GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I wonder how it would be if they hid DR and used SR as the only visible matchmaking filter. DR would still be in works behind the scenes. In general, I see better racing when DR is not on the table in a race A. This week for ex, I've had 4-5 great tough/fair races with several drivers in race A. Last night I'm in race C with some of the same people and they are now divebombing and trying to nudge people off on straights.
This is a great point. Was having some amazing races last week in A (haven't raced any yet this week) because of situations that would NOT happen if DR was on. Four-wide through T1 at Tokyo ain't gonna work when one of y'all is more worried about being demoted if they lose a position.

And I'm not sure about everyone else, but I am WAY more relaxed with DR off. You wanna pass? Rock-on, I'll even open the door for you.😇

It's quite funny. One of the things I like to do when rewatching old replays is check out how different people react to being nudged or bumped. In my experience it's quite a 50/50 split between calm 'no reaction, just keep racing' and 'I'm gonna ruin this guy's day'.
I guess we’ve all been there, only this morning I was having a perfectly nice race at TM, took the inside first corner and me and this guy are going around both T1&2 side by side, and he just left swipes me into the rocks, like cheers dude! Let’s say I couldn’t let that go 🤨 karma always comes around and you meet up later on and a little nudge on the last corners is all it takes to equalise things
And I'm not sure about everyone else, but I am WAY more relaxed with DR off. You wanna pass? Rock-on, I'll even open the door for you.😇
This is a very good point, but that attitude should apply with DR on as well. It's the approach and attitude that is the difference. Sensible space is given, no over protecting or "going defensive" constantly.

With that all in mind is that it's the sense of skin in the game that keeps the tension for me, we are racing after all.

And as much as I do moan for the amount of races I do most are fine/clean.

There is also that in DR higher lobbies the pace is mega, you have to be close to your QT pace in race with traffic which is part of the challenge, then at that pace plan passes or better lines etc.

It's all relative but as I've said before there is a yin to every yang on these things
Hi, just shared one average race at Tokyo last weekend. I was already fuming like a demon at 4th corner and by the end of the race I was giving some payback, which I'm not proud of. In these cases it is preferable to stop playing (even for few moments). I put it as a sort of rule. Never drive (but particularly race) under rage. Especially cause, in the end, it's your free time (hopefully of a good quality). Let's say that if your chillout time becomes stressful there's something wrong.
This is a great point. Was having some amazing races last week in A (haven't raced any yet this week) because of situations that would NOT happen if DR was on. Four-wide through T1 at Tokyo ain't gonna work when one of y'all is more worried about being demoted if they lose a position.

And I'm not sure about everyone else, but I am WAY more relaxed with DR off. You wanna pass? Rock-on, I'll even open the door for you.😇

I agree, I have no fear of racing a higher DR however, I do respect QT. I’ve raced some nights recently against DR A drivers that I don’t mind challenging. I’ve also recently raced off hours when they were having troubles filling rooms. Qualifying times had a range of 4-5 seconds top to bottom. This tells me, not only are you seasoned enough to have a DR A rating but, you also have a better approach to this track/ car combination than I do.
As long as you aren’t sand-bagging for cheap wins, QT earns my respect.
The problem with "payback" is age old, with everyone just being to carry on the next race you build race destroying grudges, get known as someone involved in incidents etc.

Yeah we can all Pitt someone, we can leave it in a bit but in all honesty the more you do the more you race the same people you want to be the one people respect and give room too because they have seen you do it.

We talk about the meme driver but when he is ok with people in the lobby he is fine 🤷‍♂️ when people want payback it screws everyone's race innocent by standers and all.

Unintended consequences but consequences none the less
What gets me, and it just happened again, is people who either A) aren't watching their mirrors/radar or B) they ARE watching, they see you pull out to make a pass, and they they turn in to block you, which of course causes a collision and much crying.

