• Thread starter gtrotary
What do you use to keep your VR2 headset clean?
I just got one and following the advice on here I've had great fun using it. But it's rather warm here at the moment and my headset got sweatier than I expected.
Couple of weeks back I was doing back to back (as close to back to back) Daily races as I could, when I finished the VR headset practically slid off my head, and the hair was stuck to my forehead it was so hot in there!
Couple of weeks back I was doing back to back (as close to back to back) Daily races as I could, when I finished the VR headset practically slid off my head, and the hair was stuck to my forehead it was so hot in there!
I saw a YT video in which the guy was using a black 'yoga' style sweat-band under the PSVR2's head-band, saying that it made for a more comfortable fit. He probably had an 80's leotard on under his race suit 🤔
I saw a YT video in which the guy was using a black 'yoga' style sweat-band under the PSVR2's head-band, saying that it made for a more comfortable fit. He probably had an 80's leotard on under his race suit 🤔
I don't VR, but I am VR curious :D

Anyway, for sweat I use a scull cap like one of these I actually use the Halo brand that has a silicon "gutter" for cycling but I would imaging any of these would work well.
Go on know you want one 😎
Yes, but first I want to upgrade my G29 to a DD PS pro wheel with CSL Elite pedals. I think that will make more of an impact on my driving than VR. Then perhaps upgrade my rig and then perhaps VR... Have to prioritize. I'm also worried that it'll do my head in as I don't do well with fake 4D motion type stuff at amusement parks so think this may be the same..
Yes, but first I want to upgrade my G29 to a DD PS pro wheel with CSL Elite pedals. I think that will make more of an impact on my driving than VR. Then perhaps upgrade my rig and then perhaps VR... Have to prioritize. I'm also worried that it'll do my head in as I don't do well with fake 4D motion type stuff at amusement parks so think this may be the same..

Yeah it's a shame it's not something that's easy to try before you buy and has a high sticker price. I upgraded to the DD pro and new pedals + load cell, and VR all at the same time so it's hard for me to know which exactly helped my driving abilities more. They all very much helped, in VR really the depth perception and overall immersion helped me tremendously with racing. I find it much easier to navigate traffic and stay on my line, and just in general help with my consistency. The difference for me is night and day. I was using cockpit view on TV before but had a hard time gauging distances so wasn't comfortable online racing really at all, but I was also very new to online at the time.

I can't race without VR anymore, but I'm sure I'd feel the same if I went back to my old Logitech G29 setup as well, the FFB from a DD wheel is much better and helps me keep grip in pretty much every scenario. VR has been a gamechanger for me for sure though. Even when I go and try other sims on PC I find it very difficult to go back to TV so I've been pretty much only playing GT7 exclusively since getting the headset.
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VR > wheel upgrade.

….if all you play is GT7.

I run a DD1 at full alpha strength, and with my pedals as stiff as they’ll get. If I’m not doing online racing, or practicing for an upcoming race, I’m driving with an H-Pattern in my favorite cars doing heel-toe, so an hour session can be quite a workout. I run a very thin sweat band around my head, and have 3 fans on me. On particularly warm days, I’ll wear one of those neck-fan thingees to blow air up into my face
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VR > wheel upgrade.
….if all you play is GT7.
I agree. If this forum is anything to go by, most people get motion sickness at first. I lasted 30 minutes; my brother-in-law lasted ten minutes. But a little racing each day for a week or two and it seems that nearly everybody gets their VR legs fairly quickly.

Now that I am properly at home in my VR racing world, I would take a PSVR2 over everything else after the PS5. Even if I had to use the controller, which I did for two weeks whilst waiting for my rig, seat and wheelbase to arrive, I would still prioritise the PSVR2 over everything else. It's such a different, fully-immersive experience that it brings new awe and thrills to an old hobby.
I don't VR, but I am VR curious :D

Anyway, for sweat I use a scull cap like one of these I actually use the Halo brand that has a silicon "gutter" for cycling but I would imaging any of these would work well.
Yea let's change that curiosity to reality :-) I've seen you post enough on this forum, you're deep enough into the rabbit hole to justify it. It really is special for this game
Long time lurker here. This thread convinced me to get a PSVR2 and GT7. I've been iRacing in VR for years. This is just a bit of a ramble that may be of use to those who have motion sickness and wear glasses in VR due to really poor vision.

