GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
After one terrible grief incident, I have found myself doing the same gnome. I'll pass on a thank you as long as they don't try to kill me. Which is typically the case.
I've been going in with Lazers and my Oppressor as people are sourcing crates or cars, and escort them to their destinations. I just want one thank you...:(

I've had this idea for an independent air force crew, but I it's way too late in GTAO's life span and would require more effort than I'm willing to put in. It would not be RP'ing the USAF. It's more like a private militia, but a strictly peaceful one with the goal of peacekeeping in public lobbies, escorting and protecting players, and finally shooting down hostile aircraft.
Idk Dan, it might be something still worth while considering GTA is still selling. Further, it is something that can easily transition into RDR2 and the next round of GTA. It's certainly something I would be interested in.
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Idk Dan, it might be something still worth while considering GTA is still selling. Further, it is something that can easily transition into RDR2 and the next round of GTA. It's certainly something I would be interested in.

It seems like it will be a wasted effort because the hardcore players are getting burnt out with these expensive updates. Perhaps if we had more fighter aircraft in 2014, then I would have probably started it back then.
My friends have a habit of shooting at anything that's hostile regardless of aircraft or vehicle, but if we see a jet and it doesn't engage anyone that is a friend or crew member, we let it be. The lone exceptions to the rule are if a player who was engaging others gets in any aircraft and is flying anywhere remotely close to us or if someone gets a tank. Then it turns into a shoot down on sight scenario.

I joined the crew I'm in about a year ago now, and they've always been very hostile towards any aircraft. But the majority of us only engage aircraft if it shoots at us first. That said, since we usually all base our operations from one building, it generally goes from nobody shooting at all to everyone trying to shoot down a jet or a tank real, real quick.
That's the benefits of having an active crew. I'm usually solo, and I see quite a few others out there playing solo. If someone appears to be getting harassed by some jerk, I'll hop in the Hydra or buzzard and give a hand. I know the pain just a single griefer can cause.
Random thought: With all of the Hollywood vehicles in the game (Batmobile, TRON Lightcycle, Ghost Rider's chopper, KITT, Munster Koach, Ramp Buggy, A-Team Van, Mythbusters' Wedge Truck, "Mongo" Heist Truck from Fast Five, etc), it's only a matter of time before the Mach Five is introduced.
When I first saw the Havok, I was excited to finally get a micro helicopter in GTA. The Buzzard has served me well, and now's the time to see how well this new chopper performs.

Oh jesus. We have to go back.
Tunables update:

- Rapid GT Classic out for 885k

- 25% off Nero (Custom), Tempesta, aircraft countermeasures.

- Double $ and RP: Stunt Races and Motor Wars

- Double pay for associate and bodyguards, including product sale.

- Smuggling cargo value boosted to 20k

- RP bonuses for dogfight and returning delivery vehicle.
Hmm. Since I barely use my Nero Custom and would rather have the regular car, I thought about selling it. With double cash right now, I think I'll wait. :lol:
2x cash in stuntraces is fun, awesome and sort of profitable
I've been going in with Lazers and my Oppressor as people are sourcing crates or cars, and escort them to their destinations. I just want one thank you...:(

That's some really cool attitude. Keep it up! I never found someone that could do that. It's just explosions. :( So that may be the case, stupid griefers are so annoying people are already scared of planes near their deliveries overall.

Double GTA$ & RP for Cargo in Smuggler's Run Sell Missions through September 18th. Plus, it is SecuroServ Employee Appreciation Week, with Bodyguards and Associates receiving Double GTA$ salaries.

Fight in flight with 25% off Countermeasures in your Hangar Workshop to evade incoming missiles and disorient attacking aircraft, as well as a handy 25% off Aircraft Engine and Armor Upgrades.

Whether you're looking to benefit from this week's bonus Stunt Race payouts or just looking to add a couple of crown jewels to your collection, grab 25% off the Truffade Nero (base price and upgrade) and the Pegassi Tempesta. Then, beef up your shiny new purchases (or any other car in your garage) with 25% off Engine and Armor Upgrades on all cars.
Interesting happenings in my lobby earlier!
View attachment 672262
Hard to tell but I think that might be the entire area of the set in director mode. Meaning someone was doing the Director Mode glitch but I thought after remembering the North Yankton glitch, spawning inaccessible maps in lobbies could only be seen by the person doing the glitch to get it to spawn.

Also PSA: Avoid viewing comment sections on posts on the GTA Online subreddit about the newly released Rapid GT Classic if you want to avoid losing braincells. :P
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Good grief. Some of them are a bit too upset. Why take it so hard?! Sad.
Some of them were funny but most of them were just why? Probably the best comment IMO was the top one, especially what he says at the end.

"So many people dissing the dewbauchee. I've had a garage slot cleared for the past weeks. speaking of... we need more garage slots and hangers. Got rich people problems here." :lol:

Even if you own a friggin' hangar in a military base, a yacht, being a CEO of a criminal organization, this game still creates rich people problems.
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I look at some threads on drip fed cars, and is it just me, or does anyone out there have any idea that the Vigilante is NOT an armored car.

Tsk tsk. I am going to look forward to being the man that kills the Batman on Halloween this year.