GT7 has failed to be Gran Turismo

  • Thread starter m76
This is a rant thread, but rather than an angry rant, it is a very sad rant.

Gran Turismo 7 has unfortunately managed what I thought unthinkable. It failed so miserably that I didn't even play it for 2 days now. I lost all excitement. I had more fun re-playing GT1 and GT2 leading up to the release. Much more fun in fact than GT7 was able to provide so far. I'd hazard that outside of the offshoot releases like the prolouges and sport, this is the worst GT game to date.

I can't point to a single thing that is wrong with GT7, it's a ton of small issues, that might be deemed inconsequential on their own. But put together, it is literally a death of a thousand cuts.

The things that contribute most to the failure are:

  1. Lack of freedom to do as you will.
    With all content locked away, you can't do anything but follow the beaten path. Any individuality is sorely punished by the game. For example I purchased a car early on, but I couldn't really use it beyond a few races, because the game unlocks races that are only suitable for the cars that it gave as prizes for the previous ones.

    This makes GT mode, or career mode if you will a boring grind, and not an exciting wonderland of opportunities like in previous GT games.
    You do not chose the cars you race, and you do not choose the tracks you race on. There is no sense of achievement of making the right choice of cars.

    I was hoping desperately that the menu book nonsense is just part of the tutorial, and soon everything will unlock, but then it continued on and on, trickle feeding content. It's boring me out of my mind.

  2. The bugs and issues surrounding progression and challenges
    Ultimately this was the last straw that broke the horse's back for me. I'm unwilling to waste my time trying to complete missions or challenges that might be bugged. And the casual way in which Polyphony just writes in the "fixed issues" of the release log, that if you previously didn't get a trophy you just need to do the challenges again, boils my blood.

  3. Nerfed credit income
    I really don't understand why fans are taking this without saying a word. Are you confused into silence? The game is obviously designed to shepherd people towards microtransactions. I played the game for two weeks and all I have to show for it is two cars that I was able to purchase for 160k and 250k respectively, and some mild upgrades, and about 500k left in credits. It is pathetic, especially considering that the most desirable cars tend to cost a million credits or more.

    Why can't we sell cars, really? Can anyone give a reasonable explanation other than to nerf income? Especially considering that this seems to be a last minute addition since the PS store page of the game still mentions selling as part of the game.

    And then we didn't even mention invites to purchase cars yet. It's 100% a play trying to exploit FOMO. Yeah, buy credits now, otherwise we take away your opportunity to buy the Veyron, or whatever. But they can dangle anything in front of me, I spit on it rather than catch when it comes to microtransactions.

  4. The rest of the minor issues
    Like the weird physics, the cluttered hud with tons of useless stuff, the lack of customization of the view position, the talking heads they didn't even bother to voice all take away from the experience.
The worst part is that game failed by design. As in it's not that they failed to do what they set out to do, but the egregious parts are deliberate design decisions.
It's healthy to get it out sometimes :)
Comparing Horizon to Gran Turismo is useless. They're very different games. Take a look at FM7 and tell me it's colorful or cringy?

And again, FM7 has a long list of events, a race length option for all career races that can bring standard races up to ~45 minutes and can extend endurance races to absurd lengths, a good money balance where you're not grinding forever but don't have everything instantly, and no cars locked behind FOMO (anymore, at least; Forza isn't flawless either).

What Forza's missing and seriously needs to add is what the Sport mode in GT7 does have, in DR and SR. But the singleplayer content is excellent compared to GT7.

Forza never could've been what it became if it didn't learn from Gran Turismo. Having multiple franchises compete, learning from each other and growing, keeps the genre innovating and improving as they want to pass each other.

Gran Turismo vanished for years and Forza had no true competition left, other than GT Sport, which was much more online focused. And Forza still did learn, they've implemented a penalty system and are looking to increase competitiveness in the next game. What that'll become, we don't know yet, but I have high hopes.

