• Thread starter gtrotary
How about audio?

Can Sony wireless Pulse 3D headphones can be used with VR2, and if they can how comfortable will they be over the headset?

Does using the VR2 affect HDMI audio out, as Iʻve read happens when using Sony wireless headphones and low a Buttkicker.

Lastly will there be any VR1 compatibility? (doubt it but one can hope)
Yes it can be used and it sounds great, giving a better immersion even on flat screen, but in VR it will be even better :)

Using it with my PSVR1 and it fits perfectly, and apparently even better on PSVR2 (they used Pulse 3D at PSVR2 demonstration stands at CES).
Have the number of online players dropped dramatically?I haven't seen any articles about this
Indeed, GT7 has a biggest community than any other racing game on console or PC 😅
How about audio?

Can Sony wireless Pulse 3D headphones can be used with VR2, and if they can how comfortable will they be over the headset?

Does using the VR2 affect HDMI audio out, as Iʻve read happens when using Sony wireless headphones and low a Buttkicker.

Lastly will there be any VR1 compatibility? (doubt it but one can hope)
I doubt it; I'm not even sure if any PS5 games support the original PSVR... Getting the original to work on the PS5 is a hassle in the first place.
But what about Music Rally? They didn't mention it in the blog post!
If there's no VR Music Rally support I'm going to post a video on this thread snapping my GT7 disc.
Some of you struggle with sarcasm so if it doesn't I'm obviously not going to do that, I paid £80 like the moron that I am for this game and I'm not breaking the disc - if somebody's going to break GT7 it's the developers.
Indeed, GT7 has a biggest community than any other racing game on console or PC
Yet the servers are dead... More dead than GT6's long after the end of its support, where I'd frequently get full lobbies. Whenever I go into open lobbies on GT7 it's always half a dozen lobbies with two or three players in. Not sure about Sport Mode players since the last time I played it was years ago in GTS.
There was a **** load of hate about GT7 rally and drift in the last days on Reddit, so I decided to try a dirt track in VR, and damn! That was so fun!!

It might seem slow in the footage, but I can assure you that it's a really immersive, impressive and thrilling experience in VR! It feels like 2 times faster, you feel all the jumps and elevation changes, you can read way much easier the road and see all the bumps on the road perfectly, and just turning your head to face the road or the apex helps so much with controlling the car, especially when in drift/countersteering mode. And I guess that it will help a lot with drifting too.

It's one of the most bad looking track in GT sport, and when I tried it on GT7 to take the picture for the miniature I realized that in GT7 it was way more beautiful, like day and night!

Add the fact that GT7 has better dirt physics, as well as the Escudo and the Celica GT-FOUR... Damn, want to try it already!! 🤤
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I had already given up hope (for whatever reason) - but this is great news! VR2 is pre ordered.

I've never tried VR before so the first time will be rough for me as I fully expect motion sickness to hit me hard
Probably answered 1000x already, but this varies tremendously person to person. I've been doing high-end VR for years now (AC with SOL + Rain Effects is unbelievably incredible in a high-rez wide FOV_high PPI HMD. It's downright glorious), but never had any motion sickness issues at all in seated racing sims. Not a bit. So you may be fine. On the other hand, I've had people get sick within minutes, even in seated VR.
But unless you are really unlucky you will get your 'vr legs' in a few weeks or months and then be fine. I can now play all day long and all the way down to 60hz/60fps in full motion sims, even crazy stuff like free-floating, free-rotation situations. At first anything no-seated was pretty bad for me. Even lower-motion basics like Skyrim VR caused motion sickness.
This is a very cool thing for GT players. GT5 was my introduction to stereoscopy many years back, and I've rarely played a game in pancake mode since. Now many GT players will be introduced to VR, hopefully widening VR acceptance as a whole.
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This quickly became the best PSVR2 game. Unfortunately kinda hidden in CES instead of a more gaming-related event or more presence in PlayStation’s own marketing, but maybe that part will come around the launch.

This is what was hoped to be possible with their tech. Still curious to see more with hands-on coverage since it does bring a price tag that isn’t insignificant given it being dedicated to PS5 rather than being open to PC compliance as others have done (hopefully that might come via 3rd party if Sony doesn’t officially support it.)

I had already given up hope (for whatever reason) - but this is great news! VR2 is pre ordered.

I've never tried VR before so the first time will be rough for me as I fully expect motion sickness to hit me hard
There honestly is such a thing as VR "sea legs". There can definitely be a period before you become familiar with it.

It can cause discomfort or motion sickness initially and do take that seriously (it will only help to listen to what your body tells you). That sensation can last for a good while after, at first. Thankfully, from my experience, that period of getting “sea legs” is reasonably short-lived, and you can enjoy as you'd like.

There have also been people that had zero issues at all from the start (that wasn't me.) I’m sure there are some others that just never quite feel right.

Meanwhile, the fact that people can play active games like Beat Saber and traversal games where the camera is never stationary shows it can definitely become what's effectively a non-issue.

