GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
How is the engine out performance? Can it glide for long distances?
It's not fast with full throttle but if you buy the sport handling upgrade it is quite nimble.

At idle, flying without pressing the gas it's pretty slow but if you have the muffled prop upgrade you go off radar.

The gun turret on the front is hard to aim but it's got a very far reach. Really good range in the gun.

It's a great aircraft. Today I've spent most of my time driving the Escort and flying the microlight.
So anyone on PS4 up to doing I/E, GU, SR runs later tonight? I figure if we're gonna grind might as well do a rotation of all 3...

[i'll edit this once i get exact numbers but for anyone wondering]

Also it appears you can store about 12 small planes or 7 Medium planes in the cheapest hanger at LSIA and I guess 1 large one as well....not sure how many you can put in storage in theory the Hanger sizes increase the number of "Active" planes you can use.

of course this is just a theory....
20 planes in total, not sure on a large plane since I don't have one. But 12 on the floor and 8 in storage. Not sure if I'll ever need the storage area though.

I think they patched the double Research for $45k glitch. Just tried it and the Confirm button disappeared when the next item showed up. Too bad since I have 7 research items left.
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The cheapest of the Zancudo hangers is what I have and currently residing in it is a Chrome Hydra, A pink Savage (unoriginally called "Savagely Pink" :D) the Cuban 800 and a Titan called "Big Red", Shows my creativity with names sometimes. :lol:

But here's the rub, This hanger has room for 10 Small aircraft on the floor like the Hydra and the Cuban 800, 5 Medium Aircraft like the Savage and 2 Large Aircraft like the Titan.

It's still up in the air(pun definitely intended :P) if that applies to all hangers, but if it's anything like the CEO offices, they should in theory all have the same capacity limit on the floor.
It's not fast with full throttle but if you buy the sport handling upgrade it is quite nimble.

At idle, flying without pressing the gas it's pretty slow but if you have the muffled prop upgrade you go off radar.

The gun turret on the front is hard to aim but it's got a very far reach. Really good range in the gun.

It's a great aircraft. Today I've spent most of my time driving the Escort and flying the microlight.

Awesome! I probably won't buy any offensive upgrades, but the quiet propellor and defensive counter measures sound like a wise investment. :D
Just had a Carpet Bombing supply mission in a Seabreeze. There's a huge learning curve, as it's not a perimeter area target. It's a precise target, and if it's a Mule, it's a moving target at that. Surprisingly, the driver will not budge as there are bombs exploding near him....
So, you know that super expensive thermal scope for the Heavy Sniper?

Totally obsolete. We got a ballistic helmet with thermal goggles now.
Does anyone know if there's upgrades or customization options for the Mammatus?
Any pre-SR plane that doesn't have a cargo door (pretty much everything but the Cuban) will only have options or paint and liveries if compatible. The Cuban can equip different bomb types.
If it's like the other pre smugglers run planes, you'll likely be only able to paint it. :)

Any pre-SR plane that doesn't have a cargo door (pretty much everything but the Cuban) will only have options or paint and liveries if compatible. The Cuban can equip different bomb types.

Thanks, guys. 👍 I'm assuming the Mallard can only switch liveries.
If anyone is interested in buying a Tula, they should keep in mind that it's a crew-served aircraft akin to the Valkyrie. The driver can only use bombs and dual machine guns. Countermeasures can only be used by the co-pilot and the rear gunner will get a HMG of your choice.
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FYI, PV aircraft can enter the Bunker. Landed the Hydra during a Supply mission and viola

At this rate, I can't wait to see the Titan in the bunker. Or whenever it comes out (and hopefully not having fixed this yet), the Bombushka.
Just went from 7.5 mil to 2.2 mil....and didn't buy any cars or expensive aircraft.

One of the supply missions was a 'stunt show'. Fly Under Bridge and Knife Flight for, as Ron put it, tweens. Then I got to drive a slow ass Mule from Grapeseed to Fort Zancudo.
You can use the buzzard on this source mission. After blowing up 4 planes I spawned my buzzard expecting the mission to fail and to my surprise I could slowly fly under the bridges and voila complete.
Just had a Carpet Bombing supply mission in a Seabreeze. There's a huge learning curve, as it's not a perimeter area target. It's a precise target, and if it's a Mule, it's a moving target at that. Surprisingly, the driver will not budge as there are bombs exploding near him....

I wasn't keen on this one especially considering the darn plane has to be pretty much level to drop the bombs.

I had a lot of fun with the nakota taking down the merryweather jets!

Not so much fun with protecting the Titan though, although I'm now questioning why the thing is so weak in "a titan of a job"

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So there's been some revelations about the bonuses available.

