GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Fun fact about the Tula: You can still fly it in VTOL mode with three props missing. Yes, you heard that correctly. I've been testing it inside the creator and pushing the props into light posts so they'll be destroyed. As long as your last engine isn't smoking, you and your friends can complete your mission and fly home (relatively) safely. Obviously, the performance is severely compromised, but given the circumstances, it still flies easily. Just don't expect to go anywhere fast. :P
So if I were to buy a vehicle with machine guns at the front, would I be better off with the Nightshark or the Ardent? I really love the style of the Ardent, and I'd love to jet around in it, but would I be better off in the big armored Nightshark?

Or should I go on and get a bunker and a mobile operations center so I can do the other armored vehicles? That armored Tampa makes me want to get it so I can make it into another expy of Roadkill from Twisted Metal.
So if I were to buy a vehicle with machine guns at the front, would I be better off with the Nightshark or the Ardent? I really love the style of the Ardent, and I'd love to jet around in it, but would I be better off in the big armored Nightshark?

Or should I go on and get a bunker and a mobile operations center so I can do the other armored vehicles? That armored Tampa makes me want to get it so I can make it into another expy of Roadkill from Twisted Metal.

The Armored Tampa may be amazing, but all its good perks like the proxy mines and the aimable minigun unfortunately is gated by RNG research.

The Nightshark is better than the Ardent in every way. Armored. Cheaper. Great performance. And sounds better. Not to mention that it has no unique blip on the radar.

Sharky seems to be a little stiff in its suspension, though. And the Ardent being an Esprit makes it more appealing for car enthusiasts like us.
I'm going to ruin the MkI Escort for everyone:
Look closely at the front wheels.
*Sees nothing wrong when looking at screenshots of the Retinue's anterior as opposed to looking ingame*
Someone on another forum blatantly points the issue out
One of the tires is wider then[sic] the other in the front
If I am the type of person who could look past other subtly unsubtle issues, such as certain vehicles back in SA having screwed-up plates,
The Elegy Retro initially not having a handle on the passenger's side door,
And the livery I have picked for the Comet Retro having more than one issue, such as one of the numbers being mirrored on the spoiler, as well as the aliasing from the smaller spoiler staying on bigger ones...
The Retinue's issue is gonna drive me insane to no end.
*Sees nothing wrong when looking at screenshots of the Retinue's anterior as opposed to looking ingame*

If I am the type of person who could look past other subtly unsubtle issues, such as certain vehicles back in SA having screwed-up plates,
The Elegy Retro initially not having a handle on the passenger's side door,
And the livery I have picked for the Comet Retro having more than one issue, such as one of the numbers being mirrored on the spoiler, as well as the aliasing from the smaller spoiler staying on bigger ones...
The Retinue's issue is gonna drive me insane to no end.
I thought the issue was with the lack of steering lock the Retinue's has available, that's bugging me more the tyre width difference on the front if i'm honest. :crazy:
So uh... how do I turn my propellers back on? This is the 3rd time I've fallen out of the sky because of it.

Have you tried giving it some gas? ;)

They tend to work after that. :P

Sarcasm aside, if you're in flight and you switch off the jet/propellers you just hold the throttle and they'll come back.

Of course if they don't due to heavy damage then you may want to consider bailing out. ;)
Have you tried giving it some gas? ;)

They tend to work after that. :P

Sarcasm aside, if you're in flight and you switch off the jet/propellers you just hold the throttle and they'll come back.

Of course if they don't due to heavy damage then you may want to consider bailing out. ;)

I've tried everything guess I'll hold the throttle a little longer.

If i fall over land that's okay I can recover it... But I've become fish food twice now :lol:
Some initial impressions of the Rogue.

The plane itself doesn't seem to be notably fast (at least compared to fighter jets; it's definitely not slow), but it's agility is pretty absurd with the race handling equipped. Only real annoyance is that the plane is slightly front heavy (not enough to prevent inverted flight, but you'll feel it), and there is a very noticeable amount of turbulence.

- The missile launchers are the standard kind found in most of the other aircraft. Two shots and then a slight delay before being able to fire again.
- The explosive cannons are useable, but not as effective as those on the fighter jets. Range appears to be the same as the other jets, but they have a slower firing rate. The cannons are mounted on the wings of the plane and point slightly inward, which means they're not as accurate in close-medium ranges. Think of it like an Annihilator, except you can't hover in place.
- It does have the capability to equip bombs if you're into that thing.

Defensive measures:
This is arguably one of the safest aircraft in the entire game. It's small size and raw agility make it very difficult to hit with explosive rounds, and countermeasures should be able to take care of any homing missiles being fired at you. If all else fails, the armor should keep you alive long enough to escape or bail from the aircraft and protect your precious k:d ratio.

- 2 homing missiles will disable the engine, with the third one destroying the plane.
- I have yet to successfully shoot one down, but most Youtube videos show it taking 3 shots to the fuselage before exploding. Plane wings tend to be weaker than the main body so I assume it'll probably be 2-3 shots in most scenarios.

Value: A well equipped Rouge will go for around $2 million. Considering the cost of other planes, it's a pretty good deal.

