GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Haven't played since before any of the Smuggler's Run stuff came out. How quick would I be able to turn myself around if I invested in I/E? I have $1.7 mill right now and I imagine starting up in I/E is going to take a massive chunk of that, if not all of it.
You'll need the office which is $1m starting, & the cheapest vehicle warehouse at $1.5m. I believe that's it, tmk.

Turn around time, you'll need to source the 10 Standard & 10 Mid-Range to ensure the game only then sources you the Top End cars. Once you have those 20 (don't export them), the game will continuously source you Top End cars which you should Export for Special Dealers only for the $100,000 sell price (requires $20,000 mod fee before hand to fully modify netting you $80,000 profit). Once it's delivered, spend the 20 minute cooldown sourcing another Top End & doing Headhunter or Sightseer to offset that $20,000 mod fee; can be done in 5 minutes with a Buzzard, very easy work. When the 20 minutes is up, export the Top End, and repeat.

I've found the usual guide that advises to collect all 32 unique cars is pointless; as long as you have the 20 low end cars, you're fine. Even if you get a Top End car before you collect the 20 low ends, export it to generate income; the game will always try to source you cars you don't have until you have all 32 unique models, so you will eventually have the 10 Standard/10 Mid-Range cars all collected.

As far as turning around your investment on I/E work alone, that's 25 Top End exports (with the CEO work thrown in to pay for the mod fee) to offset the initial $2.5 million. With a 20 minute cool down per car export, I'd wager easily less than a week to gain it all back, unless you really game for more than a few hours a day. The real grind is sourcing the cars b/c there's various situations, but you can also do these back to back in an Invite-only session as there's no cool down, iirc. Export requires Public sessions, but there's ways around it for each platform. ;)
The maximum $/time method for free roam is to source and sell high-end vehicles and do VIP work during the cooldown period. Even better if you have a bunker running full production (Cocaine is obsolete at this point). It’s incredibly boring to do all this, but you should be able to pass the magical $300k/hr figure and make a return on your investments pretty quickly.

If you’re lazy like me, you can make due with bunker production and Executive Search. Just make sure to keep your character moving in a circle via rubberband.

No matter which way you do it, you’re gonna need an absurd amount of time to make millions, which sadly not every has a lot of.
It’s 10 standard + 12 midrange if I remember correctly.
And all of the sourcing/selling has to be done in a public session. But that issue is easily fixed with a quick change of your MTU.
Also: „Can you read and understand?“...

Just replayed the Fleeca Heist and my partner who was the driver rushed to the safe and tried shooting me...

I just did the prison break finale again, and it only took three attempts to convince the pilot that landing and opening the hatch is how you solve the "can't lose wanted level" glitch.
I started one of the new heists with a lvl 40 random. The mission started and he just stood there aiming a grenade launcher at me. After about 2 minutes of waiting for him to get in the car he left.

Also, I often protect people who are running a shipment by keeping chasing try hards busy. I done it last night when two low level randoms where doing a gunrunning thing. I was in my Akula and they were being hassled by a high level guy in a buzzard. I kept killing him, they escaped.

One of them texted me from his bunker after his safe arrival. It said "Go kill yourself"
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I used to try and be nice, help others, and give people the benefit of the doubt. I have learned that none of this does any good, and as such I rarely help anyone do anything, play in my 'own' lobbies, and pretty much ignore all other players. I turned off my in-game-phone text and invite alerts a year or two ago. I now take a passive approach, in that I don't even bother vote kicking people, or attempting to identify if they are friendly. Nope, "Find New Session." Done. It means others may see me as hopping from room to room, but I neither care for ******** nor spending effort to eradicate it; so now I just leave.

That is why if someone here needs something, while I am more than happy to help, you have to actively notify me. :lol:
I never help anyone in this game apart from my friends and crew and have not helped randoms for years. I learned real quick that "shoot and ask later" works much better than "ask and shoot later" does in this game.
One of them texted me from his bunker after his safe arrival. It said "Go kill yourself"
From the ones that did the gunrun?

