GT7 has failed to be Gran Turismo

  • Thread starter m76
Sorry, but that's not really an excuse. At all.

I don’t see how the ability to discard cars affects the plausibility of what I proposed. New players are likely to sell off cars for cash when given the option (I certainly am guilty of doing that in GT3, my first GT) then potentially criticize the game for the critical path being too “grindy” because they then have to buy a bunch of cars, but I doubt they’re just gonna start chucking prize cars into the the garbage for no good reason.

And I was just playing devil’s advocate by suggesting a potentially plausible reason why they might’ve gotten rid of the ability to sell cars, I don’t personally agree with the decision even if that is their reason. I even proposed a solution in my post you quoted that would allow for players to sell their cars once they’re far enough along in the game.

Trust me, I want the ability to sell cars too. I don’t want a bunch of dupe roulette prize cars flooding my garage, but I also can’t bring myself to simply discard them as that feels like a waste.
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The game should be called Gran Turismo 7 The Real Grinding Simulator.
After what i have read so for i think: GT7 TheRealRipOff...:) I don't have it in my possesion yet but hopefully later this week.A friend of mine and his family + his girlfriends brother is planning to visit.And i can get ps4pro + the gt7. over and out for now....
Yes, that's it. I hate anyone having fun and I'm on a one man crusade to try and stop people buying this game. You got me. :rolleyes:

No, I just don't understand why some people attempt to stop all criticism being posted on here, and keep moaning about it. By all means if you like something, and see someone critique something you don't agree with, then reply to that person and explain why you think they're wrong. That's discussion.

But this blanket "People need to stop complaining about this game, I like it, and lots of other people do" is bizarre. If you enjoy it and have no issues at all, great. Enjoy it. If other people enjoy it but have issues, let them discuss those issues. It literally does not affect your enjoyment of the game at all.

I can't understand how people can't take criticism over their criticism.
What you think is even less relevant 😂 Get over yourself. Or make your own video game and show PD how it's done
Ah, the old "See if you can do any better" defense. Always a belter.

If you go for surgery and the surgeon makes a mistake and amputates the wrong leg do you just think "Well, not like I could have done any better?" If you take your car for repair and they drop it off the ramp because they weren't careful enough, do you just think "Well, I'd have probably dropped it off the ramp as well".

Or more appropriately, would you accept those as excuses when they tell you about it?

No, you wouldn't. When a professional or group of professionals provide a product or service as a customer you're perfect entitled to criticise aspects of it you don't like, and know are not correct, without having to be a professional in the same field. You're entitled to tell the restaurant they've burnt your food without being a chef. You're entitled to be annoyed if your bus driver falls asleep and crashes the bus without being a bus driver.

I can't understand how people can't take criticism over their criticism.
You're not directly refuting any criticism though are you? You're just telling people to stop doing it. How is that in any way constructive? At best you just told the OP what he said was "BS", dismissed the bugs because they hadn't happened to you, made up some percentages out of thin air and said you liked the reduced payout, so somehow his opinion isn't valid?

Then when someone pointed out the factual issue of GT7 having far less content than GT4 your response was calling people childish because PD will add new content every month for free, something you have zero evidence. You just made it up. Besides, even if it was true, that doesn't negate the issue. You're saying that people buying the game day one, PDs most loyal paying customers, deserve to be shafted and shouldn't take issue with it. They should just accept it. Because you said so. How is that being childish? Because they expect a product in 2022 to have at least as much content as a 2004 product from the same people?

Come on, if you've got no serious points to try and refute peoples issues, maybe just let them post it and go about your day. Like I said, they don't affect you enjoying the game do they?
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This is a rant thread, but rather than an angry rant, it is a very sad rant.

Gran Turismo 7 has unfortunately managed what I thought unthinkable. It failed so miserably that I didn't even play it for 2 days now. I lost all excitement. I had more fun re-playing GT1 and GT2 leading up to the release. Much more fun in fact than GT7 was able to provide so far. I'd hazard that outside of the offshoot releases like the prolouges and sport, this is the worst GT game to date.

I can't point to a single thing that is wrong with GT7, it's a ton of small issues, that might be deemed inconsequential on their own. But put together, it is literally a death of a thousand cuts.

