GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I can't decide if you're a troll or not
I'm not buying it.
Suspicious Weighing Options GIF
It is an arbitrary rule.
Pretty much all rules are arbitrary, as that's the definition of something that is preferred. The whole AUP is about what we'd like to see and not see on the site.

However this one is no more arbitrary than any of the others. We don't want people making multiple successive posts. We also don't want them posting pictures with expletives or vaginas in them because that too is our preference.

Unrelated topics should be in separate posts imho.
Cool. Not relevant because it's not up to you.

If you're quoting multiple previous posts, use the multiquote rather than making multiple successive posts.

And how much time has to pass before we can post again without having to include it in our previous post.
There is no precise value because there is no need for a precise value. Sometimes a second successive post can be useful and sometimes new information is available after you made the first post that may mean a second successive post is more justifiable -- though these are the exceptions to the rule rather than the rule* - but suffice to say that if you're making multiple posts within minutes you are less likely to be within acceptable limits than you are if you make a second post some hours after the first.

I don't really know why this is still a discussion, given that this has been established - in multiple previous threads and for many years - and I especially don't know why it is still a discussion in this thread. I still also don't know why people make such a big deal about this given that there's literally a tool there for doing it. It takes less time to Multiquote than it does to make four posts complaining about GTPlanet's requirements not to double-post.

If you have further queries, I'd suggest putting them in the Site Support forum... but given that it has been extensively discussed there already I think just reading the ones that have gone before will suffice.

*That's why it's in the FAQ not the AUP; there's no exceptions to the whole vagina/swear thing, but there can be for successive posts
The Chicane Of Dead Mazdas was very generous to me yesterday - I entered it in 16th and 9th by the time I entered the tunnel. Carnage.

I might just about scrape a 1:46.0 in the McLaren, currently on a, which has me around 12th on the grid.

I'm gradually improving at Daytona, but generally starting 14th/16th. My races may go better if it wasn't for the fuel saving - until I get more confident at racing there, I'm probably better off just refuelling and pushing on.
The Chicane Of Dead Mazdas was very generous to me yesterday - I entered it in 16th and 9th by the time I entered the tunnel. Carnage.

I might just about scrape a 1:46.0 in the McLaren, currently on a, which has me around 12th on the grid.

I'm gradually improving at Daytona, but generally starting 14th/16th. My races may go better if it wasn't for the fuel saving - until I get more confident at racing there, I'm probably better off just refuelling and pushing on.

Today in my race are Daytona as i had the same problem about fuel saving , i decide to race removing all assist .
It end that it works for fuel saving and tyre also as i have to be gentle with the controller on accel.
On the other hand i often start in first half and my result for the moment with no aid, one race ok one race i loose position .
Keep racing and you will see improvement.
PS :advice from a D rating driver aged 50 trying to play on controler ✌️😂
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Admittedly I havent done many races in the last 3 months but last week with Fuji Race A and Bathurst at the weekend was one of my fave weeks ever...this week though, nah...

Only started tonight on this weeks offerings. Usually love Daytona but I nearly fell asleep during the one race I did, having to pit and fuel save does not make a good race imo. Only two viable cars to choose from one, same for Race B and one one of those I loathe.

Tried Race A and that car doesnt appeal either.

Courses/Horses I guess.

Fingers crossed for next week.

Hope those taking part have a good one. ACC and Rally games for me until next week.
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So I don't understand this for race C - I haven't done it. But I thought there were two strats both aren't fuel saving? Either balls to the wall or splash and dash?
OMG a miracle! 5th race across 2 accounts and I finally didn't get murdered at Dragon Trail!! :D

Had a few close calls with having to anticipate 2 drivers using me to turn into a corner and overtake (had to let them pass for the goal of finishing better than I started lol) but ended up making 2 places through overtakes and finishing P7 with a clean race bonus :)

And taking into account the amount of time I lost during the first 3 laps from the shenanigans, happy to finish just 8s off the winner. And wow with some of the times in the leaderboard, I managed to match my best time 3 times but nowhere close to those above me! Well done 🥳

So I don't understand this for race C - I haven't done it. But I thought there were two strats both aren't fuel saving? Either balls to the wall or splash and dash?
You have to pit; it's a requirement. So you can fuel save, but if you're using the Ford LM II or Peugeot, odds are you'll need fuel regardless. But, how much you need may play a roll. If you can save a second in the pits taking on less fuel, you can gain a place in doing so.
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There's more than 1 type of Ford that can win the C race at Daytona. :D

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Forgot about that one...usually gets a pretty healthy bump on the HP for BoP, too. The Porsche needs to hook up a tow-strap to keep up w/the Ford GT on the oval. I broke my streak and ended-up trying some other stuff but wasn't able to best my time in the 911...lost in other cars now, lol.