Gran Turismo has not learned anything. They've refused to take hints from other games and as such will not follow what players want and expect out of a modern racing game. And oddly enough, they seem to have refused to follow their older games too. They want to keep doing their own thing, with no guidance or inspiration from elsewhere, and it isn't working.

As much as I love the Gran Turismo series above any other, I have to agree completely.
Every generation of the game seems completely at the mercy of whatever is holding Kaz's interest at the time its being developed. I'm grateful to him and all he's done, but letting a single individual have so much executive control over such a popular title without anyone to truly naysay him, means we are subject to his whims... though he has occasionally seemed to listen to some of the regular final contenders.

If we want change, our best bet is to get them to agree and collectively bring it to him. They are some of the few he seems to listen to... at least sometimes.
Ah, the old "See if you can do any better" defense. Always a belter.

If you go for surgery and the surgeon makes a mistake and amputates the wrong leg do you just think "Well, not like I could have done any better?" If you take your car for repair and they drop it off the ramp because they weren't careful enough, do you just think "Well, I'd have probably dropped it off the ramp as well".

Or more appropriately, would you accept those as excuses when they tell you about it?

No, you wouldn't. When a professional or group of professionals provide a product or service as a customer you're perfect entitled to criticise aspects of it you don't like, and know are not correct, without having to be a professional in the same field. You're entitled to tell the restaurant they've burnt your food without being a chef. You're entitled to be annoyed if your bus driver falls asleep and crashes the bus without being a bus driver.

You're not directly refuting any criticism though are you? You're just telling people to stop doing it. How is that in any way constructive? At best you just told the OP what he said was "BS", dismissed the bugs because they hadn't happened to you, made up some percentages out of thin air and said you liked the reduced payout, so somehow his opinion isn't valid?

Then when someone pointed out the factual issue of GT7 having far less content than GT4 your response was calling people childish because PD will add new content every month for free, something you have zero evidence. You just made it up. Besides, even if it was true, that doesn't negate the issue. You're saying that people buying the game day one, PDs most loyal paying customers, deserve to be shafted and shouldn't take issue with it. They should just accept it. Because you said so. How is that being childish? Because they expect a product in 2022 to have at least as much content as a 2004 product from the same people?

Come on, if you've got no serious points to try and refute peoples issues, maybe just let them post it and go about your day. Like I said, they don't affect you enjoying the game do they?

Stop right there, zero evidence?
GT Sport had an amazing support, what makes you think GT7 won't?

After the BS, there was an explanation. Put your tears to rest, GT7 is amazing already and will be monstrous without additional charges. Is there any doubt, for example, that they will add great endurance races?

This is not GT4 era anymore, the motdel has changed, everything is done with steps, almost everything is with a sort of Jira/Agile method. Will be getting constant updates, like any mobile app. I'm not super happy about that, but I've embrace it.

Anyone expecting a 100% GT game right from the beginning was delusional. But from there to say that is not a proper Gran Turismo game like the OP said? Utterly BS.
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Stop right there, zero evidence?
GT Sport had an amazing support, what makes you think GT7 won't?
Zero evidence of exactly what we will get exists on either side, that said you can't prove a negative. You can't prove zero support will be offered before the fact, as such the onus does lay on that side of the debate.

We know, as the member you quoted acknowledged that we will most likely get support and DLC< but we don't yet know what it looks like.

After the BS, there was an explanation. Put your tears to rest,
This simply not an acceptable manner in which to talk to another member, please re-read the AUP and ensure you future posts follow it, this part of my post is not for negotiation or discussion. It's an instruction, do not attempt a 'they started it first debate' if you think a post breaks the AUP, report it.

GT7 is amazing already and will be monstrous without additional charges. Is there any doubt, for example, that they will add great endurance races?
Given the last title in the series to feature full endurance races for single player was GT6, I would say it's open for question, so yes, for many doubt does exist.

Most would have had no doubt that a full GT with used cars, etc would allow you to sell your cars, and yet we have no ability to do that in GT7.

