GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I bought a Havok. Need to be really careful when landing. Make sure it's stable because if it starts to rock back and forth, the tail rotor will break.
Bought a hangar last night and have been doing the sourcing missions a good part of today. My favorite plane has got to be either the Nokota or the Seabreeze.

I've also noticed that a lot of people like to use the Oppressor to troll.
Don't forget the Double GTA$ & RP for Cargo in Smuggler's Run Sell Missions through September 18th

Also, there's a really easy aircraft dupe glitch....
With a bit of math and confidence in prediction the bombing mechanic can be quite effective. It would be wise to dismiss the carpet bombing system in favour of a more tactical, singular method of firing. I took it upon myself, rudely, to practice on a user attempting to collect his crates out at sea, a minor tilt before release is often all to be required.


I later crashed my plane into the ocean and received a jubilant text message on his behalf.
With a bit of math and confidence in prediction the bombing mechanic can be quite effective. It would be wise to dismiss the carpet bombing system in favour of a more tactical, singular method of firing. I took it upon myself, rudely, to practice on a user attempting to collect his crates out at sea, a minor tilt before release is often all to be required.


I later crashed my plane into the ocean and received a jubilant text message on his behalf.

What I would like to know is why R* thought it would be a good idea to not include a bombing sight for the new aircraft.
When was the last time you flew a Besra? You might just be used to the handling characteristics of the new aircraft.

Many of the new planes straight up outperform the Besra. In a similar price range, the Rogue, Nokota and Seabreeze come to mind.
So that thing with the planes and somehow making a carbon copy of your own very easliy through magic? :P It just helped me finish upgrading my planes AND made me a very healthy profit and i'm now near enough back to where I was before the smugglers run update. :D

Also here's another Power Parking attempt this time in the rain.

Many of the new planes straight up outperform the Besra. In a similar price range, the Rogue, Nokota and Seabreeze come to mind.

That's what I expected, but out of all the planes to get crazy handling, R* gave it to the Seabreeze. Why didn't they give it to the other drip feed planes such as the Howard NX-25 or the de Havilland Vampire look alike?
That's what I expected, but out of all the planes to get crazy handling, R* gave it to the Seabreeze. Why didn't they give it to the other drip feed planes such as the Howard NX-25 or the de Havilland Vampire look alike?

The Howard is more flimsy than the Alpha-Z1. The Seabreeze is much more manageable, because of the wingspan.
I'm surprised this dupe glitch wasn't patched instantly like most others. Also, I'm kinda worried that a ton of people are about to get banned or their accounts reset.
I don't think they would ban or reset accounts because they messed up, only if you purposely alter the game. Otherwise they would be doing that to people who are getting a ton of cash from modders.
Lola hit the mark a while back but I've been busy with Chilly and haven't thought to post. Well...

Eh, it's tough to say. R* hasn't been particularly apologetic toward those who have funds removed that have been allegedly legitimate. For me, the value isn't there anymore to bother glitching given the precedent set by the last console wipe. The last major widespread console adjustment saw not only the bank account funds being removed, but also level and all assets being reset. Losing the bank is one thing, but losing all the Pegasus, personal vehicles, and real estate is a risk I'm not comfortable with taking. Quite frankly, after the multiple accounts of R* removing alleged legitimate funds along with the recent wipes I'm slightly concerned I'd be caught up in a wipe despite all my funds being legitimate since the Jan-Feb 2014 wipe.

If I were a newer or low level player without as much assets to lose, I'd probably be quick to jump on it. However, after looking at what it would take to rebuild my main account from a wipe it is far from worth it. The numbers for grinding and/or shark cards to get back to where I am now is :yuck:
I benefited greatly from the securserv glitch. Too the tube of about 200 million. Bought all the property, cars, aircraft and boats I wanted before gun runners hit. I had roughly 80 million when they wiped cash during the update. I had 20 million left after. I've not personally heard or seen anyone lose any assets during this wipe, but I could see it happening to certain individuals. The problem with the credits thing is, it's nearly impossible to prove who did and didn't not receive glitches money since when it was activated, everyone in a room would start getting money. With so many users out there, it would be to coat prohibitive to check each and every account. If they even have the logs to do that with anyway, which I doubt. It's why I think they have mostly not messed with non-modders who get money from someone doing drops. Since its something that happens outside of a non-modders control, it wouldn't be right to ban them for it. I think the same to be true of this glitch.