The things that contribute most to the failure are:

  1. Lack of freedom to do as you will.
    With all content locked away, you can't do anything but follow the beaten path. Any individuality is sorely punished by the game. For example I purchased a car early on, but I couldn't really use it beyond a few races, because the game unlocks races that are only suitable for the cars that it gave as prizes for the previous ones.

    This makes GT mode, or career mode if you will a boring grind, and not an exciting wonderland of opportunities like in previous GT games.
    You do not chose the cars you race, and you do not choose the tracks you race on. There is no sense of achievement of making the right choice of cars.

    I was hoping desperately that the menu book nonsense is just part of the tutorial, and soon everything will unlock, but then it continued on and on, trickle feeding content. It's boring me out of my mind.

  2. The bugs and issues surrounding progression and challenges
    Ultimately this was the last straw that broke the horse's back for me. I'm unwilling to waste my time trying to complete missions or challenges that might be bugged. And the casual way in which Polyphony just writes in the "fixed issues" of the release log, that if you previously didn't get a trophy you just need to do the challenges again, boils my blood.

  3. Nerfed credit income
    I really don't understand why fans are taking this without saying a word. Are you confused into silence? The game is obviously designed to shepherd people towards microtransactions. I played the game for two weeks and all I have to show for it is two cars that I was able to purchase for 160k and 250k respectively, and some mild upgrades, and about 500k left in credits. It is pathetic, especially considering that the most desirable cars tend to cost a million credits or more.

    Why can't we sell cars, really? Can anyone give a reasonable explanation other than to nerf income? Especially considering that this seems to be a last minute addition since the PS store page of the game still mentions selling as part of the game.

    And then we didn't even mention invites to purchase cars yet. It's 100% a play trying to exploit FOMO. Yeah, buy credits now, otherwise we take away your opportunity to buy the Veyron, or whatever. But they can dangle anything in front of me, I spit on it rather than catch when it comes to microtransactions.

  4. The rest of the minor issues
    Like the weird physics, the cluttered hud with tons of useless stuff, the lack of customization of the view position, the talking heads they didn't even bother to voice all take away from the experience.
The worst part is that game failed by design. As in it's not that they failed to do what they set out to do, but the egregious parts are deliberate design decisions.
That is typically a casual player claim. Want everything in the second. The game has only 12 days and you already want all the cars all the races and of course unlimited credits. Aren't you mistaken GT and GTA ? That makes me furiously think to my best friend and his Action Replay. God mode, unlimited money and all tracks open. And after 1 month, the game is forgotten because nothing more to discover. You haven't caught the idea of the creators : an homage to the car industry and its mythic models. That's why the café is for. The game tells a story. And if some cars are so expensive is like to make them more desirable. A collection have no point if eveything is free.
Don't spit on it if it is not your type of game, I think Forza Horizon is more dedicated to you. You can drive in mud with a Bugatti, or make insane jumps over rivers with an M3.
If you really were a GT fan from the first hour, you may not wrote all this.
That is typically a casual player claim. Want everything in the second. The game has only 12 days and you already want all the cars all the races and of course unlimited credits. Aren't you mistaken GT and GTA ? That makes me furiously think to my best friend and his Action Replay. God mode, unlimited money and all tracks open. And after 1 month, the game is forgotten because nothing more to discover. You haven't caught the idea of the creators : an homage to the car industry and its mythic models. That's why the café is for. The game tells a story. And if some cars are so expensive is like to make them more desirable. A collection have no point if eveything is free.
Don't spit on it if it is not your type of game, I think Forza Horizon is more dedicated to you. You can drive in mud with a Bugatti, or make insane jumps over rivers with an M3.
If you really were a GT fan from the first hour, you may not wrote all this.

You really registered a sock puppet account your ego was so hurt by someone criticizing the game in any way?
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I had to make a profile reading this forum because all the people defending GT7 are using the dumbest and repeated arguments. While I am on the side of GT7 being good.

