• Thread starter gtrotary
Slightly annoying that the camera doesn't "roll" with the car, but always keeps pointing up. I hope that can be configured, as I find it very immersion breaking (I'm aware that this can make people motion sick, so I understand if it defaults to this)
Proof you can't please everyone there, as I saw that it was 'fixed to horizon' and was pleased as I found that vastly more immersive / realistic and comfortable than having it 'fixed to cockpit' :)

To me, in real life your head isn't fixed to the cockpit, your body senses the orientation change of the car and physically compensates, which is what the 'fixed to horizon' allows your brain to do, except it follows the visual cue of the car moving to tilt your head appropriately or adjust your point of focus etc.

As you say though, hope it's changeable for your benefit, it would fit with the two 'wobble' options in the existing cockpit view so fingers crossed
Proof you can't please everyone there, as I saw that it was 'fixed to horizon' and was pleased as I found that vastly more immersive / realistic and comfortable than having it 'fixed to cockpit' :)

To me, in real life your head isn't fixed to the cockpit, your body senses the orientation change of the car and physically compensates, which is what the 'fixed to horizon' allows your brain to do, except it follows the visual cue of the car moving to tilt your head appropriately or adjust your point of focus etc.

As you say though, hope it's changeable for your benefit, it would fit with the two 'wobble' options in the existing cockpit view so fingers crossed
Like you say, in real life your body does it itself, so I want to be able to lean my head myself, and not have the game do it for me. I understand that people have different preferences and comfort levels, so would be nice to have the option. But knowing that PD is deadly allergic to any form of configurability, I don't have much hope for it.
Slightly annoying that the camera doesn't "roll" with the car, but always keeps pointing up. I hope that can be configured, as I find it very immersion breaking (I'm aware that this can make people motion sick, so I understand if it defaults to this)
Why would it? In real life you tilt your head to compensate for the roll of the car...
Like you say, in real life your body does it itself, so I want to be able to lean my head myself, and not have the game do it for me. I understand that people have different preferences and comfort levels, so would be nice to have the option. But knowing that PD is deadly allergic to any form of configurability, I don't have much hope for it.
I think, things you do by reflex dont really need to have some form of "intended input" when replicated in games.
Do you suggest a button for breathing? :D
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Why would it? In real life you tilt your head to compensate for the roll of the car...
Because in game it suddenly puts my head at an angle compared to my body, while in reality my head is straight. When using a wheel it causes a mismatch between where my real wheel is and where the ingame wheel is.

The whole point of VR is to have your ingame head movements match your real head movements.

If the game doesn't compensate for me, I can still just move my head to do it myself (as I should be doing). In real life the universe doesn't somehow rotate my vision when my body rolls, I have to rotate my head myself. A VR game should match that experience. It can have an option to keep level with the horizon for added comfort for those who want/need it, but it shouldn't be enforced.

Edit: Also, I think you'll find that in real life, oval drivers do not keep their head level with the horizon, but level with the car.
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I'm with PaMu1337 here. Check out the footage right at the beginning of this video:

When the driver changes from the steep bit to a flat bit and vice versa, the car "rolls" around the view. I agree that tilting ones head is something that happens naturally, but the very technical, pronounced approach shown in the video, in my opinion, breaks immersion.
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Because in game it suddenly puts my head at an angle compared to my body, while in reality my head is straight. When using a wheel it causes a mismatch between where my real wheel is and where the ingame wheel is.

The whole point of VR is to have your ingame head movements match your real head movements.

If the game doesn't compensate for me, I can still just move my head to do it myself (as I should be doing). In real life the universe doesn't somehow rotate my vision when my body rolls, I have to rotate my head myself. A VR game should match that experience. It can have an option to keep level with the horizon for added comfort for those who want/need it, but it shouldn't be enforced.

Edit: Also, I think you'll find that in real life, oval drivers do not keep their head level with the horizon, but level with the car.
You could be right, I didn't notice in psvr? so will have to wait and see when my headset arrives...
So DPD have confirmed they expect to deliver tomorrow however it has to be delivered into the house (they will take a picture of it inside the doorway) they won’t leave in a safe space outside.

This means that I will have to potentially take a day off work to await a delivery which might not come until late in the day 😡. I had planned to take Thursday off so that I could get a full day of PSVR in.
You could be right, I didn't notice in psvr? so will have to wait and see when my headset arrives...
On tracks with not a lot of banking it isn't very noticable, but I've tried it in the past with multiple games on banked ovals, and it is very obvious there. Luckily those games allowed me to turn it off.
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Based on what @Jordan said about how good it can be.
If they had the full game and a full grid of cars all with Sophy, there could be a large drop in people who would bother playing online.
Maybe this would be one of the reasons it is limited to 4 cars at present too.
It seems they could find a way to make the Sophy AI trigger when cars are close to you, to limit AI usage and reduce performance demands. It's rare that you're bumper to bumper with more than four people, and tagging Sophy AIs in and out could make it feel like you're racing an entire grid of Sophies.
It seems they could find a way to make the Sophy AI trigger when cars are close to you, to limit AI usage and reduce performance demands. It's rare that you're bumper to bumper with more than four people, and tagging Sophy AIs in and out could make it feel like you're racing an entire grid of Sophies.
I dont think the performance of the PS5 for Sophy is the problem, but what I understand of Mr Lattes comment is, that he thinks "a campaign/offline mode that is filled with Sophy AI instead of Garbage Track 7 Absent Intelligence (;))" would lead to players stick to offline for a much better feeling of racing. Presumably as Sophy is much cleaner than what most people may be experiencing in the majority driver ratings. I dont know about the rest of the world, but as long as the working hours are not over, I simply cant test and try on my own end :)
I'm with PaMu1337 here. Check out the footage right at the beginning of this video:

When the driver changes from the steep bit to a flat bit and vice versa, the car "rolls" around the view. I agree that tilting ones head is something that happens naturally, but the very technical, pronounced approach shown in the video, in my opinion, breaks immersion.