Specifically, you'll get a boost to the value of your crates at 25 and 50. Catch is that bonus varies from one type to the other. The best one seems to be Narcotics, giving a 35% and 70% bonus, respectively, putting the value for 50 crates up to $850,000.

It's better, certainly, but I still have a slight problem with that.

Let's assume you're two players, taking in turn to get two crates of Narcotics to get around the cooldown. One mission will generally take about 10 minutes - some faster, some slower. All in all, that means 25 supply missions - or about four hours - to fill the Hangar. To that then comes a similar amount of time spent helping your friend, or, if you play alone, do the same number of crates again.

In total, you're looking at $850,000 for about 8 hours work. You might think to yourself "that's not bad", but is it?

..not really. It's only about $100,000 per hour. I will give it that the bonuses makes it ever so slightly more profitable per minute than the Bunker, but let's, for the sake of science, compare it to another business that involves lots of crates.

Let's, for the sake of parity, assume that it'll also take a solo player about 10 minutes - cooldown included - which, all things considered, is perhaps a tad bit on the generous side, but we have also forgotten all about cooldown on the Hangar so that evens itself out - to source one of the classic Finance and Felony crates. Now, these do run off of a different, more dynamic system, but let's assume one was to start all over on a warehouse and thus get the "worst" crates.

When doing exclusively single crates, it'll take 53 resupplies to get to a profit above $850,000, making a profit of about $96,000 per hour. So it's sort of similar to the Hangar. Right?

..yes and no. Remember, this is for the bottom half of the warehouse value. Fill a warehouse up and you're looking at just over $100,000 per hour. So not the big differences so far.

Let's continue and assume, for the sake of the comparison, that the amount of time it takes to fill a Warehouse once and a Hangar twice is the same - again, given that the mission length + countdowns and all isn't too disssimilar + that you'd have to sell one Hangar, is probably not too far off. The most you can get from the Hangar is $1,700,000, whereas the Warehouse, again by doing single crates every time, gives $1,998,000 - about $300,000 or 17% more.

This has redeemed the Hangar business slightly, but there's still the behemoth that is Import/Export. Even with the nerf it got, meaning the cooldown is now sell time + cooldown, anyone should be able to get two cars in and out per hour - that's $160,000 per hour.

TL;DR yes, if you get all the way to the top of the bonus chain, the Hangar will give you better money/time than the Bunker, but is it better for profits than the Finance crates? My most educated guess is a "it depends".
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I'm thinking crates and I/E between for the cooldown. Does anyone know of any payments etc for the organisation member and not boss?
Some general thoughts about the update:

  • The hangar is really cool. I briefly got triggered when Ron was showing me around and I saw the trash in the modern living quarters, but I was relieved to see it gone. Inside my hangar are a gold plated Buzzard, a matte black Hydra, a white and red Dodo, two dark brown and black Cubans (the free one is armed) and my Mallard which I left stock.
  • I've tried out the Mogul, Tula, Pyro and Skylift and I can say they're all nice and welcome additions. Haven't gotten a chance to fly the Hunter yet :(
  • I find it nice that they buffed the CEO Buzzard, and the limo windows are a cool touch.
  • The business is terrible money-wise and too grindy. Of course I enjoy flying the new aircraft but it's back to I/E for me if I really need money.
  • The dual machineguns they're slapping on just about everything right now hurt as much as tickling... I can't see how they're expecting us to down aircraft with these. You're better off ramming them.
  • I really have to get good at carpet bombing. I got the cluster bombs for the free Cuban and I can't seem to get any kills. Having to hit the target precisely doesn't make much sense given the size of the explosions... I'll get used to it though. Any tips?
Overall I like the update, however the trailer got me hyped up for something even better and dripfeeding things like the Hunter is despicable.
Is there any difference in the profit you can make from each type of cargo? Or should I just fill my hanger with alcohol because it is easy?
I've been doing my regular money making (600k tonight), and everytime I Hostile Takeover in LSIA (complementary GIF), the freaking Titan spawns inside the hangar.

Normally it happens every now and then, but for some reason after Smuggler's Run, it's not "have a chance" to spawn, but always. And this would be an inconvenience if I wasn't so used to doing this with a Buzzard or a Hydra.

That, and I saw an unarmed Buzzard spawn at Mission Row Police Department.. had no idea that could happen.
It seems as though in this update, they've cut down the money that you can make via vehicle exporting, which makes me a little annoyed. It was pretty easy for me to pull down 75-200K at the drop of a hat, but now literally the most I can make now is 100K. This grinds my gears a little bit.