GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Good to know. Thanks
I haven't flown one yet, but how slow can the Bombushka fly when you let off the throttle? There's dozens of posts online talking about how bad it is at full power, but I want to see how slow it can operate without stalling.
I haven't flown one yet, but how slow can the Bombushka fly when you let off the throttle? There's dozens of posts online talking about how bad it is at full power, but I want to see how slow it can operate without stalling.

I haven't actually checked the numbers, but the stall speed is definitely one of if not the lowest in the game. You can land it pretty much anywhere you can fit it. I had it out landing in all kinds of stupid places last night.
I've found that with tanks and APC's, if I stay just far enough away with my buzzard, I can still get a lock but their rounds explode before reaching me. If this is the case with the bushka as well... then its just a sitting duck in the air. when you consider missiles are infinite but flares and chaff are not, even countermeasures are a bit moot. I think this game would be a lot better if ammo in vic's were not infinite. I think trolls might be less likely to grief if they had to pay 1000 creds per rocket, or 10k to load up on cannon rounds.
I enjoy the Bombaltika. Do not buy it for anything other than as a cruiser or part of a collection. I see little to no value to it in combat. Despite its size, it does not have any additional payload capacity over any other bombers, along with the well documented performance deficiencies. However, just about anyone can land it just about anywhere, and with JATO they might even be able to take off again!

With race handling equipped, it feels like a lethargic reskinned Titan. With stock handling, input response is very slow. Much worse than the Titan. I pancaked it at least once when it wouldn't pull out of a dive despite full elevator starting at about 1k ft. Of course not realistic in any way(thus, the Bomblasta with stock handling might be the most accurate aircraft performance rendering hahahah) but I don't think there are any other aircraft in the game that couldn't pull out of a dive from that altitude. Most aircraft in the game can do an outside loop in that space. :lol: As well, it carries only 6 players to the Titan's 10, although I've only ever had 4 in the Bombarista so I'm not even certain where the other two seats are.

Mostly, I like it because of its low speed. I can get it up to cruise altitude and step away for a smoke, and when I return the plane still hasn't left the map. :lol:
Not sure if the bushka event plane has the racing handling or not. But I tried a barrel roll and soon as it was inverted, the nose would drop and i would have to loop out. Nearly killed the team the first time I tried it.

GTA Online in a nutshell.

The FH-1 Hunter: a long time GTA aircraft staple,
boasts a high asking price as a helicopter. In return, it carries an amazing set of destructive features.

While it floats like a Buzzard, and stings like a Savage, the main selling point of this comes down to three factors:

1) Barrage missiles, a very powerful swath of death intended for armored ground targets. This allows for some great hit and run tactics.
2) Precision bombing. While the Tula can also do this, the Hunter is more flexible and agile. Whether you like to use bombs while flying fast or slow, the Hunter provides.
3) Secondary explosive gun. A co-pilot up front gains use of a gun that can be upgraded to a Valkyrie's; a great addition if a friend is something you have access to.

The only aircraft worth 4 million and above actually worth that value. But being a helicopter, PvP players should find something else.
I would really, really, really love to see someone actually get to 5k runs before the dripfeed ends. It's impossible, but it would be hilarious.
I would really, really, really love to see someone actually get to 5k runs before the dripfeed ends. It's impossible, but it would be hilarious.
You would have to be doing supplies runs for 35 days straight, not including the time it takes to sell all of those crates. Possible, but never going to happen.
Had a go at that myself after buying my own bombushka and it drove home a fact I and I imagine quite a lot of you already knew.

Trying to work as a team with randoms who don't mic up just doesn't work.

When I got the opportunity to pilot the plane, my team wasn't 100% on the ball so some hits we took shouldn't even have happened, but I compensated with a risky strategy involving landing quickly, recharging the JATO's and booting it into the sky.

I actually worked out a route on the Fort Zancudo event in which to minimise time on the ground and still recharge the JATO's and ended up scoring over 600 points on one attempt.

