GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I've been taking a look at the Bombushka's rear door, and yeah: the real way to open it is to shoot at it alright.

Since I haven't bought a hangar online, I don't know if the vehicle door options work on the planes. Because if it does, the game has already programmed the trunk to be that said door. It even has a closing animation.

More things: extra carrying capacity? Depends.

If you walk in there and the plane goes, you will ragdoll like standing on any vehicle going at speed.

Use a bike (I tried the Oppressor), and you're going to slip off and, well.. it will collide you with the plane's walls and for some reason kill you when you sleep herpderp.

The car is the safest and best choice. For this, I used the yet to be released Vigilante. The bay barely fits the machine. But then, the Bombushka's rear would drag down, meaning you shouldn't try putting something like an Insurgent in there.


Put your piloting proficiency to the test in Bombushka Run, the latest mode to hit GTA Online. Two teams of up to four square off, with one side piloting the heavily armed Bombushka as the other attempts to bring this beast down with a swarm of Buzzard Attack Helicopters. Teams then switch sides, and whichever one survives the longest while piloting the Bombushka scores the victory. It’s the classic game of cat and mouse, except the mouse is an enormous Cold War bomber bristling with .50 Cal Turrets and the cats get armed copters. Earn Double GTA$ & RP in Bombushka Run, now through September 25th.


Add a little flair to your fleet this week, whether it be applying that livery you’ve been eyeing or stockpiling your bomb bay with a few incendiary treats:

  • Hangar Workshop – 25% off
  • Aircraft Weapons – 25% off
  • Liveries – 25% off (cars and aircraft)
  • Resprays – 25% off (cars and aircraft)
  • Mobile Operations Center Cabs – 25% off
  • Executive Offices – 25% off
Just trying to get back in to GTA Online after not playing it for years, first time trying the heists. Why are randoms so crap?
It made me question why they were so hyped up about it last week while bashing the Rapid GT Classic.

There was going to be a gif here of it racing the Cargo, but I'll just tell you: it's slower than the larger Jet and Cargo planes.
I assume all this is with engine upgrades correct?

If so, then I hope it's reinforced enough to take the many explosives heading its way.
I assume all this is with engine upgrades correct?

If so, then I hope it's reinforced enough to take the many explosives heading its way.

I test with about everything upgraded when applicable. For the newer planes: armor, engine and handling.

From Reddit, the thing can take only 3 explosive sniper shots, similar to some other planes. Not much of an armored fortress, but as far as my knowledge goes, bombers back in the day are really fragile, so points for realism, I guess.
I assume all this is with engine upgrades correct?

If so, then I hope it's reinforced enough to take the many explosives heading its way.
Nope. It is weak. Three explosive sniper rounds, a couple of missiles and it's gone.

Fully upgraded the speed and handling is better than stock but again, you're basically a sitting duck.

Don't blame hi- I mean he-hmm.. "it".

The Nokota may seem like a much less equipped Rogue, but it's the LAZER to the Hydra if the Rogue was a Hydra, if you get what I mean. It has no space for bombs, but it has very good machineguns, and can be upgraded to shoot missiles.

But not just ordinary missiles: Savage missiles: beautiful rapid missiles! The only other aircraft with this? I think it's the Molotok and the Hunter. Big fans of the P-51 Mustang airplane should give it a go.
Time for a review of the three new aircraft I've bought so far :)

First up is the Ultralight. The fun factor alone makes this a great buy, especially since it's really cheap compared to everything else. It's very small, so you can land it pretty much anywhere without worrying about the wings clipping something since they're quite sturdy. Countermeasures are great because you can fly peacefully over a warzone and stare at the tryhards below :P I haven't used the gun much, but I imagine it can come in handy.

Next up is the Tula. This is basically the embodiment of versatility. VTOL is always great to have, water landing capabilities are pretty neat and for what it is, it certainly doesn't disappoint as far as weapons go. Both the front and rear guns are good (the rear one being obviously better because it's controllable) and bombs are fun, even more so when combined with VTOL and the fact that the Tula can tank two missiles. Countermeasures may require a co-pilot, but that's not a problem for me.

The last one I bought was the Alpha, which I got today. This thing is really quick; it can hit ~210 knots in a straight line (the Hydra hits 170) and a staggering 250 with a slight downward pitch, even below Maze Bank Tower height. It can do aileron rolls extremely fast and is even capable of a vertical climb! Between it's obscenely high speed, great agility and flares, if you're a good pilot, you're mostly safe in it. Cuteness is an added bonus.

