GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
The missions can be fun. I have done only the required number for the discounted price unlocks, and while they can be challenging if you stick to the prescribed approach, like most other activities there are tricks and shortcuts. Most of them involve not using the provided equipment to complete the task.


Motor Wars, the latest mode to hit GTA Online as part of Smuggler’s Run, is kicking out Double GTA$ & RP through September 11th.


Log in to GTA Online at any time between now and September 11 to receive the White Shrewsbury Logo Tee


Protect your business and your hide while shaking off the haters with these powerful vehicles and protective goods, plus discounts on armor (this includes armor for new aircraft from Smuggler’s Run modified via the Hangar’s custom workshop), all of which are 25% off through September 11th:

Pegassi Reaper – 25% off
Progen Itali GTB – 25% off (base price + upgrade)
Imponte Nightshade – 25% off
Invetero Coquette Classic (both models) – 25% off
Bravado Half-Track – 25% off (both prices)
Body Armor – 25% off
Vehicle Armor including Aircraft – 25% off (Cars/Aircraft)
Bulletproof Tires – 25% off
Standard Ammo – 25% off (does not include Mk II specific ammo)

Further testing the ramming power of the Vigilante got me this gem of a scene.

Other things I need to correct about it too:

- The booster is similar to the Rocket Voltic, but much weaker, and has a way faster recharge. The ramming power mainly comes from that, like what happened to that poor NOOSE van and the police car that Batman may or may not have killed, hmm..
- You can do the instant turn to boost trick like the Rocket Voltic as well.
- The car is RWD and will burnout very often if you put your foot down, but has a soft suspension that can take bumps very well.
- Missiles from this vehicle is taken from the Ruiner 2000. In fact, you can't use drive-by weapons with this car at all, like the Ruiner 2000.
- Contrary to how it looks, the car has NO protection whatsoever. It will not take an explosive.
- The top speed is about as fast as the Nero, but the boost tops out at 150 MPH.
My point is, that almost every other page there's a post saying

"By doing job A, you make $X/hour"
"By doing job B, with a bit of C in between, you make $Y/hour."

My question is. What is it that you enjoy most in this game? Whatever it is, do it.

When I started playing on the PS4, I was poorer than Roman Bellic and level 25-ish. I tried basically everything. And then, I found myself entertained by LTS's, so I played them without any "2x-anything", and made ~$200k/night.

After that, I started doing the PacStan-heist with (what would turn out to be) my fellow Criminal Masterminds, which we made ~$600k/night on. That pushed me well above $10M, after buying some cars, apartments and a yacht.

And then, came the lowrider dupeglitch:D. I made a massive amount of cash/hour. I don't know exactly, but I guess it was $2-3M/hour. A massive amount of cash, but repetitive and booooring as 🤬.
Do I regret it? Of course not. Well a bit. But only when R* makes their cashwipes. Then I'll get a bit nervous :lol:

I did however enjoy the first part of my wall of text more, than I enjoyed the latter part.
If you're counting dollars/hours of gameplay, then maybe you should switch game. Because you don't seem to be the slightest entertained by game. You're just chasing cash, and personally, I do enough of that IRL.
My point is, that almost every other page there's a post saying

"By doing job A, you make $X/hour"
"By doing job B, with a bit of C in between, you make $Y/hour."

My question is. What is it that you enjoy most in this game? Whatever it is, do it.

When I started playing on the PS4, I was poorer than Roman Bellic and level 25-ish. I tried basically everything. And then, I found myself entertained by LTS's, so I played them without any "2x-anything", and made ~$200k/night.

After that, I started doing the PacStan-heist with (what would turn out to be) my fellow Criminal Masterminds, which we made ~$600k/night on. That pushed me well above $10M, after buying some cars, apartments and a yacht.

