• Thread starter gtrotary
One thing since I've had the headset, I haven't noticed any vibrations in the headset, even with the feature turned on in the PSVR2 menu under accessories and all the controller settings set to strong, of course I haven't had any very hard crashes yet, but not feeling even subtle vibrations.
You have to crash harder or you won't notice it. I've had a few impacts myself so I know it works. Obviously it will not be a hard response as it is your head being hit....
Do you have wall sconces at all by chance? My room has a few of them and was wondering if this is throwing it off. Going to use my ceiling lighting to see if there is any difference and cleaned the cameras as well as it said to do that on Sony website.

I play in a large room (home theatre) and have my cockpit in between two seats. Not sure if I'm supposed to leave the cockpit in place when I scan or move it out of the way maybe.

Going to try a few things today to see if it helps any.
I've had alot of scanning issues since i got PSVR2 and started playing GT7 with it, but the following few recent changes have removed the issue seemingly completely. Ive not played around enough to decide what is the most important change (maybe 1 and 2?) nor do i really want to now that its working.

1) I turned my rig around to face into the room. Originally it was facing into the corner and two blank white walls. Now its facing into the room so that scan is seeing all the furniture in front of it previously i had to turn my head to scan any furniture in the room.

2) I have a chandelier with 3 LED bulbs. They were originally 3x2.5W LED bulbs but i replaced them with 2x7.2W LED bulbs to improve the lighting. I am not using any lamps.

3) I did the the room scanning at the PS5 OS System Settings (I personally left the rig in place when i scanned the room) not at the beginning of GT7 (when i start GT7 it now simply shows the room scale plan from 4) below).

4) After scanning the room, one thing you can try is choose standing option rather than seated and then increase the play area using the sense controllers to an area you are confortable with (where you can kind of paint the room size with the blue border and reduce it with the orange border). I sit at the wheel of course so there is no real chance of bumping into any furniture. Obviously if you are playing other games like RE8 this is not true so you will need to choose different options in steps 3) and 4) so please exercise care here.

5) When you are doing 4) above set the scan area small enough to exclude any furniture/items whose form might change daily (unmade beds with duvets etc).
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Feel this headset needed to be face hugging, It's like I'm not getting best vision as it's looser around my face cheeks and when pushing that in feels so much better and how it should of been. Plus it's so uncomfortable for me , End up with red marks on my forehead as can't have it too loose or it slips out the sweetspot with head movements. Hopefully 3rd party manufacturers make something that gives me more comfort.
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Alright so I just had a session with no Cant Detect Surroundings error (finally!). We'll see if it does it again but it didn't do it at all after re-scanning my room (made sure to get the AC registers on the ceiling and my wall sconces which it was able to pick up). I have two sets of lights in my HT so I'm wondering if the sconces were throwing it off. Now I'm just using the normal ceiling lights and it seems to be working fine.
At some point there will need to be a approved liquid to clean the lenses, with the lens cloth your essentially just moving things around, I see this with my glasses and have to occasionally use the lens cleaner.

Without truly cleaning them, the build up of residue on the lenses will just get worse.
At some point there will need to be a approved liquid to clean the lenses, with the lens cloth your essentially just moving things around, I see this with my glasses and have to occasionally use the lens cleaner.

Without truly cleaning them, the build up of residue on the lenses will just get worse.
I use Whoosh! No problems so far.
Did anyone here manage to beat Sophy in expert difficulty at Suzuka?
Managed to take the lead in the 2nd lap bit this violet Sophy just fly ahead of me in the last lap and no way to catch her back 😣
Been trying for almost 2 hours since yesterday with no luck... Can't even imagine what it would be on flat screen!

Yeah, he's right about the sun. Sometimes, keep in my mind I have my a/c and fan on, sometimes, when the sun shines, I feel the warmth. It's a bugged out sensation.
Exactly the same! And in Resident Evil or light brigade I feel the same when passing next to a torch or campfire. It's amazing how the brain works! xD
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I did.

And, for someone who had never experienced it, I can't even imagine how it would be in VR!
GG!!! 👍👍
Any tips? 😅
I never drive at Suzuka exept for the mandatory races so I think I need a lot more practice. I lose a lot of time at the entrance of the spoon curve, can't figure out how to negociate it properly, and this violet Sophy is so fast!

EDIT: the first 3 races only uses manual transmission cars and were way easier for me. I'm mot used to this super fast paddle shifting thing the fastest players do, I watched many replays but can't get it done properly. I guess I have to practice that too... but I love the clutch shifting so much more! A shame we can't use it in sport mode with equipped cars 😞
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Feel this headset needed to be face hugging, It's like I'm not getting best vision as it's looser around my face cheeks and when pushing that in feels so much better and how it should of been. Plus it's so uncomfortable for me , End up with red marks on my forehead as can't have it too loose or it slips out the sweetspot with head movements. Hopefully 3rd party manufacturers make something that gives me more comfort.

To ask the potentially bleeding obvious, are you moving the lens portion of the headset via the button on the top right as close to your face as possible? I can literally feel the edges of the lenses hitting my nose when I do this, have no light leakage, and very little movement once adjusted properly.

