• Thread starter gtrotary
Anyone have a fix for the lenses that fog up during use?
I start sweating quite easily and driving around in the 'mist' is not that fun. You can't focus on the road anymore.

Would it be safe to use a spray like used while diving to keep the lenses from fogging up?
Make sure your nostrils aren’t inside the unit.
Holy crap.

This thing just paid for itself with one, 45 minute hot lapping session heel-toeing Senna's MP4/4 at Spa.

With this single update, I just became a real-life race car driver 😳

Well played PD (golf clap)

Well played…
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Has anyone noticed their head position in the car "drifting"? I noticed this today for the first time, it was strange and a little immersion breaking but not too bad once I knew to anticipate it.

I also notice when I start up the headset it usually asks me to scan my room, which is annoying when I am sitting in my sim rig. My rig is facing the corner of my room so I am thinking maybe it is having problems tracking. I am thinking maybe if I put some stuff on the wall it will have more reference points to track. Overall it is working well once I get over the lower than ideal picture quality that sounds like is just inherent with VR.
Has anyone noticed their head position in the car "drifting"? I noticed this today for the first time, it was strange and a little immersion breaking but not too bad once I knew to anticipate it.

I also notice when I start up the headset it usually asks me to scan my room, which is annoying when I am sitting in my sim rig. My rig is facing the corner of my room so I am thinking maybe it is having problems tracking. I am thinking maybe if I put some stuff on the wall it will have more reference points to track. Overall it is working well once I get over the lower than ideal picture quality that sounds like is just inherent with VR.
I am getting all kinds of interruptions for play area checks in Puzzling Places, Horizon, Star Wars and Resident Evil 8. Nothing in GT7 yet.

It's probably early adoption instability and I presume it will be improved.

I do have the Sense controller bug that requires me to turn the left controller off and on while in game or it won't work. That one seems to be affecting thousands of people.
For those still struggling with the headset positioning, calibration and with finding the sweet spot, I figured out a good way to get it done properly!

But first be sure that your lenses are perfectly clean since they can get greasy quite easily and it's a deal breaker for VR, especially with those Fresnel lenses.

After that, just launch a race and stop on the side of the track. Move the headband and the mask until you get the best image possible, and use the IPD scroll wheel to make it even neater.

Then close your left eye and adjust the scroll wheel and/or mask position until the image is crystal clear, and do the same with the other eye. Try again until you have a perfect image with both eye separately and with both eyes open. This is imo more precise to set the IPD value this way than using the calibration menu, and once you have it set correctly it's way easier to find the sweet spot in the next session!

Try out and tell me if it works for you, but for me it's working damn good :)

Put my first 3 hours into this headset.

I'd say its fair to call this rendition of Sony's stab at VR a 30% improvement over PSVR1. Its about what I expected it to be, which is pretty damn decent. I've played cockpit view with HUD off exclusively since GTS, so the wow factor of how the sun shines through wasn't as big of a deal to me. The screen door effect tends to feel worse during night (a la the Spa 60 minute race), and it still a tad annoying if you're looking well ahead like all racers do irl. If you've trained yourself over the years to pick up landmarks to use as your braking points, having a hard time reading the signs is pretty much a non issue.

If I pay attention to the dark facemark edges surrounding my vision, its noticeable.... but no more noticeable than my goggles (if I pay attention to it) when I'm racing dirt bikes. But like IRL, I'm looking well ahead of anything less than 50 yards ahead of me.... which circles me back to the screen door affect that's still there.

The scale does seem a skosh off the more time I get into the headset. Can't quite put my finger on wether PD did it on purpose to compensate for the ability to see the face piece of the VR set in the peripherals or not.

Haven't done an online race yet, but regardless the BIGGEST leap forward is I can play the whole game now.

From a future-forward point of view, I think the arrival of PSVR2 lays the groundwork for Sony to release the PS5 Pro console for Q4 of this year. I'm guessing that this headset will do a bit better with more horsepower behind it. Especially in the case of Gran Turismo.