It might be a hollow argument as well. What I personally take away from GT7 is comparing it to GT Sport at launch. GT Sport at launch was absolutely an online experience only. It launched with only 260 cars and like 18 tracks. The fewest in the series since GT1.
While I can't say that GT7 is flawless. It is definitely an improvement and step in the right direction from GT Sport. Sport made me fall out of love and hope for the series but 7 has honestly rekindled it. Yes GT Sport has more singleplayer content but at least GT7 actually has singleplayer content at launch. As well as a respectable amount of cars.
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That is typically a casual player claim. Want everything in the second. The game has only 12 days and you already want all the cars all the races and of course unlimited credits. Aren't you mistaken GT and GTA ? That makes me furiously think to my best friend and his Action Replay. God mode, unlimited money and all tracks open. And after 1 month, the game is forgotten because nothing more to discover. You haven't caught the idea of the creators : an homage to the car industry and its mythic models. That's why the café is for. The game tells a story. And if some cars are so expensive is like to make them more desirable. A collection have no point if eveything is free.
Don't spit on it if it is not your type of game, I think Forza Horizon is more dedicated to you. You can drive in mud with a Bugatti, or make insane jumps over rivers with an M3.
If you really were a GT fan from the first hour, you may not wrote all this.
I'm going to be blunt if you're idea of a good first post is to insult our members and post flame-bait, you are not welcome here.

Many of our members have been day one on every GT Title, have met Kaz, are fans of the series, and are able to be constructively critical about it without insulting each other.

RE-read the AUP you agreed to when you joined, and if you can't follow it in the future, then consider if GT Planet is the place for you. This is not up for debate or discussion, it's an instruction.
Ah, the old "See if you can do any better" defense. Always a belter.

If you go for surgery and the surgeon makes a mistake and amputates the wrong leg do you just think "Well, not like I could have done any better?" If you take your car for repair and they drop it off the ramp because they weren't careful enough, do you just think "Well, I'd have probably dropped it off the ramp as well".

Or more appropriately, would you accept those as excuses when they tell you about it?

No, you wouldn't. When a professional or group of professionals provide a product or service as a customer you're perfect entitled to criticise aspects of it you don't like, and know are not correct, without having to be a professional in the same field. You're entitled to tell the restaurant they've burnt your food without being a chef. You're entitled to be annoyed if your bus driver falls asleep and crashes the bus without being a bus driver.

You're not directly refuting any criticism though are you? You're just telling people to stop doing it. How is that in any way constructive? At best you just told the OP what he said was "BS", dismissed the bugs because they hadn't happened to you, made up some percentages out of thin air and said you liked the reduced payout, so somehow his opinion isn't valid?

Then when someone pointed out the factual issue of GT7 having far less content than GT4 your response was calling people childish because PD will add new content every month for free, something you have zero evidence. You just made it up. Besides, even if it was true, that doesn't negate the issue. You're saying that people buying the game day one, PDs most loyal paying customers, deserve to be shafted and shouldn't take issue with it. They should just accept it. Because you said so. How is that being childish? Because they expect a product in 2022 to have at least as much content as a 2004 product from the same people?

Come on, if you've got no serious points to try and refute peoples issues, maybe just let them post it and go about your day. Like I said, they don't affect you enjoying the game do they?
I'll be honest I lost interest after the first paragraph. You have too much time on your hands.

Just send your hate mail directly to Kaz, that'll fix it
I'll be honest I lost interest after the first paragraph. You have too much time on your hands.

Just send your hate mail directly to Kaz, that'll fix it
Given that the post above yours is telling a new member that attacking other members and trying to incite arguments is not acceptable, how on earth do you think your post reads?

If you can't respect other members' opinions (and this applies to all) then you either need to temper your posting style or not be surprised when the staff takes action.
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this is simply wrong, you obviously have no idea what you are doing in game
you claim you have played the game for TWO WEEKS, and only have 2 CARS???
and they cost $160,000 and $250,000 ????
NONE of the required starter cars in the game cost anything close to that amount
and you say you still have a HALF A MILLION CREDITS !!!!
WAY more than enough to continue through the career mode with ease
you can not progress far with only two cars
you even point out that many cars required are GIVEN out as prizes
GO WIN THEM! then play the game and come back with an opinion based on more than speculation

I wanna say I had almost 80 cars by the end of day 2, after finishing the menus. I’m up to 115 now I think. It’s really not that hard, the grind of Fishermans ranch is a bit boring once you finish all the other stuff that gives free prize cars, but getting cars/money isn’t bad. Fisherman’s Ranch is 97K for a 3:15 lap with CRB. 👍
Given that the post above yours is telling a new member that attacking other members and trying to incite arguments is not acceptable, how on earth do you think your post reads?