Obviously different headshapes will fit better than others, but I’m happy that it fits like a bike helmet, rather than ski goggles.
To ask the potentially bleeding obvious, are you moving the lens portion of the headset via the button on the top right as close to your face as possible? I can literally feel the edges of the lenses hitting my nose when I do this, have no light leakage, and very little movement once adjusted properly.

Obviously different headshapes will fit better than others, but I’m happy that it fits like a bike helmet, rather than ski goggles.
I have the same problem, tried a lot of different positioning, used a beanie or a folded handkerchied under the headband, nothing seems to work and I end up with two red marks on my forehead and a bad headache after every long session. My head just doesn't seem to fit the headband.
A friend of mine, who is the administrator of a VR specialized website and played with many different headsets has the same issue as well.

It's really frustrating since I built up some strong VR legs but still cannot play for a long time because of this... :/

I really hope that an accessory will remedy it!
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I received my new kit today (my left controller is broken). Both controllers work great so the old kit is going to FedEx tomorrow for a refund.

Speaking of QC, the new HMD has a crisper image (even at the fringes of the lenses), but more Mura. Without getting into any Mura fights (enough of those on Reddit already LOL) I will just say that I prefer having the clearer image in the lenses. The increased Mura only jumped out at me in RE8, and I would guesstimate it's a 25% increase over the HMD I am returning.

I think Sony dropped the ball in the QC department with this launch.
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I received my new kit today (my left controller is broken). Both controllers work great so the old kit one is going to FedEx tomorrow for a refund.

Speaking of QC, the new HMD has a crisper image (even at the fringes of the lenses), but more Mura. Without getting into any Mura fights (enough of those on Reddit already LOL) I will just say that I prefer having the clearer image in the lenses. The increased Mura only jumped out at me in RE8, and I would guesstimate it's a 25% increase over the HMD I am returning.

I think Sony dropped the ball in the QC department with this launch.
What was the return process like? I got the dreaded dead-pixel in my right lens today
What was the return process like? I got the dreaded dead-pixel in my right lens today
I haven't finished the process yet because my new kit was a brand new order. I wanted to compare the two so I waited for the new one to arrive. The old one has the return initiated and I have a shipping label. I have no idea how long it will take to get refunded.
Yeah, he's right about the sun. Sometimes, keep in my mind I have my a/c and fan on, sometimes, when the sun shines, I feel the warmth. It's a bugged out sensation.
I was going to write about this a couple of days ago but I didn’t want you guys to laugh at me!😭😭😭

I Did the TT at Barcelona, and when I tell you I was locked in omg! I was so focused everything looked clear to me, but only managed to get Silver 1.43:7. The drive was an absolute blast though, I was in the 458 GT3 in the perfect seating position and I will say this is my first time VR where I was going all out! The experience cannot be matched without VR… I can’t wait to hop back into league racing on GTP… Some of the best racing I have ever experienced, combined with VR it’s going to be insane!
I was going to write about this a couple of days ago but I didn’t want you guys to laugh at me!😭😭😭

I Did the TT at Barcelona, and when I tell you I was locked in omg! I was so focused everything looked clear to me, but only managed to get Silver 1.43:7. The drive was an absolute blast though, I was in the 458 GT3 in the perfect seating position and I will say this is my first time VR where I was going all out! The experience cannot be matched without VR… I can’t wait to hop back into league racing on GTP… Some of the best racing I have ever experienced, combined with VR it’s going to be insane!
:lol: The exact reason why I waited. However, knew it couldn’t just be me experiencing fake, fake sensations. ;)


So far, the one track that feels exactly like flat screen(FS), is Tsukuba. I did the 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ race and it wasn’t bad, but it felt the same.
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Hi everybody I would like to share a problem which is consuming me.
I watched all the videos, included Kireth ones that shows ‘what you really see’ but still they look WAY FAR BETTER of what I see. Here is what I see: Blurred image in every game excluding Rez infinite and in some ways resident Evil. GT7 is fantastic and so Horizon call of the mountain but they all really look out of focus and downgraded compared to EVERY YouTube video I saw. To explain better: seems a PS3 out of focus. I have no experience in vr excluding the first Ps vr and it wasn’t so blurred. If you keep your eyes on something it gets better but my gosh all around you is so downgraded. I am starting to think there is something wrong with my unit but another part of me says ‘it’s vr, it’s not crisp at all’. Things get really worse on Vr replay. Environment is okeish but cars passing at high velocity are really bad. Any help?
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Hi everybody I would like to share a problem which is consuming me.
I watched all the videos, included Kireth ones that shows ‘what you really see’ but still they look WAY FAR BETTER of what I see. Here is what I see: Blurred image in every game excluding Rez infinite and in some ways resident Evil. GT7 is fantastic and so Horizon call of the mountain but they all really look out of focus and downgraded compared to EVERY YouTube video I saw. To explain better: seems a PS3 out of focus. I have no experience in vr excluding the first Ps vr and it wasn’t so blurred. If you keep your eyes on something it gets better but my gosh all around you is so downgraded. I am starting to think there is something wrong with my unit but another part of me says ‘it’s vr, it’s not crisp at all’. Things get really worse on Vr replay. Environment is okeish but cars passing at high velocity are really bad. Any help?
I watched Kireth video today and was thinking "what I've got in my headset set looks way better than that!" 😅

Sure it's not comparable to a 4K TV in terms of definition, but it's way less blurry than on PSVR1, so maybe you've got a problem with your headset or its calbration.

