• Thread starter gtrotary
My opinion from what little runtime I have had so far is that if
1. I can overcome the sickness and
2. I can answer positively to the question of whether it's comfortable for many hours
Then VR will be the way forward. The immersion is just on another level and makes the whole game just... Wow. I didn't know Lago Maggiore was THAT elevated.
It is :) some roads in Italy (and Croatia) I have been are so scary also in real life !
The headset really has extended the life of the game for me. Being able to step inside the cars, I can’t rush through everything like I can without VR. It really mimics real life. Sitting in the car, taking a moment to look around, admiring the other cars while racing, the scenery, concentrating hitting apexes and just basically enjoying the experience.
putting the headset is like putting on a race helmet and strapping for a track day. When me and my daughter remove the headset, we both take a breath. It’s too cool.
Mild success i did not get crazy motion sick but def gotta build up my vr tolerance. Felt like i was gonna fall out my chair a few times and slight headache came on. Was happy to get no queasiness tho. The vr showroom is just bananas and I think image quality overall is very good. This is my first vr experience so i have nothing to compare to in terms of blurriness but i do think early reviewers mislead people to believe it's close to a 4k flat picture. I have a nice sony tv and its not close but again I have no complaints about the visuals.

I could spend hours just looking at my cars and modding them now. So freakin cool u can admire them and then go for a spin. Probably not racing for a long time since i got a ways before i shake the juju's. I could cruise and just listen to the cars purr and be a happy happy guy
I haven't thought of testing this myself, so I'm asking: Do you get a picture and sound on TV when using the VR headset with the 3d headphones? I'm planning to show off the device to people unfamiliar with gaming and some of them might require me to drive the car while they are wearing the headset.
Curious to know from those who have the VR setup going - has it changed your perspective on any cars? Have some cars jumped out at you in VR as being more special than others in a way that wasn't apparent on a flat screen? Has anyone developed a "favorite VR car?" I feel like the immersiveness of the VR combined with PD's attention to detail could manifest this but I am curious to hear people's thoughts.
Yes, Ferrari VGT is amazing in VR. Easily my favourite vr car for now. Tried about 5 from different classes so far and this one was an experience for sure.
I noticed a really cool thing today.
I did the GT World Series championship many times on flatscreen and struggled so much to get any clean race bonus that for a long time I thought you just couldn't get it. Having 3 wheels out of the track or hitting a wall would avoid getting it. I tried it in VR today with my C9 and got the CRB on 4 races out of 5! I only missed it on Bathurst race cause I slightly hit a wall during a cocky overtake. If you get the 5 CRB, the championship is worth 1.075.000 credits, which is a pretty good payout!

And the 5 races are amazing, especially the last 2 races at Bathurst and Nordschleife 24h. I will definitively make it my main grind spot from now! Rather cutting out a few credits and have 5 great races in a row than doing the same race over and over again!

I haven't thought of testing this myself, so I'm asking: Do you get a picture and sound on TV when using the VR headset with the 3d headphones? I'm planning to show off the device to people unfamiliar with gaming and some of them might require me to drive the car while they are wearing the headset.
You'll have a rough time controlling the car while another person moves the camera everywhere to "look at all those amazing details" 😅
Better let him drive direcly ^^
But yes, you get both image and sound!
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Lean forward whilst holding the options button down it will reposition your screen further, acting like sliding your seat back. I do this until I can see the virtual abdomen by looking down without moving head and it feels the correct distance this way.
Thank you. I will test this tonight ans see if it fixes this scaling issue.

I quite surprised that few of us have noted this scale issue. I really had the impression that the cockpit scale was 0.9:1
Again “no words”. I’m driving with my mouth open in disbelief.

Jumped in my N2 AE86. A few slow and easy Time Trial drives.

Started with Trial Mountain at 18:30. I can really appreciate this circuit. It’s the ride height that makes it more immersive. Not even base cockpit view can explain the sensation. Since this Levin has the blue interior, the lighting makes The interior pleasant. I just Want to touch everything in the interior.

Switched tracks to Deep Forest at 19:30. When the lap begins, the mountain in the distance changes the awareness of the corners. This also makes the track look different.

Went for the Big Momma of circuits, The Nurb TT 15:00 in the rain. Switched to the GT500 Supra on Wets. Simply awesome. The lone wiper and the rendering of the dashboard, along with all the instruments, shifter, all the race car interior details. I felt confident with this car. Plus, again, it’s the ride height that makes the difference.

