GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I still need to do Criminal Mastermind, Loyalty, and I think All In Order as well for the first set of heists. Criminal Mastermind for a cool 10mil would set me up for the facilities so I might see if I can get a party together on PC to try and get it done.

The Ubermacht Revolter Now available at Legendary Motorsport in GTA Online


Jump into a frantic 16-pilot aerial battle featuring jets, helis and Thrusters in Air Quota, with extended Double GTA$ & RP payouts through January 29th.

And for those more at home on the ground than in the air, take to the track and earn Double GTA$ & RP in all Rockstar-created Stunt and Land Races for the same period.


Pack a meaner punch on the battlefield by taking advantage of some deadly upgrades in your MOC or Avenger's Weapon Workshop. Now through January 29th, elevate your arsenal with the following discounts:

  • Mk II Upgrades – 30% off (cost to upgrade to Mk II weapon)
  • Mk II Magazines – 25% off
  • Mk II Scopes – 25% off
  • Mk II Muzzles – 25% off
  • Mk II Weapon Liveries – 25% off
Warstock Cache & Carry is also offering 25% off two heavily-armored favorites: deal some damage from the comfort of the Benefactor Turreted Limo, or take to the water in the HVY APC (Buy It Now & Trade Price) - an amphibious tank with room for the whole family.
Man, they really like discounting the APC, huh. One discount was right before the Doomsday announcement and then atleast two other discounts after the update got released. :lol:
I just started playing online recently, but so much has changed. I mean, it's been like a year or two since I played GTA V. So, I am very very far behind on what is going on in the world. Help catch me up!!! I don't know any of the basics anymore. Like how many properites can you own now? What's the best way for a low level player like myself to earn money and rank up? Should I break down and buy the Criminal starter pack for $39.99? What do I need to know to catch up? Help!!!
I own 6 properties, two apartments and 4 garages.

I've got the CEO office and it's 3 garages. The bunker, facility biker club house, car import warehouse, aircraft hangar and the yacht. You can also own biker business premises.

The criminal starter pack would give you quick access to the businesses but then you'd have to invest a lot of time grinding them to start earning money. No matter what you do the grind is very VERY real.
I own 6 properties, two apartments and 4 garages.

I've got the CEO office and it's 3 garages. The bunker, facility biker club house, car import warehouse, aircraft hangar and the yacht. You can also own biker business premises.

The criminal starter pack would give you quick access to the businesses but then you'd have to invest a lot of time grinding them to start earning money. No matter what you do the grind is very VERY real.

Great information Lee. Thank you for that.

I do have to say that I am really interested in the biker portion of the game, but I have no idea where to start with that.

I am really going back and forth on the starter pack. It's really expensive. But man, it would get me going in this "new" game. Everything has just changed so much. Starting from scratch is so frustrating. Everybody has attack helicopters, tanks from the future, and such. It's hard to compete. If I would have gotten to transfer my character from the old gen, I would be okay. But nope.

Anyways, I am grinding my ass off. I've been racing quite a bit as it's double money and RP right now.
The starter pack isn't really worth it in my opinion. They pretty much give you the worst of each property.

That is true. But could you imagine starting out at level 0 after all the updates and dlc? It's daunting.
I recommend buying a CEO property as soon as you can afford it. You can do VIP jobs with them and they don't require any startup money. Typically $20-$25k every 5-10 minutes. Plus if you have someone in your crew, you can do a Point to Point challenge and it's an easy $10k in less than a minute if you win.

I just recently started playing again so my recommendation is probably a little outdated. There might be better ways to make money by now.
I'd definitely recommend getting a bunker (definitely go for Chumash if you can afford it) with all the upgrades ASAP alongside an office and the special vehicles (unless you already have a friend who already has those last 2 and is on regularly). Definitely buy the Armored Boxville and Phantom Wedge so you can do Fortified & Plowed

Going in between these 2 I'm able to make around a million a day through just alternating between bunker sales/resupplies and CEO work constantly.

I find the best CEO work to alternate between is Headhunter, Plowed, Fortified (you can AFK during this if you're in a solo session) & Most Wanted (use any heavily armoured vehicle or scuba gear). Haulage is also a great option in a public lobby, BUT an MOC is highly recommended (not even Deluxo's & Oppressors can stop it) as the trucks that spawn are painfully slow.

No better CEO work in a public lobby than Haulage in an MOC since the trailer is invincible so even if they keep blasting it with missiles, you don't take any damage. And even then the truck cab itself can take over a dozen direct missiles so any semi-competent driver can easily complete haulage in even the most chaotic of lobbies pretty easily. Just beware that the trailer can be detached if a vehicle hits you hard enough and the glass can still be shot out by conventional weapons (although it is reinforced glass).

Ever since getting the final bunker upgrade a week ago I've already grinded enough to buy the Hunter, Viseris, GT500 & Buffalo S (all fully upgraded)and am currently sitting right around 1 million.
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Don’t. You can register as a VIP with only $50,000 in the bank now.
That's only going to get you so far.

You need a CEO office to take part in the I/E business, which is a huge recommendation from tons of players; it's roughly $200-300,000/hour alone and easy enough to offset costs with a Headhunter/Sightseer mission. By the time you do those and source a new High-End, it's time to sell again. This in combo. with the bunker making money in the background is highly advised.

@Ken, if you're soloing, some guides.
Solo I/E with mission details.

*I think Rockstar has removed the mission requiring a cargobob. Also, don't follow the 10/10/12 method to completion; just get the 10 Standard/10 Mid-Range cars and you'll be set. Sell any High End as soon as you get them to start making revenue.

Solo GunRunning:

Be cautious about selling anything over a half full bunker. There's 1 or 2 missions you likely won't be able to move all 3/4 vehicles in the time frame. I stick to selling as soon as my first Resupply is done for $210,000 to LS and go for the next Resupply. That way, I'm guaranteed 1 vehicle to move with ease. You can push for 2 vehicles though as long as the game doesn't give you the mission that requires you to fight off Merryweather after each drop. You'd have to go back-and-forth between the cars constantly in 15 minutes.

There are also ways to get a solo lobby for any platform. :)
I am quite amused by just how far this community-versus-dripfeeding thing has gone: we've got the confirmed (?), actual release dates of the remaining vehicles. Granted, most of it is pretty self-explanatory, but still, it's good to know there apparently won't be any thought-you'd-get-something-today?-weeks.

Also, from the very same source and useful mostly to new players/people who haven't paid attention to those parameters/experimented enough with it, some stuff related to the various businesses and raids they did about two weeks ago and I haven't come across until now, so I'm sharing it here just in case:

I.e. the raid timer for Cocaine is a random value between 3 and 6 hours, with the Security upgrade presumably doubling that interval. Leaving freemode in one form or another or doing e.g. a resupply will reset the timer. - simply not being a CEO isn't enough.

Bunker raids won't happen until you reach 50 "units" (i.e. if you're selling every time you buy supplies, the security upgrade is a waste here as well), MC business' are safe until you reach 20 "units", or a value of $40,000 for Cocaine. Also if you're filling up a large Crates warehouse, you can feel safe until you reach the 79th crate.

Speaking of Crates:

It doesn't mention what the actual chances are, but based on experience, I'd say somewhere around 1/10.
Now I feel special for...
...using a trainer in the PC version to spawn a 190Z. :embarrassed:
Yes but there's no sense of pride and accomplishment i.e. you managed to go the entire dripfeeding period without hanging yourself in that.

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