GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
MFW I'm doing I/E and the npcs just don't give me a break.

I really despise the laser accuracy of their mini SMGs on a target, me, weaving in and out of traffic 2 km away.
It’s the ones in the choppers that do it for me, but also when they are in cover blind firing.

Now there’s a reason it’s called blind firing, you can’t see exactly what your shooting at, ok WE can see in 3rd person, but our weapons accuracy is heavily affected to reflect this. :P

The NPC’s however, like with the Buzzards mini guns, can break the rules of the game and shoot a full auto machine gun one handed, without looking, with no recoil and with all shots hitting you like if they you know.. STEPPED out of cover and actually aimed the gun properly. :rolleyes:

When I get killed like that, I tend to go a little overkill on said person, instead of a one shot kill, I may empty a drum mag of buckshot instead. :mischievous:
Don't even get me started on "Oh no he's got some friends that want the car back"

Okay first of all *he* is dead. I shot him in the face along with any bystander that was there. There was no way he could've alerted his other friends about the situation.

Second of all, how many friends does he have?!

Third of all, all this fuss over a 🤬 Tampa?! You're really gonna send armed goons in attack helis and armored sedans to chase a Tampa?!
Does anyone own the havoc helo? Specifically one with the machine gun? How is it?
As a performance chopper, it’s small, agile and fast.

As an attack chopper? Pretty much useless in my eyes as you’ll need to be pretty steady on the controller to aim it and if you’re close enough to use it properly, you’re also close enough to get shot or blown up. :P

Also landing it takes a little readjustment as it’s such a small chopper and it can only fit one person.

Mine is all defense and speed based with flares IIRC, but here’s the summary.

Pros: Fast, agile and can be hard to hit (especially with Chaff or flares).

Cons: Can be tricky to land, Weapon option is hard to aim and isn’t all that powerful, only seats one and is too expensive for what it offers.

Summary: Grab it if on sale and don’t even bother getting the Miniguns for it if you do buy it.
The Havoc is the bane of my existence. If you want to land just ditch the aircraft 2 feet off the ground.

There's no use in trying to land it as it almost always will bounce, flip on its side, and then the rotors will clip through the ground.

I'd avoid it like the plague.
I've got one and it's a decent amount of fun. I definitely wouldn't get it if you were wanting it to be useful. It's just something to have a little fun with every now and then.
I live the Havok for a fast and nimble way to fly. It's great fun. It does take practice to land it. Even when you nail a few landings the next time will go wrong and you'll shoot across the floor sideways and explode into a ball of embarrassment.

As everyone said, the guns are useless. Use it as a toy not as a weapon of war.
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Has anyone ever noticed that when you have action replay turned on around the Tongva Hills area (south of Fort Zancudo where the grape farms are) a message pops up saying that it's stopped recording? I think it's the same message that pops up when you go into 1st person view with it on.
Has anyone ever noticed that when you have action replay turned on around the Tongva Hills area (south of Fort Zancudo where the grape farms are) a message pops up saying that it's stopped recording? I think it's the same message that pops up when you go into 1st person view with it on.
It's because of the smuggling mission with the crashed UFO. Stops people recording it to make videos in the editor. Sucks big time as you can't do much in the editor with footage from around there
With all of the Oppressor and Deluxo griefers online, I get a small shred of hope for the community every time I see skilled pilots shooting them down with attack helicopters and fighter planes. I just wish this game was more balanced with fair fights and no overpowered vehicles. I would be playing this game more if there weren’t so many PVP exploits and bull**** weapons, explosive spamming tryhards, and lower entry costs for the new vehicles.
That’s why I also NAT out. I hate it taking the risk of losing a a big gun sale so someone can make what? $2,000 for blowing me up? Even with nothing on the line, people just want a fight over and over.