If you can't respect other members' opinions (and this applies to all) then you either need to temper your posting style or not be surprised when the staff takes action.
Noted 😉
Comparing Horizon to Gran Turismo is useless. They're very different games. Take a look at FM7 and tell me it's colorful or cringy?

And again, FM7 has a long list of events, a race length option for all career races that can bring standard races up to ~45 minutes and can extend endurance races to absurd lengths, a good money balance where you're not grinding forever but don't have everything instantly, and no cars locked behind FOMO (anymore, at least; Forza isn't flawless either).

What Forza's missing and seriously needs to add is what the Sport mode in GT7 does have, in DR and SR. But the singleplayer content is excellent compared to GT7.

Forza never could've been what it became if it didn't learn from Gran Turismo. Having multiple franchises compete, learning from each other and growing, keeps the genre innovating and improving as they want to pass each other.

Gran Turismo vanished for years and Forza had no true competition left, other than GT Sport, which was much more online focused. And Forza still did learn, they've implemented a penalty system and are looking to increase competitiveness in the next game. What that'll become, we don't know yet, but I have high hopes.

Gran Turismo has not learned anything. They've refused to take hints from other games and as such will not follow what players want and expect out of a modern racing game. And oddly enough, they seem to have refused to follow their older games too. They want to keep doing their own thing, with no guidance or inspiration from elsewhere, and it isn't working.
Sport GT now has an offline campaign mode just like gt3 it's truly sick on the PS5 just picked it up instead of gt7 and kinds glad I did. Check it out again
I'm not saying appealing to casuals is a bad thing. What I meant is that it's not longer fun to master a current GT game, with GT7, there's no reward, because the physics are not there yet, the car collecting is ruthlessly grindy, and there's a huge lack of single player events, there's so many gaps etc for a traditional GT game. Past GT games were appealing to casuals, yes but they also delivered the meat for those that wanted that depth. With GT7 it's like they ONLY appeal to the casuals. It's like a cheap free-to-play throwaway game. Not a good feeling.

I treat all my games both casually and seriously, depending on me. But I need the game to have that depth that past GT games had, otherwise I will not bother even playing it casually. There's nothing interesting about a game that's severely lacking in depth that past titles delivered on in spades. It stinks.
I think the physics are really good now based on my real world experience. The tire flex is awesome. Live for Speed had that feature many years ago. I'm using a steering wheel and disabling all driving assists except setting ABS to weak. After you doing the same? Do you have real world racing experience?
the whole not selling cars is for 1 reason and 1 reason only, credits, why let players sell cars for free credits when we can add micro transactions.

it is the only reason.

just like the roulette spins, i have done 5 or 6 so far, every single time it was the lowest credit reward (how convenient) i also bought the 25th anniversary and what a regret that was, but i was hyped big time for gt7. I always loved GT right back to ps1 days (im 40 y/o).

check out slaptrain on youtube, one of his newer vids he opens a lot of roulettes, its all rubbish, even the 3 star roulette. its proof is all about the $$$.

my father (66 y/o) has a decent sim rig setup, loves the GT series, he has been reading all the forums and has not even bought gt7.

we loved time trialling each other, buying cars to compete, win crappy cars to sell that would allow us to build more cars the same and time trial each other.

can we do that now? of course we could, but in reality we both would be competing to earn enough credits to buy and build the same cars or we can only be driving minis or mx5's.

the fact this game is so heavily pushed towards micro transactions has me (and my old man) done, i cant get into this game at all. i think i finished the second licence series and i turned it off. not even interested in playing it to be honest, very sad its gone from a 2+ year hype for us to not even interested.