And then, came the lowrider dupeglitch:D. I made a massive amount of cash/hour. I don't know exactly, but I guess it was $2-3M/hour. A massive amount of cash, but repetitive and booooring as 🤬.
Do I regret it? Of course not. Well a bit. But only when R* makes their cashwipes. Then I'll get a bit nervous :lol:

I did however enjoy the first part of my wall of text more, than I enjoyed the latter part.
If you're counting dollars/hours of gameplay, then maybe you should switch game. Because you don't seem to be the slightest entertained by game. You're just chasing cash, and personally, I do enough of that IRL.
What if people enjoy playing the game that way though? I mean, trying to tell someone how to play and enjoy a sandbox game is kinda antithetical to the point you are trying to make. You might enjoy the way you play, doesn't mean others do. Some of us might enjoy the meta as much as any other portion of the game.
What if people enjoy playing the game that way though? I mean, trying to tell someone how to play and enjoy a sandbox game is kinda antithetical to the point you are trying to make. You might enjoy the way you play, doesn't mean others do. Some of us might enjoy the meta as much as any other portion of the game.

Then go ahead and do it. I honestly don't care. But why then complain about that the game has become a big, long grind?
It's only a grind if you make it a grind. I'm not saying that you've complained about it. Just in general.
I've seen so much whining about grinding and payouts that I think that if I want to be intoxicated, I just have to open up this forum and absorb the whine.
But whatever. I'm done. Have a nice day in LS
So right now I'm playing with the hidden planes and took a chance with the Bombushka and my new favorite plane the Seabreeze.

I've been flying the Seabreeze on altitudes above 1000 feet and noticed the top speed somehow reaching a staggering 280 mph!

So, I decided to look at this and put a Hydra and LAZER at that height. They would too get a speed boost at 1000 feet, but top out at 200 mph.

Now I'm testing this phenomenon on all new lightweight planes, and results?

The only notables outside the Seabreeze would be the Molotok and the Rogue reaching 215 MPH, while a second place of sorts is given to the Pyro at 230. The rest including the Besra, Alpha Z1 and others couldn't go past 200 when level.

A consolation prize goes to the Ultralight, reaching 180 MPH while I flew it above Chilliad (and towards the great blue as I type this). Also: Seabreeze automatically wins the DLC for me.

EDIT: bear in mind top speed while in a level flight, not diving
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The Hydra does 280 as well....just not on the afterburner. I know that few folks are aware of this, because they are usually surprised at closing speeds when I pass them, and often contest the notion that it takes ~68 seconds to fly from Paleto Point to the Merryweather port.

Edit: Oh yeah; I've been quiet about it online because I don't want it patched. Its lack of publicity says to me others likely feel the same way. It is out there, however.
What is the most recent and good dupe glitch? I'm really burnt out from all the grinding and want the Tula and the Hunter. R* keep giving us the finger with their every action so I might as well join the dark side.

Edit: One that does not feature the MOC, please.
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Then go ahead and do it. I honestly don't care. But why then complain about that the game has become a big, long grind?
It's only a grind if you make it a grind. I'm not saying that you've complained about it. Just in general.
I've seen so much whining about grinding and payouts that I think that if I want to be intoxicated, I just have to open up this forum and absorb the whine.
But whatever. I'm done. Have a nice day in LS
I didn't complain about a grind? My only complaint was that pub lobbies have gotten worse since smugglers run hit and everyone with their new planes are blowing up every blip on the map.
So right now I'm playing with the hidden planes and took a chance with the Bombushka and my new favorite plane the Seabreeze.

I've been flying the Seabreeze on altitudes above 1000 feet and noticed the top speed somehow reaching a staggering 280 mph!

So, I decided to look at this and put a Hydra and LAZER at that height. They would too get a speed boost at 1000 feet, but top out at 200 mph.

Now I'm testing this phenomenon on all new lightweight planes, and results?

The only notables outside the Seabreeze would be the Molotok and the Rogue reaching 215 MPH, while a second place of sorts is given to the Pyro at 230. The rest including the Besra, Alpha Z1 and others couldn't go past 200 when level.