Im thinking of VR2 this way: it gets the brain involved to communicate what’s happening. Follow me with this. As a controller user, I need to kind of wait for a signal of what the car is doing. The controller sort of lets me know when I’m losing grip. In cockpit or hood view, I can just chuck the car as I will. Whether I get over steer or understeer, it’s a very dramatic situation.

When I was in VR, my brain is letting me know if I can make the corners, based on the sensation of speed. No doubt, all the senses bar smell, are working. I feel it’s assisting my brain to choose/make better judgement. Like I can perceive what’s going to happen as if I were driving my real car. If that makes sense.

Last bit, I jumped in my Hakosuka at Route X, in an Arcade Race. No doubt, my draw dropped with the plane heading for a landing. The blurriest notwithstanding, it’s ridiculous the feeling of speed and sitting in a car. I tested for any dizziness by looking around the car and out the side windows. All good. Looked up at the car interior and I really wanted to switch on the dome lamp and roll the windows down and change the radio station.
Probably the coolest(literally) thing I did after, was drive the MX-5 ND at GVH, with my fan oscillating. This game IS the driving dIrving simulator. Full stop
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This is my second go at VR2 and yes it said it couldn't play my play space and made set up another one, seated also. I hope this isn't a thing.

Yeah, seems odd that the first step isn’t to ask whether you will be playing standing or seating, and only then ask you to setup your play space.

I haven’t tried any other games but it seems reasonable to force players who will move around to set up a space every time to avoid injury or damage. But for those of us sitting behind a wheel in a dedicated rig it seems like a superfluous request.
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After preordering PSVR 2, you receive an e-mail from Sony, saying that your payment method will be billed only when shipping is imminent. Thus, seeing your account billed is a sign that things are getting a move on.

Imagine you're a dog, lying on the carpet, desperately waiting for your owner to come home. Then you hear keys jiggling in the doorlock. It means that great stuff is just about to happen to you. That's what this is like.

Maybe it's because of the expectations? VR is inherently blurry and the transpartent shower curtain description seems accurate.
I moved to PSVR2 from Oculus Rift CV1 and iRacing. So I chuckle when I see people complaining about the blur, cause it is Night and day, compared to what Im used to.
For me it's a simple - yeah, Im loosing sharpness and fidelity, but gaining so much more, especially in racing games.
But from all the Vr headsets Ive personally used (rift s, and valve index, and one more, mine cv1), psvr beats them all.
its like complaining about the WiFi speeds while being on a plane.
My wife tried it as well and was amazed by the clarity. But we are talking relative(!) clarity, as in, yes - it sucks compared to our TV, but it is amazing in comparison with anything else.

Excellent post. Very informative for someone like me who had no idea what to expect from VR.

Thank you for putting it in perspective for us.

It sounds like my case might be worse than others so perhaps it's user error. I may have made a mistake by trying to set up the headset while sitting in my playseat challenge.

Expectations are everything, I had a Rift S before this maybe that is why I feel so disappointed in the softness of the graphics. I just did an hour of racing at the ring and Bathurst and I'm quite happy with the experience. The graphics have really been downgraded though more so than on the PS4, shadow distance is poor and the LOD on shadows more than 8 meters or so from you is silly bad, there is a lot of popin of car parts from that same distance too. And there is little to no foliage, you get some soft 2d grass in front of you about half as much as normal but when you turn your head to watch it as you pass it, it's not there.
Again these are all minor nitpicks, the experience is great, the headset feels good, I am very happy with the experience. My only gripe is I overhyped myself that this would be a near 1:1 graphical experience.
Good to hear it's not something wrong with me ... I admit I expected it to be sharper (like being able to read the gauges, which is difficult), and I guess I didn't realize you get a bit of an effect that's like wearing a diver's mask (not just in GT7 but also Horizon Call of the Mountain).

