GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
*didn't watch video* Seriously, the Shark Card conspiracy is getting old

To break it down;

  • DLC worth (clothes, vehicles, etc.) = $60mil GTA currency.
  • $60mil GTA currency = $700USD give or take.
  • Solution(s):
  1. go back and fix the payouts (unlikely)
  2. Raise sharkcard value ($100 sharkcard = $25mil GTA currency)
Personally I'll just give them the finger and go to my closest GameStop or EB Games and get rid of this garbage.

Probably buy Destiny 2 and join @Katiegan :P and my other friends; or wait for Red Dead Redemption 2 and focus on my studies while waiting.

If you want to grind for hours at a time... then here.. here's what that will get you.

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If you're that compelled buy each and every DLC item, there is no other solution. I don't go on spending sprees in this game. My last 'normal' car purchase was the Seven-70.
If you're that compelled buy each and every DLC item, there is no other solution. I don't go on spending sprees in this game. My last 'normal' car purchase was the Seven-70.

Yes I understand the argument about owning every little thing in the game.

I personally don't care about clothing in the game. The last time I went shopping for clothes was way back in the initial release of the PS4 GTA V.

And sure you could argue that hey, these are JETS and planes, of course they'll be expensive. Sure. Sure. However in the end this is a game. An OPEN SANDBOX GAME, if I may remind everyone.

Open sandbox.. remember GTA IV? RDR? Those were open sandbox. No limitations because of pricing.

Everyone had access to the same things.

Ever since the damn Gunrunning DLC this game has turned to 🤬

It's actually been 🤬 for a long time but that DLC made it official. And let's not even mention the great Currency Culling that happened not too long ago.

You have to admit, the pricing in the game is absolutely ridiculous. $90k for a Suzuki Hayabusa.... are you serious???

$2xxk for a Hakosuka....

That's all I can think of, off the top of my head.
If you like to fly, I'd say yes. I like the Hangar supply missions, it's a change of pace from Bunker and I/E. Plus there's the added bonus of Personal Aircraft.

Fair enough, I assume theres a high tendency to be shot down whilst getting cargo right? :lol:
Fair enough, I assume theres a high tendency to be shot down whilst getting cargo right? :lol:

In quieter lobby's with likeminded CEO's, not really.

Your average Public lobby however, well put it like this, It felt like a modern day London Blitzkrieg when two planes were dropping cluster bombs around me while I was delivering a T20 to my warehouse. :scared:

A plane would've likely been torn to shreds in that situation, but the upshot of today's session is I now own all the non drip fed planes and choppers from this update, I'm currently broke at 56k, but I can now focus on tomorrow's drip pick and upgrading my aircraft. :D
Hmm maybe I'll try and save a bit of cash to go and get a hangar, I prefer flying around (minus the GTA players you can run into) and it seems less bothersome than vehicle export missions.
Is it worth buying a hangar when I've already got a vehicle export warehouse and a small cargo warehouse?
That's your call ultimately. Not sure how much mission pay outs are yet, I just got one myself. I got it to get access to some of the new vehicles though. That makes it worth it to me.
As for the card conspiracy, I am in agreement with TTD. It's also why I didn't care to stop modders from hooking me up with cash through the secruserv exploit before gunrunners got pushed. Had I known smugglers was just around the corner, I would have spent a whole lot less. But even after the cash wipe, I still had 10s of millions more than I started with.
Much like with the GT6 vision exploit. I have little remorse for a company that sells you a base game for $60 then tries to get more money by making in game currency so weak you have to grind for weeks just to get a car and some upgrades.
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Fair enough, the hangars sound worthwhile with the return on investment but how does it work with using planes for missions, under the impression that R* makes you spend a lot on a plane before you can go out and do missions getting cargo :lol:
Don't buy the hangar for the business, buy it because you want the new aircraft.

Definitely utilise solo public sessions.

The item costs are likely higher than would be sustainable if it were "paid dlc" so to speak. This coexists with the option to not only refrain from purchasing the items, but also the method in which you acquire the currency to purchase if so desired. It's probably not going to change.

If anyone wants to check out any of the new aircraft and you see me online, you're welcome to my collection. I have all that has been released so far, save the helicopter.
Fair enough, the hangars sound worthwhile with the return on investment but how does it work with using planes for missions, under the impression that R* makes you spend a lot on a plane before you can go out and do missions getting cargo :lol:

Ron provides the planes and helicopters. You do what's needed, and either deliver the plane back to the hangar for extra RP (like 500RP) or it's set to blow up after the mission or if you're done delivering you can just ditch the plane and save yourself some time.

The Hunter, for example, blows up after the mission.
As a business? Hell no. Vehicle Export and Gunrunning are still king.

