GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Thinking of buying a Bunker when I get a little bit more money. Is there anything wrong with the cheaper one in Paleto Bay? And what do I have to do to start making passive income with it after I buy it?
Thinking of buying a Bunker when I get a little bit more money. Is there anything wrong with the cheaper one in Paleto Bay? And what do I have to do to start making passive income with it after I buy it?
I have the Paleto one and it can be a pain for both supplying and selling as you can often have to do multiple 7 mile drives and can get quite crowded in public lobbies.

Also save for the 2 production and manufacturing upgrades as they can basically double the cash you make and decrease the time for supplies to run out

Security upgrade isn’t worth it IMO as all it does is lower your chance of getting raided past 50% supplies and allows you to use security cams to AFK in your bunker
Is there anything wrong with the cheaper one in Paleto Bay?
It's in Paleto Bay. All the delivery points are in Los Santos.

And what do I have to do to start making passive income with it after I buy it?
Ideally, you'd want to buy the staff and equipment upgrades, set everything towards production only, and buy supplies instead of stealing them. Security upgrade isn't necessary unless you're carrying more than 50% capacity in stock/weapons.

But yeah, once you buy the actual bunker, you can just set your staff to work on production and start making money from there.
So it sounds like I need to save up quite a bit so I can get a decent bunker and the upgrades all at once.

You really don’t need the most expensive, but you will want to be closer to the city then the bay location. You can make profit with just the bunker without upgrades if steal your supplies, but that’s time consuming. To really make it a “passive” income, you will want the upgrades.

Speaking of...

has anyone attempted to run multiple biker businesses and a bunker simultaneously?

If you are regularly playing with a dependable group of four or more, it works pretty well. If you spend a lot of solo time playing, stick with I/E.
Speaking of...

has anyone attempted to run multiple biker businesses and a bunker simultaneously?
The only businesses I've heard worth running are Coke/Meth.

But to my understanding, it's always best to sell a full stock to get the most out of it as it maximizes the value per each bar; 1 bar alone would be worth "X" value, but 2 bars would be worth more than double that "X" value, and so forth. But, unless you've got a crew, I don't think any of the full deliveries are possible by yourself. So, I'm not sure what the max. amount of bars 1 person can move alone.

This is where the Bunker makes its advantage of each full supply bar being an equal $210,000 to LS. Also easy to manipulate which delivery you want, with a small penalty.
Thinking of buying a Bunker when I get a little bit more money. Is there anything wrong with the cheaper one in Paleto Bay? And what do I have to do to start making passive income with it after I buy it?
Chumash/Farmhouse are the best 2 you'll get because they're the closest. You'll more than likely be okay with anything a little bit further so long as you understand which of the 5 sales missions you can do solo in that distance & amount of stock you're trying to sell.

For ex., you could do 2 of the Marshalls with Chumash/Farmhouse if you get your timing down & they give you a good pick up location. Any bunkers further than that, esp. Paleto, I don't think is possible.
The only businesses I've heard worth running are Coke/Meth.

But to my understanding, it's always best to sell a full stock to get the most out of it as it maximizes the value per each bar; 1 bar alone would be worth "X" value, but 2 bars would be worth more than double that "X" value, and so forth. But, unless you've got a crew, I don't think any of the full deliveries are possible by yourself. So, I'm not sure what the max. amount of bars 1 person can move alone.

That's not true for the biker businesses. They sell for the same amount regardless of how much has been produced. I never produce more than 2 bars of anything. If you manage to get a boat delivery ($9k bonus) on a single bar of product, you are essentially earning $45k for a sub 5 min delivery. Also, cash is better than meth in terms of production rate (therefore specific profit). I've always been able to deliver 2 vehicles worth of product, despite some close calls with the damn delivery truck.

I enjoy the role playing aspects of the businesses much more than VIP or I/E work, even though the profits aren't as high. I'm still into the multi-millions right now from doing nothing but biker work.
That's not true for the biker businesses. They sell for the same amount regardless of how much has been produced. I never produce more than 2 bars of anything. If you manage to get a boat delivery ($9k bonus) on a single bar of product, you are essentially earning $45k for a sub 5 min delivery. Also, cash is better than meth in terms of production rate (therefore specific profit). I've always been able to deliver 2 vehicles worth of product, despite some close calls with the damn delivery truck.