This is not GT4 era anymore, the motdel has changed, everything is done with steps, almost everything is with a sort of Jira/Agile method. Will be getting constant updates, like any mobile app. I'm not super happy about that, but I've embrace it.
Just because an agile model is being used, doesn't mean it's being done well, and it certainly shouldn't be an excuse for offering a product that doesn't deliver on your customers expectations.

Anyone expecting a 100% GT game right from the beginning was delusional. But from there to say that is not a proper Gran Turismo game like the OP said? Utterly BS.

Let me ask you a question, in past full GT titles, including those in the download age, such as GT5 and GT6, how many hours, roughly has it taken to see the end credits? Certainly, as a launch day purchasers for all from the original; title, none have been shorter than GT 7.

Agile is again not an excuse here, if you going to deliver an unfinished product, then call it early access and be honest with your audience, don't mislead them with false expectations.
I could be very wrong on this, but I think in GT4 your garage sorting preference were persistent and would stay saved. In GT7 everytime I go back in the menu it's reverted to a complete mess. I'm so confused how older games have done various things better, not limited to this, like none of these games were learning experiences for PD in creating games.
I'm totally agree with you

Why they just not launched GT4 again (I did it last night just to compare) and just see and say ok this is one of our last masterpiece, we should bring this to 2022 era.

I'm pretty sure if they have done that, we don't have this discussion because GT4 was a true masterpiece with all ingredients a good Gran Turismo racing game needs.

It's a Sony/Microtransactions and PD/Kaz mislead here.
Stop right there, zero evidence?
GT Sport had an amazing support, what makes you think GT7 won't?

After the BS, there was an explanation. Put your tears to rest, GT7 is amazing already and will be monstrous without additional charges. Is there any doubt, for example, that they will add great endurance races?

This is not GT4 era anymore, the motdel has changed, everything is done with steps, almost everything is with a sort of Jira/Agile method. Will be getting constant updates, like any mobile app. I'm not super happy about that, but I've embrace it.

Anyone expecting a 100% GT game right from the beginning was delusional. But from there to say that is not a proper Gran Turismo game like the OP said? Utterly BS.
You said they will add updates every month. The past is not evidence of the future. They will add updates, they've made no promises on the frequency, so you can't just claim that as if it's a fact to try and support your argument.

Yes, I do doubt they'll add endurance races.

As for the rest, it makes little sense. It's not a 100% GT game but it's also BS to say it's not a proper GT game? What?
Because that's how the industry works now, accept it, embrace it and enjoy it. GT4 is my favourite GT as well, online aspect aside, but that's another era.
Stop perpetuating the release of unfinished game that can be given updates later. Games can be finished and be given more content.

Now by this they misblame it (and companies that charge it) to the DLC system which is actually an advancement for gaming world. That should be utilized better in keep making the games fully released as before then add up stuff later to make it even better instead of older games being left as what it is despite it being great already, it can be even better.
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Zero evidence of exactly what we will get exists on either side, that said you can't prove a negative. You can't prove zero support will be offered before the fact, as such the onus does lay on that side of the debate.

We know, as the member you quoted acknowledged that we will most likely get support and DLC< but we don't yet know what it looks like.

Ok, but the odds are clearly not the same in both cases. I believe people got too sensible with this microtransaction option, also, and that is driving them into a negative analysis. Doesn't Polyphony deserves trust after what have they done with GT Sport updates?

This simply not an acceptable manner in which to talk to another member, please re-read the AUP and ensure you future posts follow it, this part of my post is not for negotiation or discussion. It's an instruction, do not attempt a 'they started it first debate' if you think a post breaks the AUP, report it.

Sure, It's a way of speaking, I can change it, it doesnt matter to me since it won't change the point.

Given the last title in the series to feature full endurance races for single player was GT6, I would say it's open for question, so yes, for many doubt does exist.
10 years ago, different era.