The first 2 days using it, the positioning of the headset was wrong so I couldn't find the sweet spot. If the lenses are not perfectly parallel to your eyes and the IPD wheel not set correctly then you won't find it. Worth trying different positioning of the headband (upper on the forehead, lower at back of the head, or inversely) and adjust the IPD scroll wheel with each eye individually until you have the clearest image possible with both eyes. If you're in the sweet spot, what's directly in front if you should look sharp. You should not have chomatic aberrations neither, so if you notice some blue and red color fringing around white elements, then you have not found the sweet spot yet. You can notice it easily by looking at some white text on a dark background.

Another issue I had until 3 days ago was that the lenses were greasy. It's not easy to notice by just looking at the lenses, but when you put the headset on, it translates in some halos around every luminous sources like bright colors and white, which makes the image looking foggy and ultimately blurrier than it actually is. I tried to clean my lenses with another microfiber and it's night and day, even if it's quite difficult to have them perfectly clean. Until we get a better cleaning solution and an approved cleansing liquid, you can try to spray a little water on your microfiber before cleaning the lenses 👍

Hope that it helps and that it's not a default with your unit or else...
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Hi everybody I would like to share a problem which is consuming me.
I watched all the videos, included Kireth ones that shows ‘what you really see’ but still they look WAY FAR BETTER of what I see. Here is what I see: Blurred image in every game excluding Rez infinite and in some ways resident Evil. GT7 is fantastic and so Horizon call of the mountain but they all really look out of focus and downgraded compared to EVERY YouTube video I saw. To explain better: seems a PS3 out of focus. I have no experience in vr excluding the first Ps vr and it wasn’t so blurred. If you keep your eyes on something it gets better but my gosh all around you is so downgraded. I am starting to think there is something wrong with my unit but another part of me says ‘it’s vr, it’s not crisp at all’. Things get really worse on Vr replay. Environment is okeish but cars passing at high velocity are really bad. Any help?
Sounds like you need to find a proper position for the headset on you head and do better calibration for the sweet spot. This is 9/10 cases.
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Sounds like you need to find a proper position for the headset on you head and do better calibration for the sweet spot. This is 9/10 cases.

I tried everything. It’s really NOT EVEN CLOSE the 2D videos I saw. I just think what you see in YouTube videos is absolutely not comparable to what you see with lenses
I tried everything. It’s really NOT EVEN CLOSE the 2D videos I saw. I just think what you see in YouTube videos is absolutely not comparable to what you see with lenses
Hmmm... I really wonder what it could be... :/
Did you watch Kireth video on a smartphone? If so then try watching it on your TV. Even if it kinda match what you can see in the background, the cockpits look way more sharp in the headset than in Kireth video.

Did you read my previous post? Cleaning my lenses with another microfiber really changed a lot for me, I had a very foggy image until 3 days ago, even when in the sweet spot!
Here is through the lens picture

Yep! And it's pretty close to what I see. It's just incredible, incredible, that thousands of streamers and reviewers, including Digital Foundry, did not show what the truth is, letting people think that what they see it's the factual view.
Hmmm... I really wonder what it could be... :/
Did you watch Kireth video on a smartphone? If so then try watching it on your TV. Even if it kinda match what you can see in the background, the cockpits look way more sharp in the headset than in Kireth video.

Did you read my previous post? Cleaning my lenses with another microfiber really changed a lot for me, I had a very foggy image until 3 days ago, even when in the sweet spot!
Helped a Lot watching the video on my Apple studio display ! From smartphone looked gorgeous, from a monitor looks alike what I see. Downgraded, and blurry when you are not seeing. Still have to figure out why dozens of streamers avoided to tell the truth.
Thank you mate!!

Yep! And it's pretty close to what I see. It's just incredible, incredible, that thousands of streamers and reviewers, including Digital Foundry, did not show what the truth is, letting people think that what they see it's the factual view.
Helped a Lot watching the video on my Apple studio display ! From smartphone looked gorgeous, from a monitor looks alike what I see. Downgraded, and blurry when you are not seeing. Still have to figure out why dozens of streamers avoided to tell the truth.
Thank you mate!!

No problem mate! 👍

I didn't realize you were speaking of the mura effect, it is indeed quite noticeable and more pronounced on some PSVR2 than on others.
Being used to play with the PSVR1 and its very bad screen door effect, it doesn't bother me that much, but I definitively can see it too. If you focus too much on it then you won't be able to think about anything else, at least that's what I heard, and people are more or less sensitive to it. Some people just can't go past the mura effect from what I heard on a podcast about this matter... :s
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