I enjoy the role playing aspects of the businesses much more than VIP or I/E work, even though the profits aren't as high. I'm still into the multi-millions right now from doing nothing but biker work.
Thanks for the correction; I was going by what I had read through Reddit.

I do Bunker & I/E with VIP work, but I've been interested in the biker businesses to mix things up. Wouldn't be hard to source & sell a car during any cooldowns or waiting for product to build, either.

My buddy recently went from having a coke lockup in the docks to the one at Alamo Sea and beyond having the worst location at the end of a map initially, the deliveries for both locations still seem to take a lot of time. So, I'm wondering what benefits the Alamo Sea would have over the lockup in Morningwood beyond the high cost.
I don't know if it's just coincidence, but almost every time I set off for the beach, or have a GPS marker near the beach, it clouds over and starts to rain. I'm not sure if it still happens now, but I know for definite back on the PS3 it pretty much always did it, to the point I was sure Rockstar had programmed the game to do that just for fun.

Wait, isn't that how the real world works as well?
Mudd is correct, although I would add the words reluctant and attrition in there somewhere. :lol:

From a pure efficiency standpoint there is a method to the madness. However, if that isn't the goal then yes, other options exist.

The point in my previous post is summarised above. Using the baking powder business maximum two vehicle sale at $210k gross, your net profit is approximately $120k before expenses(MC charges, ammo, deaths, vehicles, etc) if nothing goes wrong and you purchase supplies. Solo missions vary from 15-25 minutes depending on the vehicles(boats, post op vans) with exception of the rare single van sale. Between the sale time and returning to repurchase supplies(max two vehicle sale requires resupply after ~28minutes) you can make two I/E sales and source 3+ more. That's 160k profit and 240k on deck for future sale. That is my point. It isn't that you can't do other things, but simply that anything else you could be doing with your time will earn you less profit. It's that simple.

Every time you haul across the map to resupply that business, or spend 25 minutes to earn $110k, you could have earned more money doing I/E. That's all.

It's probably also worth nothing the time to break even can be quite far out for the biker businesses. Using the Westwood Vlg baking poweder business, it takes no less than 25 two vehicle sale missions before you begin actually earning money. It's over $3.1mil to get started, and that is without the security upgrade. Solo, that's over 8 hours of actual work before you earn $1. Twenty-five sales.

With that said, this has all been gone over several times and I apologise for repeating myself.
Mudd is correct, although I would add the words reluctant and attrition in there somewhere. :lol:

From a pure efficiency standpoint there is a method to the madness. However, if that isn't the goal then yes, other options exist.

The point in my previous post is summarised above. Using the baking powder business maximum two vehicle sale at $210k gross, your net profit is approximately $120k before expenses(MC charges, ammo, deaths, vehicles, etc) if nothing goes wrong and you purchase supplies. Solo missions vary from 15-25 minutes depending on the vehicles(boats, post op vans) with exception of the rare single van sale. Between the sale time and returning to repurchase supplies(max two vehicle sale requires resupply after ~28minutes) you can make two I/E sales and source 3+ more. That's 160k profit and 240k on deck for future sale. That is my point. It isn't that you can't do other things, but simply that anything else you could be doing with your time will earn you less profit. It's that simple.

Every time you haul across the map to resupply that business, or spend 25 minutes to earn $110k, you could have earned more money doing I/E. That's all.

It's probably also worth nothing the time to break even can be quite far out for the biker businesses. Using the Westwood Vlg baking poweder business, it takes no less than 25 two vehicle sale missions before you begin actually earning money. It's over $3.1mil to get started, and that is without the security upgrade. Solo, that's over 8 hours of actual work before you earn $1. Twenty-five sales.

With that said, this has all been gone over several times and I apologise for repeating myself.
It's good info, none the less.

For me, it would be spending a lot of money to basically break routine based on your break down of it. Probably not the greatest expense with a new DLC incoming soon.
It's good info, none the less.

For me, it would be spending a lot of money to basically break routine based on your break down of it. Probably not the greatest expense with a new DLC incoming soon.

Very wise. I would hold on elective spending at this point, both for new toys and because often new money making methods come with updates. Often, the new methods are profitable. Sometimes, like smugglers run, they aren't. Sadly, as a flight enthusiast I find those missions enjoyable, but not profitable.

..we really do need to make one big "How to make money in GTA Online" thread and get that stickied. Would save everyone from repeating themselves every few weeks.