worst part is i am a pc gamer, only got the ps5 for GT. what an idiot i am.
also did anyone notice that the review copies for reviewers didnt have micro transactions? it was a day one patch in. that way no one would make there reviews negative due to micro's. the devs did this on purpose obviously for day 1 review scores

this is not a micro transaction game, well it is now and its made it terrible. reality is i give it another month or 2 and the player base will crash hard. the more people realise they have to go around the same track 89 times in order to make enough money to buy a car they want then another 37 times around the same track to modify there new car only to use it for 1 or 2 afternoons then realise they want a new car and well, the cycle repeats or you spend $40 real money on credits..... it will kill the game for the majority. already has for myself and my father. refund would be great.

rant over, but damn it disappoints me when games of great quality over the years have turned into this micro transaction crap.
next you will be able to buy nft's of certain cars soon. what a joke.
It's all been said here but just to add another voice / long-winded rant since this can't be stressed enough:

  • no Gr.2 or Gr.1 races, barely any Gr.4 or Gr.3 content
  • no endurance races
  • 10 championships, 6 if you discount one-track events
  • exactly one championship with more than three races
  • licenses past National A serve no purpose in terms of progression
  • 300+ cars left to collect after all the races are done

Now, I thoroughly enjoyed the races and few championships that are included. Many of them were actually challenging. I somewhat enjoyed the idea behind the cafe but wasn't a fan of the linear progression either, I'd much prefer being able to make actual decisions instead of the game breadcrumbing me by dropping a specific car after each race.

Despite relatively minor gripes I was really enjoying the game, maybe naively expecting it to open up after unlocking all the tracks, so the abrupt ending credits and nothing after that felt like an Aventador missing a braking point on Tokyo Expressway. Not that I even drove a Lamborghini before the ending.

Funnily after getting used to the idea of the cafe representing your progress through the game, going from "welcome, we are open" to "we're now closed forever" effectively killed all enthusiasm I had for the game. There are a couple of low-paying single races left to do but I suddenly don't even feel like it. Sure, PD will likely expand the content but it's extremely disappointing to see them fully on board with this idea that it's somehow okay to release and sell a half-finished product and then maybe finish it a year down the line, which seems to be the norm in this industry now.

What's even more frustrating is that in terms of work hours the game actually seems about 99.8% complete, it really shouldn't be a big deal in the grand scheme to string a couple races together and have decent progression through the game, as they've done in practically every previous title. The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that the missing content is tied to new tracks that are still being worked on, but that doesn't excuse this. Basically, as tends to happen nowadays, someone wanted this game out the door despite it being unfinished.
Calling this GT7 is a lie, it's so obviously a GT sport DLC, 90% of the content is straight from GT Sport. I'm not sure why they aren't getting called out on this. It's not like they remade the assets, this is GT sport underneath with a different front end and some new tracks and cars. So in the last what 4 years or whatever since gt sport has come out they have been working on nothing substantial except a new front end for gt sport with some licence tests. Modders have done more in less time. Such a wasted opportunity to make something amazing on the new hardware and create a flagship game again.
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Fixing the event payouts and adding the same/exact events from GTS alone would fix the game quite alot I think.

Even though the second option is a lazy one GT Sport actually had quite a few varied and unique events that GT7 is lacking. We don't even have any Gr.1 or Gr.2 evens and the custom races payout so little they aren't even worth it unless you just want to race against the cars in your garage.

5 Laps at sarthe only pays around 5k when it really should pay atleast $50-70k.

These events alone would help GT7 quite alot:

And pretty much all of the Amateur-Extreme events from GT4.

We were given a 917 Living legend but have no events to use it in except the 800PP ones if you lower the power; it's almost like PD didn't have enough time to finish the game which I think is possible but they also just made plain dumb decisions without much afterthought.
It's obvious to me that Kaz was actually making GT7 but was going to take until 2026 like he normally does and Sony said we need something right now for ps5 launch, so he delivered this 18 months after ps5 launch in his typical fashion.
I think they will actually make a roots version with gt 8 by the end of The ps5 life span and it will deliver on his original vision, by then will we be ok with driving vacuum cleaners that have no damage model? I'm already not ok with it and AC2 and who knows what else isn't even out yet.
Calling this GT7 is a lie, it's so obviously a GT sport DLC, 90% of the content is straight from GT Sport. I'm not sure why they aren't getting called out on this. It's not like they remade the assets, this is GT sport underneath with a different front end and some new tracks and cars. So in the last what 4 years or whatever since gt sport has come out they have been working on nothing substantial except a new front end for gt sport with some licence tests. Modders have done more in less time. Such a wasted opportunity to make something amazing on the new hardware and create a flagship game again.

