GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
What's this speed boost thing that Broughy is always mentioning?

Kerb (curb) boosting or the mid-drive speed boost?

Kerb boosting is when your car gains a speed by traveling over a bump in the road (there's plenty of bumps that will cause this, but driving on and off a sidewalk will propel you much faster).

The mid drive speed boost is also called "double clutching" by most GTA drag racers and drifters. When your car is about to shift into third gear, tap the handbrake and your car will bounce off the rev limiter for about one second. Then, your car recovers and accelerates even faster.
Speaking of Broughy, I'm still waiting for him to update his spreadsheet.

Kerb (curb) boosting or the mid-drive speed boost?

Kerb boosting is when your car gains a speed by traveling over a bump in the road (there's plenty of bumps that will cause this, but driving on and off a sidewalk will propel you much faster).

The mid drive speed boost is also called "double clutching" by most GTA drag racers and drifters. When your car is about to shift into third gear, tap the handbrake and your car will bounce off the rev limiter for about one second. Then, your car recovers and accelerates even faster.
Ahhh cool. I'll give those a try.
Of course... the server disconnected me after @m8h3r left/disconnected.
Thanks, game. Just like missing the checkpoint in Racing Alley after the pipe with the green things in it because I'm going too fast and fly over it...

Also, the Penetrator is a fantastic car for the price.
My research and observations have me convinced that it's literally a second Entity XF in just about every way, just in a XJ220 body, with slight hints of the Jag XJ15 LM, the BMW Nazca C2, the Ascari KZ1...

The acceleration is not the best, and it tops at 122, but the handling is just so smooth.
Tacti-cool gear? ✓
Hydra fetish? ✓
Tomato-colored blip? ✓
Ghost Organisation abuse? ✓
Obscenely high rank and KDR? ✓
xX_Xx in name? ✓

Tryhard detected.

That level 875 who bombed us with his Hydra and then Ghosted to parachute onto my yacht during Piracy Prevention sure was a handful for me and my friends to deal with, even though we still pulled off a win. That extremely annoying glitch that made him spawn next to the freaking yellow marker all the time didn't make it any easier for us either. :ouch: Rockstar please fix it.
Well, I just got done with an online session with @Leadfoot530, @Flash_Sweden, @STI9, @Sting, @Tex, and @250 GTO. We did some CEO/IE work in a public lobby where it was just us - I helped the first three sell some vehicles they were planning on getting rid of, then I went off and made almost 390K from Stunt Races. Honestly, I would love to be in a session where it's just a group of people peacefully doing CEO work again, seeing as I now own an office myself, and am working on buying my own warehouse where I can store all my cars.

P.S. I would have loved to sing the chorus of Gangsta's Paradise with you guys, but I couldn't hear the song very well.:dunce:

EDIT: Just realized this is my 400th post, and I've been here almost 5 years. I gotta post more...
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*booing sounds*
Ever heard of sarcasm?

I know for a fact that @250 GTO has tried the glitch I posted a couple of pages back, and has a decent amount of $GTA on his bankaccount.
The glitch involves starting your [insert platform here] followed by launching GTAO and doing races, freeroam-events, contact missions and other stuff. Some would call it "playing the game".
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What is up with the excess headroom in the spectre? It looks like your guy shrinks when he gets in it. Of course he doesn't but it looks so stupid.
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Can't let your spine get in the way of good design :lol:
Sorry I meant the roof is very high. There's a huge gap. It looks like there is no seat in the car and he is sitting on the floor pan!

The whole car looks too big. The 811 also seems too big.
Reminds me of when I see rural roads where I live, I think: "Will a Lamborghini fit/curb that?"

Also: office garage renovations, and the I/E Benny car conversions are discounted.
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A bit of a strange question, this; On PS4 if you're inviting someone to join your company (you're the CEO) does the invite go through your in-game phone or does it use the PS4 system software? I've only got the game on Xbox but I'm curious to see if it's the same or not.
A bit of a strange question, this; On PS4 if you're inviting someone to join your company (you're the CEO) does the invite go through your in-game phone or does it use the PS4 system software? I've only got the game on Xbox but I'm curious to see if it's the same or not.

If you invite a player to be your bodyguard then the invite comes through the securoserv app on the phone.

Sorry I meant the roof is very high. There's a huge gap. It looks like there is no seat in the car and he is sitting on the floor pan!

The whole car looks too big. The 811 also seems too big.

Ahh. How does it drive? Did you buy the custom mod?

Edit: Over on GTAF they are saying that the MC missions/contracts are giving 2x RP/$ - between ~$40-60k per mission if true.