I find myself searching my own username in this thread for my past notes. :lol:

I could probably write up something more comprehensive and centralised, though. That way next time I update it folks can just link it to that other forum instead of having to go through all that copy-paste nonsense. :lol:
Speaking of updates, by the way, there is the rumored release of a "Premium Edition" (i.e. base game + CESP) next month, which makes me kind of concerned about additional content between now and at least the release of RDR2.

The name "Premium" sort of indicates that this is the ultimate package (except it isn't in the case of GTA because the vehicles are average-at-best in terms of performance and all the businesses it comes with are way out where making money is the most tedious it can be), or at least comes with a bit of everything. The latter part in particular has me concerned about new ways of making money, especially given R*s fire-and-forget mentality to anything bar that one suspension glitch. So, even putting aside the CESP-pricing problem, I don't see whatever may come in a hypothetical next update being part of this "Premium Edition" in any way, shape or form. And what's the easiest solution to this problem?

Realistically, I see three outcomes:
  1. No more content updates whatsoever. Just let the game sail its own seas until it (very) slowly fades into obscurity and/or the servers are shut.
  2. Content updates with no "new" "businesses". They can still release a few cars/weapons/clothing items or even expand on the number of Properties one can own (GET ON THAT RIGHT NOW, R*) etc. but nothing new aside from that.
  3. Carry on regardless. Fire and forget that you've made something called a "Premium Edition" and keep the updates rolling.
Personally I can see them go down the third route. There is so much they could still do with Online (in addition to the hypothetical nautical expansion and hypothetical Cops-N-Crooks expansion - such as fixing it) and the three people alive who haven't yet bought GTA V and would be tempted by the Premium Edition can use the in-game money they make on this next update or buy additional Shark Cards.

That last bit alone makes it seem so much more likely.
I don't expect updates to stop based on some of R*'s prior communications. No real information available, but I sort of expect the Premium Edition to be something similar to the criminal enterprise starter pack thing, potentially with better quality content and properties. Premium choices, as opposed to the value priced and limited use content.

Who knows.
I think the Premium is just one last attempt by Rockstar to push the total sales past 100 million and nothing more. I know they said V and RDR2 will see updates together as long as the GTA base is still as strong as it is.
There is no way R* would stop updating this game at this point in time. The user base is extremely healthy and the amount of money they make from it is absurd. I can see them thinking about it when RDR2 releases, but I could also imagine the updates flowing all the way to the GTA VI release, and possibly even then just rolling GTA Online into the new game.
I think I've found my act for next season of Fame Or Shame: accidentally killing people from the side of a moving Maverick-turned-attack-gunship.

A few weeks back I managed to accidental a moving @Custom878 in the back of the head with a sniper rifle from a few hundred meters away.

In todays Busted session I bullseyed @Dan in his moving, unpredictable Gauntlet with a blind-fire rocket fired from the 17th century.

Who needs an Orbital Cannon when they've got me in their chopper?

Also that dramatic piloting.
In todays Busted session I bullseyed @Dan in his moving, unpredictable Gauntlet with a blind-fire rocket fired from the 17th century.

Scumbag! :P

To be fair, I was cheating a bit because my purple Gauntlet was upgraded. I forgot which modifications it had but I’m pretty sure now that the tires are bulletproof along with some performance upgrades.
Photos Taken Moments Before Disaster


This was @STI9 if I'm not mistaken.
Not pictured: Me casually avoiding the impending catastrophe. I've seen my fair share of Busted matches literally go up in flames over the years, so I knew to hang back.
Depends. Some folks find use calling it in when you sell a bunker and get the 5 drop Insurgent sale. If you like rampaging it can be fun. I have called for mine maybe three times, and mostly for others to have fun with. If you do, get the flak gun upgrade thing.

I second this. ^ :)

As far as I’m aware, the flak gun is still the most powerful weapon in GTA in terms of raw damage potential.

It’s capable of turning even the MOC’s to scrap in 2 or 3 shots IIRC and god help anyone who’s not in anything as tough as that. :D

Rhino? One shot
Upgraded TM-02? Two shots

Of course it can’t take a explosion to save its life, the rate of fire isn’t rapid and you’ll need a friend in something more durable than the pick up that comes with the trailer for you to get the most effectiveness out of it.

But if you’re committed to getting one, get the flak gun and it’ll serve you well when requested. ;)