• Thread starter gtrotary
The trouble is that in 7 years time we will probably be playing on 8k/16k/128k tvs with full ray tracing and goodness knows what else on our 292 inch tvs. Everyone will slip on the next generation of VR and say its good.... but how come I can't see the wheel nuts of the cars driving on the otherside of spa like I can on my tv :lol:
That’s definitely true 🤣
But personally, I don’t care now and I won’t care then. Not for racing games, anyway. The difference with the actual DRIVING in VR—said as someone who drives and tracks a lot of cars in real life—and driving on flat panel is so massive, I now honestly don’t see myself ever going back. It’s not like the fidelity is actually bad now, let alone when the next gen arrives. I will never trade the real-life-like VR experience and advantages for better oohh and ahh graphics on a 2D screen.
The past four days have been beyond amazing every time I jump into this thing. Finally, after decades of gaming and “sim” racing, I feel like I’m really driving a car. No going back now. Sure, if we had insane graphics now to go along with it, I’d be even happier/more blown away/ecstatic. But already it’s good enough that that’s just a bonus. And we know it’s going to arrive at some point. Always something to look forward to, no matter how badass the current tech/product is.
Plus, I’m 46 now. Me complaining about where this VR experience is at the moment would be an insane joke. JFC, the first racing game I had was Pole Position 2 on an Atari 7800 and a 13-inch black and white tv in my bedroom in 1989 …
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Can someone post their sound settings for watching VR replays without music. I've tried everything and either have no sound or music playing over the sound of the cars. I just want the sound of the cars. I have the options to turn the music off but it doesn't work and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks
I disagree Re people comparing to 16k in the future. Uniformly, the preferred viewing angle for TV and cinema (for comfort viewing, forget iMax) is in the range 40-50. At this size 8k is really really hard to distinguish from 4k. But in VR we’ll notice. The differences will be the HDR and colour gamut quality, but not so much being 16k. This is the same with phone screens- the quality is barely to do with resolution now (it’s beyond human fidelity) but other aspects of picture quality. Luckily for us phone screen tech is closely associated with VR display tech, and a rising tide and all that…
Question to those who understand more than me of that topic:
Is what we get now the maximum the psvr2 can deliver? Or would ps5 pro or 6 with the psvr2 would Show a better picture on the same Hardware?
And if that would be the case, could downscaling the graphics in some points and use the freed up compute Power be used to make the picture with a current ps5 and psvr2 'sharper'?

Dont have Another VR game on PS5 yet to compare how other games Look like.
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Question to those who understand more than me of that topic:
Is what we get now the maximum the psvr2 can deliver? Or would ps5 pro or 6 with the psvr2 would Show a better picture on the same Hardware?
And if that would be the case, could downscaling the graphics in some points and use the freed up compute Power be used to make the picture with a current ps5 and psvr2 'sharper'?

Dont have Another VR game on PS5 yet to compare how other games Look like.

I honestly think is mainly a Vr hardware quality concern, the two Vr Oled are pretty cheap. We are close, and probably Apple will nail it.
My mindset is like Steve Jobs: pursue the best. I prefer paying 2000 but I want the maximum.
Just did 1.5 hours of lapping.
No motionsickness anymore.
Adapted. This is really amazing.

The combination of the Playseat Trophy, Logitech G wheel and psvr2 is just pure awesomeness.

Due to the strenght of the GPro’s motor and TF Audio implementation you really feel the car, engine and surface/curbs. That translates and resonates through the Playseat Trophy design. That results in even feeling weight transfer in some way. I’m highly impressed.
Using Sport tires greatly enhances the feel for sliding. And it’s cool that you can lower pp by allot dailing in nice race cars for 600/700/800 pp races

In VR it just clicks. Vision, feel and sound. I highly recommend a set of HQ headphones such as AKG702 or Beyer DT770 Studio. Tune in the sound at a level that approximately resembles audio volume when wearing a racing helmet.

What a great great combination.
After day 3 everything I hoped for and more.

Here is to hoping new great modern cars will be added.
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Question to those who understand more than me of that topic:
Is what we get now the maximum the psvr2 can deliver? Or would ps5 pro or 6 with the psvr2 would Show a better picture on the same Hardware?
And if that would be the case, could downscaling the graphics in some points and use the freed up compute Power be used to make the picture with a current ps5 and psvr2 'sharper'?

Dont have Another VR game on PS5 yet to compare how other games Look like.
It's PS5 hardware limitations mostly in GT7. The definition you get in the cockpits is pretty sick for VR, just that in GT7, everything 50-100 meters ahead of you is blurry or with less defined models. With more PS5 horsepower, the PSVR2 is virtually capable to render the full image with the same definition and graphics fidelity as in the cockpits, and with native 120fps, which would totally eliminate ghosting and other issues.

If you’re going to organize online VR races, I‘m going to add you on PSN as well. Look out for my name, rsspyder21! And I say that as someone who NEVER races online 🤣
Welcome aboard my friend! 😁

If GT taught me anything, it's that it's way more fun driving online lobbies in good company, than playing sport mode with a bunch of ***holes xD
Not that they're all like this, not even close, but there's still a lot of them, whatever their rank...
No competition here, just chilling and enjoying some great cars and races with day/night cycle or dynamic weather, what you cannot enjoy in sport mode neither!