That strategy also got me a few kills by chopper pilots landing in front me when I hit the JATO's and I just bulldozed right through them. :lol:

But the game mode really needs a full team each side to get the most out of it as just having one less player means one less chopper shooting at the plane and one less gunner defending the plane.
I have to agree with @Marcus Garvey regarding the Bombushka. If you have the money and have a collection then buy it. Having a cruise and just wasting some time then it's good fun trying to land on various ridiculous things.

If you have any doubt, even 5% then don't buy it. Try and use one with friends who own one and save your money.

It's good but absolutely not essential and it has a high risk to regret ratio.
So, I decided to mess about with my new favorite plane the Seabreeze as always, and abuse the feature it shares with the Dodo: aquatic landing and takeoff.

Since my aim in this test is to see how much damage one can get with landing on water over and over again, I turn off the vehicle godmode and had a few vehicular lifebars for analysis. I've deployed a Seabreeze and a Dodo to get this show going (honestly I forgot about the Tula). Based on repeated landings, it's only damaging if you manage to dip the wing in the water. Else, the plane would take no damage.

Then I went for a straight up dive. And the results?


I'm sure this GIF has that answered.

R* physics please. The vehicles' health numbers receive no change, and later on, I would purposely make a course for the Seabreeze to collide a Chuck Norris imbued palm tree, just to tell myself vehicle godmode isn't on. Then, I got a Dodo to replicate this behavior as well. I'm sure the Tula would also survive this ordeal if I would try it out.
I'd like to see some more seaplanes in this game. The Dodo is too slow, and Tula is too expensive, and the Seabreeze is too weird looking.
Today me and my friends were flying around in my Tula carpet bombing everything that moved, when we got shot by a Bombushka crew on our way back to the hangar. The Tula is tanky so we made it back, thankfully. I got my personal Hydra and called my Pegasus Hydra for one of my friends to fly, when a bright red dot emerged from his hangar and promptly gunned them both down. I managed to escape, blew up the Bombushka and immediately flew back to the airport to help them out. I crashed my jet because I'm trash at jet griefing, then killed him twice on foot. He evened out the score while I tried to buy some sniper ammo, claiming my bounty in the process. I got one more kill on him and went passive along with my friends since I no longer had my bounty.

We all approached him, switched to underwear outfits and started spamming Air Thrusting. He was rolling all over the place like a gymnast and pointing his marksman rifle at us. Then at that moment...

HE GOT SQUASHED BY SOME RANDOM DUDE IN A VAN. :lol: It was hilarious. He was so salty that he left the session, so we called my Tula and flew off :D
Lost my 200th race tonight. Wouldn't have done so if I picked something other than the GP1 - why must it understeer so bad?

Also on that note, what race class is the Ardent in? Can't seem to find it in any of the normal classes for creator mode, wanted to use it as a test bed.
Lost my 200th race tonight. Wouldn't have done so if I picked something other than the GP1 - why must it understeer so bad?

Also on that note, what race class is the Ardent in? Can't seem to find it in any of the normal classes for creator mode, wanted to use it as a test bed.

It's in the Sports Classics class, but it's not usable in a race due to the front mounted machine guns from what I can recall.
^R* have a fetish for slapping pea shooter machine guns on everything to say it's "weaponized" and make it unusable in races. The Ardent should have been either a submersible armed Esprit or a civilian one. Anything in between doesn't really work.

They even gave the freaking Ultralight a pea shooter, so I'm genuinely surprised that the Alpha-Z1 and the Howard don't have one.
^R* have a fetish for slapping pea shooter machine guns on everything to say it's "weaponized" and make it unusable in races. The Ardent should have been either a submersible armed Esprit or a civilian one. Anything in between doesn't really work.

They even gave the freaking Ultralight a pea shooter, so I'm genuinely surprised that the Alpha-Z1 and the Howard don't have one.

It would've made more sense to have the Ultralight as a miniature "bomber" dropping hand grenades. But this is R* after all, so if it makes sense, then it'll never happen.