Most would have had no doubt that a full GT with used cars, etc would allow you to sell your cars, and yet we have no ability to do that in GT7.

It could be more complex than we think. Since they already put a dynamic price used car system, they might be thinking on allow us to send the cars to other players and put the price? One can only dream there.
Just because an agile model is being used, doesn't mean it's being done well, and it certainly shouldn't be an excuse for offering a product that doesn't deliver on your customers expectations.
What is "doesn't deliver on your customers expectations" when actually most people is really enjoying the game?


Let me ask you a question, in past full GT titles, including those in the download age, such as GT5 and GT6, how many hours, roughly has it taken to see the end credits? Certainly, as a launch day purchasers for all from the original; title, none have been shorter than GT 7.

Agile is again not an excuse here, if you going to deliver an unfinished product, then call it early access and be honest with your audience, don't mislead them with false expectations.

Unfinished product for the past era standards, maybe, yes. For todays industry? GT7 content surpases most other racing titles, in a game that's not even 2 weeks from release.

You said they will add updates every month. The past is not evidence of the future. They will add updates, they've made no promises on the frequency, so you can't just claim that as if it's a fact to try and support your argument.
Well, tbh, they are fixing some bugs and also details, the second update in 13 days is available now. That's support for you right there. The content will eventually come. 1 month sounds optimistic, ok, but I'll go ahead and put my money all in that we will hardly have to wait more than 2 for constant new content.
Yes, I do doubt they'll add endurance races.
Man, really? Even after the new dymanic light shown?
As for the rest, it makes little sense. It's not a 100% GT game but it's also BS to say it's not a proper GT game? What?

What's hard to understand there?
So are you implying that a proper GT game has to be, in 2022, a complete GT game from release otherwise is not a proper GT? Really?
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Well, tbh, they are fixing some bugs and also details, the second update in 13 days is available now. That's support for you right there. The content will eventually come. 1 month sounds optimistic, ok, but I'll go ahead and put my money all in that we will hardly have to wait more than 2 for constant new content.

Man, really? Even after the new dymanic light shown?

What's hard to understand there?
So are you implying that a proper GT game has to be, in 2022, a complete GT game from release otherwise is not a proper GT? Really?
The dude is talking about the game today. So yes, it's perfectly valid for him to not think it's a proper GT game today. That it might be in future is rather irrelevant isn't it? He ain't a time traveller.
Ok, but the odds are clearly not the same in both cases. I believe people got too sensible with this microtransaction option, also, and that is driving them into a negative analysis. Doesn't Polyphony deserves trust after what have they done with GT Sport updates?
You mean trust the company that categorically said they would not put MXT's in GTS and then did?

Sure, It's a way of speaking, I can change it, it doesnt matter to me since it won't change the point.
Ensure you do

10 years ago, different era.
Exactly, it was ten years ago, so yes doubt does exist that PD will add them into GT 7, as the last time they used them was ten years ago!

It could be more complex than we think. Since they already put a dynamic price used car system, they might be thinking on allow us to send the cars to other players and put the price? One can only dream there.
Forza has had a dynamic auction house for years, it's never stopped them allowing players to sell a car within the in-game economy. PD has also laways used a X% of retail value for used cars, as such, no it's not difficult at all, it simply becomes X% of current retail, and would only be dynamic for those cars in the Legends UCD.

What is "doesn't deliver on your customers expectations" when actually most people is really enjoying the game?
Citation required, because right now the limited single player, negative feedback around always on, and MXTs is growing

Unfinished product for the past era standards, maybe, yes. For todays industry? GT7 content stands fairly well against most other titles, in a game that's not even 2 weeks from release.
It really, really doesn't, unless as I say, you compare it to early access titles.

What racing title has launched recently with a single player mode that could be finished in the same duration, and then left so little to do, with so much content unused?

The last Forza Motorsport, Forza Horizon, Dirt Rally, Dirt, Grid, F1, WRC, etc, etc. None of them did, and some of these are yearly instalment titles.

