: Could I have avoided this? I mean, having to brake suddenly during the CoD is asking for real trouble. Also, remember to lead your targets when you're trying to take someone out.

He made a mistake, you took advantage. He clearly attempts to block your overtake after he makes contact with the wall and then tries to take you out. 100% fair from your end. Hope his PS5 HDD corrupts and every new one he installs does as well :D
I thought it would be good luck to use the livery from Michael McDowell's Daytona 500 victory.
Apparently, I was wrong. :irked:
What happened here?

I wondered what happened there. That sucks man. Was great to get a couple races in with you yesterday. I hope to get more in today, maybe I'll see you again.....
Hey y'all! After almost a year off I decided to come back and give racing another try. I'm not ready for GR3 racing yet, and I love Dragon Trail, so Race B it is. Here's a bit of what I've noticed after such a long time away:
  • The physics are very different. My DD Pro wheel is getting much better feedback now.
  • On the other hand, FR cars seem to have gotten more over-steery. Maybe it's just the track and my rustiness, but I can't keep any FR cars pointing in the right direction.
  • The penalty system is still offensive. I got completely taken out in the Chicken of Death by a guy who ricocheted off the wall and directly into my side, and then I was the one given a 5 second penalty. It also dinged my SR pretty badly, which bothers me even more. I forgot to save the video because I'm still rusty, but it was more of the same garbage that got me to quit a year ago.
  • I was hoping that the cars would have been evened out a bit more by now, but the leaderboards pretty much look the same, except for the Mazda3 which I don't remember from before. But I set my best time in it, so it's clearly got some kind of advantage. GrumpyOldMan I saw you jump my time on my leaderboard, so it looks like I've got some work to do!
  • I'm also still a mid-A grade but I fully expect to drop back down to B for a while. I'm ok with that because I've learned that I'm not an alien and so if I'm going to enjoy the racing I can't try to keep up with those guys! So I enjoyed my races more even though I'm getting the snot beat out of me.
I've also noticed that there are now some modifications available in the races, but I don't know what to do. Can you help me figure out:
  • What is the best strategy for brake balance? I fiddle with it but don't know if my results are placebo effect.
  • What are the suspension tuning tendencies? Any pointers on figuring these out, or is it just running a lot of laps and fiddling in time trials? Oh, and is it possible to tune while doing time trials?
Thanks in advance for your help, and I'm looking forward to seeing y'all a bit more again.
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After almost a year off I decided to come back and give racing another try.
I saw you pop up on my leaderboard, and I'm thrilled you're back. A couple of answers, or maybe non-answers:

1) Mazda3. It's been the meta car in virtually every race since they introduced it, kind of like the how the Alfa 155 used to be. We keep expecting to see PD fix it, but so far, no luck. As for driving it, give yourself some time and you'll get it - you're too good not to. Watch a leader's replay.

2) Tuning. Yes, you can do it during Q, but you have to re-apply it each time, including before a race. Mixed opinions on whether it helps or not. Last week at Suzuka, I found benefits with BB both +2 and -2, but obviously in different spots on the course. I think I ended up using -2 because it helped me with the final chicane. Or at least I thought it did - could be my imagination.

3) Yeah, the penalty system still sucks. At least we don't appear to be getting wall penalties at DTS. And laughably, last week at Suzuka, if you even looked at the grass or sand, you lost your CRB. This week at DTS, you can hit walls left and right and still get a CRB.

Glad to have you back.

I went from DR E to A+, is this a good result for being new to sport mode?
I can't decide if you're a troll or not, but if you're serious, then, um, yeah, you might consider that a good result. 😱
Knew there was a win in here for me. Started 8th in this one but in truth from pole it was still within a second.

Pitted lap 2 as after a scuffle on the back straight with a car that tried to shove me off track I knew he would be looked to punt me into turn 1 so dived into the pit lane instead to avoid it.

Never saw another car again.

Screen Shot 2024-01-11 at 12.32.06.png
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My take on @TechnoIsLove's "When it rains, it POURS" series. Fast forward to 13:10 for all the actions (and my screw ups)

Lap 1 to 7 - Leading but never got away due to complete lack of confidence at the bus stop
Lap 8 - Spun myself out in the infield - not sure if it was my over egerness to catch back up or the dirty tyres
Lap 9 - Overfueled at the Pit and dropped behind a coupe of cars, did not react quick enough to the early braking of the 4th place guy
Lap 10 - Another spin at the infield

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I've been having some absolutely belter racing at DTS this week.

Insistent on using my trusty Jaguar F-Type rather than the Mazda or the McLaren (i don't own either, and not going and buying one is my way of keeping the game interesting), I'm always 12th-14th on the grid, surrounded by those cars and sometimes an odd Ferrari.