The Pyro is probably the biggest disappointment in the entire list of drip fed airplanes.

It's large and wide. It's heavy for what it is. It can't bomb. It only can be fitted with missiles. And it's really expensive. Not LAZER expensive, but you're better off with the Hydra, even if this plane can take a missile more.

And I checked: the only advantage of having a passenger in a fast jet is suddenly devalued when the passenger really is only a helpless passenger.
I benefited greatly from the securserv glitch. Too the tube of about 200 million. Bought all the property, cars, aircraft and boats I wanted before gun runners hit. I had roughly 80 million when they wiped cash during the update. I had 20 million left after. I've not personally heard or seen anyone lose any assets during this wipe, but I could see it happening to certain individuals. The problem with the credits thing is, it's nearly impossible to prove who did and didn't not receive glitches money since when it was activated, everyone in a room would start getting money. With so many users out there, it would be to coat prohibitive to check each and every account. If they even have the logs to do that with anyway, which I doubt. It's why I think they have mostly not messed with non-modders who get money from someone doing drops. Since its something that happens outside of a non-modders control, it wouldn't be right to ban them for it. I think the same to be true of this glitch.

I don't know of a way for them to check if my new Tula and Ultralight are glitched, but do they even do that on consoles? I've never heard of a wipe happening on a platform other than PC. Either way, I only had 142k before I did the glitch, so all I'll lose if my money is actually wiped is that (as far as legit money goes) and 10 minutes.

Also, congrats on 5k posts :P
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There have been at least 3 widespread console wipes since 2013. Last time I had a character reset to $0, one eclipse apartment, and one insurgent SUV in slot 1 when I logged in after the wipe. This was an illegitimate character that I used to test the new items prior to purchase consideration on my main account, and since I had not invested myself into this account I wasn't bothered. I would be if it were concerning my legitimate main account and time I've invested.

I agree that it is cost prohibitive to track and enforce glitching wipes on a case by case basis. I do believe that this is why most of the recent wipes have been executed wholesale rather than just against individuals. As discussed previously, it is impossible to know who is legitimate, who is telling the truth, etc when all the evidence out there is anecdotal. A lot of these stories actually refer to people being wiped who do not glitch or mod themselves, but that they received monies due to no fault of their own. There are also stories of folks self-reporting these in hopes of R* simply removing the modded cash, only to be surprised when they remove much, much more, or all of the bank account. There are also many reports of folks having cash removed that seemed to correlate with the amounts earned during the recent double pay bunker and I/E events, many of whom also allege no wrongdoing. Again, difficult to discern what is accurate and truthful, but it seems a messy situation nonetheless.

Certainly, I'm not going to tell anyone what to do with their own business, but I'm treading lightly with this stuff these days. I'm not a trusting individual to begin with, as such I hold very little confidence in R* for being fair and logical.
I hope we'll get another week or two of 2x$ on stuntraces. I've made ~$1,5M so far, and I'm hoping to make it past the $2M mark tonight
Well, I made it. $2M and change from the 2x$ in stuntraces. :cheers:
I have no idea how the h:censored:l I won the last race that pushed me past the $2M-mark, but somehow I made it. I saved the video that contains all the crashes, bumps and "suicides" and was thinking of sharing it on YouTube.
And then I realized that it's really not that interesting. But WOW what a race :lol: There has been a couple of "how did I do that" and "why didn't I crash there?" during this week. I hope to get another week of that, starting tomorrow.
Well, I made it. $2M and change from the 2x$ in stuntraces. :cheers:
I have no idea how the h:censored:l I won the last race that pushed me past the $2M-mark, but somehow I made it. I saved the video that contains all the crashes, bumps and "suicides" and was thinking of sharing it on YouTube.
And then I realized that it's really not that interesting. But WOW what a race :lol: There has been a couple of "how did I do that" and "why didn't I crash there?" during this week. I hope to get another week of that, starting tomorrow.

Would you just stop!?!?

The RM-10 Bombushka is out.

A carpet bomber in every description, I strongly don't recommend it unless you hang out with friends often. The air superiority comes solely in the explosive cannons only controlled by passengers. Worst of all, the best height for a bombing run with this thing will despawn the bombs.

And it's Ultralight slow. But if you do have a spare 6 million, I won't stop you.

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