Also, for GT7, the fact that you're not expecting your own body movement to do anything, unlike walking around or anything like that (since VR obviously isn't 1:1 in that regard), and how the movement is fairly expected & limited to a fairly flat terrain will help this not be too big of a leap. I think GTS had some comfort settings as well (expecting this to be a bit better for comfort, too.)

You also probably shouldn't jump into the Tomahawk or anything right away... you wouldn't feel comfortable driving that in person so you likely won't feel the best about it in VR. You have to kinda get to know the driving experience, too.
It does make me wonder why they bothered with the online component for VR. The compromises that they'll need to make for the VR support will probably be increased in multiplayer, and the lack of players doesn't seem to be getting any better, although it does give me satisfaction knowing that the community is getting revenge for the travesty of a game GT7 is.
It's like how PD approaches Sophy, they would rather put the flashy gimmick first before getting the rest of the game up to standard.
I am sure this will be great, doubt I’ll get myself as I’m still paying off my lg c1, but I had Vr a few years ago, in my pc and I was blown away by it, it’s a true game changer (and that was when the graphics weren’t what this is)
Lastly will there be any VR1 compatibility? (doubt it but one can hope)
Sony has already announced that there is no VR1 compatibility, due to the systems being too different.

PS5 games can't use VR1, only PS4 games can. VR2 can't run VR1 games (but some games get an upgrade)
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It'll look ALOT better in the headset.... remember, this photo has been blown up from an image that is usually looked at on tiny panels.....flat screen render pictures of VR games always look Iike this....once it's being viewed on the appropriate hardware though, it's a different story....also, you don't know where the person was looking the time, as the foveated rendering would have an effect too....
Understood. I have two young kids that want VR to play with, so that was my incentive. I just assume pre-order to line up getting one at launch. Who knows what will happen a month from now.

It says kids have to be 12 to use psvr2, I have 2 young kidtoo, age 7 and 8, and I've been showing and telling them what it's like and they would love to play. Is it a real health issue for kids eyes to use these head displays?
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Hmmm....that's a good question tbh....I'm no heath expert, but, my guess would be that they have to say that to cover their arses as children are constantly developing, therefore they don't want to risk getting a lawsuit......I reckon as long as they are not having prolonged useage, that it wouldn't be a mamma, she lets my nieces and nephew use her psvr1 when they come round to say at hers, and it's never given them any issue...and they've been on and off using it for at least 3 years now......

As long as they have regular breaks, maybe making sure they have longer ones than an adult would, and again, as long as it's not prolonged use....I can't see why it wouldn't be okay....

As I said before though, I ain't a medical professional. I'm just going by what my family does, along with many others I

I hope this helps.
It says kids have to be 12 to use psvr2, I have 2 young kidtoo, age 7 and 8, and I've been showing and telling them what it's like and they would love to play. Is it a real health issue for kids eyes to use these head displays?
Kids' eyes are still developing. Looking in VR requires your eyes to focus in a weird way. For kids that can cause issues that can develop into nearsightedness
Kids' eyes are still developing. Looking in VR requires your eyes to focus in a weird way. For kids that can cause issues that can develop into nearsightedness
One of the interesting things about VR is called the Vergence-accommodation conflict; this is where your eyes try to focus on something close up, but all current shipping VR displays have a ‘virtual focus’ of roughly 5 feet. So your brain sort of gets confused; you focus at five feet, but point your eyes at say two feet.

Careful VR design avoids this dilemma by not deliberately putting objects really close to your face.

Over time, the Vergence-accommodation conflict might give you fatigue. It doesn’t seem to cause any lasting vision issues, at least with adults. This is one of the reasons that adapting brains, in other words children’s, vision, has some potential worry is that they are getting used to focusing and converging their eyeballs, and VR may disrupt that natural training.

We have no data on this currently.

My strong feeling is that they will be fine, and will just adapt, as long as you don’t let them play VR games every day for half the day. However, I can’t prove that and won’t be liable if your kids don’t ever want to go outside and play in the sunshine for their health. VR is fun.
I hope they redo the HUD a bit -- this was needed generally, but especially needed in VR. I just want something that flashes up the MFD whenever it's needed. It's always frustrated me that GTS and GT7 force you into using the full-blown dash option to play the game properly (ie changing TCS and fuel consumption)
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Hmmm....that's a good question tbh....I'm no heath expert, but, my guess would be that they have to say that to cover their arses as children are constantly developing, therefore they don't want to risk getting a lawsuit......I reckon as long as they are not having prolonged useage, that it wouldn't be a mamma, she lets my nieces and nephew use her psvr1 when they come round to say at hers, and it's never given them any issue...and they've been on and off using it for at least 3 years now......

As long as they have regular breaks, maybe making sure they have longer ones than an adult would, and again, as long as it's not prolonged use....I can't see why it wouldn't be okay....