5 years from now when we get PS6 and the subsequent PSVR3, I think we'll be in the sweet box of console VR.

On a personal note...

I think this $600 headset ended up sparing me from building a $3000 Binford 5000 PC with the associated peripherals.
So in a sense, I made about $3400 today by buying a PSVR2.

.....Justification in life, is everything :lol:

EDIT 1: I'm pretty sure that Sony had the GTP crew testing on upgraded console hardware. The screen door effect is noticeable enough to where they would have mentioned it. The GTP cadre would be honest enough in this regard, had they seen what we see



PD, please remove the lap times from the middle of the screen. Make all necessary information toggle-able in the well-placed virtual HUD. Don't mess up a Picasso with a blemish smack dab in the middle. You're better than that.
Thanks for those first impressions!

As for the screen door effect by night, it doesn't bother me anymore since I reduced the screen luminosity to the lowest value. The image quality is not degraded and it's way easier on the eyes!
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Does anyone know if there is any type of audio pass through? I could have sworn I saw someone mention it in a video but maybe it was just something they were hoping for.

@Papiculo64 that's exactly what I've been doing. I keep the headset loose sometimes and it goes back to blurry and I feel sorry for the people who didn't stick with it to really find the sweet spot. Plus it gets easier to find it as I do it more and more.
But, for now, Road Atlanta and the GR1's, WOW!

I'd like to give credit to whoever highlighted that track and that race but I can't remember who it was so I hope they raise their hand.

I think it's me, glad you enjoyed ^^ But I recommended to use the Redbull for an easy win, and after trying it again this morning with the TS050, it was even easier, and more important, this thing was really impressive and fun to drive in VR, especially at night! ^^

The reason I'm doing the Nordschleife CE is to get that car the next time it comes around.

MP4/4 is from far the best Formula in the game, a real treat to drive! And it has clutch & shifter as well!

Has anyone noticed their head position in the car "drifting"? I noticed this today for the first time, it was strange and a little immersion breaking but not too bad once I knew to anticipate it.

No, but maybe you won't have the issue if you play in front of the TV and turn ON the tracking support 👍

@Papiculo64 that's exactly what I've been doing. I keep the headset loose sometimes and it goes back to blurry and I feel sorry for the people who didn't stick with it to really find the sweet spot. Plus it gets easier to find it as I do it more and more.

Exactly what I told to a friend who had some issues with it, it literally takes me 20 to 30 seconds to find the sweet spot now that the IPD wheel is set up correctly and that I know approximately how to position the headset ^^
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The FOV with this headset definitely seems larger than my Reverb G2. The G2 makes you constantly aware of it's limited FOV, however after a few minutes you just adapt. The PSVR2 headset is much better, in this regard, and I just imagine I'm wearing a helmet with less than ideal peripheral vision. 😉
Doesn’t seem that large FOV for me. But my IPD is only 60, and I think that makes FOV slightly smaller. Also glasses. It was supposed to be noticeably larger than Quest, but I don’t see it. Feels like it limits immersion somewhat. I’m going to get lens inserts, maybe that helps slightly.
I thought I set the PSVR to 120 (in the menu of the PS5) yesterday but then today it was back to grayed out.

How exactly do we do that so it sticks?
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Holy crap.

This thing just paid for itself with one, 45 minute hot lapping session heel-toeing Senna's MP4/4 at Spa.

With this single update, I just became a real-life race car driver 😳

Well played PD (golf clap)

Well played…
That’s what I’m talking about 🤣
I still need that car. But I did the same around Spa in the Super Formula on day one and said the same thing: If that was ALL I could do with this, I’d be happy.
Hi everybody. I disabled automatic 120 in the ps5 video menu (with joypad) and then I turned on the 120 & hdr option in Vr menu.
Did I do it correctly?
Little off topic:
1. Horizon call of the mountain, first climb I was so scared I turned off, my god it was like climbing with no protections!
2. Resident evil creates vertigo to me. I think I will wait some weeks to play it
3. The game Moss 2 is HIGHLY recommended. No dizziness at all and just poetic and beautiful.
So today around 3pm I took one Bonine chewable and took the MX5 out to Road Atlanta. I took it easy at first, just getting around the circuit; driving miss daisy. After about 5 laps I paused for a moment, felt okay (intentionally going slower thru the chicane at the end). I then stepped it up a tiny bit every lap, just casually going faster and getting used to the shifts and weight transfers. I did probably 10 laps and stopped.