With GT7 I feel like we've leaped at least 5 years into the future in terms of VR racing immersion and performance. I've been in it every day for about 2 months, and I just can't get enough. I finally found a decent used rig to mount my DD Pro and V3s to and now I'm looking forward to adding some rig haptics/vibration.

I've always just worn my glasses under my HMDs, so this is the first time I've purchased some lens inserts. I did a lot of research and went with VR Optician as theirs seemed to have the best design to avoid nose pressure. I bought inserts for my wife and myself. More on that later.

The difference is absolutely massive. I never realized how much my glasses were constricting my field of view, not only from the distance of the lenses required to keep them from making contact with the headset lenses, but also just from their visible presence. No more purple reflections in dark scenes and light reflections in general are just gone. The sweet spot in the center of vision is much larger, and I don't need to move my head as much to see things clearly. Fogging lenses were a big problem with glasses, and that's also completely a non-issue now. After this I will never use a VR headset without lens inserts again and am planning on buying them for my Valve Index.

I've been trying to get my wife into VR racing from the beginning. She enjoys racing and lately has been using a controller for GT7 on the big screen. But she's never been able to overcome the almost instant motion sickness that comes from the artificial locomotion in VR. She can sit in the car all day, and she can do other VR room scale things no problem, but as soon as she presses the gas pedal in a virtual car and starts moving, she has to stop. This seems to have changed with the eye inserts. I put her in a BMW Z8 01 convertible, and she actually made it a full lap around Spa before needing a break. Not only that, but she really enjoyed the experience and finally understands the joy I get out of it. I can only think that it's because her vision is so much worse than mine, she's had the issue.
Long time lurker here. This thread convinced me to get a PSVR2 and GT7. I've been iRacing in VR for years. This is just a bit of a ramble that may be of use to those who have motion sickness and wear glasses in VR due to really poor vision. With GT7 I feel like we've leaped at least 5 years into the future in terms of VR racing immersion and performance. I've been in it every day for about 2 months, and I just can't get enough. I finally found a decent used rig to mount my DD Pro and V3s to and now I'm looking forward to adding some rig haptics/vibration.
I'm really pleased to hear your review of GT7 in VR, especially given that you are experienced with iRacing in VR. So many iRacing and ACC drivers scoff at the idea of sim-racing with GT7 that it's starting to wind me up. It's like we're some sort of lower form of life, even though a few of us have raced IRL! Anyway, welcome to the GT7-VR-converts club 🤪

With regards to adding haptics to your rig, you might find something useful in this lot >

...and if you want some extra immersion, you could try something like this >
So fun the banked track BB Speedway TT! I guess VR helps a lot here because i got gold like it was nothing 😎

But the heat... god, i'm sweating like my avatar lol.
It's so easy to aim your car on that track in VR it's ridiculous really. On the banked turn it's very natural to me to be able to turn my head and look where I'm actually aiming instead of being stuck looking only forward in a fixed direction. And hitting the apex on the final turn feels like it would be much tougher for the same reason without VR. I've been having a ton of fun with that one too, honestly I was surprised I got gold in my first session, I'm used to getting silvers to get the easy credits and move onto something else.
It's so easy to aim your car on that track in VR it's ridiculous really. On the banked turn it's very natural to me to be able to turn my head and look where I'm actually aiming instead of being stuck looking only forward in a fixed direction.
It sometimes feels like just being able to look through the corner to the exit is worth 2 or 3 tenths on some corners, especially hairpins. I still have to regularly remind myself to actually use the side windows, but it really does make a difference. 😁
It sometimes feels like just being able to look through the corner to the exit is worth 2 or 3 tenths on some corners, especially hairpins. I still have to regularly remind myself to actually use the side windows, but it really does make a difference. 😁

Yeah, it's crazy how much easier turns like that are, or how much more consistent I've gotten on hairpins for exactly this reason. You drive where you're looking in real life and it translates incredibly well to VR, I love it haha
WOW, just WOW! After another period of back problems stopping play, I've just started up again and worked my way through to the last menu book, Book 47: Super Formula, for which I picked Fuji to start. Fifteen laps, I thought, I might just make that on a set of RM tyres (I didn't), so that is what I did about making life difficult for myself! That first Book 47 race was so utterly intense in VR that I now need a shower, having just had one an hour ago. My right leg was jumping up and down with adrenaline, making it very difficult to hold the throttle steady and that hasn't happened to me since I last raced for real about ten years ago, battling for the lead in a championship-determining race. Such is the immersion and realism of GT7 in VR can anyone who has gotten their GT7 VR legs honestly make any sort of comparison with flat-screen racing? ...the two are poles apart ...on different planets! Long live GT7 in VR 😎