As I said before though, I ain't a medical professional. I'm just going

Thanks DJ, appreciate the insight, kinda how I think I would have approached it 👍
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I have a (serious) question about the foveated rendering with PSVR2: are the wearer's eyes tracked independently of one another? Simply put: does foveated rendering work for people with a squint?
I have a (serious) question about the foveated rendering with PSVR2: are the wearer's eyes tracked independently of one another? Simply put: does foveated rendering work for people with a squint?
We don't know for sure but what I did understand from tech insights and previews that PSVR2 is tracking both eyes. So it should work.
I have a (serious) question about the foveated rendering with PSVR2: are the wearer's eyes tracked independently of one another? Simply put: does foveated rendering work for people with a squint?
From what I seen of insider testing, when it showed setting up the eye tracking, it does use both eyes.... remember, it uses eye tracking to measure IPD aswell. And to do that, it must be able to track separately....not to mention any poor bugger that may have a glass eye for instance.....
I'd assume it does both eyes independently.

If you think about it, very few people's eyes will actually be perfectly synchronised (if any?), and when you look to the left or right your eyes don't move in exactly the same arc, a bit like the inside and outside wheel when a car turns lol

As such, if it's already account for a few degrees offset here and there, then the technology is already done, the actual difference in the angle is largely irrelevant, it's already rendering two different viewpoints.

I know nothing about how graphics rendering works at a low level, so don't take that as gospel!
...this is great news indeed and I am being cautiously optimistic; the fact that all the features are here as they are doesn't mean there isn't going to be loss in quality. PSVR2's specs are awesome, but I am not really sure it won't be bottle-necked by the PS5's power - assuming it would need 90hz per eye to 'feel good' (can't imagine 120hz per eye), then how much drop in quality should we expect? I've seen frame drops from 60fps on my PS5 while still looking at some ugly pop-ins. Even the LOD of the cars currently bothers me.

Except! If they had tested VR earlier and tried to keep the game's graphics on par with PS4 (pop-ins, etc) to be able to utilize the full power on VR rather than give us an underwhelming experience on VR.

Seeing all other titles for VR, excluding RE village and Forbidden mountain, everything else is really toned-down graphic-wise - if you notice carefully, pre-baked shadows (or no shadows at all), etc. Immersion might be irrelevant to those but still.

If it's 'the same experience' as it is right now, but in VR, for me is an instant buy.
I had already given up hope (for whatever reason) - but this is great news! VR2 is pre ordered.

I've never tried VR before so the first time will be rough for me as I fully expect motion sickness to hit me hard
My best advice is always look with your head not your eyes. Keep your eyes locked forwards at all times. I went from being easily VR sick to not having it at all by making that change.
...this is great news indeed and I am being cautiously optimistic; the fact that all the features are here as they are doesn't mean there isn't going to be loss in quality. PSVR2's specs are awesome, but I am not really sure it won't be bottle-necked by the PS5's power - assuming it would need 90hz per eye to 'feel good' (can't imagine 120hz per eye), then how much drop in quality should we expect? I've seen frame drops from 60fps on my PS5 while still looking at some ugly pop-ins. Even the LOD of the cars currently bothers me.

Except! If they had tested VR earlier and tried to keep the game's graphics on par with PS4 (pop-ins, etc) to be able to utilize the full power on VR rather than give us an underwhelming experience on VR.

Seeing all other titles for VR, excluding RE village and Forbidden mountain, everything else is really toned-down graphic-wise - if you notice carefully, pre-baked shadows (or no shadows at all), etc. Immersion might be irrelevant to those but still.

If it's 'the same experience' as it is right now, but in VR, for me is an instant buy.
Basically for VR2 you will see three different framerate targets
  • 60FPS, reprojected to 120
  • 90FPS, no reprojection
  • 120FPS, no reprojection

If I had to guess, Gran Turismo 7 will be targetting 60FPS with reprojection (which Horizon does for example) as we know Polyphony is obsessed with high resolutions and it's a far easier target to hit, though the game will most definitely still get a graphical downgrade for VR as it's visible on the screenshots. It's hard to explain what reprojection does exactly, but you can think of it as it making head movement 120FPS to alleviate motion sickness, with the actual game still running at 60.
I have no interest in VR, especially due to cost but I can see this is big news for a lot of people and happy for them.

The full GT7 game is a PSVR 2 seller for sure, cant think of anything better to promote it actually.
Well maybe a new WipEout game would be a bigger promoter for PSVR2....buuut I don't see Sony really caring that much about that franchise anymore :(

Anyways this full game confirmation was what I needed to actually consider getting the PSVR2 headset!
Well maybe a new WipEout game would be a bigger promoter for PSVR2....buuut I don't see Sony really caring that much about that franchise anymore :(

Anyways this full game confirmation was what I needed to actually consider getting the PSVR2 headset!

Wipeout came to PSVR 1 and it was in no way as big of a deal as GT. GT is the far bigger franchise. A VR Spiderman or God of War game would be possibly bigger though.