I still felt fine, so I hopped into my bae, the NSX Type R. I took her around the track for about 7 laps, each getting faster and by the end was at full speed. So I decided to try and push myself a little since I felt nothing like I did on Wed. night and went to Laguna Seca. I turned in a few test laps, nothing fancy. I felt fine, so I went for it for a pseudo 5 lap race. I still felt good, whoop whoop. Just the fact that I can do VR in my NSX is reason enough to own this thing, haha.

I took a small 2 min break and did the Circuit Exp. for GVH1. Sector 3 was tough to get right in VR but I managed to gold it. This week is the first time I've ever tried cockpit view....ever. I will say, paired with VR it reminds me of when I switched from a controller to wheel; it just made the experience better. The same holds true here.

I'm gonna be brave and try some slower sessions in an MX5 & NSX tomorrow without Bonine chewables and see if I have my sea legs yet or not :lol:

Srsly, big thanks for the tips @Jordan. Super helpful buddy!

They need to add the option to disable camera wobble in VR. With squishy cars, you get a ton of cockpit movement that is an instant bad feeling. I took the Countach to Deep Forest and had to nope out after a lap. Meanwhile I was able to drive for over an hour with the Honda F1 car. Probably the open cockpit helped negate the swimmy feeling.
Has anyone noticed their head position in the car "drifting"? I noticed this today for the first time, it was strange and a little immersion breaking but not too bad once I knew to anticipate it.

I also notice when I start up the headset it usually asks me to scan my room, which is annoying when I am sitting in my sim rig. My rig is facing the corner of my room so I am thinking maybe it is having problems tracking. I am thinking maybe if I put some stuff on the wall it will have more reference points to track. Overall it is working well once I get over the lower than ideal picture quality that sounds like is just inherent with VR.
If you have a super bright screen in front of you can cause tracking issues. There is a setting to improve tracking.
For those still struggling with the headset positioning, calibration and with finding the sweet spot, I figured out a good way to get it done properly!

But first be sure that your lenses are perfectly clean since they can get dirty quite easily and it's a deal breaker for VR, especially with those Fresnel lenses.

After that, just launch a race and stop on the side of the track. Move the headband and the mask until you get the best image possible, and use the IPD scroll wheel to make it even neater.

Then close your left eye and adjust the scroll wheel and/or mask position until the image is crystal clear, and do the same with the other eye. Try again until you have a perfect image with both eye separately and with both eyes open. This is imo more precise to set the IPD value this way than using the calibration menu, and once you have it set correctly it's way easier to find the sweet spot in the next session!

Try out and tell me if it works for you, but for me it's working damn good :)

Thanks for those first impressions!

As for the screen door effect by night, it doesn't bother me anymore since I reduced the screen luminosity to the lowest value. The image quality is not degraded and it's way easier on the eyes!
this is good advice. I have one eye weaker than the other and I kind of biased my position based on that eye and I think this makes stuff way sharper focusing on that eye then slightly add a little bias to my left eye.
So, looks like we are very much alike. It’s kind of curious that you needed to ‘watch again on you tv to ensure that it is indeed better’… so this was expected from the beginning, but if the change was so apparent, you wouldn’t have to compare it right?

Written text might seem aggressive, but I am genuinely interested. I just went to 3 shops in my hometown, just one had it in stock and none had it installed - let alone when trying on the store I dont expect them to properly calibrate it on every testers head. Went with cash in hand and all but chickened out last second.. :/
I didn’t ‘need’ to play it on TV again, I wanted to. I was interested to see what it would be like in a direct back-to-back comparison.