PS: having gotten used to the Aston Martin Valkyrie overtake KERS system, I'm not sure I understand exactly how the overtake button works in the Super Formula cars - can anyone explain, please?
The ovetake is finite and you have to guess how much you have left from trial and error. Unless you have the extra info on. but formula cars are so good to turn off the huds and make it real.
WOW, just WOW! After another period of back problems stopping play, I've just started up again and worked my way through to the last menu book, Book 47: Super Formula, for which I picked Fuji to start. Fifteen laps, I thought, I might just make that on a set of RM tyres (I didn't), so that is what I did about making life difficult for myself! That first Book 47 race was so utterly intense in VR that I now need a shower, having just had one an hour ago. My right leg was jumping up and down with adrenaline, making it very difficult to hold the throttle steady and that hasn't happened to me since I last raced for real about ten years ago, battling for the lead in a championship-determining race. Such is the immersion and realism of GT7 in VR can anyone who has gotten their GT7 VR legs honestly make any sort of comparison with flat-screen racing? ...the two are poles apart ...on different planets! Long live GT7 in VR 😎

PS: having gotten used to the Aston Martin Valkyrie overtake KERS system, I'm not sure I understand exactly how the overtake button works in the Super Formula cars - can anyone explain, please?
Yes the VR in a Gr1 is brutal! Love being so low and watching the wheels. I'm still missing Fuji precisely, that track is impossible for me. Maybe will do the Circuit Experience (also missing) and then try the book again. So you had to pit?

With the Vlakyrie if you are doing the TT, just use the overtake button when accelerating. It will last for a few laps, or you just can hit Retry to have it full again.
WOW, just WOW! After another period of back problems stopping play, I've just started up again and worked my way through to the last menu book, Book 47: Super Formula, for which I picked Fuji to start. Fifteen laps, I thought, I might just make that on a set of RM tyres (I didn't), so that is what I did about making life difficult for myself! That first Book 47 race was so utterly intense in VR that I now need a shower, having just had one an hour ago. My right leg was jumping up and down with adrenaline, making it very difficult to hold the throttle steady and that hasn't happened to me since I last raced for real about ten years ago, battling for the lead in a championship-determining race. Such is the immersion and realism of GT7 in VR can anyone who has gotten their GT7 VR legs honestly make any sort of comparison with flat-screen racing? ...the two are poles apart ...on different planets! Long live GT7 in VR 😎

PS: having gotten used to the Aston Martin Valkyrie overtake KERS system, I'm not sure I understand exactly how the overtake button works in the Super Formula cars - can anyone explain, please?
I'm also working on the Super Formula menu. In VR, the open wheel cars take a little while to acclimate to even on tracks very familiar. The speed and downforce require so much focus. That being said, I started on the Watkins Glen race and opted for the Hard tire and planning a no-stop race. I was liberal with the use of the overtake and ran out about halfway through. Ultimately finished P2, about 4 seconds behind Fraga. But after getting used to the car on the track, I'd suggest a similar strategy on Fuji. Hard tire no-stop but be somewhat conservative with the overtake. As far as the overtake use, there aren't any restrictions on when you can use it, unlike F1 DRS, but like the user above stated, it is finite.
Yes the VR in a Gr1 is brutal! Love being so low and watching the wheels. I'm still missing Fuji precisely, that track is impossible for me. Maybe will do the Circuit Experience (also missing) and then try the book again. So you had to pit?

With the Vlakyrie if you are doing the TT, just use the overtake button when accelerating. It will last for a few laps, or you just can hit Retry to have it full again.
The CE on Fuji is pretty good. VR is super helpful in the final sector, it was always my least favorite part of the track in previous titles. But in VR it's become a track I quite enjoy driving now.
It sometimes feels like just being able to look through the corner to the exit is worth 2 or 3 tenths on some corners, especially hairpins. I still have to regularly remind myself to actually use the side windows, but it really does make a difference. 😁
100% agree. It’s not even fully clear why, but it makes a noticeable difference. I think perhaps it just gives me, almost subconsciously, a boost in confidence to brake a tiny bit later and pick up the throttle a tiny bit earlier.
I'm still missing Fuji precisely ... So you had to pit?