However I do note that you actually didn't answer my question, which is telling in itself. we had two GT full titles in the 'agile' era with regard to updates, etc. GT5 and GT6, neither of which arrived, on launch day, as bare bones as this, in fact quite the opposite, both had some of the highest 'main campaign' finish times of any GT title ever released.
Anyone expecting a 100% GT game right from the beginning was delusional.
Lul wut? Delusional to expect a whole game when you buy it?
Unfinished product for the past era standards, maybe, yes. For todays industry? GT7 content surpases most other racing titles, in a game that's not even 2 weeks from release.
Content? Sure. Gameplay?


Turns out that for a lot of people gameplay is more important than content, because all the cars in the world are no good if there's nothing fun to do with them.
The game cost me $150au.

I most certainly expect a final version.

As for gt sport micro transactions, on average a car cost $5.
Gt7 you need credits, if a car cost 3,000,000 credits, you need to spend $40 - $20 per 2,000,000 to buy credits for that same 1 car.

It's not even comparable.
The dude is talking about the game today. So yes, it's perfectly valid for him to not think it's a proper GT game today. That it might be in future is rather irrelevant isn't it? He ain't a time traveller.

I'm interested in the 100% concept, and what he has for an answer. We could also be picky and said that a game can never truly be 100%. What's clear here is that GT has gone through such an amount of variety in the saga that everyone's checkbox for considering a game "a proper GT game" is substantially different.

You mean trust the company that categorically said they would not put MXT's in GTS and then did?

Now go and compare that with what they have done with GT Sport updates. The good should over come the bad, easily. And MXT are just an option and it's really out of plain sight. Compare it with NBA2K22 and you'll get what I mean.
Exactly, it was ten years ago, so yes doubt does exist that PD will add them into GT 7, as the last time they used them was ten years ago!

The game will be fine, just trust them.
Forza has had a dynamic auction house for years, it's never stopped them allowing players to sell a car within the in-game economy. PD has also laways used a X% of retail value for used cars, as such, no it's not difficult at all, it simply becomes X% of current retail, and would only be dynamic for those cars in the Legends UCD.

Yeah, well, Rocket League has some system as well, but Polyphony sometimes gets picky with this stuff and they might be willing to offer something classier. They will go snob with this if they can, they are odd.

Citation required, because right now the limited single player, negative feedback around always on, and MXTs is growing.

In my opinion the negative feedback tends to scream louder, but that doesnt mean they are the majority.

It really, really doesn't, unless as I say, you compare it to early access titles.

What racing title has launched recently with a single player mode that could be finished in the same duration, and then left so little to do, with so much content unused?

The last Forza Motorsport, Forza Horizon, Dirt Rally, Dirt, Grid, F1, WRC, etc, etc. None of them did, and some of these are yearly instalment titles.

I've play Dirt 2.0 for years, and it didn't come with a lot of stuff at release, not to mention the Colin McRae life section.
And nonetheless it was amazing and it got even better. GT7 odds to become really big just by the end of this year look like a safe bet.

However I do note that you actually didn't answer my question, which is telling in itself. we had two GT full titles in the 'agile' era with regard to updates, etc. GT5 and GT6, neither of which arrived, on launch day, as bare bones as this, in fact quite the opposite, both had some of the highest 'main campaign' finish times of any GT title ever released.

Hard to think GT5 and GT6 were part of the Agile trend. Maybe GT6 at some point, but I can't remember how often the updates were. Agile methodology in programming start becoming much more used after 2012. Agile methodology exploded with the new phone era and constants updates. After the N95, iPhone and Androids became the stars of the show and the rest is history. That was a response for a constant and quick consumer request. Every year phones improved a lot and monthly updates started. Now they are done weekly. It's annoying but you get great support. Can't have everything I guess.

Lul wut? Delusional to expect a whole game when you buy it?

Content? Sure. Gameplay?

