GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Okay folks i'm quite irritated with this clip I recorded.

Apparently it turns out the Heavy Sniper with explosive rounds is in fact a railgun in disguise. :rolleyes:

The guy kept insisting it was due to his thermal scope, to see me I'll give him that but to shoot me from the ground, through part of the building and still hitting me? :crazy:

Your thoughts people?
I know the thermal scope and the new helmet allow you to see through walls, but to be able to shoot through walls... that I can't explain.
I know the thermal scope and the new helmet allow you to see through walls, but to be able to shoot through walls... that I can't explain.
Collision detection not loading past a certain distance.
I think it's like the RPG's, where they shoot at the walls, etc. and the splash damage kills you.
He took a direct shot to the legs/feet. Splash damage won't kill at full health.
I think it's like the RPG's, where they shoot at the walls, etc. and the splash damage kills you.

But given where he was(the ground) and where I was(On the roof and nowhere the edge) in order for him to hit me, the shot would've had to go through a good chunk of the building to do it.
You can kill someone through walls at a certain distance. Like mentioned above the draw distance can effect the collision detection.

I was doing it today. With my thermal goggles I killed a guy twice through the FiB building.

It is annoying as in certain circumstances hiding in cover or even going in a wall breach won't protect you now.

The other Alpha-Z1, the Howard NX-25 is just another super agile stunt plane with some pluses like being a lot higher up when taxiing. I may have invincibility on, but I'm still afraid to do things like this. Also: the song in my head when I look at this GIF.
You can kill someone through walls at a certain distance.

This explains a lot, I accused someone of hacking (in fairness, I had been exploded at random a lot in that lobby) because they shot me from a yacht while I was up a ladder on the far side of a warehouse, I tried to get them to do it again so I could record it but they instead played dumb and left.

I hate that the explosive rounds are a thing, I mean apart from the fact you're able to explode whoever you want from an extreme distance (and apparently now through walls too), the fact that it's difficult to obtain means only players who already know the game well will get it, thus widening the gap between casual and committed players. I mean I'm glad it's not easy to obtain, that's probably the only thing I like about it, but when there's a player with an explosive rifle I've noticed more people are driven to explosion-resistant vehicles, which makes the lobby pretty boring in my experience.
Explosive rounds aren't that bad to be honest. It's the thermal scopes and the bad hit registration that bother me more.

And fix the crab-walking thing. :irked:
Anyone else not like the bike stunt races? To me they're just boring, except the forest one.
I got that blessed cargo sale glitch and received a whopping $2370000 after the drop-offs, so I am now the proud owner of a maxed out Tula! :D I'm certain that this plane will be a lot of fun :cheers:

Take it from me, with a 3 man crew it can be great fun. ;)
FYI, there's a really easy airplane dupe at the Sins sight. You dupe a plane, and sell the original.

Dear R* Dupe Patch Squad,

It is my duty as a law abiding citizen to let you know that those naughty dupers are at it again.

I'm disgusted how they destroy your business by ruining the sale of shark cards which seriously impact on your tiny profit margins.

We all know you have made very little money from this game and need every penny to survive. Ban them all.

Yours loyally
Your #1 fan

Anyone else not like the bike stunt races? To me they're just boring, except the forest one.
I agree. They truly suck. At least the ones that has a lot of tubes with corners. The bike doesn't really approve with the corners in the tubes. The only ones I sort of like is "Over and under" and "Big M". I think that's the names of them. They don't have any tubes, so they are sort of ok
I really wanna try to blow up an Oppresor with a flare gun now. I was messing with one earlier and now I'm pretty sure that it can be done if timed right.

Frankly, the Mogul is excellent for about 60% the cost of a Tula. Minus JATO, passenger spaces and water landing related perks, but for a slight boost in agility and a (dual) 50 cal gun which can shoot in all directions.