With the Vlakyrie if you are doing the TT...
On RM tyres they wore out with a lap to go, but it was my first attempt so smoother driving might help them last. On RS they lasted about nine laps IIRC. I've only mad two attempts at that race but I'm about to try again.

I've sussed the Valkyrie overtake KERS system, but the SF overtake system seems very different. Limited, yes, but is it still press for on and lift for off, or does it give you a set boost period for a single press? I'm about to try and find out.
WOW again! Two more Super Formula Book 47 races around Fuji and I suddenly feel like GT7 in VR has reached yet another new level of realism, fun and excitement. It's like a whole new game. I need a third shower now 😆

I've also noticed an issue: if it rains lightly - too lightly to register on the 'aqua-meter' but bad enough to affect grip - you don't know about it until you understeer off the track (because there is no windscreen)! Heavier rain and you can hear it, or see it on the nose, but light rain and the only way you know about it is the weather radar, possibly. This makes sans-HUD racing even more difficult. In fact, given that the HUD is the only way to monitor your tyres, sans-HUD is no longer an option for me, sadly.
So you had to pit?
I did my third race on RS tyres, knowing that I would have to pit. By lap 7 I was up to P.6 but then I had to pit and came out in P.19. I worked through the pack well but then the rain started and I slid out so the best I managed was P.5.

I did my fourth race on RM tyres but by now I was getting to grips with the car and the circuit (no pun intended), so I managed to work my way up to P.3 by the half-way point. I used the overtake button on every lap, on the exit of the final bend, until the first gantry. The charge lasted to the end of the race like this. Note that one dab on the button gives a couple of second's boost. I was about to overtake P.2 when I saw the rain on the radar, so I held station behind P.2 during the downpour (which was quite heavy this time) in order to take my lead from the AI's inside-knowledge of how wet the track was. All this time I could not see the lead car. As the sun came out I overtook P.3, only to realise that I was now in the lead: P.1! However, a new car was on my tail and was so aggressive that it pushed me round a bend and kept pushing. I just about managed to counter-seer through the ordeal but had it been a real race I would have broken the driver's nose after the race in parc ferme! 🤬

The RM tyres started to go off at the start of the final lap and the rest of the pack were closing in fast. I had to do the final lap on tipity-toes but managed to finish P.2 without having to go defensive. Clearly, the winning car was on softs, and was so blisteringly fast that it had managed to pit for new tyres (which is why I suddenly took the lead) and still win the race by a clear 20 seconds faster than me in P.2. I doubt I'll ever be good enough to win that race, and if I ever manage it I'll probably lose a stone trying! At least this game will keep me fit as I head towards my late sixties! Has anyone actually managed to win this race?
I'm also working on the Super Formula menu. In VR, the open wheel cars take a little while to acclimate to even on tracks very familiar. The speed and downforce require so much focus. That being said, I started on the Watkins Glen race and opted for the Hard tire and planning a no-stop race. I was liberal with the use of the overtake...
Thanks for the heads-up but as you will see from above, I managed P.2 on RM's. I'll give Fuji a go on RH's but I don't think I'll gain anything. You're right about the focus required my twenties I would have had no problem but in my 60's I notice that my focus, and multi-tasking in my brain, are the two things that seem to be suffering for my age.

Your excitement is contagious.

Currently on my 3 week summer vacation, but I really can’t wait to jump back into GT7 in VR.

I will never stop trying to convert everybody on this forum lol ;)
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I know this is off-topic so I’ll make this short. If anyone else is trying the Book 47 race at Fuji, there are two YT videos about it. in the first, the content creator gets a P.3. In the second the author gets a P.1 with a complex tune (which is beyond my level at the moment and besides, the tune will be for his particular driving style), but he says that there is an AI car that often appears in that race, that is flat impossible to beat and that if you get it in the line-up, you should keep resetting the race until it isn’t on the grid. Thus I shall keep trying in order to either win the race, or to identify the ringer and then win without it being on the grid.

