So, how is online racing supposed to make up for lack of offline single player content? Or are they just interchangeable now? I'd love to see what you do when MCD gets your order totally wrong.
Even one bug preventing the completion of a challenge is one too much. It gets frustrating. There are bugs, and there are BUGS that prevent progression. As far as I'm concerned GT7 is worse than Cyberpunk 2077 was, as I was able to complete the latter without getting bogged down by challenges where an RND might prevent you from competing them.
Oh, yes blame the players. While completely ignoring the fact that the game is deliberately made less enjoyable to 99.95% of players (yeah I can pull numbers from my anus too).
No, they cut off all paths, besides the one boring beaten path of following the menu books like a poodle. The point of GT was always the path, not the goal. That's what gave it tremendous replayability. What relpayability GT7 has? Zero, you are not even allowed to start a new game.
Yeah, get one complaint out of context and act as if the entire disappointment hinges on that. If these were the only issues I'd be happily playing the game. As it stands I already packed up my racing rig. I jus have to wait for them to fix it. Or if they don't, this was my last Gran Turismo game, and the last $ they ever saw from me.
Oh and calling everything BS does not make your points seem more valid, au contraire.