Might as well take the darling of Cars 'n' Coffee out for a spin.🤣
You have to pit; it's a requirement. So you can fuel save, but if you're using the Ford or Peugeot, odds are you'll need fuel regardless. But, how much you need may play a roll. If you can save a second in the pits taking on less fuel, you can gain a place in doing so.
Yeah, in the Mustang, I pitted at the end of lap 9. I only needed to add 0.3 gallons after driving the whole race at full-throttle with A/T.
With a manual trans, you probably wouldn't need any fuel.
You have to pit; it's a requirement. So you can fuel save, but if you're using the Ford LM II or Peugeot, odds are you'll need fuel regardless. But, how much you need may play a roll. If you can save a second in the pits taking on less fuel, you can gain a place in doing so.
That makes sense. Thank you.
I was finally tempted to get into sport mode for daily race B late last week. I had a blast running that and continued running the daily race B this week. I went from DR E to A+, is this a good result for being new to sport mode? View attachment 1318293
If I said, I don't like you, would that sum up my thoughts on your accomplishment! LOL.

Congratulations, that is a serious achievement. While you may be new to sport, this is obviously not your first competitive event though, right?
Also, is it just me, or does everyone else with a decent wheel have like 6 different settings? I am not talking about the differences for driving Gr4 or Gr3 (for example) - I have these settings for the same cars lol...

For me, it's all where I predict I will start in a race! If I think my time is decent enough for top 3, my settings are for a looser wheel as I can flow into and out of corners better and smoother, so not worried about emergency correction wheel-torque.

When I think I will start mid-pack or lower, my steering settings have much more resistance and feedback because I expect a lot of contact or emergency dodging, meaning the wheel cannot be light or else I spin out.

Anyone else do this? Also, lol at my qualy times on both accounts for Daytona! If not decent times, at least I am consistent 😂

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Also, is it just me, or does everyone else with a decent wheel have like 6 different settings? I am not talking about the differences for driving Gr4 or Gr3 (for example) - I have these settings for the same cars lol...

For me, it's all where I predict I will start in a race! If I think my time is decent enough for top 3, my settings are for a looser wheel as I can flow into and out of corners better and smoother, so not worried about emergency correction wheel-torque.

When I think I will start mid-pack or lower, my steering settings have much more resistance and feedback because I expect a lot of contact or emergency dodging, meaning the wheel cannot be light or else I spin out.

Anyone else do this? Also, lol at my qualy times on both accounts for Daytona! If not decent times, at least I am consistent 😂

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I adjust my wheel torque based on car and tyres.

The new RX8 TT I upped my wheel to make me smoother with a slippery car.

Conversely I turn my FFB down to turn the 650 in more. I'm Mazda this week and there are a few tricks with it on a wheel in using the understeer. It's not tidg fast but 500 fast.

As some of you know I'm usually a 650 or Veyron guy
Also, is it just me, or does everyone else with a decent wheel have like 6 different settings? I am not talking about the differences for driving Gr4 or Gr3 (for example) - I have these settings for the same car
I used to have different settings but for now I just run with the one set up. I posed my set up here #2,207 . That said I restarted tweaking it recently as I get to speed with my new wheel and 8NM supply..
The Mustang is, of course, not without some shortcomings.
Look at what happened to me at the end of the race. :lol:

I knew this was going to happen as soon as I exited the bust stop chicane.
But, since I am not one to swerve on the straights, I took my silver medal and was satisfied.
Something about blocking on the straights has always bothered me. It seems amateurish/low-class.

If the car behind me has a better run, then I will take my medicine, and let him go.
Blocking him, I think, is poor sportsmanship. He either bested me coming out of the last turn, or in this case, picked a car that's better for top speed.
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The Mustang is, of course, not without some shortcomings.
Look at what happened to me at the end of the race. :lol:

I knew this was going to happen as soon as I exited the bust stop chicane.
But, since I am not one to swerve on the straights, I took my silver medal and was satisfied.
Something about blocking on the straights has always bothered me. It seems amateurish/low-class.

If the car behind me has a better run, then I will take my medicine, and let him go.
Blocking him, I think, is poor sportsmanship. He either bested me coming out of the last turn, or in this case, picked a car that's better for top speed.

That's fair racing, someone is going quicker let them go, someone is going slower go passed. It's how it should be.

We aren't talking millions of pounds or dollars on the line here, it's just time and fun and once you get comfortable with that you'll race better and go faster (the lad part was a generalisation not aimed at you mate)
Welcome back, I have not seen you post in ages? Have you played the Nissan race in Tsukuba circuit? It's really easy running only 5 laps, you never know what kind of lobby you'll get, it's random. How have things been going for you?
Thanks! I hate the Tsukuba circuit, so I haven't tried it. As for the other stuff, I'm doing ok in general. Just had a helluva 2023 after reaching major burnout on GT7. It had me all kinds of screwed up: angry all the time, anxious, and suffering from major insomnia. Some of that was from life in general, but I know the racing was bringing out the worst in me so I had to quit. I got obsessed with MLB The Show for the season, but now I'm a bit burned out on that so I'm back to racing. I figured if I spent all this money on my gear, I ought to be using it, right? Anyone want to buy a couple thousand dollars' worth of gear . . . ? :lol:
I knew this was going to happen as soon as I exited the bust stop chicane.
But, since I am not one to swerve on the straights, I took my silver medal and was satisfied.
Something about blocking on the straights has always bothered me. It seems amateurish/low-class.