As a new property with provisions for living quarters and personal aircraft storage? Go ahead.
What has the typical pay out been? Top end cars are 100k, about 150k in a busy lobby for a single vic gun run. The smuggler missions aren't too far below that are they? Do they have a cool down or can you continuously run missions?
What has the typical pay out been? Top end cars are 100k, about 150k in a busy lobby for a single vic gun run. The smuggler missions aren't too far below that are they? Do they have a cool down or can you continuously run missions?
Think of it as CEO crates except much more time consuming.
With me being back at college, I've been trying to work on school work more with less emphasis on games. (Key Word: Trying) The bunker is nice as you can let it earn money for you without being infront of the screen. As of late, I've been buying supplies, which cuts down each selling mission's profit down to $135,000k per 2 1/2 hours, but it's still easy nonetheless. Just pop in every so often to sell/resupply and you'vs got an easy 400k every couple of hours for doing damn near nothing.

If you do feel like sitting around, I/E can just about double the bunker payouts for a couple of hours. If you do it whilst the bunker is running, I've been getting between $700k-$800k per day that I've been on.

I certainly don't buy everything in the DLCs. That's just absured. I tend to buy a few things upon release, then a few months down the line, I may get bored of a car or something, sell it, and buy something else.

It also helps to have a bank account with $10 million in reserve incase anything I have to have comes out. A dedent amount of money, but nowhere near @STI9...or god help us...@Flash_Sweden.
Ever since the damn Gunrunning DLC this game has turned to 🤬

It's actually been 🤬 for a long time but that DLC made it official. And let's not even mention the great Currency Culling that happened not too long ago.

Honestly I thought the game was at its best around the time it was released on next-gen, although the graphics weren't as crisp and the framerate was complete garbage.
*Press right on d-pad to land Personal Savage on CEO helipad*

*exits CEO building, Personal Savage is not there*

*does same with Cargobob I stole from Merryweather HQ*

*exits CEO building, Cargobob still there*
I've said this before and it looks like I'll have to say it again, so pay attention for once:
  • When filling a Crates warehouse to the brink, you're looking at $18,000 per crate. Each buy mission is what, ten minutes including cooldown tops, so that's $1,8000/minute
  • Import/Export will give you $80,000 in a little more than 20 minutes incl. cooldown - over $3,000/minute
  • With all upgrades, Gunrunning will give you ~$200,000 worth of product every two and a bit hours - $1,500/minute if you steal supplies, ~$1,000 per minute if you buy supplies. Cocaine Lockup is generally about the same.
  • The average buy mission for Smugglers Run will also take about 10 minutes + a few minutes cooldown, so maybe 13 in total for a crate with a maximum value of $17,000 with fulll bonus - about $1,300/minute
I've been saying this for the past week, but Smugglers Run is almost worse in terms of profit than the "passive moneymakers", as I like to call them. They had the opportunity to introduce something more profitable than I/E, but instead they've made.. well, this. Which is a darn shame, because the missions and all are cool. They're just not worth your time beyond getting the trade prices.
..aaaaaaand the vehicle of the day iiiiiiis:

The Finger. Who'd have thought?

Seriously though. Not even the dripfeeding can we rely on anymore. For 🤬 sake.

This is literally the best argument for getting the PC version of the game - not having to deal with this 🤬

Also the Reaper is 25% off again. I swear they might as well make that its regular price by now.
25% off

Coquette Classic
Itali GTB

Double money and RP on Motor Wars.

Login for a new white Shrewsbury T-Shirt

My take on these sales:


C'mon Rockstar, I need my Eleanor.
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so pay attention for once

*Wall of boring text*
Eeeh, nope. That's not happening.

I know that this will sound totally crazy to some of you, but why not just do whatever you like in the game, instead of spending uneccesary time calculating how to make the most fake cash.
To me, making all of these calculations of how to make $1000 more/hour seems almost like having GTAO appear like a job. And that just takes the fun out of everything.
Again, I know it's a crazy idea, but do the fun stuff, and the cash will come automatically.
Eeeh, nope. That's not happening.

I know that this will sound totally crazy to some of you, but why not just do whatever you like in the game, instead of spending uneccesary time calculating how to make the most fake cash.
To me, making all of these calculations of how to make $1000 more/hour seems almost like having GTAO appear like a job. And that just takes the fun out of everything.
Again, I know it's a crazy idea, but do the fun stuff, and the cash will come automatically.
I was just curious the pay on the smuggler missions, Morten was the one breaking it all down. It's highly likely I'll be working them in with my gun, coke and car runs. These more for the pleasure of doing proper flight missions since payout looks weak.

Lol. Ninja'd by Morten as I typed. It was a good break down. Don't worry about one person's opinion. That was some decent info.

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