I get the nature of the game and what it promotes entirely, just still, people go to far with believing they can pester others when they’re done fighting and then text them insults.
With all of the Oppressor and Deluxo griefers online, I get a small shred of hope for the community every time I see skilled pilots shooting them down with attack helicopters and fighter planes. I just wish this game was more balanced with fair fights and no overpowered vehicles. I would be playing this game more if there weren’t so many PVP exploits and bull**** weapons, explosive spamming tryhards, and lower entry costs for the new vehicles.
That’s why I also NAT out. I hate it taking the risk of losing a a big gun sale so someone can make what? $2,000 for blowing me up? Even with nothing on the line, people just want a fight over and over.

I get the nature of the game and what it promotes entirely, just still, people go to far with believing they can pester others when they’re done fighting and then text them insults.

If I find motivation to play I just join Marcus Garvey's lobbies and enjoy a peaceful environment without any tryhards :lol:
With all of the Oppressor and Deluxo griefers online, I get a small shred of hope for the community every time I see skilled pilots shooting them down with attack helicopters and fighter planes. I just wish this game was more balanced with fair fights and no overpowered vehicles. I would be playing this game more if there weren’t so many PVP exploits and bull**** weapons, explosive spamming tryhards, and lower entry costs for the new vehicles.
So it sounds like Rockstar is trying to make it like the clownshow it is on past gen- just without the modders. I bet that most of the Oppressor and Deluxo griefers were the modded account cryhards that had their modders blow up anyone at will on past gen. But they bitched to hell and back when another modder did it to them in retaliation for everyone else getting blown up.
So it sounds like Rockstar is trying to make it like the clownshow it is on past gen- just without the modders. I bet that most of the Oppressor and Deluxo griefers were the modded account cryhards that had their modders blow up anyone at will on past gen. But they bitched to hell and back when another modder did it to them in retaliation for everyone else getting blown up.

Yes, some of the updates that have come out have been R* essentially copying changes that modders have made to the game. See also; rage laser.
Well.. is Yan, probably the most reliable leaker in the GTA world..

..and QABETA was updated nearly three weeks ago..

..and we're still nearly two weeks out from April 1.

If it *IS* coming out tomorrow and is what he makes it sound like it is, it's curious that there's yet to be a teaser trailer. Actually, what *was* the last update to not receive a teaser a few days in advance?

Edit: Have done some research. Closest I've come is Lowriders: Custom Classics - In March of 2016.

Also if there really is a dozen new cars, Jester Classic i.e. MK3 Supra/MK1 NSX hybrid please.
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I'm calling a Cunning Stunts Part 3. Not quite was I was looking for but content is content, and we might find something interesting within the dripfeed.
I just bought the Visione since I had some money to burn and needed to make some room in my office garages. So, I'm all for some race cars!

Does DLC get added same time as usual updates on Tuesday morning?
I don't think they'll do another cunning stunts. It would be cool to introduce something set around illegal street racing that is more narratively fleshed out. Car clubs, P2P free roam racing, F&F style "heists", chop shops, etc.
I predict a lot of you-know-whats:

That's scarily similar to the San Andreas one.

Also that's way early for an update. Also surprise update. Also Yan proving he's more reliable than all the clickbaiters combined.

Other I'm-glad-I-have-50-million-but-sad-I-have-nowhere-near-enough-garage-space:

Ellie (exactly what you'd expect - IT'S A PROPER DOMINATOR CLASSIC!)

The return of the Seasparrow



FORD RS200!!

Ford Focus RX

I don't know why it took me this long to see the Michelli is basically an Alfa Giulia Sprint - getting that as well

I guarantee you at most two of the above are available at launch.
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Boy, Rockstar doesn't mess around getting new supercars in the game under their creative design; the Tezeract is the Terzo Millenio concept & the Taipin looks to be the Venom F5. Lot of love for "Ford" in this pack as well. 2 Mustangs, RS200, Focus Rally car, and a 6x6 Raptor.

Now, which of this is going to be drip-fed to us?
As I'm kind of away right now, I'm having to go off of the videos I've seen, but 30 liveries for the Hotring, with a few of them being unlocked only after participating in up to 20 Hotring races..

..I sense a GTPL Crew speedrun to that target.