So uh... how do I turn my propellers back on? This is the 3rd time I've fallen out of the sky because of it.
What plane is it?
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So just out of curiosity... I have a hangar but a friend does not. If I land on the base (or drive in) will he get a fan because he is with me or will he (or both of us ) get the 4 stars?
I've been wondering the same thing.
Since I'm a cheap bastard, I will most likely buy a hangar at LSIA, even though I want the Zancudo clearance. Maybe if I can piggyback off friends that do have the Zancudo hangars, it won't be so bad.
I've been wondering the same thing.
Since I'm a cheap bastard, I will most likely buy a hangar at LSIA, even though I want the Zancudo clearance. Maybe if I can piggyback off friends that do have the Zancudo hangars, it won't be so bad.

Would be interesting to see what happens... I didn't spend a single nickle on the bunker DLC so I went for Zancudo just so I could lurk around...
Well, I had @250 GTO in my CEO organization helping me with some of the new missions. While he was in my organization, all appeared to be fine, but at some point he went off to do other things, so he left my hanger, and then I got the message saying "250 GTO has left your organization."

It wasn't five seconds later that I saw the infamous "250 GTO died" message! :lol:
If the above doesn't work then you have damaged the plane too much.

Plane was in perfect order. No smoke, no broken propellers..

What plane is

It was with the P51 and the MiG-17.

I guess the "ignition sequence" takes a while so to me it looks like it just stalled out completely.

I broke too hard in a dogfight and the engine felt like it just choked itself.

I "pumped" the throttle; I held both brake and throttle; I held the throttle nothing happened.

If I stalled over land I could touch down safely and the only way the engine would turn over again would be if I held the brake and brought the plane to a halt, causing it to go into "reverse".

The only reason I asked here is because I've never had this happen. So I was wondering if they changed something in an update or maybe I was giving up too soon.

Whenever I stole a Laser I never had the problem. Sure the engine would shut off but it would come back immediately to power me through a dogfight.


Also still not clear on the hangars. Can you modify them at a later date or are you stuck with what you bought?
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Plane was in perfect order. No smoke, no broken propellers..

It was with the P51 and the MiG-17.

I guess the "ignition sequence" takes a while so to me it looks like it just stalled out completely.

I broke too hard in a dogfight and the engine felt like it just choked itself.

I "pumped" the throttle; I held both brake and throttle; I held the throttle nothing happened.

If I stalled over land I could touch down safely and the only way the engine would turn over again would be if I held the brake and brought the plane to a halt, causing it to go into "reverse".

The only reason I asked here is because I've never had this happen. So I was wondering if they changed something in an update or maybe I was giving up too soon.

Whenever I stole a Laser I never had the problem. Sure the engine would shut off but it would come back immediately to power me through a dogfight.


Also still not clear on the hangars. Can you modify them at a later date or are you stuck with what you bought?
You can edit the hangars by opening the website you bought it through and clicking on your hangar.
You can edit the hangars by opening the website you bought it through and clicking on your hangar.

Same goes for the CEO buildings, bunkers, etc.?


Just shot myself in the foot. Bought a CEO building for $1mil Nd now I'm broke again. Have to spend another $1.5mil on a damn vehicle warehouse and another $3.5mil to get the extended garage space.


Two nights' work gone down the drain in a matter of seconds...

Anyone know any good methods of making money? VIP work is only getting me at most, $150k an hour. The Smuggler's Hangar was a waste of money.... and the CEO building is a money pit :lol:

Oh Rockstar...

I mean we should be able to trade in whatever property we own, no? I clear a garage or two out, I wanna use them to lower the price of whatever I'm buying.

Oh well I'm not gonna fight them anymore.
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IMO the best money maker atm is I/E, especially if you manage to get a MTU800 with 1 other person in it. Maybe get a couple people to do a heist finale and give you the full 70% or whatever you're allowed. I'd be down for doing one to give you a bump towards the 1.5 for the warehouse.

Whoops didn't quote. @Team THRT Drift
IMO the best money maker atm is I/E, especially if you manage to get a MTU800 with 1 other person in it. Maybe get a couple people to do a heist finale and give you the full 70% or whatever you're allowed. I'd be down for doing one to give you a bump towards the 1.5 for the warehouse.

Whoops didn't quote. @Team THRT Drift

Honestly I might give up.. I just grinded for 7 weeks studying for the MCAT, no social life, a lot of sacrifices as a result. I'm not doing the same 🤬 for a 🤬 game.

No 🤬 way. I'll get whatever I can, slowly whenever I'm on the game.

Imma go back to Battlefield 4 now.. relax and enjoy a proper game before Uni starts up again.
Honestly I might give up.. I just grinded for 7 weeks studying for the MCAT, no social life, a lot of sacrifices as a result. I'm not doing the same 🤬 for a 🤬 game.

No 🤬 way. I'll get whatever I can, slowly whenever I'm on the game.

Imma go back to Battlefield 4 now.. relax and enjoy a proper game before Uni starts up again.
Fair enough. I only really play to mess around now or if something comes out that I really want.