View attachment 1125326

Turns out that for a lot of people gameplay is more important than content, because all the cars in the world are no good if there's nothing fun to do with them.

A whole complete racing game at release in 2022? What world are you living in? 🤣

Expect that for indies and some narrative driven games. Maybe a couple of games in some genres. But not much else.
Unfortunately that is how it is today everyone wants instant gratification and nobody wants to work for anything. The it is all about me generations. I did say generations in the plural because it is across a few. Sad really.

Some people is not young here, I wouldn't say it's necessarly a generation thing. Spoiled? Perhaps, but still a mistery.

There are people complaining about the prizes. Polyphony just released an update regarding this, let's hope this calms the waters.

PS: btw, this Autumnalglow user, registered 7 days ago, giving "poops" to everyone not agreeing with the OP, it's hilarious 😂 Never used the ignore option, but I had to go with this character.
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Now go and compare that with what they have done with GT Sport updates. The good should over come the bad, easily. And MXT are just an option and it's really out of plain sight. Compare it with NBA2K22 and you'll get what I mean.
MXT's are out of sight? That's simply untrue, every time I boot up my PS5 they are shown when I highlight the GT7 icon, the option to check credits on the home page links directly to them, every time you buy a car you are offered them! They categorically are not out of plain sight, just about any transaction you carry out in GT7 pushes them.

The game will be fine, just trust them.
Given that both the patches we have had for GT7 has downgraded graphics, that they hid the true nature of MTXs until launch and that they previous said they would not use MTXs and then promptly did, I have little reason to take what they say at face value at all.

Yeah, well, Rocket League has some system as well, but Polyphony sometimes gets picky with this stuff and they might be willing to offer something classier. They will go snob with this if they can, they are odd.
That has noting at all to do with the point I made, zero. No reason exists that PD could not have given us the option to sell cars, none. well unless they wanted to create an unbalanced in-game-economy.

In my opinion the negative feedback tends to scream louder, but that doesnt mean they are the majority.
Doesn't mean they aren't either, and it doesn't invalidate issues that exist.

I've play Dirt 2.0 for years, and it didn't come with a lot of stuff at release, not to mention the Colin McRae life section.
And nonetheless it was amazing and it got even better. GT7 odds to become really big just by the end of this year look like a safe bet.
You're once again conflating 'content' with the value that content provides within the game. Dirt 2.0 had a massive amount for players to do, and that starting 'curated' content was build on over time. GT7 is starting from a much lower base.

GT7 has a great amount of content, but for the majority of it, nothing in terms of curated events that actually give a solid reward exists, as a contrast take Grid Legends, a much lower content count, but a huge amount of curated events to use it with, events that reward well and will keep players busy for significantly longer that GT7 in terms of 'single player' events.

Hard to think GT5 and GT6 were part of the Agile trend. Maybe GT6 at some point, but I can't remember how often the updates were. Agile methodology in programming start becoming much more used after 2012. Agile methodology exploded with the new phone era and constants updates. After the N95, iPhone and Androids became the stars of the show and the rest is history. That was a response for a constant and quick consumer request. Every year phones improved a lot and monthly updates started. Now they are done weekly. It's annoying but you get great support. Can't have everything I guess.
I do remember how often they were, and they were frequent enough, however agile is also no excuse for what is quite simple stuff to add.

Are you honestly telling me that they have not had time to put together a series of curated single-player events and championships? They could have pretty much copy/pasted GTS's ones and given them to use to work through are the Cafe was finished, and done so with minimal effort!

You are quite literally defending the indefensible right now.

A whole complete racing game at release in 2022? What world are you living in? 🤣

Expect that for indies and some narrative driven games. Maybe a couple of games in some genres. But not much else.
No, not apart from indie or narrative driven games.

