GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
And even if you manage to destroy their griefing vehicle of choice, they can just call it back immediately, allowing them to just come right back at you, as the guy in the Deluxo did in my video.

Or they can just skip that step altogether and sit in their facility and just orbital strike you with 0 ****ing effort required and with no warning or way to avoid being killed instantly.

It’s really telling how I have to spend upwards of half an hour each time I log on to GTA Online to find a solo public lobby just so I can do bunker sales without having some **** on a flying car/bike come and ruin it for no real reason whatsoever.

The Orbital Cannon has to be one of the worst things ever put into this game. To me, it's the ultimate example of R* catering to the toxic community they have fostered, and a massive "**** you" to everyone that tries to have fun. It's all downhill from this point on.
The Orbital Cannon has to be one of the worst things ever put into this game. To me, it's the ultimate example of R* catering to the toxic community they have fostered, and a massive "**** you" to everyone that tries to have fun. It's all downhill from this point on.
Yep, it really annoys me that with every update to this game they add more and more “tools” to allow idiots to grief people just for the hell of it.

Thanks to R* public lobbies have just turned into full scale war zones where rocket powered cars and jets rule everything and you can’t get anything productive done without some asshole trying to bomb the hell out of you.
Joined a random heist, host had 40% for himself, 30 for some other guy and 15 for me and another player. I refused to be ready and then was sent this message :lol:
I don’t see the issue with only getting 15% if you haven’t been helping with any of the setups. If you only join randomly, you’ll take what you’re given. No point in arguing. I’d only see it as a problem if you’ve been doing other setups as well.
Personally, if I join multiple setups with the same host and don’t get the 20% cut that I want, sometimes I’ll just leave.
Yep, it really annoys me that with every update to this game they add more and more “tools” to allow idiots to grief people just for the hell of it.

Thanks to R* public lobbies have just turned into full scale war zones where rocket powered cars and jets rule everything and you can’t get anything productive done without some asshole trying to bomb the hell out of you.
The irony is that I know several people who refused to buy the game on the 4 or outright quit playing it on the 4 because of the fact that PS3 (and now PS4) lobbies are a warzone (that's ignoring the combat rolling modded accounts and the modders themselves on the 3), and instead of taking the hint as to why people quit the game, they double down on the douchebaggery with all the content they are adding.

Worth noting that I'm a split personality when I play on past gen because I will either kill anyone I see in my crosshairs who is not a friend or I will sit and do nothing until they initiate combat depending on how the day has gone prior. When its a killing lobby and have already been killed several times by modded accounts, I will shoot and kill anyone I come across until they ragequit because rule number 1 of old console lobbies is to assume that your opponent will cheat. I wound up doing that a couple days ago most recently. But when I don't get shot, I just stand around on the roof weaponless unless someone comes over looking for trouble.
What‘s even worse is that if you blow these morons up directly and not with stickybombs exploding near them you‘re the one getting fined 20k and getting a bad sports note. like wtf R*
Use a flaregun to redirect the missiles back at them. The game counts it as a suicide and shouldn’t penalize you.
@Flash_Sweden @Snorevette yeah sure, 40% for the host is fine, but then he should split up the remaining 60% fairly imho, the other kiddo who helped with setups was already paid doing them. However, it still doesn‘t justify just insulting me. I was about to leave anyways after that message but then saw the job being cancelled already.

Use a flaregun to redirect the missiles back at them. The game counts it as a suicide and shouldn’t penalize you.
I‘ll try that, even thought I‘m terrible at shooting/throwing and driving at the same time :nervous:
@Flash_Sweden @Snorevette yeah sure, 40% for the host is fine, but then he should split up the remaining 60% fairly imho, the other kiddo who helped with setups was already paid doing them. However, it still doesn‘t justify just insulting me. I was about to leave anyways after that message but then saw the job being cancelled already.
Why? He could’ve been doing all of the setups. If he did that, and you only joined for the finale, he should get a bigger cut than you. I can’t know if he did, and you can’t know that he didn’t.
I don’t think that you’d like your loyalty to a host, by doing all setups, being “appreciated” by getting the same cut in the finale as someone who just joined the finale.
When looking at it from your POV sure, I still don‘t get why people keep messaging me long after the cancel and insulting me :lol:
Back on GTA after a long break.