I think the penalties could be better, but they are a decent balance ATM. I have played sports all my life and I have learned to "play the whistle". If the game doesn't penalize me, then it isn't a penalty, and that's that. Heck, I have seen crying towards me in the comments post race while the game give me a clean race bonus. If the referee(the game) says I'm cool, then I am cool, because at the end of the day, the game doesn't track the opinions of others.
because at the end of the day, the game doesn't track the opinions of others
No but you'll more than likely race those others....

The less bad blood you leave on the table the better.

I'd also add that playing to the whistle in a multi million pound/dollar championship in a one off game or one of only 40 you'll do this year.

When you can do 5 a night a few nights a week and more on long weekends etc that logic breaks down.

The games penalty system could use some love but it is what it is, that said the penalty system doesn't have to live with our choices and I'd rather be on the end of good choices for the sake of a virtual position in a virtual game that costs me nothing more than free time.

If this really really meant something then I think my approach would change, but it doesn't and I'll be honest I quite like seeing the messages of seeing me again, good luck, thanks for the clean race than drama.
Well I had some fine races last night at TM, finished 4th in one of them and 3rd in another. I've only got two penalties out of 16 races which is good and acceptable. There was a guy in my 9th race that tried to ram me off the road, I avoided him and he ended up in the grass. I laughed as I passed him. It's called karma. You do bad things and your plan will backfire.
On this topic of DR-chasing Vs simple enjoyment... I do think an invisible DR rating would be somewhat beneficial, but purely for the reason that players can't quite get their collective heads around the idea that it's a MATCHMAKING tool. It's not %completion, it's not used for prize giving, and it's not a reflection of how good a driver you are (it's certainly an indication of how fast you are, but as we know that's not all there is to make a good driver).

As others have said, Race A can be a lovely holiday sometimes. A holiday away from a world where everyone is chasing gains and it's ok for someone to be better than you at something.
Those first laps at TM can be brutal. Got punted at T1 (to be fair, only once in several races). I've been involved in some incidents in the esses just before the pit straight. I still have a lot of racecraft to learn.

On several occasions I spot one or two drivers driving very slowly (maybe after a collison), but on the racing line, through the esses. I have several other cars in hot pursuit. You have to decide quickly. In my mind it goes probably something like this: If I brake to not get involved in the slower cars in front, I'm 100 % sure that I lose time. Maybe the cars behind me run into me also.

So I decide to try to pass the cars. But they weave around for some reason and I get smashed into the barrier. So a nice penalty on top of the crash. The cars behind me pass with fewer problems. I maybe need to have more patience? Don't try to overtake on tricky spots even though it costs me a lot of time.

In the races that I didn't experience this problems, I enjoyed the driving. In B lobbies I was a podium contender, in mixed A / B lobbies I was driving midfield.
Those first laps at TM can be brutal. Got punted at T1 (to be fair, only once in several races). I've been involved in some incidents in the esses just before the pit straight. I still have a lot of racecraft to learn.

On several occasions I spot one or two drivers driving very slowly (maybe after a collison), but on the racing line, through the esses. I have several other cars in hot pursuit. You have to decide quickly. In my mind it goes probably something like this: If I brake to not get involved in the slower cars in front, I'm 100 % sure that I lose time. Maybe the cars behind me run into me also.

So I decide to try to pass the cars. But they weave around for some reason and I get smashed into the barrier. So a nice penalty on top of the crash. The cars behind me pass with fewer problems. I maybe need to have more patience? Don't try to overtake on tricky spots even though it costs me a lot of time.
Judging by the story, you aren't the one struggling with race craft. 👍

One big rule of racing is staying OFF the racing line if you are not up to/at speed. Period. Collisions, Penalties, Smoke break...whatever the reason for your lack of pace, keep it off the racing line.

Another big one from 'Da Rules' is not weaving around like a clown, though it might be worded a bit differently. What you'll find is folks trying to steal YOUR speed for themselves. If they get it just right, they jump in front so you rear-end them, getting them back up to race pace while transferring their slow to you.

In the end, these are prime examples of dirty driving/drivers. The only way to combat it is through awareness. This is where learning / watching for certain names can be invaluable. Easier said than done, for sure, but once you settle into your 'home' DR ranking you'll start to notice recurring names. Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's not.