Ouff i said this before release... Im not happy i was right. And its a broken dlc full of bugs to that...
I'm glad there are people really enjoying the game, but the critiques are valid and being aggressively shot down for no reason.

Opinions like "you can make custom races so they don't need to add more cups/championships" is truly bizarre. Why have any events at all then? Seriously. I don't even.

Or "everyone wants everything in two weeks". What? Who has said that anywhere? What we want is a reasonable pay out in races to make the game more accessible without hours spent on Fisherman's Ranch. Ironically, people say this is a more "casual" GT and yet from what I have read, it requires far more dedication than previous titles to get the cars you really want - with less events to do so.
Let it be reminded that GT Sport was also quite grindy and had microtransactions. GT5 also had paid DLC after the first month the DLC was released. Unfortunately most games nowdays have microtransactions. Not a good defense but it's still a fact. If we want to talk about bad monetization in video games what about IRacing one of the worst monetizations systems in the industry. The fanbase tries to defend it saying it's worth. But those are the excuses how companies exploit the players.

Also might be a stretch since it was such a massive upgrade. However for GT7 being an incomplete game. GT2 was technically an incomplete game. Before PC emulating and modding you could 100% the game. Just saying.
There's some design decisions that flat-out confuse me.

In the past we used to pick the challenge series, whether it be the Sunday Cup or the FR Challenge, and that would dictate what courses we ran and what cars we drove (for the most part). But the biggest thing was, all the challenges were usually in one or two different screens. So you could decide you wanted to say race FR cars, get in an FR vehicle, go to the challenge menu and select the FR challenge. Easy, right? Now, unless the cafe menu is telling you where to go, you're hunting all over the map for the races in a particular series. I can't tell you how long I hunted around the course menu trying to find the other Gr.4 race (it's at Brands Hatch, btw).

The garage screen is weird, too. You can't preview your cars at all unless you actually switch to them. Seems rather inconsequential but that's never been the case in the past game (I skipped 6 and Sport, though).

I also don't like how the garage defaults to this mess of unorganized squares. Having to hit the List View button and then change the sorting to something reasonably sane is both bothersome and unnecessary. Just default to List View sorted by Manufacturer like any other sane developer.
That is typically a casual player claim. Want everything in the second. The game has only 12 days and you already want all the cars all the races and of course unlimited credits. Aren't you mistaken GT and GTA ? That makes me furiously think to my best friend and his Action Replay. God mode, unlimited money and all tracks open. And after 1 month, the game is forgotten because nothing more to discover. You haven't caught the idea of the creators : an homage to the car industry and its mythic models. That's why the café is for. The game tells a story. And if some cars are so expensive is like to make them more desirable. A collection have no point if eveything is free.
Don't spit on it if it is not your type of game, I think Forza Horizon is more dedicated to you. You can drive in mud with a Bugatti, or make insane jumps over rivers with an M3.
If you really were a GT fan from the first hour, you may not wrote all this.
This is a typically fanboyish/blindsided players claim.

And for the 1.000.000 times -> people don't want everything in a second.
People want content and a functioning economy!!!!

I am a HUGE GT-Fan (like I expect most people to be on a GT-Forum - duh) and so I started to play the game early.
I have the Menu-book done and all remaining races + all License and missions (not all gold but most of them).
And I have 48 hours played.

Now the only reasonable thing to do from now on is to grind fishermans because no other race pays close to that much money.

Here comes the sad truth: You (and most fanboys like you) are actually the casual gaming crowd. You haven't even finished the menubook yet and have no idea what the so called "lategame" in this game actually looks like.