A consolation prize goes to the Ultralight, reaching 180 MPH while I flew it above Chilliad (and towards the great blue as I type this). Also: Seabreeze automatically wins the DLC for me.

EDIT: bear in mind top speed while in a level flight, not diving

I noticed something peculiar about the Ultralight. While attempting to land on that one flat-topped skyscraper near Maze Bank Tower, it felt like the Ultralight would speed up with the engine shut off. Have you noticed that too?
I noticed something peculiar about the Ultralight. While attempting to land on that one flat-topped skyscraper near Maze Bank Tower, it felt like the Ultralight would speed up with the engine shut off. Have you noticed that too?

The engine turned off one time when I was using menus to modify and paint the thing in the air, and the decrease in speed is very small. There's like less drag in the air above 1000 feet. I actually went from Los Santos to Paleto and back, and managed to do this 3 times since I really enjoyed seeing the clouds under me in something so bare.

The day I get the hangar, I would already be satisfied with the Ultralight and the Seabreeze along with other Pegasus things.
One of the yuuuuuuge physical components missing from R* flight programming early on has been the factor of energy and how it is used in flight. Keeping it simple, I'm referring to energy developed in one of two ways, speed and altitude. Obviously, the higher the altitude or the higher the speed, the more energy an aircraft has available. An aircraft that has either, can convert that into the other. An aircraft with a lot of speed but little altitude can turn that speed into altitude, and an aircraft with little speed but lots of altitude can convert that altitude into speed. This has been largely missing, with some little hints here and there, from the game since the beginning. It is, all a symptom of how the map is artificially enlarged by scaling.

R* obviously limits top speeds to artificial rates. This is in attempts to prevent people from traversing the map quickly, which both alters the in game economy and the perception of the size of the map. If they didn't, the F16 could cross the map in ~22s. Quite the buzzkill.

Accordingly, because they cannot allow aircraft to gain appropriate speed; the manner in which an aircraft climbs isn't affected properly by speed. Yes, you do lose some speed as you climb, but because you start off with much less than IRL, you lose much less. The inverse has been generally true for all aircraft, until this new update. In the existing aircraft, with the engine cut any loss of altitude is treated as before. You don't gain much speed(inverse to the above description) as you lose altitude, just like you don't lose much speed as you gain altitude; when compared to real life. If you did, everyone would simply climb to the ceiling, cut their engines, and coast their way to much higher speeds than allowed by powered flight in game.

With this new update, it does appear that R* have been hitting the glider crack-pipe a bit and have adjusted the way the 'glider' type aircraft behave. This includes the Me163 replica, and the ultralight. Both, like all fixed wing, will accelerate in dive. The Me163 was known for it's exceptional ability to convert altitude into speed. These new vehicles that R* have deemed gliders actually behave closer to their real life counterparts in principle(although still miles away from a Sim.)

In summary, they still don't gain speed like one familiar with flight might expect, but you also do not simply fall out of the sky in seconds with a power failure.

Post Script: While on the topic, another band-aid that R* has for the cumbersome limits of the controls available for consoles, is the power scaling of aircraft. I can't think of anything else that creates enough power to be under way at idle. This is, IMO, their method for not only making aircraft flyable by those who aren't students of aerodynamics, but also in attempts to simulate the throttle behavior of aircraft. Without getting crazy and drawn out any further, aircraft throttle control is unlike an automobile. Aircraft engines in general are designed to operate in a narrower and more constant rev range than automobiles. You don't stop at lights, closing the throttle and idling, followed by opening the throttle and accelerating. For simplicity, in constant flight for a given condition the amount of throttle prescribed is constant if appropriate for the conditions. More like your lawnmower, which just operates at XXXXRPM all the time. Even upon descent, the aircraft are still powered IRL. R* physics struggle with landing certain aircraft with the engine running, because idle in aircraft in the R* universe, is actually cruising throttle. Unfortunately, there are no detents; so you basically have idle(cruising throttle), various levels of accelerating throttle for climbing(when you 'hit the gas' you aren't coming off idle, but rather leaving cruising power for climbing/accelerating power,) and full power off. That's it. It's hard to land a plane with the throttle stuck where you would at cruising. Need LLLLLLLLLOOOOONG runways hahaha. R* even tries to band-aid this band-aid on the more powerful aircraft(also typically those that fall out of sky rather than glide off power) by using extreme amounts of drag when landing gear is deployed. Almost like flaps....and then they furthered the idea by actually creating visual flaps that engage when the gear is down on newer craft.