Otherwise ... cotdamn this is nuts. Did what I said I would and went straight to the 'Ring in my tuned GT3 RS. When I hit start and it snapped on, I was almost speechless. I had to hit the pause button just to absorb it. Just like the only other time I tried VR, which was about five years ago on a $100K+ CXC Simulators motion rig using iRacing and I don't know what headset. Assume it was some Oculus. I don't EVER suffer motion sickness in real life, but the first few minutes at the 'Ring had me worried. It was a bit wonky. Never felt sick, just "wrong" and slightly off balance. Took a break after 10 or so minutes. Then got back on and ended up doing 45 min straight with zero issues in Super Formula at Spa. My God is this insane. Dunno how much ACC or F1 games I'll do anymore. I was legit just laughing out loud and going, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I OWN THIS NOW? No really--I OWN this? I have it at my house? F outta here, man 😂

Frankly, if GT7 was the ONLY game I could ever use this headset for, I'd have no complaints about spending the money on it.

The only issue I encountered when actually driving: Has anyone else experienced this thing where if you lean too far forward or to the side in your rig, the car disappears around you and is replaced by a grid of green lines? And as you approach that threshold, the lighting for the overall image begins to flicker beforehand? Not a big deal, I just need to move around a bit less in my seat and with my occasional Jean Alesi head lean in corners LOL

EDIT: I see now the thing about looking too far in one direction or another reveals the digital “frame” of the car is just the reality of the setup.
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And some quick observations from a first time VR user…

Initially underwhelmed by image quality. It’s nowhere close to my OLED TV, MacBook Pro or iPhone. I accept it might be much better than many previous VR systems, but it’s like looking at a cheap LCD compared to the screens I’m used to looking at nowadays.

And despite many reviewers confirming it worked well with glasses it certainly didn’t for me – very small ‘sweet spot’ in the middle with lots of chromatic aberration anywhere else, and light leakage due to glasses arms bothered me.

Better with contact lenses in, but I still generally think I’m looking ‘with my head’, not my eyes, because the aberration off-centre is still quite pronounced.

I should acknowledge I’m a graphic designer and photographer so I’m definitely more sensitive to image quality than most. And I’m short-sighted with astigmatisms (roughly -3.0 in both eyes). Not sure whether to stick with contacts or try inserts (seems like the closer the lenses are to one’s eyes the bigger the sweet spot). Welcome suggestions from more experienced users.

Earbuds were also underwhelming. Nothing like my AirPods Pro. But headset worked well with my old Bose QC-35s, so not an issue for me.

I have a Fanatec GT DD Pro mounted to a Playseat Trophy with the mounting plate upside-down. This got the wheel closer (lower) to where I have it in my car and meant the dials weren’t obscured when sitting in front of my 65” TV. But in VR it means my hands feel too low compared to my avatar’s, so I will try resetting using the option button as per earlier advice in this thread, or also potentially remount wheelbase on the rig in default position.

[This wasn’t meant to be a list of tech I own, but just want to give context, so others might have more realistic expectations than I had formed from watching reviews.]

Panel-to-panel racing is amazing. Seeing mirrors and looking through tight corners is great. Watching the seatbelt move as you tip your head forward is unworldly. But not sure that I won’t prefer sitting in front of my TV for time trial-style driving in the future. The graphics fidelity just isn’t close for things like cockpit dials, badges on rear of cars, etc, etc.

Have got a little bit of nausea twice. Not obvious to me what caused it (an hour or two into a session). Stopped immediately both times given advice to ‘get your sea legs’. Still feel like I’ve had that adrenaline taste in my mouth all day.
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Something to be aware of with VR headsets.
The image you are looking at is 'projected at infinity', this is to prevent eye strain due to your eye muscles being relaxed when looking into the distance. the image is much further away from you than your TV screen is due to the lenses in the headset.

This means when playing the game if you need glasses to see clearly at a distance then wear them whilst playing....

I had Laser eye correction 10 years ago and have 2012 vision, (i see clearly at 20feet what a 'standard person' sees clearly at 12 feet) and can see the dots in my Acer WMR which is 1440x1440, the PSVR2 is 2000x2000 (odd 40 somewhere I think) don't know if I'll see those dots..... BUT I use low power reading glasses to play on TV but no glasses to play VR.

Something to try if VR image is blurry look at a tree or other detailed real object which is over 500 feet away; is it sharp or blurry?
When was you last eye test/exam?

