- 778
- United States
All of this.Coming up on almost one year without any major updates to VR or the VR UI, what is everyone's top 3 most wanted features for VR? Mine are easy:
- MORE RACE INFO. I want standings and deltas (for both time trials and race positions) and track postions. Would be cleanest integrated into the MFD.
- Let me set my head position ONCE for at LEAST the whole gaming session. In a GTWS online race with qualifiers and practice and pitting your head position will reset about a dozen separate times. I can understand why it wouldn't persist between sessions but that many resets in one race is inexcusable.
- Dedicated HUD toggle on/off hotkey. Self-explanatory.
Not being able to see deltas in TTs or to see yours vs other competitors just doesn’t make any sense.
Most of the time my head position is pretty good and doesn’t need adjusting, but when it does it’s all sorts of wonky. The FD RX7 puts me basically ON TOP of the dash which makes it hard to even adjust my body to compensate for resetting it to a normal spot, then the steering wheel is HUGE. No other car is this bad, but the Radical and some other cars need little adjustments, and like you said, if you’re resetting a bunch it gets super irritating to constantly hold your body in a strange spot to ensure your cockpit view is right. Once I set it though, it remains good until I restart or finish the race, no problems with pitting resetting position or anything.
- let us watch VR replays with the full timeline controls, and also let us stay in one position/change positions as we like.
THIS TOO! The VR replays could be so cool, but I never use them because of several reasons. The lack of being able to pause/adjust time is a big one (oh, you missed what you wanted to see? RESET!). Besides that it will put you in the DUMBEST spots looking off into nowhere which forces you to swing your head around to see the cars, then swing again to follow them past you. The whole time I’m swinging my head back and forth like I’m watching a tennis match… it’s so stupid and uncomfortable.
The ghosting in VR replay is also pretty terrible, but at least if the rest of its function made sense you could watch a replay, upload it and watch it cleanly in 2D, but as it is, I don’t waste my time (or risk cervical spine damage) with it.