If the car behind me has a better run, then I will take my medicine, and let him go.
Blocking him, I think, is poor sportsmanship. He either bested me coming out of the last turn, or in this case, picked a car that's better for top speed.
I agree 100%. I've said it before, but I hate it so much. Pick your lane and stick with it; even one swerve to try and break the toe is acceptable, but don't be changing your lane again when I go to move around. It's hard to explain but it bothers me more than push-to-pass or even getting punted. I'll give you one freebee, but next time I fake you out then PIT you.
I had a much better night at Daytona as compared to yesterday. No drama, just some nice racing. I dropped my quick time by a bit more for a 1:45.213 which I didn't think I could do.

My first race has me in P6 and @sturk0167 in in the lobby with me. Nothing to really report on as not much happened. Someone in a Peugeot VGT tagged the rear of their car in the wall in turn 1 and stopped dead on lap 2 or 3. I've never see that happen with the rear of the car. I pick up too many bus stop off track penalties and finish P6 where I started.

Race 2 I was in P3 and I had one of the best battles in a long time in the second half of the race. After pit stops cycle, P4-P7 (with me in P7) have a great battle and clean fight for position with no problems between us all. I can't gain any ground as I make just too many small mistakes to catch P4. Still, it was a great fight with the 4 of us and I'm not disappointed with my result.

My final race also had me in P6 but I can't seem to get the car to turn in the entire race. So that kills my pace and I'm feeling off all race. I get a penalty for getting into the back of a car and get a 2 second penalty. I finish P9 and call it a night.
Daytona Road Course just plane rules. I've decided, my second favorite track in this game only behind N24 (third is GV if anyone is keeping track). Three races this evening, two P1s and a P3. All of them super fun with some close battles.

Got a pair of P1s with the meme color pink car.



Made it pink for the lols but you know what? It started to grow on me and I think it looks pretty darn good!


*Even though after doing a couple of races with it I then immediately changed it.

This is such a good race. I love how there is some strat involved, even if it's just a splash and dash. It still adds a bunch of options. Do you sit in the slip to save fuel and take a shorter stop? If leading, do you dive in early to avoid pulling others along but risk getting caught in traffic and/or losing time to those working together? Do you put early on a pen lap to negate some of the disadvantage?

I'm not even mad that there's no tire change required; just having to pit for a bit of fuel really opens up the different possibilities of how the race will go!
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I had a much better night at Daytona as compared to yesterday. No drama, just some nice racing. I dropped my quick time by a bit more for a 1:45.213 which I didn't think I could do.

My first race has me in P6 and @sturk0167 in in the lobby with me. Nothing to really report on as not much happened. Someone in a Peugeot VGT tagged the rear of their car in the wall in turn 1 and stopped dead on lap 2 or 3. I've never see that happen with the rear of the car. I pick up too many bus stop off track penalties and finish P6 where I started.

Race 2 I was in P3 and I had one of the best battles in a long time in the second half of the race. After pit stops cycle, P4-P7 (with me in P7) have a great battle and clean fight for position with no problems between us all. I can't gain any ground as I make just too many small mistakes to catch P4. Still, it was a great fight with the 4 of us and I'm not disappointed with my result.

My final race also had me in P6 but I can't seem to get the car to turn in the entire race. So that kills my pace and I'm feeling off all race. I get a penalty for getting into the back of a car and get a 2 second penalty. I finish P9 and call it a night.
I had a great day at Daytona!
I did about 10 races in the Mustang. I think I got top 5 every time. At first, I was in the B/S group, then for the the last few races, I was A/S.
I love that car. It would eat up everything on the infield sectors, then get a jump on them in the pits with superior fuel economy.
Thanks, Mustang. :)
I had a great day at Daytona!
I did about 10 races in the Mustang. I think I got top 5 every time. At first, I was in the B/S group, then for the the last few races, I was A/S.
I love that car. It would eat up everything on the infield sectors, then get a jump on them in the pits with superior fuel economy.
Thanks, Mustang. :)
Maybe I'll turn some laps in the Mustang this weekend. It was my old go to car back when GT7 launched.
so I'm back to racing. I figured if I spent all this money on my gear, I ought to be using it, right? Anyone want to buy a couple thousand dollars' worth of gear . . . ? :lol:

I’m also taking a sideways step away from GT7 well and ironically just invested $$$$ into nicer gear. The way I see it though is that I’m always a racer at heart, even if I’m not a very good one, and I see me doing this well into retirement years. That’s still 5(ish) years away, but I figure good gear will last the test of time.

I’ll still do GT7 from time to time but there is a lot of other stuff I want to balance my time with including another hobby that I have invested about a 100 times the $ and time in which I took last year off from. That time was spent in GT but now it is time to get back to it…

I got the 8nm supply upgrade too. Is yours a DD Pro as well?

Yes and yes, but I use the Formula 2.5X wheel now that I got in the Black Friday farce. I also use V2 Elite pedals. I tweaked my settings further after trying some other “must have settings” (that I thought were horrible) and used the Daily C QT to find a set up I liked.

And with that, I got my 44! 😁


Comically, having got a decent time I’ll probably only get in a a few races as I don’t see a lot of available time between now and the week change.
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