Bizarrely not being able to see perfectly may help with VR by blurring the image slightly; like a built in Anti-Aliasing:odd:

feet = standard unit of measurement; look up conversion if you don't know what it is.😜
Yes it's pretty easy, simhub just connected with no problem. Obviously you have to have the laptop you are running simhub on and your console on the same wifi. If you need any help let me know. I'm still experimenting with the software but it adds to the immersion definitely. I'm having a break until tomorrow with GT7 and just waiting for horizon to finish downloading to test the new hand controllers.
Yes that would be great - I have my pc and PS5 both plugged into the same router. Yeah its great and I use it with ACC, AMS2 and AC on PC :)
And some quick observations from a first time VR user…

Initially underwhelmed by image quality. It’s nowhere close to my OLED TV, MacBook Pro or iPhone. I accept it might be much better than many previous VR systems, but it’s like looking at a cheap LCD compared to the screens I’m used to looking at nowadays.

And despite many reviewers confirming it worked well with glasses it certainly didn’t for me – very small ‘sweet spot’ in the middle with lots of chromatic aberration anywhere else, and light leakage due to glasses arms bothered me.

Better with contact lenses in, but I still generally think I’m looking ‘with my head’, not my eyes, because the aberration off-centre is still quite pronounced.

I should acknowledge I’m a graphic designer and photographer so I’m definitely more sensitive to image quality than most. And I’m short-sighted with astigmatisms (roughly -3.0 in both eyes). Not sure whether to stick with contacts or try inserts (seems like the closer the lenses are to one’s eyes the bigger the sweet spot). Welcome suggestions from more experienced users.

Earbuds were also underwhelming. Nothing like my AirPods Pro. But headset worked well with my old Bose QC-35s, so not an issue for me.

I have a Fanatec GT DD Pro mounted to a Playseat Trophy with the mounting plate upside-down. This got the wheel closer (lower) to where I have it in my car and meant the dials weren’t obscured when sitting in front of my 65” TV. But in VR it means my hands feel too low compared to my avatar’s, so I will try resetting using the option button as per earlier advice in this thread, or also potentially remount wheelbase on the rig in default position.

[This wasn’t meant to be a list of tech I own, but just want to give context, so others might have more realistic expectations than I had formed from watching reviews.]

Panel-to-panel racing is amazing. Seeing mirrors and looking through tight corners is great. Watching the seatbelt move as you tip your head forward is unworldly. But not sure that I won’t prefer sitting in front of my TV for time trial-style driving in the future. The graphics fidelity just isn’t close for things like cockpit dials, badges on rear of cars, etc, etc.

Have got a little bit of nausea twice. Not obvious to me what caused it (an hour or two into a session). Stopped immediately both times given advice to ‘get your sea legs’. Still feel like I’ve had that adrenaline taste in my mouth all day.
Thanks for giving your impressions! Unfortunately I see myself very much in your boat - completely new to VR, a photographer and pixel-peeper regularly working with photoshop, generally sensitive to picture quality and short-sighted @ -3.0 wearing glasses. I am somewhat worried now, but at the end of the day I'll just have to try and get my own impressions.

Unfortunately my PS5 has not arrived yet, it is due for Monday. Thus I am used to playing in 1080p on a PS4, so maybe the impact of the VR resolution won't be as severe for me.
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It feels like the overall scale is off. Cockpit size, pilot size, cars on the road... everything seems too small. Its a strange thing that distracts a bit.
Was also the case in gt sport with the psvr, but less disturbing.
Is it just me ?
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I´m starting to really sour on the entire thing.

For reference: I had a HTC VIVE and PSVR1.

I think my biggest problem is the quality of the lenses. It really feels like playing higher fidelity games through PSVR1. All the problems the first headset has are still here. Minuscule sweetspot, terrible chromatic aberration, god rays etc. the 60fps reprojection technique is not good - it leads to ghosting and artifacts that make an already really soft image even softer. I also have many tracking problems.

I feel like I had realistic expectations, but the were not met.
It sure does´t help that the previews were so glowing. "Sharp" and "Crystal clear" are things I kept reading over and over again - couldn´t disagree more. And why are they saying the Oled panels can finally display "real" black? Is it better? Yes. Is it black? No.

I´m thinking about sending it back. And that saddens me.


Ok ok... let me backpaddle a bit..

Or maybe this is a PSA:

I was wearing the headset slightly wrong. A friend of mine just let me know.

The gains in sharpness I made by adjusting the way I wear the headset are pretty significant.

I had the strap on or even slightly above the bump on the back of my head when actually IT GOES UNDERNEATH IT.