See this video as an example

Note what happens to the drivers head when he enters the banking: it stays level with the car (even leans in a bit)

I agree with you, and that in that video with the banking it does look particularly jarring, but how you (@PaMu1337) have described it earlier here:

"If the game doesn't compensate for me, I can still just move my head to do it myself (as I should be doing). In real life the universe doesn't somehow rotate my vision when my body rolls, I have to rotate my head myself."

Causes a bit of contradiction? Having the camera locked to the horizon means you have to tilt your head when you go up the banking, which it reads like you want to happen? If the camera was locked to the cockpit, you'd never need to move your head because it would follow the car's orientation.

Ideally obviously it wouldn't be locked to the horizon, and instead we'd all have motion rigs that would tilt our entire body to match the angle of the car and thus our head could stay as straight (relative to our body) as it would do in real life, but that's a bit expensive!

I can well imagine it varies from person to person, as I say I personally found it felt more immersive using the "fix to horizon" as it meant say at the top of the corkscrew at Laguna Seca the car drops away from you and you lean your head down to mimic the movement, or when on a cambered turn or climbing a steep incline etc. you tilt your head appropriately.

Yes that means your head position is disconnected from your physical (real world) body positioning, but in my experience what my eyes see overrides my proprioception. For example when holding a large steering wheel in VR, I don't feel that I'm physically holding a disproportionately small wheel, my eyes tell my brain that's where my hands are.

It could well be different people have different balances between visual cues and proprioception and that yeah, tilting your head around makes it feel wrong compared to your physical body location, would be interesting to hear people's findings once it's out there.

Have now had tracking info from DPD saying it'll be arriving tomorrow :)
"If the game doesn't compensate for me, I can still just move my head to do it myself (as I should be doing). In real life the universe doesn't somehow rotate my vision when my body rolls, I have to rotate my head myself."

Causes a bit of contradiction? Having the camera locked to the horizon means you have to tilt your head when you go up the banking, which it reads like you want to happen? If the camera was locked to the cockpit, you'd never need to move your head because it would follow the car's orientation.
I meant that I have to tilt my head to keep fixed on the horizon. I shouldn't have to tilt my head to keep it with the car.

I want it to be locked to the cockpit, and I would have to move my head myself to keep it level with the horizon. I explicitly don't want to have to tilt my head when I enter a banking to keep it level with my car.

My full body should be matching the ingame body, so my head relative to my body should be the same as the ingame head relative to the ingame body.
Does anyone know what are the hud options like in VR? Can you adjust the size and location, and have the radar and all the other stuff on/off?

And what about camera position? Can you adjust it further to what you can do with cockpit view non VR?
I meant that I have to tilt my head to keep fixed on the horizon. I shouldn't have to tilt my head to keep it with the car.

I want it to be locked to the cockpit, and I would have to move my head myself to keep it level with the horizon. I explicitly don't want to have to tilt my head when I enter a banking to keep it level with my car.

My full body should be matching the ingame body, so my head relative to my body should be the same as the ingame head relative to the ingame body.
Ah yep I see what you meant, was my misinterpretation.

Can totally understand why you'd want it that way around, it is more 'right' no doubt about that. Having experienced both I can see how the horizon style is much more comfortable so can understand why PD would have gone that way, as I say the two styles match the two wobble modes for cockpit view, so hopefully it's toggleable.
Ordered my PSVR2 on 15th November for London delivery. Still no despatch status! Had hoped GT7 would get VR2 support early on, so was great when it was announced. Not sure why some people elsewhere say there is a lack of games at launch. I'll have Horizon, plus 3 free upgrade games (GT7, No Man's Sky and Job Simulator) on arrival so plenty to keep me busy.
Mine still at preparing to ship and has been for over a day. How long was yours at this status please?
Mine was at Preparing To Ship from Friday when the payment first appeared as pending, I think it was the same for 24Lemons
Have to get used to the foveated rendering on the reviews as it makes the game look "worse" or whatever. Absolutely can't wait to finish my cockpit with this and the G-Pro wheel.

As someone who grew up with the original Gran Turismo and it being a huge reason of my love for cars, this is just a wet dream come true.
Can’t wait for tomorrow!!! I only use interior view when driving, but with this PSVR2 it’s going to feel like a new game! This thread was great with information!


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With regards to head angle on the banking, that's the first thing I noticed in that video and in another that was showing the new track. There was a section that had some banking to it and the car started to rotate around the driver's head, Gyruss style. :lol: This kind of head tracking is in almost every VR racer out there, but can be turned off in those sims. It seems to always be the view that's on by default. Hopefully there's an option to lock the driver's head to the car. It feels much more real and you can be a lot more precise with placing the car.
I believe so and why wouldn't it be, its VR :)
I'd hope that VR could be the thing that gets me into cockpit view, I'm just worried that the FOV offered by the head set still seems too narrow.

I can't afford one yet anyway, but I really want to try before I buy on this.
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With regards to head angle on the banking, that's the first thing I noticed in that video and in another that was showing the new track. There was a section that had some banking to it and the car started to rotate around the driver's head, Gyruss style. :lol: This kind of head tracking is in almost every VR racer out there, but can be turned off in those sims. It seems to always be the view that's on by default. Hopefully there's an option to lock the driver's head to the car. It feels much more real and you can be a lot more precise with placing the car.
Hopefully, it has a toggle setting like the flat screen mode. I know in flat screen, I prefer to have the car move independently because it visually feeds me camber information. In VR, it's just not necessary.

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