EDIT: On topic, how do all of the Smuggler's Run missions play out? Get in plane at X location, do Y thing with it, and land it at Z?
Source Missions:
Stunt Pilot: Take a stunt plane, fly under bridges and do knife flights to fill a meter. Once the meters fills, the package shows up on the map. If you're a coward like me, you can just fly upside down and it'll fill the meter.
Bombing Run (Rogue): Take a Brazilian fighter plane, blow up some rooftops, collect your prize.
Bombing Run (Seabreeze): Trash Talk.
Bombing Run (Glider): Take a Nazi German rocket thingy (where does Ron get all these planes?), bomb a specific area, and the package will appear on the map. Basically the "destroy enemies and supplies" mission from gunrunning.
Escort: Who doesn't love incredibly long and slow escort missions?
Cargo Planes: Grab a Soviet fighter plane, blow up some cargo jets, grab the package, and make your way to the Hangar while being chased by Lazers. They're not quite Prison Break dumb, but still fairly incompetent.
Jets: Take a WWII fighter plane and destroy what has to be a quarter of a billion dollars worth of fighter planes to get $10-40k worth of cargo.
Jammers: Just enter a new session. This mission sucks.
Plane crash: Find the package and bring it back. Spawns in the same place everytime.
There's a few more of them, but I don't remember the exact details.
Sell missions:
Nothing you haven't really seen before. The Havoc sucks.