I also played the prisonbreak finale today and the boss was so smart to make a level 7 player the pilot, he crashed the plane like min 10 times and after that I just left
There should be a license test before you can join GTA Online. The test should have one question:

"Do you understand the difference between retrieve and destroy? (Y/N)"
And: “Do you understand the difference between a game and real life?”
There's 10 Standard & 10 Mid-Range, hence the 10/10/12 method people usually suggest.
Ah. That might be it:tup: It’s been a while since I set mine up, hence my “if I remember correctly”
And: “Do you understand the difference between a game and real life?”

Ah. That might be it:tup: It’s been a while since I set mine up, hence my “if I remember correctly”
I'm in the process of moving warehouses, so it's fresh once again in my mind. The grind to get the 20 is a pain I loathe going through again. :lol:
Testing out the Comet Safari in the creator and I've come to the conclusion that it may very well be the best off-road vehicle if you need to get somewhere fast. It has the off-road traction of the other 'rally' cars, but unlike its competitors it has a high enough ground clearance to survive when you have to go off the dirt trails. The Sanchez and BF400 are probably faster, but you run the risk of falling off if you hit a rock or something which could hamper you a lot more in the long run. Aside from that it's a blast in general - I'm thinking of picking it up online when I get the money. It can replace some of my now obsolete cars...
Friends or at least the luck of finding non-useless randoms. Supply missions range from really easy to imho rather medium difficulty and they stock up quite a bit even if you‘re doing them on your own. Once fully stocked it‘s worth 500k + bonus if you sell it to Los Santos.

BTW, anyone up to spawning me a hearse? :D
So, after selling some of my more obsolete cars, I have about $2.8 million. Between the bunker, hangar, doomsday facility, MOC, and Avenger, what is worth buying and more importantly what is worth buying first?

I'm currently thinking of putting that money into a bunker so I can get another income source alongside Import/Export, using the income I'll save up to get a doomsday facility in order to complete the Doomsday Heist and get the Deluxo. I have no idea if this is the most efficient way of doing things though.
I don't have a bunker. Is it worth getting one? What do you have to do to grind it effectively?
If you have a lot of time where you can keep the game running, it’s definitely worth it.

- Buy the staff and equipment upgrades; don’t bother with security.
- Buy supplies and run full staff on production
- Come back in 140 minutes, buy more supplies, and sell the product you have. Repeat.

You should make $135,000-187,500 in profit for each sale.

By doing this, you’ll always get a single delivery vehicle, and you won’t reach the quota for triggering raids.
PSA: The splash damage for the Orbital Strike is large enough that it’ll go through bridges and other overhangs. I have yet to see if it’ll still kill you in the subway tunnel.
Good luck to anyone hoping to do public session thing right now. There is a money glitch involving the orbital cannon so every session has people buy a strike then immediately leave. Calling it on random people :lol:

Sentinel Classic has been released for $650k.
No other cars have been released.

Edit: It seems that the Sentinel Classic was the festive surprise judging by R*s earlier tweet.
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I highly doubt this was the only „gift“.

Also some cars are on sale, I always was too stingy to get the armoured kuruma but now I got it :D
Haven't played this game in months, and don't plan on starting back up, but I do like the looks of the Yosemite, and the Hermes. Those two would be worth a few minutes of mod time.

I assume they'll drip feed all these new cars like before?
Haven't played this game in months, and don't plan on starting back up, but I do like the looks of the Yosemite, and the Hermes. Those two would be worth a few minutes of mod time.

I assume they'll drip feed all these new cars like before?

Yosemite is in the game now and the Hermes will be out on Christmas apparently. May also be free.
Thanks. I'll check the truck out tonight.
The Yosemite is now the new fastest muscle vehicle according to Broughy. It only beats the Dominator very slightly though but does feel a bit more stable. There's also a ton of customization options so I'm sure you'll find something to like about the truck :)

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