GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I've played as a female character with a female PSN name since GTA came out and nobody ever treats me like that!
I found it all bit cringey but ultimately great fun. It was a completely different experience than i'm used to. Maybe I just landed in a few lobbies occupied by teens with raging hormones.

I'll see how I get on might be totally different

On another note, the mystery of the 250k reward continues. I just logged on and was greeted with the "you have been awarded $250000" message. No idea what for.
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I haven't been on my female character for a long time. Even then I've had no weirdos stalking me online. I've only had one threatening text when playing as a girl.
So far tonight has been business as usual. My female character has been in nothing but warzones and killings hehe

Where's all the chivalry?! :D
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I have had a female character on a different PSN since 2013, although it's been nearly a year since I played on it. My experiences were a lot like Lee's much of the time. It's not all bad, though, as there are benefits to having a character that provokes others to drop their guard...
I feel special.

Which is strange because I don't even recall you posting a picture of your retro Comet. Did I miss it?

Ooooooo double post. That's right, I'm bad.
Well I created a new character and I gotta say, I had so much fun running around online with her. The difference is hilarious. I had randoms following me around, countless text messages, party chat invites and I must have received about 10 friends requests.

One guy kept messaging me to "pleeease accept my friend request"

I was barely shot at, I could just walk up to other players and just wave. (I was killed a few times though by some loners) Normally with my main guy i'd be shot and killed if I tried that. Anyone who hasn't got a female character I highly recommend it just for the comedy value of being surrounded by guys blowing kisses and trying to entice you into their cars. I kinda wish I had started out with a female character. I will be doing it when GTA6 is released.

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And I thought my brother was weird for doing it...
Ah, good point. Sometimes mine looks like she'd kick you in the teeth if you looked at her in the wrong way and bang your wife while she's at it.

And she definitely would.

No words...... haha
Which is strange because I don't even recall you posting a picture of your retro Comet. Did I miss it?

Ooooooo double post. That's right, I'm bad.

I don't own a Comet Retro, but you should probably look to the left of this post. ;)
Maybe because guys make their female characters look like hoes lol

Though, I think mine looks like a badass.

Mine walks around in her battle outfit most of the time, I don't think other players would actually be able to tell whether she's male or female :P

I did get a message once where someone asked if I was a girl. Not sure if they meant the character or me IRL... Haven't got any messages yet asking "are you indeed a domestic terrorist?", which I feel would be more relevant given the nature of GTA (and my character's battle outfit).

I found a new rewarding type of game mode by the way, it's called "Troll the trollers". Basically, you enable passive mode and walk around until some jerk tries to run you over with his million dollar chrome supercar. Then simply step up on a short wall and watch them crash their cars over and over again. The guy I encountered yesterday was so desperate that he tried to call an air strike on me, but it backfired horribly when the police arrived on the scene, killing him and impounding his car.
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I don't own a Comet Retro, but you should probably look to the left of this post. ;)

Oh I know about the avatar....... but given that, you don't own the retro Comet, I'm disappointed and refuse to refer to it as the Dan Retro Comet. Haha, buy a retro bro
A girl who would "bang my wife" sounds waaaaay more interesting than one dressed like a prostitute

Post number 2000. You chose correctly

Mine walks around in her battle outfit most of the time, I don't think other players would actually be able to tell whether she's male or female :P

I did get a message once where someone asked if I was a girl. Not sure if they meant the character or me IRL... Haven't got any messages yet asking "are you indeed a domestic terrorist?", which I feel would be more relevant given the nature of GTA (and my character's battle outfit).

I found a new rewarding type of game mode by the way, it's called "Troll the trollers". Basically, you enable passive mode and walk around until some jerk tries to run you over with his million dollar chrome supercar. Then simply step up on a short wall and watch them crash their cars over and over again. The guy I encountered yesterday was so desperate that he tried to call an air strike on me, but it backfired horribly when the police arrived on the scene, killing him and impounding his car.

Another option is to drive a supercar around (that way you can chase down scrubs) and install the most annoying horn possible. Then, just keep blaring it for as long as your left thumb can handle.