The headset will sit a bit higher and at a different angle and for me that made a big impact. Try it.
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I´m starting to really sour on the entire thing.

For reference: I had a HTC VIVE and PSVR1.

I think my biggest problem is the quality of the lenses. It really feels like playing higher fidelity games through PSVR1. All the problems the first headset has are still here. Minuscule sweetspot, terrible chromatic aberration, god rays etc. the 60fps reprojection technique is not good - it leads to ghosting and artifacts that make an already really soft image even softer. I also have many tracking problems.

I feel like I had realistic expectations, but the were not met.
It sure does´t help that the previews were so glowing. "Sharp" and "Crystal clear" are things I kept reading over and over again - couldn´t disagree more. And why are they saying the Oled panels can finally display "real" black? Is it better? Yes. Is it black? No.

I´m thinking about sending it back. And that saddens me.
I guess I can “see” what you’re saying. I’m not a big “gamer,” I’m a driver in real life so the benefits to the driving experience far outweigh the limitations of the tech. It’s definitely not the same visual fidelity as it is on flat panel and I agree about the fact the reviews saying it was amazingly sharp seem ridiculous now. It just doesn’t matter to me in the context of the more realistic driving experience.
Not had the chance too really enjoy mine yet, everytime I put it on I suddenly get a dodgy stomach, vr1 was never like that only when i got playing, must be something in the setup maybe, doing the eye tracking it is a struggle too fit both eyes within the circles as my left eye veers too the left, turned eye tracking off but still the same. So wanna enjoy this headset :)
Initially underwhelmed by image quality. It’s nowhere close to my OLED TV, MacBook Pro or iPhone. I accept it might be much better than many previous VR systems, but it’s like looking at a cheap LCD compared to the screens I’m used to looking at nowadays.

And despite many reviewers confirming it worked well with glasses it certainly didn’t for me – very small ‘sweet spot’ in the middle with lots of chromatic aberration anywhere else, and light leakage due to glasses arms bothered me.

Better with contact lenses in, but I still generally think I’m looking ‘with my head’, not my eyes, because the aberration off-centre is still quite pronounced.

I should acknowledge I’m a graphic designer and photographer so I’m definitely more sensitive to image quality than most. And I’m short-sighted with astigmatisms (roughly -3.0 in both eyes). Not sure whether to stick with contacts or try inserts (seems like the closer the lenses are to one’s eyes the bigger the sweet spot). Welcome suggestions from more experienced users.

Earbuds were also underwhelming. Nothing like my AirPods Pro. But headset worked well with my old Bose QC-35s, so not an issue for me.


Panel-to-panel racing is amazing. Seeing mirrors and looking through tight corners is great. Watching the seatbelt move as you tip your head forward is unworldly. But not sure that I won’t prefer sitting in front of my TV for time trial-style driving in the future. The graphics fidelity just isn’t close for things like cockpit dials, badges on rear of cars, etc, etc.

Have got a little bit of nausea twice. Not obvious to me what caused it (an hour or two into a session). Stopped immediately both times given advice to ‘get your sea legs’. Still feel like I’ve had that adrenaline taste in my mouth all day.
That pretty much mirrors my experience yesterday; minus the headset. The 1000XM3 do NOT fit comfortably. But maybe thats due to how I wear the VR2. I managed to get it to somehow fit over my ears but they certainly are tricky to get to fit tight.

I eventually did try it with contacts and while slightly improving how comfortable the VR2 sits on my head and in terms of finding that sweet spot for sharpness, wearing contacts just for GT7 is no long-term solution for me. What bothers me the most is that there is this 'window' of image crispness. It's just so small and I have to move my head around to chase it. Its more noticeable in the menus but still there in-game which is slightly frustrating. I do have to say that I have had only very minor VR experience previously.

Lens inserts are expected to be available by the end of March from what I can gather (mainland Europe). I also got motion sick after approx. 10 minutes which I have never experienced IRL, even during Taxifahrten at the Nordschleife. It got better with time but it's not natural for me like it is for others, it seems. Will try the ginger/chewing-gum trick Jordan mentioned later today.

