GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I look at some threads on drip fed cars, and is it just me, or does anyone out there have any idea that the Vigilante is NOT an armored car.

Tsk tsk. I am going to look forward to being the man that kills the Batman on Halloween this year.
But if batman is doing his job killing anyone who looks like this *and especially with a car like that in the background ew.*

Then I don't think there's a need for killing batman. More like he's doing us a favor. lol :sly:
I look at some threads on drip fed cars, and is it just me, or does anyone out there have any idea that the Vigilante is NOT an armored car.

Tsk tsk. I am going to look forward to being the man that kills the Batman on Halloween this year.

"It's simple... we kill the Batman."
So I bought myself a Rapid GT Classic yesterday and did a run around my Angel's Gate Track with it. All I can say for its performance is, it wheel spins a lot and it is faster than the Turismo Classic according to MrBoss- ahem I mean pyrrealm gaming though I wouldn't recommend driving this car on tracks with lots of turns based on its handling.

But it sure as hell a great car for cruising around.
anyone use Roccat Power Grid? I am scripting out some macro's for things like quickly becoming and retiring as CEO's and MC presidents, as well as calling up certain vehicles when playing as either. I plan on adding a bunch of other general things as well, like calling lester to remove cops, quick chat macros, etc. anyone interested, or maybe have a request for macro'd buttons?
I'm afraid of using any non Microsoft software while playing the game due to the strict banning practice. But I have heard of people using macros for things like customizing the Import/Export sale, getting X Pegasus vehicle out and so forth.

A novel concept, but I'm not really interested.
33 crates in my hangar now, gonna fill it up tomorrow and on Friday, then sell for 1.7m to bring my bank account just shy of the price of a Tula. How does one go about getting that price increase glitch?
How long can the bombushka drop bombs? A modder was trying to spawn crash a room yesterday and had dropped a few. I wasn't able to get in since part of the mod appears to keep making all the entities spawned bounce around. But it was quite big. Like bigger than the cargo plane big. If it can keep dropping bombs longer than the starling or seabreeze, than it might be an effective high altitude bomber/griefer.
I haven't had much time yet to experiment with the new aircraft, but it did appear that bombs will despawn before detonating when dropped from above a certain altitude. I haven't had someone actually stand there while I drop bombs from various altitudes yet to verify if they see any detonation, so it could simply be that above a certain altitude they just don't render; but it does appear as though they just despawn before impacting the ground above a certain altitude.

No idea on the capacity, although IIRC everything else has had a payload of 50(regular explosive bombs, again I haven't played much with this update yet.)
Not sure if this works but might be of interest to those who want to tidy up their smuggling inventory.

Also, isn't there a bonus for selling all crates if the same type?

The price per does increase from what I understand, the more of a particular item you have in stock. I haven't even done a single sale yet, so I'm not sure if the difference is pennies or nickels. So far I've only done the minimum source missions to unlock the discounts for the vehicles released so far.
I love the challenge, myself. Always wished the aircraft physics were a bit more realistic. I wouldn't mind whatsoever if it took a fair amount of skill to not kill yourself. Of course, that doesn't sell aircraft so....

When I first fired up the game back in Sept 2013. The first thing I did was steal a waverunner and ride the entire coastline to outline the map(it was blurred in SP.) The second thing I did was steal a plane. I got some altitude, pulled full aileron and full opposite rudder with high hopes of inducing a spin. When the plane just banked slightly and yawed lazily to left, I died a little inside.
The price per does increase from what I understand, the more of a particular item you have in stock. I haven't even done a single sale yet, so I'm not sure if the difference is pennies or nickels. So far I've only done the minimum source missions to unlock the discounts for the vehicles released so far.
It's nickels... 5 Or more creates gets the bonus. Delivering 5 fit me 52,500 I believe. So yea, not pennies, but not dimes.
The bonuses are different depending on what supplies you get. It's either 35% every 25 crates, 12% every 10 crates, or 5% every 5 crates.

I don't remember which specific crates you need, but there's a chart floating along somewhere.

Edit: Found it.


Still not as profitable as warehouse crates. Sure, it's only a $50,000 difference but that adds up if you sell in a full lobby. 👎
The bonuses are different depending on what supplies you get. It's either 35% every 25 crates, 12% every 10 crates, or 5% every 5 crates.

I don't remember which specific crates you need, but there's a chart floating along somewhere.

Edit: Found it.


Still not as profitable as warehouse crates. Sure, it's only a $50,000 difference but that adds up if you sell in a full lobby. 👎
Do you know at what point these go from being a one and done and needing two people to run two different vehicles?
Lazer rage is a thing! The inability to kill someone in a Starling, Rogue or Alpha.

The heavily salted try hard runs to the base to get a Lazer thinking it's agility will easily shoot me down.
Wrong! Haha.

I love watching them pull in behind me in my startling, as soon as they fire off the guns I hit the boost and bank hard.

Lazer guy thinks "ok ok, one off. I'll try again" same outcome time after time.

[Salty Lazer smashes into mountain or building]
I have never been concerned flying any aircraft. Even the Duster or Dodo can easily break lock with evasive maneuvering. Running low and slow? Buildings, trees, hillsides, etc all work excellent to break lock. Even with cannons, the much higher stall speed of the jets makes it very easy to avoid their narrow stream. IME, it's nearly impossible to be shot down in anything in vicinity of Bunker Hill in the obstruction rich environment when you fly defensively. I fly a lot. I have somewhere near 40k miles piloting aircraft. :lol:
In a plane, breaking lock is easy peasy. I've not bmhad much luck doing it in a helicopter. Only the Buzzard and only if I am head on with the missile or in the downtown area where I can easily slip behind a building.
Decided to make a second character just to get an idea of what it's like to start from almost nothing again. I have a bunch of crap cluttering up my main character so I might start spending more time on the secondary account. Here's what I've noticed in the first hour or so.

- The lighting in the character creator isn't great. Everything always looks a bit off when I actually enter a lobby and I have to fix it afterwards.
- My nose is messed up. Again.
- You have the option to copy your level from your main character up to level 120. You'll be given a free 10 car apartment (I got Integrity Way, but I'm not sure if it's random or not) and a complementary pistol.
- There's a bug that prevents you from entering most of the stores when you first start up. Switching lobbies will fix it.
- The marksman rifle kicks like a mule without having your shooting stat maxed up.
- Dammit I have to unlock all the paint colors again...
- The phone is actually useable and not flooded up with contacts.
- Ron and Agent 14 will message you every now and then, but otherwise I haven't noticed any obnoxious calls yet.
For a new character, I created a new PSN account a few years ago. I can test certain vehicles, property etc. that I might want to use for my main PSN. That being said, it does take up some resources that I should use on my main. She also runs with a different crew, and friends...and has a higher K/D than my main :lol:



From the PS3 snapmatic, says it was 3 years ago :odd:

PSN: Aalapa
These new perks, weapons, and properties. There's nothing like being limited to 1 property, a micro MG, and just missions to start with at the beginning of GTA Online.