If u really were a GT fan from the first hour, you may have understood this!!
That is typically a casual player claim. Want everything in the second. The game has only 12 days and you already want all the cars all the races and of course unlimited credits. Aren't you mistaken GT and GTA ? That makes me furiously think to my best friend and his Action Replay. God mode, unlimited money and all tracks open. And after 1 month, the game is forgotten because nothing more to discover. You haven't caught the idea of the creators : an homage to the car industry and its mythic models. That's why the café is for. The game tells a story. And if some cars are so expensive is like to make them more desirable. A collection have no point if eveything is free.
Don't spit on it if it is not your type of game, I think Forza Horizon is more dedicated to you. You can drive in mud with a Bugatti, or make insane jumps over rivers with an M3.
If you really were a GT fan from the first hour, you may not wrote all this.
You think having all the cars & unlimited funds instantly is something GTA promotes because your friend glitched his game to have that?

Anyone who has actually put time into GTA knows it's also a gigantic grindfest that has its own game economy purposefully set up to influence Shark Cards; dump money into business, have a real-world time based system for how stock builds, & when it comes time to sell stock, the entire lobby is notified to come destroy it for peanuts. And the game is designed intentionally so that these money-making properties can't be accessed in solo lobbies.

This is really, the most bizarre argument I've seen yet.
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This is a typically fanboyish/blindsided players claim.

And for the 1.000.000 times -> people don't want everything in a second.
People want content and a functioning economy!!!!

I am a HUGE GT-Fan (like I expect most people to be on a GT-Forum - duh) and so I started to play the game early.
I have the Menu-book done and all remaining races + all License and missions (not all gold but most of them).
And I have 48 hours played.

Now the only reasonable thing to do from now on is to grind fishermans because no other race pays close to that much money.

Here comes the sad truth: You (and most fanboys like you) are actually the casual gaming crowd. You haven't even finished the menubook yet and have no idea what the so called "lategame" in this game actually looks like.

If u really were a GT fan from the first hour, you may have understood this!!
You got me. I'm a fanboy for real and since GT1 i bought day one.
Maybe the expectations and the hype I put into this episode, pumped by the fact that it was the only game I was waiting for my PS5 blinds me.
I apologize for the tone of my first post ever. But honestly I was so bored by comments on other sites from Pro Forza players that destroys the game without having ever played it...
You're right, I haven't finished the menu book. I'm not casual, but I take the time. Maybe after it, yes, it will be time to grind. But in my mind it has always be like that in GT. Endless sessions on Daytona ring or B-Spec endurance races during the night.
The point I agree for now is the pretty deceiving lottery. Always the worst prizes.

Sorry again.
Having to hit the List View button and then change the sorting to something reasonably sane is both bothersome and unnecessary. Just default to List View sorted by Manufacturer like any other sane developer.
I could be very wrong on this, but I think in GT4 your garage sorting preference were persistent and would stay saved. In GT7 everytime I go back in the menu it's reverted to a complete mess. I'm so confused how older games have done various things better, not limited to this, like none of these games were learning experiences for PD in creating games.
I could be very wrong on this, but I think in GT4 your garage sorting preference were persistent and would stay saved. In GT7 everytime I go back in the menu it's reverted to a complete mess. I'm so confused how older games have done various things better, not limited to this, like none of these games were learning experiences for PD in creating games.

IMO I think these are things that just get overlooked during production. The GT4 example may have just been an employee deciding one day "hey, that would be helpful" and just coded it in. That was also how many years ago now where games production still had some of that cowboy-mentality.

But I have to agree with you. It's not like PD has a revolving door of staff either - a lot of names appear consistently throughout the series that it makes you wonder.
That is typically a casual player claim. Want everything in the second. The game has only 12 days and you already want all the cars all the races and of course unlimited credits. Aren't you mistaken GT and GTA ? That makes me furiously think to my best friend and his Action Replay. God mode, unlimited money and all tracks open. And after 1 month, the game is forgotten because nothing more to discover. You haven't caught the idea of the creators : an homage to the car industry and its mythic models. That's why the café is for. The game tells a story. And if some cars are so expensive is like to make them more desirable. A collection have no point if eveything is free.
Don't spit on it if it is not your type of game, I think Forza Horizon is more dedicated to you. You can drive in mud with a Bugatti, or make insane jumps over rivers with an M3.
If you really were a GT fan from the first hour, you may not wrote all this.
Fans like you that prefers being medicore