Verdict: All three are awesome and definitely worth their price. They're duped by the way, so I've saved a total of about 2.9 million. :D

No, they don't need duping to be worth it. :P

Don't blame hi- I mean he-hmm.. "it".

The Nokota may seem like a much less equipped Rogue, but it's the LAZER to the Hydra if the Rogue was a Hydra, if you get what I mean. It has no space for bombs, but it has very good machineguns, and can be upgraded to shoot missiles.

But not just ordinary missiles: Savage missiles: beautiful rapid missiles! The only other aircraft with this? I think it's the Molotok and the Hunter. Big fans of the P-51 Mustang airplane should give it a go.

I recall this spawning for some dogfight or similar mission and rather than grab a Hydra and make quick work of it, I used the Nokota and completed the mission as prescribed and it was quite fun.

On the Bombastika topic, I'll probably still buy it because I will get some recreational use of it, but the reports are disappointing so far. Would've hoped for a B17 knockoff rather than the aesthetic and performance abomination that we received. If true to that form the plane would be a flying tank. Blown off noses, tail stabiliser, severed fuselages.....a lot of them made it home that way. Still one of the most impressive airframe and power plant packages. They could lose several cylinders, as in the case blown apart and the piston and rod banging round tearing the remaining area apart and they would continue to run. That is one of the reasons they were used extensively in daylight bombing, while the more delicate water cooled Lancasters were intended for nighttime operations.

Oh well.
Since I was in my 'solo' public lobby, and last day for 2x $/RP I thought I'd sell all my crates. 10 Narcotics, and 1 each of various cargo. 14 in total. An easy $300,000? Not so fast. 2 Hunters, object was to fly to location, take out the opposition and deliver the crate. Now this is the fun part. Fly back to the other Hunter, deliver crate, and rinse/repeat. Each location was getting farther from my hangar, so by the 2nd go around, I parked the Hunter at the last drop, and continued my quest. It was a good thing I did. Time was not on my side by now. Down to the last 2 drops I had to fly about 1/3 way across the map to pick up the final crate. If you're in the red zone in time, it's cutting it too close. With 27 seconds left, I made the last drop.

It's very small, so you can land it pretty much anywhere without worrying about the wings clipping something since they're quite sturdy.

See video about clipping the wings with the Ultralight :D

...and I've flown the Nokota a few times for supply missions. One thing, it likes to 'nose down' on landings, and won't get back unless you find something to bump it back into level position.

EDIT 2: You know the trick where you can spawn your private aircraft next to you?? well....

(posted at GTAForums)
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Hangar Workshop – 25% off

Should I...

1: Purchase LSIA Hangar A17 for $1.2m and a workshop for $862,500 (Total cost: $2,062,500)


2: Wait for a discount on hangars themselves?


Don't blame hi- I mean he-hmm.. "it".

The Nokota may seem like a much less equipped Rogue, but it's the LAZER to the Hydra if the Rogue was a Hydra, if you get what I mean. It has no space for bombs, but it has very good machineguns, and can be upgraded to shoot missiles.

But not just ordinary missiles: Savage missiles: beautiful rapid missiles! The only other aircraft with this? I think it's the Molotok and the Hunter. Big fans of the P-51 Mustang airplane should give it a go.

Man, the P-45 looks incredible. I intend to purchase one, but the number of supply runs needed to get the trade price is rather off-putting. Also, the homing missiles on it feels sacrilege, but when it comes to actual fights explosive bullets wouldn't be enough for defense.
Got my first round of bombushka in today. Made like 80k but crap was it so glitchy. In that mode, the bushka is very very slow and the 50 cals are OP. With competent shooters and a smart pilot the bushka can tank shots from the buzzards mini guns all day. I think the trick is to smash the bushka into the group. Once down they go quick.
Also had some fun with my rouge. I was just flying around practicing my low attitude dive bombing. But I had a pretty slick moment where I dropped a bomb on a semi looped around the bridge ave add I was climbing out, dripped a bomb on a cop heli. I'll need to grey my recording software going again so I can make something like Dude puts together.
I'm still waiting for the CEO garages to be on sale. Kind of disappointing when you buy the cheap CEO office on sale (for my long forgotten 2nd character), and the first garage cost more than the Office.

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