Your excitement is intoxicating.
My excitement is due to racing for years and then losing that hobby as my health failed. Then discovering that I can do the next best thing (racing in VR) in my own home without any danger of further problems if I get something wrong on track. My excitement is real; I’m totally hooked on GT7 in VR; I too want to shout it from the rooftops about how much fun it is.

My health has often failed for various reasons including being told that I would never walk again when in my twenties. When I did then defy the odds and walk again, I went out and learnt to fly, and do aerobatics, and do sequential aerobatics. With passengers. In short, I came to the conclusion that one never knows when one is going to die or suffer some debilitating condition, and life can be a real s*** sometimes. So when we find something or someone that makes us happy, we should grab hold and make the most of it or them. I have more trails in front of me, so I will continue to take excitement and fun wherever I find it. Hell yeh! 🤩
I know this is off-topic so I’ll make this short. If anyone else is trying the Book 47 race at Fuji, there are two YT videos about it. in the first, the content creator gets a P.3. In the second the author gets a P.1 with a complex tune (which is beyond my level at the moment and besides, the tune will be for his particular driving style), but he says that there is an AI car that often appears in that race, that is flat impossible to beat and that if you get it in the line-up, you should keep resetting the race until it isn’t on the grid. Thus I shall keep trying in order to either win the race, or to identify the ringer and then win without it being on the grid.

This thread got buried three pages deep. Most players adjusted to easier difficulty.
WOW, just WOW! After another period of back problems stopping play, I've just started up again and worked my way through to the last menu book, Book 47: Super Formula, for which I picked Fuji to start. Fifteen laps, I thought, I might just make that on a set of RM tyres (I didn't), so that is what I did about making life difficult for myself! That first Book 47 race was so utterly intense in VR that I now need a shower, having just had one an hour ago. My right leg was jumping up and down with adrenaline, making it very difficult to hold the throttle steady and that hasn't happened to me since I last raced for real about ten years ago, battling for the lead in a championship-determining race. Such is the immersion and realism of GT7 in VR can anyone who has gotten their GT7 VR legs honestly make any sort of comparison with flat-screen racing? ...the two are poles apart ...on different planets! Long live GT7 in VR 😎

PS: having gotten used to the Aston Martin Valkyrie overtake KERS system, I'm not sure I understand exactly how the overtake button works in the Super Formula cars - can anyone explain, please?
Have you considered adding a motion rig to the mix?
I did a few months ago and it adds a whole new sense of feedback. Another WOW to add.
Have you considered adding a motion rig to the mix?
I did a few months ago and it adds a whole new sense of feedback. Another WOW to add.
I find myself so immersed with the VR, 3D sound and haptic feedback, that I’m not sure I need anything else. My brain seems to fill in all the missing pieces of the experience jigsaw. I even find myself being able to smell the wet tarmac when it rains! I’d like to experience a motion rig to find out what it’s like, but I’m a tight git by nature and they cost a lot of sponds, so I’m not likely to splash out on one without knowing if it’ll make much difference to my enjoyment of the game.
I find myself so immersed with the VR, 3D sound and haptic feedback, that I’m not sure I need anything else. My brain seems to fill in all the missing pieces of the experience jigsaw. I even find myself being able to smell the wet tarmac when it rains! I’d like to experience a motion rig to find out what it’s like, but I’m a tight git by nature and they cost a lot of sponds, so I’m not likely to splash out on one without knowing if it’ll make much difference to my enjoyment of the game.
One thing I can say, if I forget to power the rig up, I notice something is missing at the 1st braking zone. It feels like everything's numb, similar to vr2 compared to flat screen.
One thing I can say, if I forget to power the rig up, I notice something is missing at the 1st braking zone. It feels like everything's numb, similar to vr2 compared to flat screen.
Yes, I get the same thing if the haptics PC fails to start SimHub. The lack of haptics is very noticeable.
This thread got buried three pages deep. Most players adjusted to easier difficulty.
This thread seems to confirm that the AI competition is very much an unrealistic lottery in this race, depending upon the AI drivers you get at the front of the grid when you enter the race. My experience matches the very worst of those reported in this thread: a doable P.2 but 20 seconds behind P.1. I race with the AI in 'normal', by the way. However, I can take some consolation in the fact that I managed a P2 on RM's with no stops - my driving style must be good for my tyres if that thread is anything to go by. I will get the win, or I’ll lose a stone trying 😂