Best case scenario, you get to a point where you know they're a problem before they show you they're a problem.😁

A lot of the collisions happen because people realise they are on the racing line and rather than just hold their line they try to helpfully get out of the way (this is me! 🤣) and what happens is the closing person sees me on the line moves to go off line, at the same time I try to be respectful and move off the racing line.....

The rule of thumb is that it's the responsibility of the car behind to move and the car in front should keep a predictable trajectory, ideally off the racing line but naturally this can always be helped.

The onus is almost always on a following car in most racing situations to avoid contact and accidents.
Those first laps at TM can be brutal. Got punted at T1 (to be fair, only once in several races). I've been involved in some incidents in the esses just before the pit straight. I still have a lot of racecraft to learn.

On several occasions I spot one or two drivers driving very slowly (maybe after a collison), but on the racing line, through the esses. I have several other cars in hot pursuit. You have to decide quickly. In my mind it goes probably something like this: If I brake to not get involved in the slower cars in front, I'm 100 % sure that I lose time. Maybe the cars behind me run into me also.

So I decide to try to pass the cars. But they weave around for some reason and I get smashed into the barrier. So a nice penalty on top of the crash. The cars behind me pass with fewer problems. I maybe need to have more patience? Don't try to overtake on tricky spots even though it costs me a lot of time.

In the races that I didn't experience this problems, I enjoyed the driving. In B lobbies I was a podium contender, in mixed A / B lobbies I was driving midfield.
If a driver weawes in front of you it means that he's focused on you rather than what's in front. That's your big advantage, coupled with the speed delta you already have. I usually fake the pass to one side going eventually round the other. Since he's not looking in front of him, by instinct he'll try to block your move with a bit of delay nevertheless. He can't "calibrate" his move that much (otherwise you'll be hypothetically aleady at his side) so "lean to the car and go for it" is the only thing he can do. The moment he moves is the moment when you change path. He'll be too late to react anyway, leaving you free go. The cherry on the pie... when he's hindering your "followers". Two birds with one stone.
Just had a strange penalty, going through a yellow flag, overtook a ghosted car that had spun / been taken out at the end of the long straight and got a 3 second penalty? Maybe it had just about got itself going again but that's absolutely ridiculous, am I expected to slow down to like 10mph?

Compounded getting hit into another car as well and getting a 2 second penalty the previous lap for the pleasure!!! Love / hate this game sometimes.
Just had a strange penalty, going through a yellow flag, overtook a ghosted car that had spun / been taken out at the end of the long straight and got a 3 second penalty? Maybe it had just about got itself going again but that's absolutely ridiculous, am I expected to slow down to like 10mph?

Compounded getting hit into another car as well and getting a 2 second penalty the previous lap for the pleasure!!! Love / hate this game sometimes.
Just because the car was ghosted doesn't mean that was the cause of the flag, if something happened ahead and that guy just got it wrong somewhere you can't assume that was the incident car. We all do but it isn't always the case FYI

Edit: unfortunately you are suppose to slow as needed under yellows, in the real world stewards might be a bit lenient with it but to Steve's (SuperGT) he lost his nurbergring drive for failing to slow for the flags

Edit2: was nice to see and race you btw 👍👋
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Just because the car was ghosted doesn't mean that was the cause of the flag, if something happened ahead and that guy just got it wrong somewhere you can't assume that was the incident car. We all do but it isn't always the case FYI

Edit: unfortunately you are suppose to slow as needed under yellows, in the real world stewards might be a bit lenient with it but to Steve's (SuperGT) he lost his nurbergring drive for failing to slow for the flags

Edit2: was nice to see and race you btw 👍👋
I checked the replay and the spun car was the only one anywhere near. Noooo!

Yeah great to race you, shame we couldn't be closer :( was a pleasure though.

