GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Am I the only one that thinks that 5 garages is enough? I'd argue that 50 cars per character is reasonable enough, and even if you absolutely need more, you have another character slot to potentially bump that up to 100. I'm not even sure if there are 100 different storeable vehicles in the game.

On that subject, I'd much rather see R* kill 2 birds with one stone and unlock more character slots to use.
There's for sure over 100, the smallest class of customizable cars Supers and they have like 12 IIRC
Motorcycles: 21
Compacts: 6
Coupes: 13
Sedans: 27
Sports: 32
Sports Classic: 16
Super: 13
Muscle: 30
Off-Road: 13
SUV: 21
Vans: 12
Industrial: 1

Total: 205

This includes extra variants of cars (Custom, Armoured & Convertible) but not Pegasus vehicles.


Cars with the (SP) tag and any obvious cars (such as large, air and sea vehicles) were not included.
There's for sure over 100, the smallest class of customizable cars Supers and they have like 12 IIRC

Even still, I doubt the average player is going to use all of those vehicles on a regular basis. You also have to take into account the fact that most players probably aren't going to miss losing out on some of them - it's unlikely that players are going to want multiple variants of very similar cars (it's probably not worth owning 5 Schafters when you could just get a single variant, or at most a variant + it's armored version), or cars which aren't exactly... desirable (who here would actually be upset if they couldn't have an Asterope, Regina, Prairie, and Habanero all at once?).

Either way, character slots are still the better way to go about it IMO. I'd rather see R* add 50 garage slots at once compared to just 10.
Even still, I doubt the average player is going to use all of those vehicles on a regular basis. You also have to take into account the fact that most players probably aren't going to miss losing out on some of them - it's unlikely that players are going to want multiple variants of very similar cars (it's probably not worth owning 5 Schafters when you could just get a single variant, or at most a variant + it's armored version), or cars which aren't exactly... desirable (who here would actually be upset if they couldn't have an Asterope, Regina, Prairie, and Habanero all at once?).

Either way, character slots are still the better way to go about it IMO. I'd rather see R* add 50 garage slots at once compared to just 10.
I'd rather it just all be on one character, and give people the ability to alter their characters appearance whenever
The Dodo seems like a lot of fun, should I get it or will I regret buying it after a week?

I'm on 1 million right now.

I enjoy the Dodo, myself. It is one of the top 3 planes I use regularly, but I spend a lot of my time flying. For the money it is nice being able to land anywhere and it's a sharp looking plane. I'll fly out to Malibu and land offshore, then climb atop the wings and have a few beers while I watch the sunset.
I'd rather it just all be on one character, and give people the ability to alter their characters appearance whenever

I disagree about removing character slots altogether, because then there's literally no progression past Lv120 whatsoever.
@Sting I wasn't complaining ;)

@e rikkie You should lose some virtual weight;) That bike went from fast and nimble to handle like...a big boat in a storm with you on the back:lol:

Well, that's it for me for tonight. Got work in 6 hours:indiff::irked:Made $700k and 3 levels. 👍👍 Someone should make a playlist for that job. To save some time.
Why everyone just screw up right at the end of "A Titan Of A Job"? They always ether crash hard to the ground or abandoned the titan while in the air?

It seems that some are done on purpose...

From today through Thursday March 3rd, earn double GTA$ and RP when you square off in the new Rhino Hunt Adversary Mode that launched earlier today. You can jump straight into the explosive action of Rhino Hunt in the current Event Playlist, accessible at the push of a button from the GTAV launch screen - or hop straight into any Rhino Hunt skirmishes outside the official Event Playlist to get 2 times the GTA$ and RP.


To keep you suitably armed for dealing with the local wild life outside the Rhino Hunt reserve, Ammu-Nation, Warstock Cache & Carry and Merryweather Services have dropped their prices on select items and services right now all the way through Thursday March 3rd. Set your rifle sights on the discounts as listed below:

  • Warstock Cache & Carry – 25% off
  • Merryweather Services – 25% off
  • All Automatic Rifle ammo – 50% off
  • Select Weapon Attachments – 50% off
  • All Tactical Gear from Heists – 50% off (includes Utility Vests, Rebreathers, Night Vision Goggles and Earpieces)


When you decide to give your Sticky Bomb tossing arm a respite from blowing up Rhinos, you can also score some double RP for quick rank up in both the recently released [URL='']Till Death Do Us Part Adversary Mode as well as in all Freemode Events [/URL]all week.
It's the best vehicle for Contact Missions IMO, better than the Hydra or the Buzzard
Yeah I agree, already have a Buzzard and a Hydra but the Savage (well named btw) is an absolute destroyer.

EDIT: Just went to buy the Savage and the purchase failed, apparently I already have it:lol: :dunce:

R* should pull staff off the "adversery mode" team and put them on the casino team :sly:
Found the highest ranked player I've ever encountered today

And this happened when preparing a Simeon car