Racing titles with a lengthy and detailed curated single-player are not some mythical unicorn in this day and ages, the last title I can recall that was this lazy ion terms of single player activity (for slightly different reasons) was the Grid 2019 reboot, and that rightly got slated for the same reason GT7 is now.
A whole complete racing game at release in 2022? What world are you living in? 🤣

Expect that for indies and some narrative driven games. Maybe a couple of games in some genres. But not much else.
Sounds terrible in your universe. Here we do actually get all sorts of game that release with full content and structurally complete gameplay. Most of them don't even have microtransactions any more, although it was touch and go for a while. Some choose to add stuff after release, sometimes for free, sometimes paid, but for the good ones the game at release has enough content and gameplay to justify the price of purchase without waiting for the developer to get around to (maybe) finishing it.

Did you also get COVID in your universe? Has Putin invaded Ukraine? Does Elden Ring still stutter like a bugger? You must have gotten some benefit in exchange for having all these half-finished games. We get some half-baked ones occasionally, but they're usually either labelled as Early Access or the developers are just roundly mocked for having the balls to try and charge for a product that clearly isn't complete.

That seems to be just how it works here in this universe, when devs try to pull some underhanded **** the community speaks up and lets them know. Not all of them, there's always a few rod jockeys that feel personally drawn to defend a company's right to pillage the cheeks of the populace, but most people can spot shenanigans when they see them.
Forza has had a dynamic auction house for years, it's never stopped them allowing players to sell a car within the in-game economy.
In Forza it's perfectly possible for cars in the auction house to go well below, at the same or well above the in-game dealerships price. It's simply an additional dynamic: want to hunt for a bargain (might take some time), get it at the stock price (right now), or maybe get some special limited edition car that's not available in the dealership (e.g. certain Edition cars) at a massive price? The choice is yours. It's all good. And that's without even mentioning how easy it is to get both cash and cars in Forza. It hardly ever feels like a grind, which I guess is why folks will excuse Turn10 the microtransactions.
Let me defend this game a bit.

I've been playing since the first game. THIS is the game that makes me buy a PlayStation. Whole reason I wanted a PS5. I haven't enjoyed the franchise since GT4. 5 & 6 were meh to me. Sport was a complete let down. Just not my cup of tea & when they added single player, it just didn't do it for me.

I feel this is the best one since GT3. I have dumped plenty of hours into it. Think I'm on book 30 something, don't exactly remember. Yea, the single player mode is pretty linear but I don't feel it's any different then previous entries. Yea all the tracks were unlocked in the older games but we all pretty much started with 30k, bought a Miata, went to the Sunday cup, then had to grind to get more money to buy whatever car was necessary to get into other events. Only goal being was to collect trophies. I haven't had to grind in this game. I pre-ordered the game but I just bought an Integra Type R instead of what was offered & I've just been racing & using what the game has offered. Playing on medium difficulty with pretty much every assist turned off. Only reason I've had to repeat races is because I was frustrated I didn't get 1st. I like how the story mode has spoon fed me the history on different vehicles & how it's kind of made me use cars I never would have.

I don't see the micro transactions that y'all do. The 4 different credit packages you can buy? I have spent zero dollars & I ain't the best. I've just learned the tracks & practiced. I feel this is theGran Turismo we've been needing since GT3
Seeing what is on the table now, the marketing, branding, focus leading up to release does seem a bit off. This game is every bit Gran Turismo Sport 2 as it is Gran Turismo 7. I do think they went with title for the game that will sell best.
Let me defend this game a bit.

I've been playing since the first game. THIS is the game that makes me buy a PlayStation. Whole reason I wanted a PS5. I haven't enjoyed the franchise since GT4. 5 & 6 were meh to me. Sport was a complete let down. Just not my cup of tea & when they added single player, it just didn't do it for me.