And it didn’t really surprise me, but it certainly confirmed that the detail, colour, etc in PSVR2 isn’t at the same level as a modern 4K OLED.

But I doubt I’ll ever play GT7 in front of TV ever again. Which indicates how important that detail truly is in the greater scheme of things.

So I’d suggest going back and buying one. If your experience is even half as good as mine has been I think you’ll love it.
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Finally got a chance to have a play after getting a bit sick just setting it up night 1.

Thought I'd dive in the deep end and head straight the Nord. Picked the Barker to keep the speed a bit more stomach friendly. Just wow. It's like a different track. I had no idea how severe the elevation changes were, absoloutly loved it, although a bit seedy at the end of the lap.

Had a few hours break & did a 3 lapper at Laguna Seca & then Bathurst in the Gr4 155. Feeling less sick with each session. Another few days and hopefully I'm used to it.

I'd been looking forward to Motorsport 8, but this has killed it for me I think.

Edit, Going down the final straight in the Barker gave me time to look around a bit. The leather in that thing is gorgeous. I looked down and just wanted to touch it.
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I'd been looking forward to Motorsport 8, but this has killed it for me I think.
You beat me to it. I was posting actively in that thread also looking forward to that game thinking it was going to be a great racing title, and may still be. But, unless Microsoft comes up with a plan for virtual reality for that game, My interest has diminished
Edit, Going down the final straight in the Barker gave me time to look around a bit. The leather in that thing is gorgeous. I looked down and just wanted to touch it
You're not the first person who's mentioned the Barker. What car exactly is that?

I've also had instances where I've tried to touch something or put my arm out the left side when I was in a convertible.
So day 3 review of PSVR2 and GT7 in VR.

This I want from Polyphony:

1. unlock my head from horizon I am not a chicken with a gyroscope head...

2. I need some way of getting info on the other drivers pitting strategy and time to people in front of me and behind me.

3. Increase the visual fidelty on distant object and reduce the ghosting effect.

4. loose the pancake vision all togheter when playing in VR.

5. stop repositioning my body each time I exit pancake mode and let me have the option to adjust my seat position.

6. pls pls keep on improving this game and the VR mode too :D

7. maybe add some rumbling effect to the VR headset so I can feel the road and car in the head too?

This I want from Sony:

1. Fix the bloody sound!!! there is no greater buzz killer to all this great stuff in VR then having the sound being so flat and hollow in regular stereo all the time I litteraly bought a 3D pulse headset because I thought It could improve the experience only to found out all sounds when using PSVR2 is in very flat stereo with absolutely no spatial feeling wut a huge buzzkill and directing the sound to my surround sound system had no effect either since the signal is in flat pcm!.

2. Some cushioned headband for the PSVR2 my forehead gets sore after about 30min

3. Pls increase the horse power on the ps5 somehow so we can get even better VR fidelity :)

This I want from Logitech:

1. Remake your pedalset for the g923 and add some haptic feedback in the pedals some rumbling would be nice :)

and in regard for the review on the psvr2 the headset is amazing and very crisp and clear image but it will depend on the game you play so try out kayak or other VR2 games and you will experience how amazing the visual quality of this headset really is :D
I’m getting really tempted by this but I am concerned about having other racing games ruined by getting this (FM8). At first my excuse was that I don’t even like cockpit mode, but after playing in cockpit mode tonight, I almost think I prefer it. There’s no car in the way of my vision and I tend to look further ahead down the track and I actually end up going off the track less than in 3rd person view. Did they change the look-back function in cockpit view? I swear I remember hitting the look back button and all I could see was that car’s spoiler, but now I get a rear bumper view that is much better than a view of a massive wing and not much else.

Edit: just ordered the PSVR2 LMAO!
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Oh god. The WTC 800 1 hour SPA race is incredible in VR. I really do recommend to try i out.
Also i feel great after doing it. No more dizzines :D
Just did it after reading this. Superb experience! Change in time and weather etc. Immense looking around and seeing the rain hitting all the windows whilst cacooned in your car, driving through the forest in pitch black.
You beat me to it. I was posting actively in that thread also looking forward to that game thinking it was going to be a great racing title, and may still be. But, unless Microsoft comes up with a plan for virtual reality for that game, My interest has diminished

You're not the first person who's mentioned the Barker. What car exactly is that?