Yes, it is immersive. Yes, you can never go back to a flat screen once you get used to it but, for me at least, there are certainly some hoops you have to jump through...
After many hours of playing I am partly amazed but also partly underwhelmed. I did expect far more in terms of clarity and resolution and think a lot of pre release reviews were disingenuous as to what to expect. While I didn't expect it to be as good as my 4K OLED TV, I wasn't expecting the drop off to be quite so bad. The VR show room is good, the interior of the car is good, but anything outside the car like signs, trackside details, opponents brake lights, number plates, etc, are all lost in low resolution, blur and grain. As someone who is very sensitive to visuals and clarity and not experienced any form of VR before, it is quite a drop off. DO NOT watch a video of PSVR2 in action on a flat screen at 4k or even 2k and expect the in VR experience to look anything close to that in terms of clarity and quality.

However, the sensation is totally unique to anything I have experienced before and in moments when things click, it's fantastic. It provides an immersion that a flat screen will never be able to compete against. I have virtually driven through the corkscrew 10s of 1000s of times, but only once have I ever felt like I have truly experienced it and that was last night in the PSVR2.

Anyone who is more sensitive to the sensation and experience of driving is going to be blown away, straight away. Anyone who is more sensitive to a games visuals and used to high end 4K TV clarity will probably be underwhelmed initially. Just bear that in mind if you are on the fence about investing in the kit and set your initial expectations accordingly. I am hoping that once my brain accepts the clarity for what it is, everything will click as the experience is something you will never get on a flat screen.
My days this was worth the wait.
Mine arrived yesterday morning but was in work, booked today off so I had no qualms about staying up and enjoying the vr

I did around 6 hours in total around various tracks and it's one of the best experiences I've ever had gaming.

I too thought it was blurry to start off with but after readjusting the headset and eye tracking I found the sweet spot and was most impressed with the graphics and quality.

Overall a solid 10/10 for me that has completely changed my sim racing experience left me with huge smiles going wheel to wheel in online lobbies and can't wait to spend the rest of the day in GT7
Pretty cool. Started with Sardegna in the Mazda 787B. (I was impressed with the cup holder in the cockpit, on the left door. Felt really weird when I reached for it and I had no arms. Finished the 15 laps and was a little loopy and stomach didn't feel too good so had to take a break. Jumped back in an hour or two later and did the Grand Valley 950. Whew. By the time I was done with that I felt like I did when I was a kid after riding the rides at the carnival. Not puking, but definitely done for the night. I did get a chance to look at some cars in VR showroom. Very impressive. After seeing the '61 Ferrari Berlinetta in VR and sitting in the cockpit, I had to buy it. What a beautiful car. Overall, my biggest disappointment is the resolution. Maybe I'm spoiled by getting used to my 65" 4k 120Hz LG. VR is a far cry from that. I realize they have to prioritize frame rate over resolution, but honestly I was expecting better. But, on the other hand, maybe it's me. I wear glasses.
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Thank you, I have same issue….
@HanBolo, @Zlork I think there are about 4 of us in this thread so far that are getting the 'small hands' sensation.

Played a few hours last night, adjusted the IPD around but in terms of scale I didn't feel that that made any difference at all.

It's strange, I didn't ever get this using the Oculus, and it doesn't really impact how you play, it just means it always feels a bit like a game somehow.

Have played around with the position adjustment, I'm glad that's doable from the wheel. For reference it resets every time you go back to / from VR, including when you exit the pits for example. I find the default position feels too far forward, so I end up sitting slightly forward and up, so that when the position resets I can sit back into a normal driving position and be further back in the seat and slightly lower.

In terms of positioning the headset, the fact it can catch on the seat (Playseat Trophy) and where the cable is located, and not wanting to have it too tight I found it was slipping down a lot which meant the image keeps going blurry. I expected it to take a fair while for the positioning to be fine tuned etc. so I'm happy to persevere, certainly every now and then it does all sit in just the right spot and it's very sharp.

The menus are the worst place for the chromatic abberation and such, I think I'll probably actually set the 'screen size' setting smaller to keep more of the menus in the sweet spot, that may make that better.

The general feel for the car and its position on the track etc. is so much better, I knew this from previous VR experience and I know it makes flat screen play feel very toy like. In terms of immersion, the scale thing is awkward, I constantly feel like I'm in a game, a very realistic one, but the scale being off is breaking that "actually in a real car" sensation that I have with the Oculus and Assetto Corsa, will be curious to see if more people experience the same thing and if there's some sort of explanation for it.

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