I feel this is the best one since GT3. I have dumped plenty of hours into it. Think I'm on book 30 something, don't exactly remember. Yea, the single player mode is pretty linear but I don't feel it's any different then previous entries. Yea all the tracks were unlocked in the older games but we all pretty much started with 30k, bought a Miata, went to the Sunday cup, then had to grind to get more money to buy whatever car was necessary to get into other events. Only goal being was to collect trophies. I haven't had to grind in this game. I pre-ordered the game but I just bought an Integra Type R instead of what was offered & I've just been racing & using what the game has offered. Playing on medium difficulty with pretty much every assist turned off. Only reason I've had to repeat races is because I was frustrated I didn't get 1st. I like how the story mode has spoon fed me the history on different vehicles & how it's kind of made me use cars I never would have.

I don't see the micro transactions that y'all do. The 4 different credit packages you can buy? I have spent zero dollars & I ain't the best. I've just learned the tracks & practiced. I feel this is theGran Turismo we've been needing since GT3
The issue isn't while you are working through the Cafe Menus, it's the lack of curated content once you finish book 39,at that point the number of events and championships is very low, and the payout's are so low it rapidly becomes a grind.
In many ways GT7 is the epitome of Gran Turismo games - it has been using the same basic formula for 25 years now. Race, win cars and credits, upgrade, buy faster cars, repeat.

However, 25 years on the formula is dated and surpassed by others for online racing, career modes/offline racing, ai etc. It failed to be the real driving simulator when they added scapes and livery editor and as that has been expanded and polished the game part has been left alone or features introduced then dropped rather than give the bells and whistles treatment (B-Spec and course designer). Now it is about the cars and how they look rather than being a driving game. Car porn simulator.

It promises so much but misses the mark.
Today's update.
They really showed their hand early with that one. Usually devs undertune and tweak up because buffs feel better than nerfs, but Polyphony really out here smacking down on them high earning races.

At least a couple new races would have been nice for people. I would have thought they'd have content updates lined up for the first month or so already given that the campaign is pretty clearly unfinished.
Zero evidence of exactly what we will get exists on either side, that said you can't prove a negative. You can't prove zero support will be offered before the fact, as such the onus does lay on that side of the debate.

We know, as the member you quoted acknowledged that we will most likely get support and DLC< but we don't yet know what it looks like.

This simply not an acceptable manner in which to talk to another member, please re-read the AUP and ensure you future posts follow it, this part of my post is not for negotiation or discussion. It's an instruction, do not attempt a 'they started it first debate' if you think a post breaks the AUP, report it.

Given the last title in the series to feature full endurance races for single player was GT6, I would say it's open for question, so yes, for many doubt does exist.

Most would have had no doubt that a full GT with used cars, etc would allow you to sell your cars, and yet we have no ability to do that in GT7.

Just because an agile model is being used, doesn't mean it's being done well, and it certainly shouldn't be an excuse for offering a product that doesn't deliver on your customers expectations.


Let me ask you a question, in past full GT titles, including those in the download age, such as GT5 and GT6, how many hours, roughly has it taken to see the end credits? Certainly, as a launch day purchasers for all from the original; title, none have been shorter than GT 7.

Agile is again not an excuse here, if you going to deliver an unfinished product, then call it early access and be honest with your audience, don't mislead them with false expectations.

Yes, can't get my head around that 'Agile' model means game has been released in its current state. How long have they had to work on it now? Plus screenshots from others online that have access to more races.

Something very odd going on here imo and they risk alienating large parts of their loyal fanbase, if they haven;t done so already.
Right now, having fired up my PS5 at lunch to try and see what the update ahs brought and do my daily marathon, it's safe to say right now I'm not getting the game I paid for.

It's 1pm and the servers are still down for maintenance that was scheduled to finish at 9am.

At least I now know exactly what you can access.

World Series is the only open pavilion and that give you Single Race, Time Trial and Drift Trial, with only 13 cars on offer. You can get into photo-mode from the replay and save the pictures and also save the replay.

It's not the custom race screen either, options are limited to Number of laps, Start Type, Difficultly and Boost level (off, weak, strong), weather is limited to ones tied to Time of Day from Time Trial,

That's it, your internet drops or the servers are on-line and that's you £60/£70 game.