I've also had instances where I've tried to touch something or put my arm out the left side when I was in a convertible.
The Barker is the old 30's era tourer available in the Legendary dealer. I'd recommend getting it next time it's available, driving it in VR is just beautiful.

I’m getting really tempted by this but I am concerned about having other racing games ruined by getting this (FM8). At first my excuse was that I don’t even like cockpit mode, but after playing in cockpit mode tonight, I almost think I prefer it. There’s no car in the way of my vision and I tend to look further ahead down the track and I actually end up going off the track less than in 3rd person view. Did they change the look-back function in cockpit view? I swear I remember hitting the look back button and all I could see was that car’s spoiler, but now I get a rear bumper view that is much better than a view of a massive wing and not much else.

Edit: just ordered the PSVR2 LMAO!
Turn 10 should be ******** themselves. Imagine if PD upped the ante and delivered GT7 to it's potential, with VR it would be game, set, match.
I’m getting really tempted by this but I am concerned about having other racing games ruined by getting this (FM8). At first my excuse was that I don’t even like cockpit mode, but after playing in cockpit mode tonight, I almost think I prefer it. There’s no car in the way of my vision and I tend to look further ahead down the track and I actually end up going off the track less than in 3rd person view. Did they change the look-back function in cockpit view? I swear I remember hitting the look back button and all I could see was that car’s spoiler, but now I get a rear bumper view that is much better than a view of a massive wing and not much else.

Edit: just ordered the PSVR2 LMAO!
your life will never be the same again after this :D
your life will never be the same again after this :D
Aside from how GT7 is affected by VR2, the fact that this is essentially plug and play bodes very well for Sony, and the masses. There may be more ”top end” available with PCVR with mods and copious tweaking, but the relative simplicity (getting it dialed in and finding sweet spot notwithstanding) of getting it going can’t be ignored. The few games that are out now to showcase this add to the wow factor in various ways and I think (excluding global economic factors at the moment) this VR2 is a much needed evolution in the implementation of VR to attract many new users overall. That will benefit all of us as it will give the resources for further development and enhancement of this technology. I think this has the potential to expand the scope of this “niche” to more people.

On a side note: I’ve noticed how well the brain is able to tune out some things and incorporate others to facilitate immersion. I can almost feel the elevation changes in the track, given my wheel and VR2. In other games, such as Star Wars (only done the first couple of minutes) I forget about the limitations in my “room scale”.
For those on the fence about the PSVR2, consider the other games/experiences aside from GT7 and also that we are in essentially day 1 of this new system.

I’ll probably be hosting a VR party or two in the near future. There are many people in my circle that have not been exposed to this.
This might be obvious to some, but I only found out that VR is affected by short-sightedness.

Because I don't wear glasses when reading, looking at my phone etc, I assumed I wouldn't need them with two massive VR lenses on my eyes. I was wrong -- I guess because your eyes perceive it as real 3D distance.

Anyway, point is it MASSIVELY improves the screen sharpness. So I wonder could some of these people talking about blurriness actually have mild short -sightedness and just haven't been prescribed?
This might be obvious to some, but I only found out that VR is affected by short-sightedness.

Because I don't wear glasses when reading, looking at my phone etc, I assumed I wouldn't need them with two massive VR lenses on my eyes. I was wrong -- I guess because your eyes perceive it as real 3D distance.

Anyway, point is it MASSIVELY improves the screen sharpness. So I wonder could some of these people talking about blurriness actually have mild short -sightedness and just haven't been prescribed?
Indeed. I've been lazy with eye tests the past decade, despite my employer paying for yearly tests. They werent that bad, but when I wore glasses at football (soccer...) matches or TV, it was like going from standard def to HD.

So I may get booked in for next week now you mention it :)