Wtf is up with all of these tanks and flying motorcycles and all of the stupid stuff though? Passive mode is more useful than ever I guess.
Run the business alongside. That's what I do. Buy stock and then just mess about/do other stuff. Come back later and sell. Stuff wasting time stealing supplies, add in the ammo deaths armour etc and it's not that much of a different margin. Time could be spent better imo.

Just did a 1-hr speed run test of HH/SS. I was able to consistently do two in a row without cooldown, and then there would usually be a 4-5 min cooldown after. I filled this in with robbing stores and selling cars (I was only able to sell one) for an additional $19k total. I lost two savages (one due to a stupid mistake) but I was able to make $193,734 in 1 hour. I think I'm gonna try investing in a counterfeit cash business to generate bonus income (somewhere around an extra $85k/hr). This should get close to $300k/hr. Pretty good for the initial investment.

What is everyone elses hourly (no-distraction-grinding) income?

Edit: The crate missions are fun but they don't really work with HH/SS grinding and get nowhere near the ROI.
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'Course it sells. It lets you fast-track a few hundred hours of doing the same three Contact Missions over and over again and grants you instant access to all the ways of making "real" money one could possibly want. The locations are about as inconvenient as they can be, but hey, the new boys and girls in the millionnaire's club's got to learn the tricks of the trade too, right?

I don't blame people for wanting to skip a few hundred hours of doing the same three Contact Missions over and over again, but I'm not convinced that justifies this.
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I thought that the second character then only shared money bought with shark cards?
But still the frequency of these people has risen by a lot since R* started selling this pack.

EDIT: just did some research again, the money that‘s on the bank account is shared. Good to know
Drop whatever you have in your hands, sell everything in your various warehouses and cancel all plans for the next 48 hours: the Viseris now drives among us, for the price of "just" $875,000.

I would "drop whatever I have in my hands", but I'm kind of out of town for the next 5.5 hours.. why does this always happen at the most inconvenient of times?
Drop whatever you have in your hands, sell everything in your various warehouses and cancel all plans for the next 48 hours: the Viseris now drives among us, for the price of "just" $875,000.

I would "drop whatever I have in my hands", but I'm kind of out of town for the next 5.5 hours.. why does this always happen at the most inconvenient of times?
Well don’t go outta town on Tuesdays then. It’s not a new phenomenon...
Bought a Dashound bus, because why not? Took it for a tour around San Andreas and even though I tried to be gentle with it, it ended with quite a few dents, some bullet holes, a lost door and blood all over the tail lights.

Quite a tour that was.



I've done a few tours with that bus. Has a nice interior.
Just a heads-up in case the fact it's a Detomaserati Mepanterak wasn't enough, the Viseris has another trick up its sleeve.

Broughy has determined a top speed of:

146.5 miles per hour.

..the only non-plane that really comes anywhere close to that is the Vigilante with it's ~145mph average when consistently boosting.

Now now, it is something to do with a "bug" (i.e. the Banshee 900R/RE-7B thing giving it permanent curb-boost), but still, 146.5 - that's a lot of speed. It's a bit (i.e. a few seconds) off around the track, soo.. it's a classic, Italian supercar that's useless around a track but the fastest thing ever on a long straight. Wait, what was the problem again?
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Just a heads-up in case the fact it's a Detomaserati Mepanterak wasn't enough, the Viseris has another trick up its sleeve.

Broughy has determined a top speed of:

146.5 miles per hour.

..the only non-plane that really comes anywhere close to that is the Vigilante with it's ~145mph average when consistently boosting.

Now now, it is something to do with a "bug" (i.e. the Banshee 900R/RE-7B thing giving it permanent curb-boost), but still, 146.5 - that's a lot of speed. It's a bit (i.e. a few seconds) off around the track, soo.. it's a classic, Italian supercar that's useless around a track but the fastest thing ever on a long straight. Wait, what was the problem again?

"Oops, we didn't mean to do that so people would buy it instantly (waste their money) and then nerf it two weeks later."
Funnily enough it's still nowhere near the pace of the top cars in the class round a track. It's the 811 of the Sports Classics class.
Bought a Dashound bus, because why not? Took it for a tour around San Andreas and even though I tried to be gentle with it, it ended with quite a few dents, some bullet holes, a lost door and blood all over the tail lights.

Quite a tour that was.


Good to see I'm not the only one who buys next to useless vehicles for the fun of it :lol:

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