GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
After spending a frustratingly large amount of time practicing, attempting, and editing this stunt, I've finally done it. I flew through the Del Perro tunnel...upside down.

note: the shaking on the first couple of frames after the intro looked a lot more natural on my tv, but they look violent on my much smaller computer screen, so i apologize to anyone with epilepsy.

Edit: I forgot to add a language warning for the music in the video. So...language warning.
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The Avenger can be unnecessary, but I do enjoy flying it into other players.

Just had a run in with quite possibly the worst griefer/tryhard I’ve had the displeasure of meeting. :yuck:

Spawn killing? yep, Passive popping in a jet? confirmed, Oppressor spamming via MC? you betcha, Kept going back to a jet using a mix of those 3 examples every time we managed to shoot him down? absolutely etc etc. :banghead:

I said it before and I’ll say it again, a K/D stat in GTA 5 is just inviting those who either have glitched all their cash and stuff to just be weapons grade 🤬 to everyone because K/D is the one thing they can’t glitch up.

I mean, You have a 3.5 K/D ratio, Whoopty 🤬 do, unless these an actual reason to go for it from a financial perspective, it’s pointless.

I can only dream of the chance that R* disables passive in weaponised vehicles, Has a cool down on Bike spawning for MC and sorts out the spawns so it doesn’t drop right me into the middle of a strafing run by a Jet and if they can’t remove the K/D ratio, count suicides and EWO’s as deaths.

End of rant. :indiff:
I'll agree with that; weaponized vehicles should be free game & not usable in Passive mode. Popping in and out is no better than the EWO right after you kill someone.
After spending a frustratingly large amount of time practicing, attempting, and editing this stunt, I've finally done it. I flew through the Del Perro tunnel...upside down.

note: the shaking on the first couple of frames after the intro looked a lot more natural on my tv, but they look violent on my much smaller computer screen, so i apologize to anyone with epilepsy.

Edit: I forgot to add a language warning for the music in the video. So...language warning.

Nice! 👍 May I propose the next stunt? Ok. :sly:

Try flying a Havoc (I think that’s the name of the tiny helicopter) through the subway tunnel at LSIA. Enter at the helipad you can buy in story mode, fly down to LSIA, follow the tunnel and exit where you entered. Too easy? Do it inverted;)

And no, I don’t know if it’ll actually fit.
I feel like R* has given up on balance changes and just focused all their efforts into shoving out new content.

That’s probably because balanced vehicles and weapons don’t sell as much as game-breaking items do. R* knows their audience and will absolutely cater to the tryhards if they know it’ll bring a profit.
Is there such a thing as the Anti-try hard try hard?

I think I've become one. Although I like to think of myself as The Equalizer. A modern day Edward Woodward but less cool than Denzel Washington.

I see injustice, a low level player or someone making a shipment to earn some cash being harassed by a bigness emblazoned, invisible armed, ghost organisation'd try hard. I swoop, I just can't help myself to try really hard to right the wrongs.

I may be the hero no one wanted or even asked for. But they're glad when I even the odds.

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Speaking of new content, I'd like an aircraft carrier and maybe a rather palatial mansion.
Wouldn't mind seeing new, actual homes we can buy even if it means having the same 10-car garage layout. But Rockstar don't seem to be in the business of paying attention to wish lists.

No idea where they go from here after Doomsday though, besides just more cars, guns (if that's even possible), and adversary modes.
Next, Rockstar will release a gun that shoots bullets that can go around corners, through buildings and mountains, and they can destroy everyone in the lobby with 1 shot. It will cost $4,000,000. How do you get this top secret military supertechnology? You just go down to your neighborhood gun shop, of course!
With all the OP weapons in vehicles in the past couple updates, it wouldn't surprised me if Rockstar added in the Nikita missile from MGS at some point. Powerful, but appropriately ridiculous.
Figure I break out a clip from the vault which shows that even though some players are smart, having both smarts and a long memory of the map combined with a capable car can outclass them. :D

For context: In this clip is the last 2 limos in Fully Loaded, first one was driven and then abandoned and the second was occupied and currently in the Subway and I have just under 4 minutes to get things done.

Did I mention it’d been snowing too?

(Language warning because apparently driving KITT tends to cause pedestrians to throw obscenites.:P)
Next, Rockstar will release a gun that shoots bullets that can go around corners, through buildings and mountains, and they can destroy everyone in the lobby with 1 shot. It will cost $4,000,000. How do you get this top secret military supertechnology? You just go down to your neighborhood gun shop, of course!

Well, first you'd have to buy the gun shop, of course.
I'm not sure how R* could possibly up the ante from the Doomsday heist, but if I had to guess we're probably going to take control of a PMC at some point.

That being said, I hope we see a police-themed update in the future. If R* added it, I'd imagine it would be called something like the Vigilante update, with new special vehicles that have weaponry such as EMP and spike strips, and special freemode missions that involve stopping a target vehicle and taking the driver back to your HQ.
A police update has been requested quite actively for quite some time. If there are any more updates coming the way of Online (and, given that RDR2 isn't out until October and that leaves time for about two more updates), I could see - and kind of hope - that being one, even if it becomes a copy-paste Finance-And-Felony-Crates-style business.. where I imagine a few missions much like the one @Snorevette mentions. Could have one using the "scanner" on the Maverick, last seen in Eye In The Sky.

I too am kind of expecting a Vigilante update to go down the Hot Pursuit 2010 route, with EMPs and Spike Strips for the cops and Jammers (*maybe* spikes as well) for the racers. As there's not really any visual changes that need to be made, those should be available to all cars.