My qualifying has really hampered me so just gone and knocked over a second off it haha. Might be ahead of you now ;) Maybe I'll get a couple of good races if I'm closer to the front!!
Lol, the way I'm going I may not be able to race with you all, unless we do a private lobby in the future when I have more spare time. Idk when that will be, so I'll just stick with what I'm doing. Watching replays and ghosts and of course reading everyone's helpful posts and advice. It'll probably take time to get in the B rank, I was so close 2 months ago and then the drivers started beating me and I finished 9-14th in 6-7 races, that dropped me back down to a D rank.
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Apart from this guy being an absolute royal plumb

This penalty (and I should take my own advice here not to go through ghosts) is crazy, he's still serving a penalty

Gran Turismo 7 the ghost contact penalty

Daily B this week is extremely sweaty, top 350 in non peak times is still putting me 3-8th in A/A+ lobbies. The second and third splits essentially.

But the quality is not matching the ratings of people are trying cash in...
Apart from this guy being an absolute royal plumb

This penalty (and I should take my own advice here not to go through ghosts) is crazy, he's still serving a penalty

Gran Turismo 7 the ghost contact penalty

Daily B this week is extremely sweaty, top 350 in non peak times is still putting me 3-8th in A/A+ lobbies. The second and third splits essentially.

But the quality is not matching the ratings of people are trying cash in...

Wow, what an asshole at the end. People like that don't need to be in the race. That's why I've kept my races to a limit everyday, because doing too much gets me stressed and my heart beats fast. Lol, he needs someone to shove him. It seems like PD loosened the penalties but they're still kind of strict in a way.

Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Good Place
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Wow, what an asshole at the end. People like that don't need to be in the race. That's why I've kept my races to a limit everyday, because doing too much gets me stressed and my heart beats fast. Lol, he needs someone to shove him. It seems like PD loosened the penalties but they're still kind of strict in a way.

Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Good Place
All good advice Chris 👍

The issue in this clip is the guys was still serving his penalty (on count down) and me going through the ghost caused a collision penalty.

The tit for tat at the end was both of us, I left it in and knew I had a pen he forced the issue because he is a royal plumb but that is all fine.

It's the collision physics which are at fault.
This penalty (and I should take my own advice here not to go through ghosts) is crazy, he's still serving a penalty
I learnt that lesson with blood and I dont go through ghosts no matter the time they are serving.
I chase their slip and move aside once I get there.

I still believe that sport mode should be better with no ghost system at all.
A car spun ahead? bad luck but thats racing.
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I learnt that lesson with blood and I dont go through ghosts no matter the time they are serving.
I chase their slip and move aside once I get there.

I still believe that sport mode should be better with no ghost system at all.
A car spun ahead? bad luck but thats racing.
I agree, but that's not what makes a pick up and play racing game with fixed curated (questionably, sometimes) race hoppers to funnel us in to.

The core of the racing is fine, the choice of cars and the actual cars are a bit meh for a modern title.

You can see it's an aging aspect of the game that gets no love. Old cars, repeat formats, strategy to fit the time boxes rather than racing lead.

So much to improve yet so little impetus for PD to improve it.

They have a formula they are comfortable with and that's it.
A very small BUT welcome difference! Braking in a straight line is better. When I was 14 years old, a few of my friends and I bought a Maruti 800 for about $15 in today's currency. An absolute turd of a car, wanted to roll if you take a turn faster than 13 mph and had rims/ tires smaller than your average Oreo biscuit! However.... braking in a straight line, even after some rain, the car would keep going forward without changing direction! It would lock up 9.99/ 10 times, but at least it went straight!

Before the update this week, taking a corner exactly the same as the previous lap, I still had to be ready for a completely different reaction from the car! Now, at least, I know what it will do, most of the time.... 😂 And that is an improvement in my books!
I'm from the UK so I had to look that car up. I think we had it as the Subaru Justy. My mate and I used to go to a place called Cardrome, which is a small area of private roads where anyone without a licence could pay £10 and drive there all day. We had an 81 Honda Civic with about 40hp but it was a right laugh.

This one was fun. Been really working at Interlagos this week. It's either been getting punted off or fast but not fast enough. This one wasn't easy in the slightest, a race long battle. In the end though first win at the track and first win with the Lamborghini, a car I've historically never gotten on with.