As such, my recommendation to those who may struggle with landing aircraft, particularly under power; is not to do it! On the aircraft that exhibit such behaviours, I tend to instead take longer approaches and just dead stick it in. It also has the byproduct of adding some immersion and realism for me, although it unfortunately further points out the map size as if you ascend and descend at more realistic rates; you'll find that just about the time you reach an acceptable altitude to cross the Santa Monica Mountains, it is time to prepare for descent into the destination. There isn't much 'cruising' done, unless you fly in circles.

Lastly, much like my recommendation to those seeking immersion to turn off the HUD and go cycling in first person; I have had a lot of fun in the past turning off the HUD in first person, activating the motion sensor function, and doing takeoffs and landings using those controls. Also used to practice a lot of dead stick landings for fun. It will also build some control sensitivity for most players. Probably not for everyone, like most of my activities.

Edit: For further reading a good jumping off point for an information k-hole is to look into the Gimli Glider incident.
Soooo, in general you were complaining about people complaining that weren't complaining?
Nooo:confused: I was pointing out that people are putting too much effort in complaining about how the game is "grindy", and how they are spending too much time making huuge calculations about how to make the most $/hour.

Instead of just finding stuff they like and making money that way.
I don't care if anyone spends every hour of GTAO playing "Blow up III", or any other job, but it gets annoying if they are doing the same that over and over and over and over again, and then come here and complain about how boring and grindy it is.

With the amount of different things you can do in this game(races, DM's, LTS's, AM's, parachute jumps etc), it's your own damn fault if it becomes a grind.
Nooo:confused: I was pointing out that people are putting too much effort in complaining about how the game is "grindy", and how they are spending too much time making huuge calculations about how to make the most $/hour.

Instead of just finding stuff they like and making money that way.
I don't care if anyone spends every hour of GTAO playing "Blow up III", or any other job, but it gets annoying if they are doing the same that over and over and over and over again, and then come here and complain about how boring and grindy it is.

With the amount of different things you can do in this game(races, DM's, LTS's, AM's, parachute jumps etc), it's your own damn fault if it becomes a grind.
I'm just not sure where you get the idea people are complaining I guess. Seems like your doing a whole lot of complaining about people complaining that aren't complaining.
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I'm just not sure where you get the idea people are complaining I guess. Seems like your doing a whole lot of complaining about people complaining that aren't complaining.
Ok. Sure. No one on this forum is whining about this game:rolleyes: Got it. Keep on dreaming:tup:
I'm complaining about the people complaining about the people who aren't complaining about the people who are complaining.
I'm pretty sure people who're complaining about the people who're not complaining about the people who're complaining about the game is...

well 🤬 I'm tongue tied...

^half the people reading this thread right now.

Let's circle back to actually playing and things such as that aye, some like to just play and make money that way. Some like to know what's the most lucrative incase of needing a grind session. 👍
So, about the Seabreeze reaching 280 MPH.. it sounds like a glitch of sorts, because I can't seem to consistently redo the effects after about an hour of retrying. No weird mod menu settings are on (before and after), and I managed to get it to work just before.

Which is weird.. in this same session, I got an Ultralight to 300 MPH. Don't ask how, because I wish I knew how.
I got to try out the co-op aspect of the airfreight business with two friends today and it was quite fun. The missions are so much better with associates and even though I wasn't doing it for the money I bagged 683k at the end, bringing my balance to 1.7M. Good stuff.

@SomePlayaDude Isn't airspeed measured in knots, not miles per hour?

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