My point is, that almost every other page there's a post saying
"By doing job A, you make $X/hour"
"By doing job B, with a bit of C in between, you make $Y/hour."
My question is. What is it that you enjoy most in this game? Whatever it is, do it.
When I started playing on the PS4, I was poorer than Roman Bellic and level 25-ish. I tried basically everything. And then, I found myself entertained by LTS's, so I played them without any "2x-anything", and made ~$200k/night.
After that, I started doing the PacStan-heist with (what would turn out to be) my fellow Criminal Masterminds, which we made ~$600k/night on. That pushed me well above $10M, after buying some cars, apartments and a yacht.
And then, came the lowrider dupeglitch

. I made a massive amount of cash/hour. I don't know exactly, but I guess it was $2-3M/hour. A massive amount of cash, but repetitive and booooring as 🤬.
Do I regret it? Of course not. Well a bit. But only when R* makes their cashwipes. Then I'll get a bit nervous
I did however enjoy the first part of my wall of text more, than I enjoyed the latter part.
If you're counting dollars/hours of gameplay, then maybe you should switch game. Because you don't seem to be the slightest entertained by game. You're just chasing cash, and personally, I do enough of that IRL.