As for any potential police stuff in addition to outfits.. well a Highway Patrol Dominator is kind of a must. Gauntlet wouldn't look out of place. Also Coquette for reasons. And Undercover Cheetah Classic. And Stun Gun finally in Online.

Lots of monetisation potential. That's just making it that bit more likely.
Is there any news on new content or bonuses today since it's Tuesday?
The Kamacho is out for $345k; lot of people seem to like it so far.

Avenger is 25% (I think it was also on sale a couple weeks ago too).
Chernobog is 25% off.
Half Track is 40% off.
Weaponzied Tampa is 40% off.
AA Trailer is 35% off.

Double RP/Cash for Hardest Target, Motor Wars, Occupy, and Slashers.


Protect your right to life, liberty and hot lead with the Black Ammu-Nation Tee - a free unlock for those who log in to GTA Online during Battle Week, now through February 12th.


Motor Wars: Parachute into a warzone with a pistol and a prayer in Motor Wars and face off on the ground with heavy arms and Weaponized Vehicles. The longer you and your team survive, the smaller the field of combat, until players are forced into full-on confrontation. Just remember to pull your chute or you’re done before you start.

Hardest Target: There’s a bullseye on your back that everyone can see, but the hot seat changes every minute. Neutralize the opposing team’s Target while protecting your own to put points on the board and bring home the win.

Slashers: Maybe you’ve watched enough movies to outsmart a maniac, but how about a whole team of them? Slashers pits a mob of Shotgun-wielding lunatics against the Hunted - with teams swapping roles every 60 seconds until one side has been wiped out entirely.

Occupy: Two teams fight for control of three Capture Zones amid flying rocket bikes and a host of deadly Weaponized Vehicles. Each precious second your team holds a Zone counts towards victory, but keep an eye out for unwanted visitors looking to steal away your hard-earned land.


Through February 12th, prep for Doomsday the right way: with deadly accuracy and maximum explosive impact. From hefty discounts on Warstock favorites such as the Mammoth Avenger to half-price Ammo across the board, it's a great time to be in the arms game.

Warstock Cache & Carry Discounts

  • Mammoth Avenger - 25% off
  • HVY Chernobog (Weaponized) - 25% off (Buy It Now & Trade Price)
  • Bravado Half-Track (Weaponized) - 40% off (Buy It Now & Trade Price)
  • Vom Feuer Anti-Aircraft Trailer (Weaponized) - 35% off (Buy it Now & Trade Price)
  • Weaponized Declasse Tampa (Weaponized) - 40% off (Buy It Now & Trade Price)
Mk II Discounts

  • Mk II Upgrades - 30% off (cost to upgrade to Mk II weapon)
  • Mk II Ammo (all types) - 50% off
  • Mk II Magazines - 25% off
  • Mk II Scopes - 25% off
  • Mk II Muzzles - 25% off
  • Mk II Weapon Liveries - 25% off
Ammu-Nation Discounts

  • Ammo - 50% off
  • Assault Rifles - 30% off
  • Sniper Rifles - 30% off
  • Melee Weapons - 30% off
  • Body Armor - 30% off
  • RPG - 30% off
There's also 30% off all Aircraft Weapons fitted in your Hangar Workshop - and for the true prepper, take 25% off the Security Room upgrade in your Facility and get access to your very own set of deployable goons.
The Kamacho is pretty good. It's a lot faster than I thought it would be. I think the visual upgrades are a let down. They're all just copy and pasted from other vehicles as far as I can tell apart from a couple of bespoke parts.

I'm enjoying it so far but I can already tell it will eventually end up in my offroad garage to get dusty.
Yay. You'll be glad to hear that I've just been in a lobby with a couple of off radar glitched idiots. Not only do you have to watch your back with the regular idiots running around as well as the ghost organisation spammers, now there are those who are always off radar.

No idea what it is but it's something to do with mercenaries or the hit squad.
Meanwhile, on past gen, I had 4 modders in a lobby today. 1 ranked and deranked everyone to lag people out of the lobby, 1 blew up the lobby, 1 teleported everyone to where he was standing so his crew mates could kill them, and the fourth modder kicked anyone who killed his friends out of the lobby. Ironically, I discovered the 4th after a 5th modder blew up that guy's crew mates in retaliation for the 3rd modder's teleporting people to friends.
Meanwhile, on past gen, I had 4 modders in a lobby today. 1 ranked and deranked everyone to lag people out of the lobby, 1 blew up the lobby, 1 teleported everyone to where he was standing so his crew mates could kill them, and the fourth modder kicked anyone who killed his friends out of the lobby. Ironically, I discovered the 4th after a 5th modder blew up that guy's crew mates in retaliation for the 3rd modder's teleporting people to friends.
I don't know how anyone can play last gen. It must be awful.
Nice! 👍 May I propose the next stunt? Ok. :sly:

Try flying a Havoc (I think that’s the name of the tiny helicopter) through the subway tunnel at LSIA. Enter at the helipad you can buy in story mode, fly down to LSIA, follow the tunnel and exit where you entered. Too easy? Do it inverted;)

And no, I don’t know if it’ll actually fit.

I bought a Havok just so I could try this (plus I wanted one anyways) and it doesn't fit. Once you get to the part where there's two separate tunnels, there's like 3 inches of space on either side of the blades. I guess you could technically do it but it would take the steadiest hands in the world.