GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
The rogue feels very heavy on take off. It's as if it really doesn't want to get in the air.

Yeah, then you get in the air and it wants to nose dive for the first 30 seconds. Eventually it settles, but if it's upgraded and you roll to one side with rudder to the same direction, you almost fall out of the sky. :lol:
The Rogue with race handling isn't exactly the most user-friendly or realistic thing out there. It's more suited to dogfighting than normal flying.

I wanna say you could use it for stunts, but it's a little too big for my liking.
The Rogue with race handling isn't exactly the most user-friendly or realistic thing out there. It's more suited to dogfighting than normal flying.

I wanna say you could use it for stunts, but it's a little too big for my liking.

True, but it is kinda cool that a turboprop can take on fighter jets. :D

Speaking of crazy prop planes, the Alpha Z-1 is absolutely nuts with race handling. If that had a cannon, it could probably be the best fighter in the entire game with it's ridiculous turn capabilities. You won't outrun the jets, but you could always stop a pursuit before it happens.
I don't know if I should burst your bubble on this, but there is nothing you can do to make the Bombushka exciting to fly. Nothing!

Aside from the JATO rocket boost.
This speed glitch reminds me of a time on PS3 where I was flying a Titan and suddenly gained speed and maneuverability equal to a P-996 Lazer. In fact, I could pull up the nose so quickly that it almost seemed like a Pugachev Cobra Manuever.

View attachment 671819

Since I was so excited, I told everyone in the lobby to hop in a Titan and eventually several of us were flying around at extremely high speeds, practically dogfighting in cargo planes. One explanation I heard was a modder possibly joined the lobby with a modified handling file for the Titan which then resulted in all of us having that file briefly. That's probably not how it worked at all, but it was still extremely fun to fly.
any footage?
So, ERM, what does Lzzzzz mean? I had some try hard kill me and he wouldn't stop texting me things like...

Take your Lzzzzzzz
Lzzzzzz u suk

Hold that L sounds about right. Had that in mind but it's 4 AM.

Although the last time I had a try hard attack, they didn't know the MOC is a nice tank that kills GTAs and doesn't afraid of anything.
I think it might have something to do with the "Hold this L" phrase I've seen on twitter. AFAIK, the L means "loss."

This right here is what it means. Was the most common thing to hear when someone had a mic on the past gen apart from racial slurs and profanity before Rockstar cracked down on modders and most of them gave up since their modders lost their menus.
So, ERM, what does Lzzzzz mean? I had some try hard kill me and he wouldn't stop texting me things like...

Take your Lzzzzzzz
Lzzzzzz u suk

It's supposed to be a derivative of "Take this L" but it doesn't really translate very well in writing. It took me a while to realize what these people were actually saying.

I've seen on twitter.
You might wanna get out more.
I do love try hards who kill you, text you some trash and then leave before myself or anyone rips them to shreds.

Then all their "Boiz" quit together too.
Does working outside five days a week count?
I guess. I just thought it was weird to mention Twitter in particular.

Then again, the phrase might be more of a regional thing than I realize. Should've thought of that.
I guess. I just thought it was weird to mention Twitter in particular.

Then again, the phrase might be more of a regional thing than I realize. Should've thought of that.

Well, I've heard it mostly from people outside my region. I follow Sky Williams and I'm sure he has said it on more than one occasion.

EDIT: On topic, how do all of the Smuggler's Run missions play out? Get in plane at X location, do Y thing with it, and land it at Z?
Did a bombing with a Starling. Turns out, you don't need the Starling. Crashed it, and used the CEO Buzzard. Then guard a Titan as it makes a delivery with a Mogul. Once it reaches it's mark you pick up the crate. If you're good enough, you catch it as it parachutes down. There was one at Sandy Shores. Go there, kill the goons, and steal a Pyro. Then you get to evade or shoot the Lazers as you make your way back to the Hangar.
EDIT: On topic, how do all of the Smuggler's Run missions play out? Get in plane at X location, do Y thing with it, and land it at Z?
Source Missions:

Stunt Pilot: Take a stunt plane, fly under bridges and do knife flights to fill a meter. Once the meters fills, the package shows up on the map. If you're a coward like me, you can just fly upside down and it'll fill the meter.

Bombing Run (Rogue): Take a Brazilian fighter plane, blow up some rooftops, collect your prize.

Bombing Run (Seabreeze): Trash Talk.

Bombing Run (Glider): Take a Nazi German rocket thingy (where does Ron get all these planes?), bomb a specific area, and the package will appear on the map. Basically the "destroy enemies and supplies" mission from gunrunning.

Escort: Who doesn't love incredibly long and slow escort missions?

Cargo Planes: Grab a Soviet fighter plane, blow up some cargo jets, grab the package, and make your way to the Hangar while being chased by Lazers. They're not quite Prison Break dumb, but still fairly incompetent.

Jets: Take a WWII fighter plane and destroy what has to be a quarter of a billion dollars worth of fighter planes to get $10-40k worth of cargo.

Jammers: Just enter a new session. This mission sucks.

Plane crash: Find the package and bring it back. Spawns in the same place everytime.

There's a few more of them, but I don't remember the exact details.

Sell missions:

Nothing you haven't really seen before. The Havoc sucks.
I must confess and say that I purchased the Havoc. It's a fun thing to fly fully upgraded. It's fast and handles like a dream.

It's tricky to stick the landing and in no way is it worth the money. Maybe buy it if you want to own all the new aircraft but in reality the cost outweighs the fun factor.

Another one I'd consider not buying if I could would be the Cold war fighter jet. (Can't remember the name) it's doesn't do anything special and it's very expensive. I think I'll keep it as a bond and sell it on when my dwindling bank account is fully dwindled.
All this chat about the new aircraft is making me want to try them all. Have the flying physics been tweaked that much for the new planes?
All this chat about the new aircraft is making me want to try them all. Have the flying physics been tweaked that much for the new planes?
yeah, they're harder to handle. Nothing that can't be tamed with practice.
I wanted to do 10 smuggling missions today and after 8 runs in a 2-person session I switched to avoid getting hit by the fees a second time, and landed in a 25 player lobby. Mission #9 was the cargo plane interception with the Molotok, one of my favorites along with the Nokota dogfight. So I made my way to the interception point and started shooting missiles at the cargo plane when suddenly...

A wild jet blip appeared!

I prayed for it to be a friendly player using his Hydra for transportation, but the beige blip begged to disagree. If the mental state isn't normal and the vehicle of choice is a jet, it's probably a griefer.

I had no trouble shooting down the cargo planes even with him in the vicinity, however when the cargo fell out of the third plane, I saw him trying to snatch it in midair judging by his blip. Fortunately I picked up the falling crate and booked it towards LSIA with him and some Merryweather fighters in hot pursuit. I spammed flares to deter the AI's and his missiles in the event that he was actually using them, but he wasn't :( He was steadily catching up (I thought the Molotok and Lazer were even in terms of straight line speed, guess not...) and finally got close enough to hit me with the cannons at the edge of LSIA. My plane caught fire and I bailed. So did he; I don't know if he did it to follow me or if the Merryweather jets downed him. He kept shooting at me with a handgun (the nerve of some people!) until he eventually died for some unknown reason and I safely parachuted to the yellow corona, bringing the narcotics home :D

I really wanted to text him to add inSALT to injury, but he ragequit. :lol: Either way...

αρχείο λήψης.jpg

Needless to say, the Molotok grew on me after this :D

TL;DR: Jet griefer failed to steal my cargo and got salty