GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I assumed as much. Wish my pc wouldn't panic just watching YouTube videos of GTA mods.
And then you find out that R* are spying on your search history.

Got to borrow an Ultralight from a friend last night, spent a good hour flying around doing essentially nothing productive while he and another friend ran I/E missions. Fun little aircraft, if I didn't have to purchase a Hangar I'd get one as soon as I could.

Over the mountain! Take me across the sky! Something in my vision! Something deep inside! ~ Ozzy Osbourne - Over The Mountain


Heyyyyyy, my high power! The world is spinning, but I'm not afraid! Yeaaahhh, give me the power! It's the beginning, the beginning of another day. ~ Boston - Higher Power


❤❤❤❤❤❤ I will see you two online soon!
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Over the mountain! Take me across the sky! Something in my vision! Something deep inside! ~ Ozzy Osbourne - Over The Mountain


Heyyyyyy, my high power! The world is spinning, but I'm not afraid! Yeaaahhh, give me the power! It's the beginning, the beginning of another day. ~ Boston - Higher Power


❤❤❤❤❤❤ I will see you two online soon!

The Seabreeze looks awesome in those colors. How many liveries can you get and is it unarmed by default?
The Seabreeze's liveries are really just similar to ones you see on it's real life counterpart. I think it has 8 in total, and most of them are blue.

It is unarmed when you get it, but you can put machineguns that are mounted on the wings, use anti missile countermeasures, and it can do bombing runs. Combined that it costs just barely a million and it's also amphibious..
The Seabreeze's liveries are really just similar to ones you see on it's real life counterpart. I think it has 8 in total, and most of them are blue.

It is unarmed when you get it, but you can put machineguns that are mounted on the wings, use anti missile countermeasures, and it can do bombing runs. Combined that it costs just barely a million and it's also amphibious..

Perfect! I'm not interested in arming general aviation aircraft, so that's a plus. Thanks.
This was posted at
Ron hosts a talk show on Blaine County Radio. Considering that it's only available in Blaine County and not that many people (at least people I've ridden with) listen to talk radio, it wouldn't surprise me that some people didn't know this.

Anyway, the update added a new episode to the show.
Talk radio has been my favorite since GTA 4. the random crap they talk about cracks me up
Edit: that being said, flylo is a serious contender. Windowlicker, for reasons unnamed, has been one of my favorite albums since I was 19. Hearing the name sake song play the first time was a nice throw back surprise.
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So I've gotten back into this game as of late. Been doing a lot of export missions and bought this neat thing.


Also, does anyone know exactly how much of a bonus you get if all checkpoints are collected in the checkpoints free roam challenges? I know they say there's a bonus for collecting all of them but I've never even gotten close.
Does anyone think the hangars will be discounted at some point in the future? I really want one at Fort Zancudo for the clearance, but $2 million is much higher than I personally want to go.
They will almost certainly go on sale at some point, like all of the previous properties. The question is whether or not it is worth it to you to wait who knows how long to save $500k-1mil.
Zancudo isn't worth it imo. Way too much activity with other players especially now that they removed the fence. If you aren't dealing with jets, you're getting spawn-killed by snipers.

The same can happen in LSIA, but there's generally less activity, and you're dealing with Hydras instead of the harder to hit Lazer.
Zancudo isn't worth it imo. Way too much activity with other players especially now that they removed the fence. If you aren't dealing with jets, you're getting spawn-killed by snipers.

The same can happen in LSIA, but there's generally less activity, and you're dealing with Hydras instead of the harder to hit Lazer.

Which fence has been removed? The other day I managed to exit by following the perimeter road on a bike and then slip through the eastern entrance.
I've not encountered a single problem at my Zancudo hangar. In fact I love having a hang out at the fort. Lets face it, a sniper griefer could just as easily camp somewhere near LISA.

However.....unlike I/E and Gun running there is almost no driving involved with smuggling which means no five hour drives in a mule to the other end of the map.

So for that reason buy the LSIA Hangar as there isn't really a geographical advantage in having the most expensive due to the flying nature of the sourcing missions.

Also, it makes more sense to own a hangar in the airport. How often could we buy a hangar and run an illegal business from a military base in reality? :)
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So for that reason buy the LSIA Hangar as there isn't really a geographical advantage in having the most expensive due to the flying nature of the sourcing missions.

This was partially my reason to begin with, but I get the feeling that the Zancudo clearance will be necessary at some point in the future.
...and the money saved can go towards the ultralight which is a must buy :D

Oh of course. I had some fun cruising about 10 feet over the ocean near Paleto Bay last night. No throttle, just idling along. I love that there's almost zero turbulence despite it being such a tiny aircraft.

EDIT: It should be mentioned that this was in a solo air race; I don't own one yet.
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Oh of course. I had some fun cruising about 10 feet over the ocean near Paleto Bay last night. No throttle, just idling along. I love that there's almost zero turbulence despite it being such a tiny aircraft.

EDIT: It should be mentioned that this was in a solo air race; I don't own one yet.
You should, it's pretty cheap and flying over warzones with impunity thanks to your flares is awesome. :D

On another note, my bank account now has over $2 million. I want to get the Tula, but I'm not going to rush it. Especially since time is going to be tighter from now on.
Does anyone think the hangars will be discounted at some point in the future? I really want one at Fort Zancudo for the clearance, but $2 million is much higher than I personally want to go.
Buy a *gasp* Shark Card.