We're already 4 or 5 interested, but almost everybody is on different time zones, so it might be difficult at first to get more than 2 or 3 players at the same time. I'll post different options for the next session on the other thread, possibly for Friday or Saturday 👍
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OK, if you guys want to have a blast in VR, do what I did yesterday with the RA272:

Take this tune

Put on RH tires and and take it out to Mount Panorama in NIGHT mode on Time Trial and run some laps. You'll be seeing stars... literally!!

The one screen capture doesn't show it, but there's a High RPM Turbo on it also (I think I used Medium RPM and lowered the ECU a little more but not sure what difference it makes)

This tune is super responsive and balanced, and the view with the open cockpit on Mount P is fantastic. Looks great at dawn also, especially from the top of the mountain.

The tune was originally done by @specops for the Tokyo event and it's great there too. The key is the extra ballast. I didn't tweak it at all to add more power and see what else it can do, but I definitely plan to experiment with it. The RA272 is quickly becoming one of my favorite cars, especially because of VR.
Put on RH tires and and take it out to Mount Panorama in NIGHT mode on Time Trial and run some laps.
great tip, i enjoyed this a lot now that i don't have motion sickness.

i had the windows half open and it is snowing outside. so that breeze and the vr, it feels so good together.

arcade mode is also a lot of fun, seeing the other cars' flames especially.

still the vr quality sucks. i'd pay 2k for a much better hardware. it really feels like i'm wearing one of those cheap racing helmets where the transparent plastic already faded from the sun light. or just watching a VCD from end of 90s before DVDs were out.
Can someone post their sound settings for watching VR replays without music. I've tried everything and either have no sound or music playing over the sound of the cars. I just want the sound of the cars. I have the options to turn the music off but it doesn't work and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks

Go to your sound settings and look for "Music Replay Volume Balance". Set it all the way to the left.
I have to say that I am amazed at the ease of setup and the stability of the PS VR2 ecosystem. It is so painless to fire everything up even for short sessions.

The fact that we can so easily swap from HMD racing to pancake chores in the menu and then back to racing with the HMD without crashing the system is awesome.

That was impossible with my PCVR setup. If I took my Rift S off even to briefly grab a drink or go to the bathroom, the whole system would be unstable when I put on the HMD again, so any brief break required a complete shutdown and reboot and re-setup of everything (close game, close Steam VR, close Oculus, close Steam, unplug HMD, unplug wheel, reboot, start Oculus, plug in HMD, plug in wheel, start Logitech, start Steam, start Steam VR, start game, pray).

PS VR2 has pretty much eliminated the "chore" aspect of VR.
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I have to say that I am amazed at the ease of setup and the stability of the PS VR2 ecosystem. It is so painless to fire everything up even for short sessions.

The fact that we can so easily swap from HMD racing to pancake chores in the menu and then back to racing with the HMD without crashing the system is awesome.

That was impossible with my PCVR setup. If I took my Rift S off even to briefly grab a drink or go to the bathroom, the whole system would be unstable when I put on the HMD again, so any brief break required a complete shutdown and reboot and re-setup of everything (close game, close Steam VR, close Oculus, close Steam, unplug HMD, reboot, start Oculus, plug in HMD, start Steam, start Steam VR, start game, pray).

PS VR2 has pretty much eliminated the "chore" aspect of VR.
I dont agree, I also had a rift s and while they had cursed cables, half the time I take my psvr2 off I need to "look at the screen" or recalibrate my room after I put it back on, it's just as annoying and I hope this gets updated
I dont agree, I also had a rift s and while they had cursed cables, half the time I take my psvr2 off I need to "look at the screen" or recalibrate my room after I put it back on, it's just as annoying and I hope this gets updated
Oh that sucks, I haven't had that issue. I have seen reports of the HMD not scanning the room correctly. I hope your unit is not defective. I have a defective left Sense controller and will wait a couple weeks for a software fix, otherwise I'll have to send the whole kit back and wait weeks for a replacement, and then pray the new HMD doesn't come with a dead pixel or something.
Oh that sucks, I haven't had that issue. I have seen reports of the HMD not scanning the room correctly. I hope your unit is not defective. I have a defective left Sense controller and will wait a couple weeks for a software fix, otherwise I'll have to send the whole kit back and wait weeks for a replacement, and then pray the new HMD doesn't come with a dead pixel or something.
it's not a huge issue once you know what is happening on the screen and you just have it hit circle and x (if gt7 was the last thing running), but I was hoping for a completely tv-less experience, I even sold my simrig's tv
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I dont agree, I also had a rift s and while they had cursed cables, half the time I take my psvr2 off I need to "look at the screen" or recalibrate my room after I put it back on, it's just as annoying and I hope this gets updated
I never have to do this. If you use the "play seated" option the most you'll have to do is press the "Option" button to center your view.
I never have to do this. If you use the "play seated" option the most you'll have to do is press the "Option" button to center your view.
really? every other time I take my headset off without turning my ps5 off and come back later when the ps5 has fallen asleep I am greeted with that message
With the centering issue, it seems they could have designed a small wireless accessory that could be placed somewhere in front of you, the headset could use the accessory as a reference point, as long as you don't move it shouldn't have to recenter again.
Ok! Just got mine and did the initial stuff as well as tried a couple of tracks. Initial thoughts:

1) Uhhh wow. My brain doesn't know what to do with whats going on. I couldn't get through one lap of any of the tracks (Grand Valley, Road Atlanta and Nurburgring). Already "recovering" from the first session. Feel out of breath almost. Went to the VR showroom and you want to touch the inside of the car. Seeing my liveries that I've made up close in personal is awe inspiring.