Completely letting go of my pride and my interest in keeping a High-A DR status and just focusing on having FUN RACES has seen my ratings tumble but the smile has basically been tattooed onto my face.

The game has been 'Keep The Mazdas at Bay'. In a strange, self defeating kinda way it's been very interesting! There's been a few reminders that the finer details of race craft are somewhat getting lost as I descend, but it's all a learning (re-learning?) experience.
Hey y'all! After almost a year off I decided to come back and give racing another try. I'm not ready for GR3 racing yet, and I love Dragon Trail, so Race B it is. Here's a bit of what I've noticed after such a long time away:
  • The physics are very different. My DD Pro wheel is getting much better feedback now.
  • On the other hand, FR cars seem to have gotten more over-steery. Maybe it's just the track and my rustiness, but I can't keep any FR cars pointing in the right direction.
  • The penalty system is still offensive. I got completely taken out in the Chicken of Death by a guy who ricocheted off the wall and directly into my side, and then I was the one given a 5 second penalty. It also dinged my SR pretty badly, which bothers me even more. I forgot to save the video because I'm still rusty, but it was more of the same garbage that got me to quit a year ago.
  • I was hoping that the cars would have been evened out a bit more by now, but the leaderboards pretty much look the same, except for the Mazda3 which I don't remember from before. But I set my best time in it, so it's clearly got some kind of advantage. GrumpyOldMan I saw you jump my time on my leaderboard, so it looks like I've got some work to do!
  • I'm also still a mid-A grade but I fully expect to drop back down to B for a while. I'm ok with that because I've learned that I'm not an alien and so if I'm going to enjoy the racing I can't try to keep up with those guys! So I enjoyed my races more even though I'm getting the snot beat out of me.
I've also noticed that there are now some modifications available in the races, but I don't know what to do. Can you help me figure out:
  • What is the best strategy for brake balance? I fiddle with it but don't know if my results are placebo effect.
  • What are the suspension tuning tendencies? Any pointers on figuring these out, or is it just running a lot of laps and fiddling in time trials? Oh, and is it possible to tune while doing time trials?
Thanks in advance for your help, and I'm looking forward to seeing y'all a bit more again.
welcome back; it's been a year?!! sheeesh...
Hey y'all! After almost a year off I decided to come back and give racing another try. I'm not ready for GR3 racing yet, and I love Dragon Trail, so Race B it is. Here's a bit of what I've noticed after such a long time away:
  • The physics are very different. My DD Pro wheel is getting much better feedback now.
  • On the other hand, FR cars seem to have gotten more over-steery. Maybe it's just the track and my rustiness, but I can't keep any FR cars pointing in the right direction.
  • The penalty system is still offensive. I got completely taken out in the Chicken of Death by a guy who ricocheted off the wall and directly into my side, and then I was the one given a 5 second penalty. It also dinged my SR pretty badly, which bothers me even more. I forgot to save the video because I'm still rusty, but it was more of the same garbage that got me to quit a year ago.
  • I was hoping that the cars would have been evened out a bit more by now, but the leaderboards pretty much look the same, except for the Mazda3 which I don't remember from before. But I set my best time in it, so it's clearly got some kind of advantage. GrumpyOldMan I saw you jump my time on my leaderboard, so it looks like I've got some work to do!
  • I'm also still a mid-A grade but I fully expect to drop back down to B for a while. I'm ok with that because I've learned that I'm not an alien and so if I'm going to enjoy the racing I can't try to keep up with those guys! So I enjoyed my races more even though I'm getting the snot beat out of me.
I've also noticed that there are now some modifications available in the races, but I don't know what to do. Can you help me figure out:
  • What is the best strategy for brake balance? I fiddle with it but don't know if my results are placebo effect.
  • What are the suspension tuning tendencies? Any pointers on figuring these out, or is it just running a lot of laps and fiddling in time trials? Oh, and is it possible to tune while doing time trials?
Thanks in advance for your help, and I'm looking forward to seeing y'all a bit more again.
Welcome back, I have not seen you post in ages? Have you played the Nissan race in Tsukuba circuit? It's really easy running only 5 laps, you never know what kind of lobby you'll get, it's random. How have things been going for you?
Just for reference, this isn't Twitter (neither, admittedly, is Twitter any more). They're just messages, not Tweets.

There's nothing arbitrary about it: it's because we don't want people making multiple successive posts. It doesn't matter where, when, or how many posts you're quoting, because you're making your post, not other people's posts.

Again, there's literally a built-in, one-click tool for doing this so that it never has to be an issue.
It is an arbitrary rule. Unrelated topics should be in separate posts imho.

And how much time has to pass before we can post again without having to include it in our previous post?

Right now I want to post something about Race B not forum rules. How long do I have to wait so that it can be a standalone post?
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