Oh I know about the avatar....... but given that, you don't own the retro Comet, I'm disappointed and refuse to refer to it as the Dan Retro Comet. Haha, buy a retro bro

Give me more cash first. I'm saving up to buy the CEO garage (:banghead:), then a special vehicle garage (:mad:) and finally the Ruiner 2000 and Rocket Voltic.
PSA for people doing I/E missions.

I did what @leeislee suggested and have been only selling high end cars, with the 25% bonus that is $100k per car. Source a new one and repeat.
If you suspend the application by opening up Youtube/Netflix after delivering then the cooldown goes away allowing you to sell straight away. You could get $400k plus per hour.
I had a public session set up with the usual suspects and took turns. On occasion you would spawn in another lobby but all you have to do is hit the friends list and join back. When loading the game back up from suspension it is a lot quicker than actually re-booting the game.
PSA for people doing I/E missions.

I did what @leeislee suggested and have been only selling high end cars, with the 25% bonus that is $100k per car. Source a new one and repeat.
If you suspend the application by opening up Youtube/Netflix after delivering then the cooldown goes away allowing you to sell straight away. You could get $400k plus per hour.
I had a public session set up with the usual suspects and took turns. On occasion you would spawn in another lobby but all you have to do is hit the friends list and join back. When loading the game back up from suspension it is a lot quicker than actually re-booting the game.
that's a good earner!
that's a good earner!
Myself @Flash_Sweden and @Jamesyarders were experimenting with the cargobob and how it drops cars when others in the session start sourcing or exporting. Can't remember exactly what happened but we just made sure nobody was flying cargo when we started the missions. Still seems buggy though.
I'm hoping to empty my warehouse before the 25% bonus ends.
I've been making my money this way, and it has paid off if you see my boring list of expenses and plans.

But here's my way (not original) of getting a public solo room.

  1. Make a playlist of one event, preferably a short race (bonus if it's near a Cargobob spawn/your office/car warehouse), and save it.
  2. Play the playlist alone.
  3. When they prompt you to restart or continue, select restart.
  4. Wait for the playlist to restart.
  5. When you're in the setup for the second race, back out and leave the race. You should be at the race start spot, in a public room, alone.
  6. PROFIT!
I've been making my money this way, and it has paid off if you see my boring list of expenses and plans.

But here's my way (not original) of getting a public solo room.

  1. Make a playlist of one event, preferably a short race (bonus if it's near a Cargobob spawn/your office/car warehouse), and save it.
  2. Play the playlist alone.
  3. When they prompt you to restart or continue, select restart.
  4. Wait for the playlist to restart.
  5. When you're in the setup for the second race, back out and leave the race. You should be at the race start spot, in a public room, alone.
  6. PROFIT!

Does this work on PS4?
I've been making my money this way, and it has paid off if you see my boring list of expenses and plans.

But here's my way (not original) of getting a public solo room.

  1. Make a playlist of one event, preferably a short race (bonus if it's near a Cargobob spawn/your office/car warehouse), and save it.
  2. Play the playlist alone.
  3. When they prompt you to restart or continue, select restart.
  4. Wait for the playlist to restart.
  5. When you're in the setup for the second race, back out and leave the race. You should be at the race start spot, in a public room, alone.
  6. PROFIT!
I use this method but any method that gets you alone in a public session is a winner in my eyes.
  • Be in your office
  • Press the PS4 button on your controller
  • Go to settings - Date & Time - manually change date then change the year to 2018
  • Press the PS4 button again
  • Wait on the home screen for 10-15 seconds
  • Go back to settings - Date & Time - manually change date then change the year back to 2017
  • Press PS4 button then click on GTA again and you'll see everyone has left.

After you change the date don't sit on the home screen too long or you'll crash the game. 10-15 seconds should do it, experiment.

Also don't put the year back to 2016 or the game will freeze.
Myself @Flash_Sweden and @Jamesyarders were experimenting with the cargobob and how it drops cars when others in the session start sourcing or exporting. Can't remember exactly what happened but we just made sure nobody was flying cargo when we started the missions. Still seems buggy though.
I'm hoping to empty my warehouse before the 25% bonus ends.

Me and @Jamesyarders tried both one time.
If someone clicks "export" when someone else has a car hanging under their Cargobob, the car will be released. Clicking "source vehicle" did nothing.
So choosing to export a car before someone gets a car hooked up to their Cargobob is safe. Just don't do it when it's attached.

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