2) Play seated and the system has cut it off a few times asking me to re-scan my room. It takes forever to scan too and I'm not quite sure what it's doing or what it's scanning. Kind of a pain. Does anyone know if you're supposed to scan your wheel and cockpit too?

3) There is definitely a sweet spot with the headset location on your head. The foveated rendering is a little misleading in that I also feel it's more to do with focusing where your head is aimed and not your eyes.

4) The resolution isn't "better" than native 4k. It's straight up not but it doesn't really matter. It's so hard to even describe this. It's like trying to explain the sensation of sex to someone. No amount of words or videos can do it justice you just have to experience it for yourself.

I'm amazed at how some of these guys have seemingly just picked it up and started racing. I thought I'd be able to and couldn't. I was driving the speed limit at Grand Valley and literally pulled the car over at an overlook and put the PB on and took the headset off lol. My brain is like panicking wondering why or how the hell we went from my house to the inside of a car on a California highway. You feel every little dip, drop, rock, etc. I swear it feels like my racing seat is moving.

This thing is just indescribable. I can't imagine what more advanced versions of this are going to feel like. The only thing that stops it from being truly "real" is the hardware limitations. In the future when the headsets and consoles/PCs can render all of
Yes! I am in the army of the people who suffers from car sickness as well. Anyway, everyday with vr goes a little better, but still at the end of the day I feel like somebody punched me in the face :(
I bought a few of those motion bands from Wal-Mart and they seemed to make a world of difference. Dont get near the dizziness and no nausea now, but ive only done a few laps but so far i am thrilled at how much they have helped.
2) Play seated and the system has cut it off a few times asking me to re-scan my room. It takes forever to scan too and I'm not quite sure what it's doing or what it's scanning. Kind of a pain. Does anyone know if you're supposed to scan your wheel and cockpit too?
Remove your rig and re-scan the area. I did an initial room scale scan of the play area and never touched it again. Doesn't matter of I play seated, standing or put my rig there and drive.
Ok! Just got mine and did the initial stuff as well as tried a couple of tracks. Initial thoughts:

1) Uhhh wow. My brain doesn't know what to do with whats going on. I couldn't get through one lap of any of the tracks (Grand Valley, Road Atlanta and Nurburgring). Already "recovering" from the first session. Feel out of breath almost. Went to the VR showroom and you want to touch the inside of the car. Seeing my liveries that I've made up close in personal is awe inspiring.

2) Play seated and the system has cut it off a few times asking me to re-scan my room. It takes forever to scan too and I'm not quite sure what it's doing or what it's scanning. Kind of a pain. Does anyone know if you're supposed to scan your wheel and cockpit too?

3) There is definitely a sweet spot with the headset location on your head. The foveated rendering is a little misleading in that I also feel it's more to do with focusing where your head is aimed and not your eyes.

4) The resolution isn't "better" than native 4k. It's straight up not but it doesn't really matter. It's so hard to even describe this. It's like trying to explain the sensation of sex to someone. No amount of words or videos can do it justice you just have to experience it for yourself.

I'm amazed at how some of these guys have seemingly just picked it up and started racing. I thought I'd be able to and couldn't. I was driving the speed limit at Grand Valley and literally pulled the car over at an overlook and put the PB on and took the headset off lol. My brain is like panicking wondering why or how the hell we went from my house to the inside of a car on a California highway. You feel every little dip, drop, rock, etc. I swear it feels like my racing seat is moving.

This thing is just indescribable. I can't imagine what more advanced versions of this are going to feel like. The only thing that stops it from being truly "real" is the hardware limitations. In the future when the headsets and consoles/PCs can render all of
It truly is amazing, try the motion sickness bands, got a few from Wal-Mart and it's really helped me massively.
So I just cleared the VGT Menu Book using the Porsche VGT Spyder. That car is crazy fast. During the Kyoto-Yamagiwa race the car feels like it wants to launch off the top of the hill and stays wheels up for a while. This put a big grin on my face every lap. :D

Gran Turismo® 7_20230226132847.jpg
Try RX-Vision GT3 Concept in a PP 600-700 race, its cockpit/HUD is worth a look

Also try McLaren VGT Gr.1 in a PP 800-950 race, best lying in a prone position,
and compare that field of view with Porsche 919 Hybrid '16 ...
But be warned, McLaren VGT does not have any back mirrors or back view camera!