GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Ahh. How does it drive? Did you buy the custom mod?.
I bought the Benny's custom model. Personally I wasn't that impressed. Drives well but nothing groundbreaking.

I've already sold it as I just can't get over how ridiculous it looks with your guy sat in it. The whole car just seems too scaled up to me. There are a few odd styling issues too that I didn't like.

All in all its ok but not for me.
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I've already sold it as I just can't get over how ridiculous it looks with your guy sat in it. The whole car just seems too scaled up to me. There are a few odd styling issues too that I didn't like.
I've also noticed that the horse masks change when you are in a car(not sure if all cars) as the face/nose gets notably shorter. Its probably just to prevent clipping.

Will try the Specter when I get home, looking at the thread over on GTAF and some of them look really nice, cant really say I noticed any of the pictures were taking with people actually sitting in the car though.
I'm not pretty fond of the MC way of money making, especially LJT being a POS.

And in my opinion:


You don't need kits and wings to make the Specter look absolutely gorgeous. (and the obvious driver's seat being so low like that)
I've also noticed that the horse masks change when you are in a car(not sure if all cars) as the face/nose gets notably shorter. Its probably just to prevent clipping.

Will try the Specter when I get home, looking at the thread over on GTAF and some of them look really nice, cant really say I noticed any of the pictures were taking with people actually sitting in the car though.
It can look good in the photos and I'm sure the vast majority of people love it. It's when I get in it that it suddenly looks oddly proportioned. Each to their own of course. For me I knew I would never drive it so would rather have most of the money back for other things.

If it was scaled down to the size of the Tropos Rallye and with a higher seat it would be great.

Hope you like it though.
The two latest additions to GTA Online are out now: the luxurious and lightweight Dewbauchee Specter sports car, and Collection Time, the new Adversary Mode where you'll pick your opponents' pockets to rack up wins. Read all about both plus all the latest bonuses and discounts to hit GTA Online below.



Benny's continues their brilliance in automobile artistry with their latest offering, the Dewbauchee Specter. This two-door Sports coupé is at its heart the gold standard for exclusivity, and Benny is on hand to strip it down to its core before reassembling it as a lightweight, super-customizable beast. Strike while the iron's hot to take advantage of 25% off Benny's Upgrades and the Executive Upgrade that brings Benny’s workshop right into your own garage, now through January 30th.



In Collection Time, it's all about the give and take. In teams of two to four, players battle to steal and hoard the most points over the given time period. Each player starts out with one point in the form of a money bag; once killed that bag will drop and be up for grabs for whoever can reach it first. The team holding the most bags when the clock runs out wins. Stay greedy and hone your tactics across seven brand new maps. For extra earnings, play Collection Time between now and Monday, January 30th for Double GTA$ & RP.


In addition to Collection Time, MCs and Organizations alike are about to get that much richer with a double dose of GTA$ & RP in GTA Online Biker Clubhouse Contracts and Special Vehicle Work – now through January 30th. From Gunrunning to the lit up destruction of Torched, those who prefer the hog ride will have plenty of opportunities with the eleven Clubhouse Contracts. Organizations will also have their turn with the same bonus running for all eight Special Vehicle Missions, from the BF Ramp Buggy's Escape Escort to the Coil Rocket Voltic's Firewall Protection.

And if you're looking for a post-holiday deal, grab 25% off the following all the way through January 30th:

  • Benny's Upgrades
  • Executive Garage Renovations
  • Executive Custom Auto Shop Renovations
  • Biker Business Properties
  • All Import/Export Tattoos


Traverse the turf usually reserved for death cults and hippies in Chiliad, the featured Premium Stunt Race now through January 30th. Place in the top three in this Non-Contact Point-to-Point Super Race to win big GTA$ prizes, and take comfort in knowing you'll get Triple RP wherever you finish. Enter at the yellow blip at Legion Square or via the Quick Job App on your in-game phone.
So I wasn't going to bother with the Specter. I haven't really liked an Aston Martin style game, apart from the Massacro, and the Specter when I first saw it was pushing my buttons for the lack of booty behind the rear wheel. Even the real DB10 and Seven-70 has more meat to it and it just flows better.

Though for some reason, when you put a spoiler on the Specter, it seems to make it feel a little more 'right' to me. I think I may actually get one, as my first Dewbauchee but it will definitely receive the custom treatment. Which is a bonus since there's money off.

PS: Which the damn Specter had a proper Aston Martin front bumper treatment!

This is as off as the FMJ getting the Aston Vulcan's front.

Who in the bright mind thought the 918's front would look good as something probably handcrafted like real Aston Martins?
I got the Specter last night. Drove it around stock for a bit then added the performance mods and drove it. It feels quite stiff and grippy, doesn't slide very much. Went ahead with the custom mod after that. Car definitely felt a little more sluggish but it carried speed through the corners better.
Looks great and there is a decent amount of customisation. Scrolled through the appreciation thread on GTAF and there are tonnes of nice ones. I couldn't make up my mind so painted it pure black and left the stock rims on which have the logo in the wheel centres, nice touch (only Nero has this iirc).

I saw what @leeislee meant about the driving position, the character is appears to be sitting on the floor and can barely see out of the windscreen - as well as being too low I think the seat is too far forward and it looks like and extremely uncomfortable car to drive :lol:. 1st person view is good but the steering wheel is tiny.

One of the tachometers (yes it has 2 for some reason) was stuck at 5500rpm although the other one worked fine, these can be swapped for the digital readout though.

Also, the hood or trunk cannot be opened on this car, doesn't even look like there is a seem for either of these openings.
I'm gonna keep it though because I like how it looks and like how it drives.
Been seeing over on GTAF that some people are getting 25% off the 811, Tempesta, Kuruma Armored and ETR1.

Anyone on here getting that?
Not for me, I scanned over the websites yesterday to see of there were any discounts. The 250k R* has been giving out seems a bit random with no real criteria on how to get it so maybe the discount is the same - possibly for those who don't already own those cars (I have all 4 so may be why I didn't see discount)
I've not received the 250k bonus and I don't have those cars. I was starting to think you'd have to buy shark cards in order to get it.
The only thing I have received lately is a 5% discount on all clothes for "being a good sport".
Been seeing over on GTAF that some people are getting 25% off the 811, Tempesta, Kuruma Armored and ETR1.

Anyone on here getting that?
I remember hearing that xbox one users were getting the 50% cash bonuses on vehicle exports early before it was made available for everyone along with the comet retro. Wondering if that could be the case with those 25% off discounts you're talking about.

From that list of discounts that hopefully will be eventually out for everyone, I have all but the Tempesta which I would love to own since it was considered by Broughy to be the 3rd best supercar and also has some cool modifications IMO but I haven't been able to buy it due to me being busy with getting other cars for my collection. So hopefully I will try to take advantage of the discount.
Car meet import/export steals: if you have patience, use tear gas. Less chance of putting a bullet through your car and starting with a couple thousand worth of damage.
Car meet import/export steals: if you have patience, use tear gas. Less chance of putting a bullet through your car and starting with a couple thousand worth of damage.

Honestly that's not even the problem. Even if someone's behind cover it's not too difficult to reposition yourself so that you don't hit anything. It's the AI that ends up causing the most damage when they completely miss you and end up shooting the car instead.
I decided to take a break from Import/Export and MC-work, and get some crates instead. I decided that I was gonna leave my office in my trusted friend, the armored Kuruma. I had it delivered by my assistant and...

Yes, I get it! It has a rear wing that's kind of big, but really!? It's not THAT big!:lol: